Crude Oil breakout towards $48 a barrel possible. With most of the economies around the world returning to their pre-Covid19 capacity, it only makes sense that the demand for Oil will increase. The US government has also been rumored to be thinking about giving Americans a $4000 vacation tax credit to help boost the tourism industry.
S&P 500: Six real signs of an upcoming crash.Hi traders,
Here's a quick overview of the main reasons why the S&P500 could enter a one-way street in the coming months.
Any comments are appreciated. Thanks.
1. The index is less than 5% away from record highs, yet US unemployment rates are sky-rocketing, the country has officially entered a recession, and other regions will likely follow.
Global growth forecasts have been lowered to -5% (the lowest since WW2) and corona-fears haven't dissipated yet. Company profit margins have been badly hit and many will have to close doors.
So what is the S&P500 doing there at above 3,000?
2. The put-call ratio reached marginal highs of 1.97 (a year earlier it stood at 1.06), signaling extreme greed in the markets.
3. The Buffet Indicator, which divides the total market cap with the US GDP , stands at extremely overvalued levels of 150%. During the dot-com bubble, the indicator had a value of 130%, and just before the 2007-2009 Great Recession, a value of around 108%.
4. The Q Ratio, measuring the market value of equities vs their net worth, is at all-time highs . The last time it reached record levels was just before the dot-com bubble and just before the 2008 economic downturn. Sounds familiar?
5. We're currently in the longest bull-run ever in history . The previous longest bull-run lasted 120 months (10 years), from 1991 to 2001.
6. And finally, looking at a typical bubble chart, the March uptrend resembles much that of "bull trap" and "return to normal" phase.
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Cash is King, Bull run incoming! M2 includes a broader set of financial assets held principally by households. M2 consists of M1 plus: (1) savings deposits (which include money market deposit accounts, or MMDAs); (2) small-denomination time deposits (time deposits in amounts of less than $100,000); and (3) balances in retail money market mutual funds (MMMFs). Seasonally adjusted M2 is computed by summing savings deposits, small-denomination time deposits, and retail MMMFs, each seasonally adjusted separately, and adding this result to seasonally adjusted M1
With this increase in cash flow & asset holding, I wouldn't expect a bear cycle anytime soon!
Complete annihilation of the United States: Housing & Free Stuff"Defund the police" millions say. "Defund the government" 3 and a half people say.
Free stuff for everybody! A republican congress might veto the budget but it will still end up huge, just not as huge.
A family or a business, when they are broke or out of money, they will reduce spending, they will only buy essentials.
The government does the opposite. The harsher the times, the more it spends.
If the government was a family which house just burned down and lost their jobs, and had nothing left, this is what they would do:
- Take 6 digits loans to buy a new car, and a second one.
- Go on vacations
- Hire a private tutor for their kids
- Eat at expensive restaurants and waste
- Go on shooping sprees out of boredom, buy useless stuff that will end up in the trash can
Not even exagerating. The reason people don't all lose their minds is because it is slightly abstract, just enough for them to not see what's going on.
Marxist students fight this battle to get more money spent on "learnding".
Did you know the USA have 1 of the highest spending per student?
Only Switzerland spends slightly more (less than 10%), Norway used to spend more but now spends significantly less, and the only country to really spend more is Luxembourg which spends around 60% more.
USA GDP per capita: $63,000
Norway GDP per capita: $82,000
Switzerland GDP per capita: $83,000
Luxembourg GDP per capita: $117,000
(2018 numbers)
Switzerland spends slightly more per student or the same and it has a 32% bigger GDP per person.
Luxembourg spends ~60% more but it has twice the GDP per person!
Oh and fun fact, more people go to university in the USA than in those countries, Norway too.
"Super socialist" Norway sends less people to university, and spends something like 30% less than the USA, all while having a much higher GDP per capita, and let's not talk about a higher surplus lmao biggest wealth fund in the world while the USA have a gigantic black hole in their finances.
They're really running the country in the worse way possible.
Another fun fact, did you know that "poor kids" that went to university used to pay for it by taking summer jobs?
And then government stepped in to get votes, guarenteed loans, spent massive amounts, and all this did was cause people to require a diploma to flip burgers, and of course university said "great, we can afford this we wanted and that and this" price went way up.
All this pointless crap they are learning, apart from lawyers doctors some engineers, it's useless.
It is a bad investment. If it was not it would reflect in the economy, for example there would be less inequality not more.
And their voters of course, they ask for more of the stupid stuff that does not work! "We want more of these things that caused problems"!
Ye I bet their universities don't teach them that, no conflict of interest here. "You must protest to get more money to pay us".
In particular the student age group - which happens to be the age group that falls the most for phishing scams by far, pure coincidence - they are fighting with all they have to get more money for universities, so professors can buy diamond teeth.
The next president, no matter who he is, will continue those disastrous policies, and run the country to the ground.
Housing bubble, student loan bubble, spending & bond bubble, stock market bubble.
The only hope is deflation. But they want to fight that no matter what "infinity QE". Big brains.
