BUY 1/15 220c $MSFT - Entry 216.73, PT 219.70, SL 214 #options MSFT is hovering at both the 15 minute 200 MA, and the recent strong 216.5 resistance/support level for the past two months. A break here should see a run to 220 where there is bound to be serious resistance. I plan on entering this trade for January 14th, assuming the entry point breaks with reasonable volume and the market is doing well.
USD/JPY predictionsHello everyone!
Here it is a clear analysis of the forex pair: usd/jpy.
On the daily time frame we can see that the price, has been consolidating inside the drawn box, but when it comes to the 4 hour time frame we see that the market showed clear resistance and support.
Despite the long bearish fall that we can observe on this pair, we expect price to go up.
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Tutorial: PC-Indicator - Spar_maDeutsche Version Unterhalb.
English version:
This indicator is supposed to be another tool to recognize when a panic movement has begun and also ended. Of course, there are other indicators that work very well, but this can also help to identify the timeframe.
Description of for using the indicator with the example of the panic sell-off in March:
Before the selloff started, two areas can be identified in which the market is being tested. This is when at the same time, the price intersects with the 21 moving average and the put / call indicator. This indicates that something could be wrong (no guarantee, just an indicator). This happened first (marked with 1) when the virus was discovered: Few who had been informed had any idea what might happen. The second "drop" (marked 2) happened when it was publicly announced that such a virus existed. The third time the panic broke out (marked 3) long after the virus was known. The portfolios should have been hedged here at the latest. Shortly before the yellow marking the virus was reported daily and maximum panic were spread. This was the point at which the hedge could theoretically be ended (if you have the courage to do so). However, I myself waited until the 21st and the indicator were clearly broken.
This indicator could have helped to save a loss in value of the portfolio by at least 17%. I hope this indicator can continue to perform as well.
Please leave a like and subscribe if you are interested in further trading ideas from me.
Name of the indicator: “PC-Indicator - Spar_ma”
That’s my opinion and should be treated like it.
No trade advice!
Deutsche Version:
Dieser Indikator soll ein weiteres Tool sein um erkennen zu können, wann eine panische Bewegung beendet ist. Natürlich gibt es weitere Indikatoren die sehr gut funktionieren, dieser kann jedoch zusätzlich dabei helfen zu erkennen wann es soweit ist.
Beschreibung des Indikators an Beispiel des Panischen sell-offs im März:
Bereits vor beginn sind zwei Bereiche zu erkennen, an denen der Markt getestet wird. Dabei kreuzen sich gleichzeitig der Kurs mit dem 21-gleitendem Durchschnitt und dem Put-/Call- Indikator. Das lässt darauf zurückführen, dass etwas kommen könnte. Dies geschah zuerst (mit 1 gekennzeichnet) bei der Entdeckung des Virus: Wenige die Informiert wahren, jedoch ahnten was passieren könnte. Der zweite „Drop“ (mit 2 gekennzeichnet) geschah als öffentlich bekannt gegeben wurde, dass ein solches Virus existiert. Beim dritten Mal brach die Panic aus (mit 3 gekennzeichnet), lange nachdem dieser Virus bekannt gewesen war. Spätestens hier sollte das Konto gehedged worden sein. Erst kurz vor der gelben Markierung wurde täglich vom Virus berichtet und maximale Panic verbreitet. Dies war der Zeitpunkt an dem theoretisch der Hedge beendet werden konnte (wenn man den Mut dazu hat). Ich selbst habe allerdings noch gewartet bis der 21ger und auch der Indikator klar durchbrochen wurde.
Dieser Indikator hätte dabei helfen können einen Wertverlust des Kontos um mindestens 17% ersparen zu können. Ich hoffe dieser Indikator kann weiterhin so gut performen.
Bitte lasst ein like da und abonniert mich, falls Ihr Interesse an weiteren trading-ideen von mir habt.
Name des Indikators: “PC-Indicator – Spar_ma”
Dies ist nur meine persönliche Meinung und sollte auch so betrachtet werden.
Dies ist keine Handelsempfehlung.
