doge hovering around resistancedoge is hovering around resistance we just finished the big correction on 4h and STF where I got liquidated lol, so probably going to break resistance soon and will be in price discovery mode making the resistance new support hopefully as more and more big firms start accepting it as payment method like MLB and Travala, apply leverage accordingly, leverage is a great tool if used in moderation, please manage risk accordingly. or buy on spot for some decent gains.
this is not financial advice just an overview.
Well, hi dawgs! 👋🏻
The last week was difficult, but the DOGE could easily reach the $1 level, everything that contributed to the growth you can read the news (Biden new laws, a couple of old wallets began to be withdrawn, etc.), but this, as we can see, does not interfere with growth, since at the moment there is even more $ in hold than it was before. So, simple hold and wait we will reach $1 closely. Remember where we were and what expectations we had ($0.26 not $0.45).
I see at the moment two versions:
Version 1:
We can next week reach $1
Version 2:
$1+ and more we will reach in few months
All my recommendations is to buy more on dips and hold.
Good luck bros and sis's 👌🏻
Hi dawgs!
It's my simple visualisation on next day. the idea is based on pumps by time and on opened selling orders.
I think doggy can do more, but anyway, let's be little realistic)
p.s: comment (with chart screenshots) what you think about DOGE on next day.
Thanks all, u'r the best 👌🏻
Update DogeCoin hello guys, as we see on the chart we have 2 way or let us say 2 areas, First after we break the Red Area and we hope that:) then we will see another high price to up again
second Area green if we broke the Green Area and we not hope that :( we will see another test and it will take more time to rise up again.
But most ieda is broke the Red Area in shaa allah