NOT CoinIt is located in the control zone of 0.0069-0.0054, I assume large wallets have been unloaded!
They passed and gained a foothold under the level of 0.0063
The price of the total volume at the moment was 0.00681
The area of interest for the position set is 0.003425-0.002158
The level is 0.002960
The following levels of interest:
0.0015888 Intermediate
And 0.000907 in the global zone 0.001167-0.000515
The depth of correction will depend on the greed of the creators of this token!!!
USD DominanceI have put together a chart on the dominance of the three largest USDT.D+USDC.D+DAI.D
Stables. This is the most interesting season that I have seen!!!
USD dominance has failed to unprecedented levels of 30% in the entire history!
It's usually 40-50%
So that you understand 70% of the cache in the market!!!
I assume it may decrease to 83%
But it doesn't seem to help me! Everyone has become some kind of brave!
Usually 60% rivers of blood and torn farts!
It seems to me that because of the large number of project drops, people have lost their vigilance!
There are a lot of free coins in the market!!!
I don't know how it will end!
Technically, we are in the second zone, there is a certain overflow movement!
Maybe a sidewall with an exit from the Cue Ball to the Alta (Altseason)!!!
Maybe the Third zone is 3.45-2.1 level 2.96
This is exactly the volume of the total since 2019, the level of 3.17
GPTWe went down to the local purchase zone of 0.32-0.24
the purchase level of 0.29
has now left the zone and drawn a distribution with a price tag of 0.37 or a set or additional loading!
The total volume was dumped at the level of 0.69
If unloading, then we go to the global 0.16-0.10 purchase level 0.14
If the set is then the imbalance zone is 0.53-0.64
behind it, the Control zone is 0.82-1.14
GPT consolidation!The asset entered the global control zone of 0.70965-0.87273 to the level of 0.76610 and formed a consolidation in the form of a triangle!
Locally, 0.70669-0.85229 reached the levels of 0.74976 and 0.76469 in the control zone.
When going down!
Areas of interest Locale 0.62763-0.58877 level 0.61509
And global 0.54092-0.48359 level 0.52250 (BUCKET)
The price of the total volume is 0.45979
I bought it right now!!!
stop 0.66906
BNB is in the purchase zone!!!The price has again descended to the purchase zone 224.1-186.2
The price is below the volume price 242.5 The
price is in the global accumulation zone 267.7-199.2
With a high probability, this is a re-test of the purchase zone and the Local zone.
Follow the news around Binance!!!
ACA in the Global Buy ZONEThe price is in the Global Buy zone 0.0732-0.0226
Local purchase zone 0.0457-0.0230
The purchase level is 0.0363
The way out of the triangle is Vague!!! Is it possible to return to the Local ZONE ???
The price of the total volume is 0.0491
Potential for the future-$43
The DOT ecosystem is developing!
Flow in the accumulation zone!!!The price is still in the Global accumulation zone, as soon as it leaves it beyond the level of 0.703 with consolidation, this will mean the beginning of global growth of the asset!!!
The purchase levels under the "Impulse" strategy were:
Global 0.413
Local 0.410
Buy zone 0.497-0.348, level 0.416
I don't see the strength yet! it is possible to return to the zones: Local 0.560-0.311 and Purchases 0.497-0.348!
The price of the total volume is 0.445 - for those who do not remember, or do not know!
This is the average price of the largest traded volume, and since the price is at the bottom, it is (the average price of the accumulated position at the moment)
Good hunting to all!!!
FTM in the purchase zone!!!FTM price is in the global buy zone 0.27-0.12
The purchase level of 0.19 is below the volume price - 0.2407
The price of the total volume is 0.0174
Test: A new purchase level has appeared on the chart! (green dotted line) 0.1831