Short-Term Upside For Retail?The SPDR fund tracking S&P Retail has been trending up for years. Lately the industry and fund have been on some rocky footing. Currently the fund is at a potential key support level with value to the upside. The projected future movements are highlighted below based on technical indicators.
When we take a look at other technical indicators, the relative strength index (RSI) is at 36.0704. RSI tends to determine trends, overbought and oversold levels as well as likelihood of price swings. I personally use anything above 75 as overbought and anything under 25 as oversold. The RSI has established two upward trending levels of support. Currently the RSI just bounced off of one of these lines. The last three times this occurred since this RSI support trend began resulted in quick gains of 5.36%, 7.83%, and 9.60%. This is the first indicator this fund could turn bullish.
The true strength index (TSI) is currently 4.0070. The TSI determines overbought/oversold levels and/or current trend. I solely use this as an indicator of trend as overbought and oversold levels vary. The TSI is double smoothed in its calculation and is a great indicator of upward and downward movement. The TSI has also been trending up since the beginning of 2016. Although the current TSI level is not near this supporting trendline, the delay in the indicator could be the reason. It is important to note the TSI has come down from its most recent peak and its current position normally occurs as the fund is sliding downward. This indicator may be telling us the downward movement may continue for a little bit longer before the fund progresses upward.
The positive vortex indicator (VI) is at 0.6967 and the negative is at 1.1494. When the positive level is higher than 1 and higher than the negative indicator, the overall price action is moving upward. When the negative level is higher than 1 and higher than the positive indicator, the overall price action is moving downward. Even though both indicators are unfavorable to bullish movement, they have both begun to reverse course. This reversal does require more movement to favor new bullish movement for the fund. If this movement occurs within the next 3 days, the fund should begin moving upward.
The stochastic oscillator K value is 4.0425 and D value is 11.0491. This is a cyclical oscillator that is highly accurate and can be used to identify overbought/oversold levels as well as pending reversals and short-term activity. I personally use anything above 80 as overbought and below 20 as oversold. When the K value is higher than the D value, the stock is trending up. When the D value is higher that the K value the stock is trending down. This indicator is clearly in oversold territory. Previous oversold levels for this indicator during the fund's upward trend have always lead to a reversal. This is another strong indicator the fund will move upward.
Considering the RSI, TSI, VI and stochastic levels, the overall direction favors a move to the upside, although definitive upward movement may take a few more days to develop. Based on historical movement compared to current levels and the current position, the fund could gain at least 4% over the next 27 trading days if not sooner.
Macys (M) might be a long, volatility is tellingFirst off, RISKY. Secondly, obviously in a downwards spiral. But it seems that earnings seem to be overstated (and the time in between). So this begs the question. Will this go up before earnings or on earnings? Id think yes. So I might be looking to open an order up after I check the right trade to get into. it MUST be a small position. Because this is obviously going down in the long run. BUT missing earnings doesn't seem to be the factor that decides if this gains or loses. (luckily) Check 11/10/16 missed earnings for any proof.
GBPUSD Pound Hits 7-Month High on Strong UK Retail Sales DataIn the UK, there was good news on the consumer front, as retailers reported a sharp increase in sales volume. With Brexit constantly in the minds of the markets, consumer spending indicators are being closely monitored. The British economy has performed better than many analysts (and the BoE) expected, but the markets are understandably nervous about the impact that Brexit will have on the economy, given the fact that the EU is Britain’s largest trading partner. On Friday, the economy will get a report card in the form of Preliminary GDP, and traders should treat this event as a market-mover.
Talks over Britain’s departure from the EU are expected to be lengthy and difficult, and EU leaders don’t appear to be in a generous mood, as they met in Brussels this week to discuss a united front in the Brexit talks. Britain wants any deal to include financial services, but the Europeans are working on a draft that would exclude the financial sector unless it is governed by EU rules.
Long-term view on TGT- Weekly ChartTarget has really taken a beating lately, primarily due to them losing market share to the mammoth Amazon. With the most resent earnings, TGT has broken down below what had been downward sloping support. My expectation is we will have a slight sell off early this week (week of 4/3/2017) but will ultimately retest the line that had been support, but will now be resistance, which should occur around TGT $61.50 area. In my view, TGT will then trade sideways/down and eventually break-down with speed to ultimately hit $43.60's area, or the 1.414 fib level. The timing lines up with my view of the overall market and also is a point where TGT will be hitting long-term support. Not a huge fan of retailers dwindling in market share but if this does occur, it may set up for a nice buy given their decent dividend and at that price it would be considered cheap. In summary, in my view, you can buy now for the short-term bounce to $61 but you don't want to be holding this stock once it reaches that level!! Wait to buy Early/Mid 2018.
