Breakout pattern of retesting lows - BitcoinI Believe there is an 80% Chance we hit 5k
I see little reason for Bitcoin to fall through this support as none of the past rallies did - I Think we can consider 5k as the bottom which lines up quite well with September/October which would allow consolidation for December run as always.
There are a few other charts i have and have reviewed that would line up with this - Lets hope so :)
Cardano will continue downtrendI'm opening shorts on cardano. Maybe title is not relevant to my thinking, because it's not trend analysis.
I don't like to call it fundamental analysis too, because I don't really believe on fundamentals of crypto markets, but thats just a "guess" and interpreting of situation on BTC and possibility of running ETFs by CBOE.
I strongly believe that CBOE will run Bitcoin ETFs, because thats the istitution from the inside of the wall street. It's not some crypto exchange guys, that didn't exist on wall street few years ago.
Now it's really big players coming to it, and they all knows each others, they graduated the same Universities and at the end they are all from Goldman or JP Morgan, so I can imagine that they are talking about it behind the scenes.
So what is my game plan. Since I still keep my shorts on BTC (but soon - before 08/10 - I will reverse that positions) I'm starting to opening shorts on ADA and other altcoins in pairs with BTC. When big players will go with their huge money to BTC, it will for sure go up and as the results regular crypto players will want to enter that train and will transfer money from alts to BTC. Of course I will have both - longs on BTC and shorts on few alts and I hope alts will maximize my profit :)
UPDATE: the Red Sea Path to the $5400 is Upon UsAs I stated in my last published idea, Bitcoin is falling and falling fast. Please put your pride aside and make money will you can while the market continues to tank before the regulators come in. WE ARE IN A BEAR MARKET! Let us not keep falling for the moon reversal that Bitcoin keeps fooling us with!
Now, with that said- lets get down to the numbers
Simply put, check out the dark red channel that will serve as the red carpet arrival to Bitcoins $5400 mark.
WARNING;;; there is a heavy chance that we will see some form of resistance at these places:
- $6000 mark-
-$5900 mark-
- $5780 mark-
All 3 of these marks (marked in orange on the chart) stand as one of the swings that formed a resistance to the price continuing its progression within this bear market.
+++PLEASE do not fall for the bear trap at these reversal levels+++
In closing, (HERE IS A LITTLE BACKGROUND) ::: I want you guys to know that I am an avid believer in the bright future of cryptocurrency. I was once a proud "HODLER" myself until I couldn't take checking my blockfolio every two days to see another 2k down the drain. Just like you I was convinced that, "you don't take a loss until you sell" - which is true. However, I have been shorting the market since the 7.8k mark and have made my losses back plus a healthy amount on the side. With this large amount of extra money in my trading account, I can now buy back the market once the regulators come- until then... I will be collecting and hope you guys decide to as well.
The down trend is still on continuation BUTSince 06 FEB dip, BTC has rallied and has been churning around the upper band. This is a bit nervous structure for both Bears and Bulls. For bears , definitely waiting for the lower band to get in while bulls and anxious about keeping in the down trend. My experience tells me that, there is a kind of will to go up but still waiting for the cheapest price to start the rally, while drifting downward
BTC Daily chart reviewAnalysis is in the chart.
Long story short we still have a long ways to go and the momentum indicators are not looking great.
If you look at my other analysis on the hourly chart you'll see a bearish divergence taking place on the RSI. Seems 70 is the cap in this market and this is why we are seeing prices stalled around 8.5K zone.
Anyway have a look at what the daily is showing us to put things in perspective. obviously you can see we have a long ways to go for any trend reversal to take place.
I don't like making price predictions because no one really knows where things are going to hit, but my indicators are telling me south. Especially if the bulls can't find the legs to push through some of the overhead resistance in the near term.
Good luck and be safe,
BTCUSD: Are We Done Dropping?From the chart, we see that we breached the longterm trend line. It could be a sign that we are going further down in a few days, or that it was a false break down.
However, typically on the past 2 crashes, we were following with strong buying volume as pointed out by blue arrows. Today there was not much buying volume as i would like.
I wouldn't place any long orders until we are clear above 10k and above our long term trend line.
I will update this idea if i get 5 likes.
BTCUSD 100d MA Bull to Bear Analysis | Cycle Completed | Jan 17| Summary |
Fuelled by the perfect storm of uncertainty in Asia, regulatory pressure in the US, lack of market exuberance and over extension in price action, the 100d MA Bull to Bear Cycle has now completed with price action hitting the 100d MA support on 16/01/18.
The current cycle lasted a total of 124 days, which is an over extension of 8d past the average of 115d.
The performance of this cycle was a positive 298% increase, representing the largest post 2014 100d MA Bull to Bear Cycle performance gain.
| Detail |
Charting the bull to bear price action back to 2012, I was able to then create a picture of the market cycles based on the 100d MA acting as support. My rationale behind this was that as markets are cyclical I wanted to gain a view point from a long term investing perspective allowing for potential risk management on the downside using this as an indicator for market progression.
See HERE for full charting history.