HRB Rebound post-sell off, Buy 15JAN CALL $18 @ $0.2 - $0.4Fundamental analysis indicates HRB will continue to perform well under COVID restrictions, especially as newly implemented vaccinations bolster its broader market within the tax industry that includes face to face consultations (unlike intuit - TurboTax). The US is also entering its historic tax preparation season, following the holidays. Sentimental analysis sets the stage for a strong rebound ( there was an earnings based sell off as NYSE:HRB fell short of pervious years earnings gap for the quarter) all other news has posed several recent stock valuation upgrades. Average market analysis evaluation suggests a median valuation of $20, being at $16.40 creates $3 of potential value. Technical analysis shows NYSE:HRB has been in a 2 week bear run. The RSI highlights being in the oversold region (below 20). The MACD is posturing for a crossover below the 0-ine, and the 13 SMA is trending to cross over 30 SMA which will confirm the trade's validity.
Entry price - $15.95 - $16.80 // $0.15-$0.3 (18 DEC CALL $17 strike) // $0.2-$0.4 (15 JAN CALL $18 strike) // $0.65-$0.95 (16 APR CALL $18 strike)
TGT Sale price - $19 (conservative) / $21 (higher risk) // 100% option value (high risk)
Stop loss - $14.20 (conservative) / 50% of Options price (higher risk)
Max position size - 5% of portfolio
How To Turn $2k into $20kWe have a fantastic opportunity to end 2020 with a bang, and I am going to explain how you can turn $2k into $20k the final week of December. First I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and this post is my Christmas gift to you. We will either loose $2k together or make an $18k profit together. There is risk but in my opinion the reward is so significantly greater and likely. I am going through with it, and in the end it's your call. No pun intended.
CSCO recently received a buy signal on the Bollinger Bands, and has growing bullish divergence on the MACD, and D+.
With such strong divergence and CSCO being so close to breaking resistance, I believe we will see a break out and see the stock hit new highs.
My strategy is to buy 100 contracts ( calls ) for CSCO to hit $45 a share by 12/31
The contracts are currently trading for 0.19 a contract and I can see the contract value hitting a high of $2.00 a contract
I want to give all the credit to @avakstocks for finding this breakout opportunity after learning to use my technical analysis strategy.
This is a big opportunity and I ask that if you decide to make this power play and win big, to donate a small fraction like $50 worth of coins to @avakstocks to help fund his pro membership.
Comment your thoughts below, follow to see what happens, and make sure to like if you think this will happen!
Call Ratio Spread DebitThe ratio call spread for debit is the same strategy as ratio call spread credit. But now, the upper and lower strike price are farther apart. This change, give different mathematical results as you can see on the chart.
If you didn’t read the previous post, please do.
In the chart we see a ratio spread of 2:1, in this case, the options that were sold are now worth less than the call that was bought. So this position is now with debit.
Inputs: MA (Mastercard)
Debit paid -> 3.8 (-$380 for one position)
Stock price -> 338
Upper strike -> 350 , 2 calls sold
Lower strike -> 330 , 1 call bought
Days to expire -> 36
Implied Volatility -> 0.309 (30.9%)
Date -> 12/11/2020
The Debit paid is $380, the maximum profit is $1620 with less than 1% probability, the maximum loss is theoretically unlimited.
In this example, one call was bought at 330 strike price for 12.7 and two calls were sold at 350 strike price for 4.45 each, in total 8.9.
The debit = 8.9-12.7 = (-3.8)
If at expiration the stock price will be below the lower strike (330), all of the options will be worthless and the loss will be only (-$380).
Maximum profit = Difference between strike – debit paid = 350-330 – 3.8 = 16.2
This position is neutral.
At the expiration:
Between 333.8 to 366.2 the position will be with a profit. $0 - $1620
Under 330.17 the position will lose (-$380) no matter what price.
Above 369.80 the risk is getting bigger.
Call Ratio Spread CreditA ratio call spread is a neutral strategy in which we buy several calls at a lower strike and sells more calls at a higher strike. In a ratio call spread with credit, there is no downside risk. The ratio spread that we see on the chart has a ratio of 2:1.
We can see from the chart the non-linear behavior of options.
Inputs: MA (Mastercard)
Credit received -> 3.1 ($310 for one position)
Stock price -> 332
Upper strike -> 340 , 2 calls sold
Lower strike -> 330 , 1 call bought
Days to expire -> 37
Implied Volatility -> 0.291 (29.1%)
Date -> 11/11/2020
The credit received is $310, the maximum profit is $1310 with less than 1% probability, the maximum loss is theoretically unlimited.
In this example, one call was bought at 330 strike price for 14.2 and two calls were sold at 340 strike price for 8.65 each, in total 17.3.
The credit = 17.3-14.2 = 3.1
If at expiration the stock price will be below the lower strike (330), all of the options will be worthless and all the credit will be received.
