IOTA/BTC Mid-Term - Cup and Handle IOTA had a very good time in the last few weeks, but is this bullish trend going to continue?
In this chart I just showed the trend movement, channels, and the possibility of having a Cup and handle in the next few weeks.
The Coin is OVERBOUGHT, yet that does not mean it won't go up again. It is more likely to have a correction in the next couple of weeks, which is the best time to go long!
Watch the trend, and do your research before any investment.
Nano breaks current hypothetical neckline of cup&handle patternShould see twice the bullish climb we already have on nano if it has brroken the real neckline of the cup, if not the real neckline may be where the horizontal purple dotted line indicates.
Ethereum dominating over btc may have triggered c&hThe price action on ETH vs BTC has broken the hypothetical neckline on ethereums cup and handle and we have seen a nice bullish spike up because of it...however there were other higher candle bullwicks to the left of our rojected cup which means if the price action stops here at the same height as those bullwicks and turns back downward that this is the rea neckline height of the cup and we will likey start making the real handle from here...if we continue upward however then the real neckline is already in and the pattern has already been triggered...if we turn back downward and start forming a new handle it may be wise to short until the handle reaches its apex. For now though a potential triggering of ether's cup and handle pattern is very much in play.
Siacoins successful cup & handle break is back for a sequel Siacoin is one of the select few alts whose cup and handle pattern has already successfully triggered without being a fakeout. It may not have reached the full projected breakout target yet but that's because on the way there it started forming another cup and handle around the smaller cup and handle. This is much like a cup and handle fakeout can do at first..however siacoin was not a fakeout as you can see by the large surge of bull volume right when it broke the original neckline. Siacoin is already showing you its plans for a sequel before it's original blockbuster has even left the theatres. Keep an eye on siacoin because it looks like it may be done forming its bigger cups handle...there is increased likihood that this bigger cup might not trigger since it already had one succesful cup but worth paying attention to none the less because double cup and handles can exist both in this fashion when it's a c&h inside a bigger c&h or when the cup of a smaller cup and handle is the handle of the bigger cup.
Vechains successful cup & handle still playing out nicelyOne of the select few who actually broke out along with Siacoin and Tron so far. It is taking its time casual to hit its projected targets but getting there none the less.
Ethereum potentially reach neckline of its cup and handle.Keep in mind to the left of the cups left side of its rim is a higher candle wick which could potentially be the real rim of the cup and the cup could be deeper and have yet to have formed its rim...We will know whether or not the current neckline is the real neckline of ethereum's cup when we see large bull volume after we break the neckline within the first 3 consecutive 4hr candle closes above it. If not we have most likely not formed our cup yet and have will thus more dipping to so
Digibyte getting awfully close to breaking neckline.Get entry point on digibyte most likely...keep in mind that there is a higher peak to the left of the cup where a deeper cups rim could form should breaking this neckline fail to initiate a big surge of bullish voluem. That would mean we would then still need to form a handle. If this is the real rim line you will know withing 2-3 4hr candlees closing above it from a big momentum surge.
Stratis potentially breaking upward from Cup and HandleLooking to the left of the cup we can't see any obvious higher points where a deeper cup could forms o there's good chances this is a legitimate cup and handle breakout...we will have to see how it behaves in the enxt couple 4hr candles to be sure but now is still a good entry point...especially if it's valid...if not you will be able to tell relatively soon by lack of a bullish volume boost over the next 2 hr that point it may still be forming the cup but jusging by the left side of this cup it's unlikely that the cup hasn't already been formed.