The questions I wanted to answer through this analysis are:
* How is the BTCUSD market/price action changing as it matures
* Market forces triggering Bull extensions to Bear retracement
* What was the performance of each bull run in relation to the previous
* How long does the BTCUSD price take to move from Bull to Bear and vice versa
* What correlations and thesis may we see and conclude on (if any)
| Breaking The Chart Down |
1) Indicates the Bull to Bear Cycle (BBC) start date - 14-09-17
2) Indicates the predicted BBC end date based on the average cycle length - 06-01-18
3) Indicates the true BBC completion date - 16-01-18
From the above, I have established the BBC can potentially be used as a market risk indicator, where the longer it extends past the average cycle timeframe, the riskier it is to take up large positions.
| Conclusion |
With the 100d BBC completed, it’s now time to evaluate whether there will be a true bear market moving past the 100d MA, or if the price action will take a breather, tracking the 100d MA support, and then head for new all time highs as it has done previously.
For more insights and discussion on all things crypto, please join A Game of Coins on Slack and Twitter .
A Game of Coins
Created to share | Cryptocurrency| Trends | Trading | Investing | Data Analytics
TRX: HUGE 40+ PERCENT GAINS WITH A 7.25 RISK REWARDDisclaimer : Anything that I say is my own opinion. I have been doing my own personal research and believe that TRX is an excellent investment. After following it for a few weeks I made a small investment. Any money that you invest is your responsibility. Do some research and learn about the currency yourself before putting your hard earned money into it. This is not a "pump and dump" , it is just a friendly investor sharing his insights.
As you may know, I charted TRX a few days ago and we saw incredible surges in price. At one point I was up around 150% my money! With all highs there are lows and I soon saw TRX slowly come crashing down. After watching the charts, and holding, I now see a potential for TRX to explode again.
Let's get started!
Firstly, I wish you could see the 1 minute chart that I have created. Tradingview won't allow me to publish the 1 minute chart, but if you could, I would try to change it so you can understand my predictions.
To start off, I put an orange line to indicate the support line . For the past day I have been seeing TRX fall back on this number giving me the prediction that it is a good time to buy more stock .
The resistance line that TRX must break through to see a surge is around 0.00013704 (Purple line)
Like always, I put a blue rectangle to indicate where you should buy . This range is between the support and resistance lines. This would be around 0.00013703 and 0.00013248
I will be putting milestones in the chart, but you do not have to follow them.
1st milestone : 0.00014112
I would not advise to sell anything at this milestone. If you are skeptical about trading and want to ensure you come out of this trade then take a small percentage out.
2nd milestone : 0.00014795
I believe, even if you want to hold for longer, you should sell a small portion here (10 percent) Ensure you have some profit from this trade.
3rd milestone : 0.00015436
This is a huge milestone. If TRX hits this milestone we can easily see it surge to the fourth.
4th milestone : 0.00018843
In the next few days I believe that TRX as the capability to easily surge to this milestone. That would ensure a 40% return with a 7.25 risk reward.
Thanks for looking at my charts. If you have any questions or pointers regarding TRX or trading in general let me know. Happy trading!
REQ: NEXT PAYPAL SHOWING GREAT UPWARD TREND AND HUGE POTENTIAL!Disclaimer : Anything that I say is my own opinion. I have been doing my own personal research and believe that REQ is an excellent investment. After following it for a few weeks I made an investment. Any money that you invest is your responsibility. Do some research and learn about the currency yourself before putting your hard earned money into it. This is not a "pump and dump", it is just a friendly investor sharing his insights.
I have been following REQUEST NETWORK for a while now and I believe it is one of the few cryptos that actually has a very strong foundation regarding technology. If you didn't know, the Request Network is trying to essentially be the next Paypal service. It is very interesting and if you want to invest in it I would look it up and do your own research.
Let's get started!
REQ reached it's all time high on New Years Day and has been showing upward trends today. (Yellow Line)
Firstly, I put an orange line to indicate the support line (0.00075250). When REQ corrected after New Years Day it fell back to this line (January 5th) and has done the same today.
The purple line indicates the line in which REQ must break through. After doing so, I expect a sharp explosion.
If you can zoom out of the chart and look at my previous charting of this chart (Around December 29) you can see that REQ actually showed a very similar trend and then it exploded.
So let's get started!
Buy in (Blue Box) :
1st Milestone : (0.00093341)
Take some profits (10%) to ensure you get something out of the trade. REQ has been very jumpy and, as we can see from the past few days, has many highs and lows. Treat yourself.
2nd Milestone : (0.00100468)
I expect to see this one reached shortly after hitting the 1st milestone. REQ seems to shoot up very quick and have a short correction. Keep that in mind when looking into this trade.
3rd Milestone (0.00107445)
This milestone seems like a resistance line for REQ. In that case I would put a sell order in at this line so just in case it does hit this milestone you can still get the sell.
4th Milestone (0.00117648)
This milestone will take a few days. Put a sell order, just like the 3rd milestone, because it may only be there for a few minutes.
If you have any questions or input I would love to hear it. I am learning about the crypto-universe just like you. Thanks for reading and happy trading!