There is a report on government budget, for 20 or 30 years they have been copy pasting the same block of text, it's so funny, in which they say that the current policies are unsustainable xd
The top 0.01 percent, 16,000 families, had annual income of say $30 million, and wealth of maybe $400 million.
So the total is 500 billion a year in earnings pre tax, and a total wealth of $6 trillion. Can't really tax that wealth thought, how would they do it, confiscate their stocks and make a sale to foreign nations to get 20% out over 5 years? (since selling crashes the market).
In 2018, the total personal income earned in the United States was $17.6 trillion. Federal tax revenues are around 3.5 trillion for the past few years with income making almost $2T. State taxes amount to $1T.
How can they get out of this university scam? They send half of the population to university, and they get brainwashed by universities that want more money.
How to break the cycle?
There might be more riots in the next 2 years, I noted some Minneapolis property prices to compare with later on.
Can't short sell afaik sadly. The country is just going to implode in the next few years.
West Europe that isn't in the same situation at all will be influenced because of the country big octopus arms, and probably have lots of demands to officials, and protests, and riots, regardless of a totally different situation, due to sheep mentality and low IQ.
In the 30s all of Europe countries (or most maybe) nationalised big companies, and it stayed like this with the exception of the NAZI (that were planning to nationalise more), they privatized, it seemed to work for them since they conquered all of Europe. There is not a ton of info on this, of course every one is drooling and studying Hitler or the war, but there is nearly no interest for NAZI policies, or the conditions that led to their elections or to the war...
Either president will continue the same disastrous policies as I said, spend spend spend, bail out and/or nationalise, the only 2 outcomes I see will be either go communist and broke and default and become Argentina (Venezuela to be fair), or go full NAZI and deport.
In 1930 to 1932 Germany zentrum chancellor Heinrich Brüning which was a financial expert made deflationary policies, with big tax hikes and reducing spending, probably was too violent (they always go extreme about everything) and came too late. He had no majority but Hindenburg used emergency powers to make him chancellor.
Germany was in trouble before the depression, in particular thanks to the galaxy brain versailles treaty.
He tried to pass a bill to make a necessary reform of the Reich finances, which was rejected by the SPD & KPD & some NSDAP members.
Other Europe countries ponzi'd germany, they abandonned gold and devalued their currency while germany did not (and so got scammed).
Brüning had no majority and was no able to do what he wanted. So he tried to dissolve the Reichtag.
1930, early one, before Brüning was able to pass his bills, the NAZI party gained 18% seats which was huge, and SPD and KPD had broken up around that time, with later on the KPD Antifa arm fighting the SPD which they now called traitors and hated.
Brüning knew deflation would temporarly worsen the economy but then fix it. It was the cure with a short term negative effect.
Problem was, it came too late, and germans were already pissed. Before he started the program the NSDAP had alreayd gotten big (from less than 3% to 18.25%).
And with deflation, debt gets worse. What countries want to do is inflate the debt away.
In 1932 Brüning resigned because his policies of giving land for free to unemployed workers made Hidenburg & prussian landlords angry, so the president stopped signing emergency decrees for him.
To fight the NAZI he tried to restore monarchy, and had a majority but Hinderburg would only accept if Emperor Wilhelm II was called back from exile, but foreign nations & socdems went "no not him".
After Brüning, Franz von Papen (independant centre/conservative) lifted the ban on the NAZI SA which had been placed in early 1932 because of riots (hmmmm), can't find more about the riots, history forgot... After the ban was lifted thought there were plenty of violent riots involving antifa (hmmmmm), the police (oooooooh), the SS & SA (interesting). Oh, did I mention the SA & Antifa considered themselves revolutionary (Germany had just dropped its monarchy)?
Well anyway, Hinderburg died, and then Hitler became Reich Cancellor and Reich president.
Hitler, to improve the economy, privatized, placed more tariffs on imports (previous chancellors had started it he continued), looted jews gold, bullied private companies to give more jobs & raise wages, suspended the gold standard, brought parental planning, free healthcare, education standards, gave generous subsidies for agriculture and small businesses, enforced capital controls, controlled commodity prices, decided what the interest rates would be, well basically from what history books say he ran the country like "capitalist" countries run their countries today.
Most of the recovery if not all, came from looting jews & giving their stuff to "germans", and also just the economy healing itself over time.
And then he went to war, and ran bigger and bigger deficits, and raised taxes on everyone, and lost. Germany adopted a free market approach (em west germany of course) in 1948, abolishing price controls, to cut it short undoing Hitler economics. Consumer goods reappeared literally overnight on the open market. People went back to work since what they would get paid would actually be worth something.
"By the mid-1950s, West Germany had risen from the ashes to become Western Europe’s economic powerhouse. The contrast with Britain, which moved in a socialist direction after the war and didn’t abolish rationing until 1954, was stark."
Germany progressively & slowly went back towards more of a control economy since then.
This depression has the potential to be the greatest, rivalled only by the great depression of the late middle ages, which was spiced by the black death, you know the thing that decimated half of Europe population.
"We have to save lives". Idiots.
The industrial era will end like the middle ages ended back then. I wonder what caused the giga depression of the 14th century?
Oh right, decline of the church, big state control, massive spending, huge taxes in particular on the rich, and currency debasement.