The maximum profit at expiration for a ratio spread occurs if the stock is exactly at the striking price of the sold options. The reason is that the call that was bought has some profit (stock price above strike price) and the sold options are worthless.
Maximum profit = The spread (340-330=10) + Credit received (17.3) – Debit paid (14.2) = 13.1 => $1310 (mulitpling by 100 shers per option contract)
The risk in this position is to the upside. The calculation for the break-even at expiration.
Break-even point = Upper strike price + the points of max profit = 340+13.1=353.1
This strategy has a high probability in general and even more so when used correctly.
The example that has been used could profit the most in the blue zone, where the profit is greater than 50% of the maximum profit, but it will take 34 days out of 37 to reach there.
How implied volatility affect this position?
In a ratio spread, there are more options sold than bought, in the previous posts we saw that volatility increase is harming sold options and benefits bought options, this example is no different.
10% increase in implied volatility, the lines are now in a worse location compare to the original position.
10% decrease in implied volatility, the lines are now in a better location compare to the original position. The position can now reach the 50% max profit zone in 30 days.
The next post will be on ratio spread debit, that looks different from the ratio spread credit, the solution to the partial differential equations of the Black-Scholes model can be seen.
Call Bull spread vs Call Bear spreadA lot of traders don’t understand why when they entering a spread they don’t receive most of the money even if the stock price is going their way immediately, in this post we will see why.
A spread is a position in which we buy one option and sell another option on the same stock. All the options are Calls, with put spreads all the options are puts.
There are three types of spreads (when you buy one option and sell another, unlike ratio spread). Vertical, horizontal, and diagonal.
What you see on the charts are Vertical spreads.
Vertical – The calls have the same expiration dates but different strike prices.
From the chart: Bull spread (Left chart)->Call upper strike (sold)-> 85, Call lower strike (Bought) -> 80, the expiration date is the same on the 18 of December 2020.
Horizontal – The calls have the same striking price but different expiration dates, for example, both sold and bought calls have the same strike price of 80, but the one that is being sold ends on the 18 of December 2020, and the one that bought on the 15 on January 2021.
Diagonal – a mix of vertical and diagonal, not the same strike and not the same expiration date.
I will only show here the Vertical spreads.
In the call bull spread, the position will profit if the price will be above the upper strike price (85) at expiration, and will lose if the position will be under the lower strike price (80). The options will not be worthless so to avoid commissions the position will be closed before expiration.
We can also see from the chart that in order to close the spread early, the stock will need to do relatively big moves.
A call bull spread is a debit spread.
In the call bear spread (right chart), the position will profit if the price will be under the lower strike price (80) at expiration, and will lose if the position will be above the upper strike price (85). Under 80, all the options are worthless at expiration and all the credit will be received .
The amount by dollars, not percent that the stock needs to move to close this position early in the bear spread is lesser than the bull spread, but on the other hand, the directions are different and we should not take a position based only on this criteria.
If the implied volatility will decrease all the lines will move to the center.
If the implied volatility will increase the lines will move from the center.
In the next post, I will show the ratio spread.
Green Tuesday I predict Apple to hit a minimum of $132 a share Tuesday 12/22.
With fundamental sentiment put aside, I would like to focus on the technical aspect.
First of all, the green shadow between the most current candles are bullish divergence and it can also be seen on the MACD.
The MACD has hit a low and is trending upward now, and the small green bar on the graph indicates growing bullish divergence.
RSI is also returning to 70 where Apple usually sits.
Bollinger Bands also give a buy signal.
Comment your thoughts below, how high do you think Apple will rise before it corrects? I am up 75% on my options call
12 contracts for a strike price of $130 by 12/31. Average cost 1.20 per contract.
Covid Times Trend Line Points To More Potential UpsideSo we've bounced up above, and are potentially bouncing up off of this trend line that began in June or earlier. Right now I am seeing this as a bull signal. It will be interesting to see how much influence this trend has moving forward. I would expect a bounce up to the green channel shortly.
Apollo Hospitals @2110 - Target 2400 and stop loss of Rs. 22Apollo Hospitals has approached it's multi year trend line negating covid turbulence from April to July.
Historically, for Apollo Hospitals RSI has been a critical indicator suggesting whether to expect the trend line to be a Support or resistance.
After the quarterly result blues are over, RSI indicates that stock is ready to approach and cross the multi year trend line if it holds above 2110 on closing basis.
Very small stop loss can fetch 300 Rs upside in quick time. Good candidate for call buying also given recent down trend call pricing would be cheap.