Bad news in the price? Buy the earnings break.SUFFERING LIKE ALL US RETAILERS
Signet is a US mid cap with a leading position in mid-market jewelry retail. It has most recently been impacted negatively by the dull holiday season, and has generally paid the price of the weak US retail environment.
The shares have been suffering, and are consequently trading at inexpensive multiples (discount to market and to its own long term valuation). Furthermore, management has been reshuffling the business and lowering expectations for next quarters. Fundamentally, the company continues to have an interesting growth profile on both the top and bottom line. The consensus of analysts has a BUY recommendation with a 41% target upside.
With quite high short interest (12.4% of free float, or >8 days of trading), any marginal good news could take the shares significantly higher. Furthermore, while the mid/long term technical picture still looks quite weak, it seems the stock has been trying to bottom out on the daily chart.
Up levels: 77.18 / 80.00 / 84.25 / 84.75 / 86.00 /87.20
Down levels: 70.00 / 67.50
Target: 87.20 (+16.71%)
Stop-loss 1: 70.00 (-6.3%)
Stop-loss 2: 67.50 (-9.65%)
Reward-Risk: 2.65x
Strategy: Buy the shares IN HALF SIZE ahead of the earnings release on March 9.
As retail sector struggles BKE prices likely to trend lowerWith retails sector getting crushed in the past few months, Buckle, Inc is a very strong candidate to trade in mid $10 in the next few weeks. Decreasing sales and revenue will continue to propel Buckle downwards until something changes fundamentally.
More details here -
DAX analysis/thoughts for the coming months march-juneAfter a major surge upwards while closing on the previous ATH, #DAX might be looking to start a major pullback to gather liquidity for a bigger move up for new ATHs.
A lot of shorts getting stopped out every day and there are still no signs of retail going bullish. Because of that we might be looking at another stop run before institutionals start taking profit and we begin the downtrend with sell offs. As of now we still have no supply at the current levels 11900-12000 and could form one before heading down. My bias is short after closing all my previous longs but i am not shorting yet. (Check my previous idea to see when I went long for 400+ pips).
We are looking for the reversal at weekly supply between 11390-11440. If that doesnt hold, we could be heading either 11200, or sub 11k.
Sell Marks & SpencerMarks has rallied into multiple levels of resistance on the daily chart. This is the top of the range where previous highs have stalled. It is also the 200 day moving average. There is divergence on both the relative ratio(vs UKX) and the RSI, which suggests the momentum is stalling. Sell with a stop at 364p, targeting a move towards the lower end of the range at 308p
COST: Buy out of the money calls for a monthWe have a pretty low risk trade here. You can look to buy way out of the money calls for dirt cheap after the earnings report for $COST. Upside is crystal clear. Even though this stock isn't such a good value pick, as say, $KSS (which has been nothing short of amazing so far), it's still a good contender to catch up to the retail rally it's been lagging.
Good luck,
Ivan Labrie.
Amazon in the green, deserves earnings exposure.GREAT LONG-TERM TECHNICAL PICTURE, SOME RECENT WEAKNESS
- Long term uptrend took us to historical high on October 6, 2016
- Gentle uptrend over the past 6 months with a breakout late Sept.
- Some short term weakness since the top, but still in breakout mode
- Continues to impress the investment community
- 87.5% of consensus has a buy recommendation
- Consensus target price $913/Share (+11.6%)
- Justified by impressive long term EPS growth (+48.5%)
- Improving profitability (ROE 13.64%)
- Expensive stock (P/E 203.89x and P/BV 28.8x)
- Over the past 13 quarters since mid-2013
- Measured the 5-day performance before and into earnings
- Average stock performance during earnings week = +2.60%
- Min -9.94% Max +20.00%
- Sell Nov 18'16 $750 put = +$9.33
- Buy Nov 18'16 $850 call = -$19.00
- Total cost = $9.67 (1.18%)
- Best case: Continuation of breakout ==> Make money on both legs
- Worst case: Stock falls post earnings and you become long a great story 8% below the current price.
Buy Morrison SupermarketsMorrison Supermarkets has outperformed the FTSE 100 index by over 10% in the last 3 months. The shares are also outperforming their sector index in the same period. The shares have completed a base pattern on the weekly charts and look set to keep pushing higher over the medium to long term.
XRT Retail Earnings POTENTIALRetail earnings are in full swing this upcoming week!
Here is a TA based version of my expectations for the week.
In previous quarters the strong USD and the slow down in Consumer Spending hit profits hard.
With retail sales up throughout the quarter and consumer confidence at 2016 high, all around beats are expected.
Driving retail market capitalization back to Q2 2015 level offers a short-term 8% return.
In the longer run, or collectively throughout the remainder of Q2, a 16% return is in the works.