Cup & Handle Season: How to Spot an Invalid Cup&Handle BreakoutIt's Cup & Handle Season! There have been multiple cup and handles that have formed all around the altcoin market recently in what I am going to dub as cup and handle season. I'm out hunting for valid cup and handles and while most of them this time around seems like they will eventually be is easy to get faked out by these patterns and think the top of the cup and even the handle has already formed when in reality the cup is deeper than you originally thought and the handle has not yet occurred. I'm using Cardano as the main example here because it illustrates this fake out quite well. There ahave been a few more of these type of fakeouts around the altcoin market and I will also be posting snapshots of those as well. As you can see here, the inner cup and handle was not the valid cup and handle and where we thought it had broken the neckline a few things occurred at that point that signaled to us that it actually hadn't broken the neckline. First and foremost we didn't get a huge boost of bull volume that needs to accompany such a breakout in order for it to be valid. This volume boost should occur after 3 consecutive 4hr candle closes above the rims neckline. 2nd, we got nowhere near the top of the dotted projected price target line, and 3rd where we turned around and the price started falling back down there was a candle tip on the left side of the cup that we could connect a horizontal trendline to and form a new higher neckline of our cup making the cup deeper and the projected price target breakout higher. You always want to consider on the left side of your cup, when charting your cup and handle, whether or not there are any potential candle tips above where you are charting that could eventually be the real rimline of the cup, and keep those in mind if these kind of fake breakouts occur so you know exactly where to readjust your top trendline. Anytime you see these potential higher spots on the left side of the cup it's always wise to have a good temporary exit strategy because once you readjust the line to fit the higher candle tip on the left, you want to do it right around the time that the top of the cup has just finished forming, that way you know you can short and that some dipping in price will have to ensue in order for the handle to form, because since the new top of the cup has just been found the handle has actually not formed yet. The 2 best places to enter a position during the formation of the handle are 1. at the bottom of the handle which is usually going to be around about half the price of whatever the projected breakout price target will be, or 2. right after it breaks upward out of the handle and starts heading towards the neckline. When trying to guess where the bottom of the handle will be, keep in mind that valid cup and handle patterns handles do not dip further down than half the size of the cup, also let a few candles on the handle develop first to get an idea of the trajectory its following...once you have that take those trendlines to about half the cup and handles breakout price target is set at and odds are good you will be able to buy in very close to the bottom of the handle for optimal profits. Waiting till it breaks out of the handle is also a good strategy as well because, you don't have to spend as much time in the consolidation period as buying at the bottom of the handle which can leave you waiting quite awhile for the handles breakout to occur sometimes. The good thing about these fakeouts, is you can still make profit on them during the fakeout, and if you know what to look for you can then turn around and exit those positions until the bottom of the real handle and then continue to make profit on them. This fake out can happen multiple times on one cup as well. ..but if you know what to look for you'll be prepared & only make profits off both the fakeouts & the real breakout. Thanks for reading and good luck!
Good Incline and then Gradual declineHey guys, I'm pretty new here, so please take what I say with a grain of salt.
I propose that Bitcoin is making a very large cup and handle, with it's current rate of rising and looking at the past performance. We can see that BTC will go upwards 10k+ and then bounce off the resistance and slowly decline, possibly down to the middle portion of the cup.
Nano next in line to break above handle & flirt w/ cup neckline good entry point here on wille ventually break above this neckline.
bitshares cleared for takeoffLoaded up on bitshares 3 days ago and some more earlier today. Glad I did looks like it will hit its target sooner than later. Once it does I will start to ladder out profits and shift them to other alts that are on the verge of triggering...only leaving my foundational long term holding percentage of bitshares in after i've laddered out a few different levels.
Zen Cash's handle is another cup and handle. Double C&H?Every cup and handle that's materialized across the alt market the past week or so has had its own distinct nuances in its cup and handle....Zencash's handle actually appears to be another cup and handle. So it is esentially a double cup and handle. This should help it break above the rim line o it's bigger cup and handle with more authorrity than some of the other cup and handles who have poked their price actions head above their rim line and then bounced back under it. One thing I'm noticing in many of these current cup and handle patterns, is that the lowest point of their handle is approximately 1/2 the price point as their projected breakout target...meaning if you could buy in right at that point you'd have solid odds of doubling your investment on a lot of these cup and handles within a very short time. Of course this is simply a hypothetical observation and in no way shape or form meant to be taken as financial advice. You make your own choices there. So good luck and thanks for reading!
NEO triggers cup and handleNeo is looking rather bullish. Be cautious however because some people believe it may be also in an inverted cup and hande chart pattern as well which leads to a bearishdrop...if that were the case then the current regular cup and handle we are in and its breakout would be actually forming the upside down cup and handles handle. For now though it's gonna be moving bullishly up and a good one to be holding right now...but also wise to prepare for any sudden drastic 180 degree turns to the downside that could validate the inverted cup and handle.
Vechain c&h has triggered; QLINK & GAS heading towards rimline.Yet another installment in the neverending cup and handles of the altcoin market. The main chart is Vechain I will post gas and qlink snapshots in the update section.
Stella flirting w/the rimline of cup throwing bullwicks above itShouldn't be much longer before Stellar triggers it's cup and handle as well...likely a good entry point here..the upside is around 75% gains if it reaches the projected breakout target. I've noticed each alt's cup has it's own unique individual bowl shape and its own unique handle similar to the others but fun nuances between them...some have broading desending wedges for handles, some have symetrical triangles, others even have diamond bottoms...rather beautiful in the geometric way the each unfold. Good luck in whichever trading decisions you choose for yourself. *not financial advice*
ADA breaks the rim of its cup and handleSSIA the break up from the handle would've be the most ideal entry point but with ladder in more from here for my own personal strategy of course with this being non faniancial advice and everything. Good luck in whicher method you decide to choose. There will be several more cup and handles to break in the coming days all across the market...its kinda like an Easter egg hunt. Best of luck keeping your eyes on all of them closely enough to catch when different ones trigger.