INDEX and JPY - A CLOSE RELATIONThats a big text but may add something to your knowledge about how the markets work.
I will explain a the reasons that made me confident about all those JPY trades, and that was the STOCK MARKETS.
I'm a full-time trader on the Brazilian stock market, it has some peculiarities right now, with all the political noise we are having here. But my knowledge regarding stock markets also helps when trading Forex, as I need to analyse all major indexes, mainly Dow Jones (US30) and S&P 500 (US500), which are the main indexes of the world economy.
Those last days they seem to be so weak, not managing to break resistances and making lower lows since the top of the pullback on the end of April. It was ranging in what seems like a drift pattern, around the 61.8% Fibonacci zone of the whole crash.
I think that know we can confirm this break.
That being said, let's head to the JPY situation. Japan is one of the most stable economies on the world. And most trusted too. Linking that to Forex, their currency, JPY, is considered a "SAFE HEAVEN". It means that it is often used as a secure currency, safe place to put your money in on RISKY TIMES on the financial markets. And that's exactly what we are seeing right now.
As more people wants to get in JPY, the xxx/JPY pairs tend to move to the downside. When the JPY pairs had all the same setup, testing the trendlines , I went in. And that was one more signal that the stock markets were about to melt: people running to buy JPY. Banks and big players always are positioning themselves looking at the big moves coming. They were buying JPY just before the stocks fall, and that can be seen on the charts.
With all those confirmations, I'm still holding the trades right now and will update here and in my Telegram channel if I think prices directions may change. But, for now, no sign of reverse on the stock markets. At least, I expect it to go to the 38.2% retracement as drawn in the chart.
Keep and eye on the channel and my profile for updates, I will be trying to help as much as I can and show my positions.
If you liked it, please leave a like for me to know if I should make more of this. And, of course, recommend to your friends.
Good luck on trading and KEEP SAFE.
WINTER IS COMING FOR ECONOMY, WE HAVEN'T SEEN NOTHING YET.We are about to witness a creepy sell off on stocks and derivatives, economy is going on a free fall globally talking and COVID-19 has not created this, COVID-19 was just the needle that pops the BUBBLE.
1000 trillions in derivatives will be exposed and wiped out, just saying.
A NICE BOOK TITLE CAN BE NAMED ''The monster that FIAT has created''
WOW - Remembering all Mr. PresidentsLmao, I did not remember this. It's from long time ago trying to understand a little bit more this bank. Maybe is something irrelevant but it could be helpful to feed the curiosity some people still have and expand their knowledge with a better research. Also if i lose this idea again for some months I'll know where to find it now.
There I tried to find correlation between democrat presidents or republican and the action price development from that far, just for educational purposes like I said. Just to be able to dig a bit more and find political causes related to the historical growing of one of the biggest banks on Earth.
I found this when I was checking other "too big to fail" banks recent movements, to check the impact with all this infinite stimulus have been announced almost everywhere, and anyone with sufficient authority is printing money now. What a mess, isn't it?
Please hope you find your own conclusions from here, always keep that curiosity... and doubt.
How To Chart Economic Data Like Jobless Claims or GDPCharting economic data can help you learn more about the macro world and see the bigger picture. This chart shows weekly Initial Jobless Claims in the US. In other words, it shows you how many people are filing for unemployment each week. The big spike, which has never been seen before in economic history, shows what the COVID-19 slowdown did to the economy in just one week. It is unprecedented.
You can chart Jobless Claims and much more. To get started, open a chart, go to the search box, open the dropdown menu, and then find the tab furthest to the right of the drop down called Economy. In this area, you will find many different types of economic data that you can chart from GDP to ISM and more. Most of the data comes from FRED and is US related, but please write us in the comments if you want to see other forms of data.
We hope you enjoyed this quick chart and tutorial and we look forward to sharing more! Press like if you enjoyed it or please comment below to share your thoughts.
mid term outlook for s&p 500 🌈🐻Technicals:
- S&P500 broke a long term uptrend and now is seeing a rebound. a rebound was expected given the current level of volatility. I expect the price to get rejected at the long term uptrend line, but a throw-over is in the cards as it would be a perfect bull trap
- support boxes are drawn out. these levels are likely contenders for a solid bottom since there should be many buyers interested at those prices.
- the exponential growth of the coronavirus in the US and worldwide leading to economic shutdowns
- Saudi vs. Russia oil price war leading to the lowest prices in decades
- huge debt burdens, high default risks
- historically high valuations (even after the crash) according to Shiller p/e, total market cap to gdp, etc.
- unemployment spike, literally highest in history (3.28 million in one week in the US, ~1 mill in Canada) and expected to worse
- desperate central banks running out of levers for controlling the economy (interest rates at 0%, currency at risk of devaluation or loss of reserve status if QE is taken too far)
- political uncertainty regarding 2020 elections, lack of good candidates, high probability of tax hikes
- very similar environment as 1929 before the great depression, end of the long term debt cycle, interest rates hitting 0%
- worldwide panic lead by fearmongering media outlets
- overall bearish attitudes towards the markets leading to a lack of liquidity
- once we break previous lows near $220 on SPY, expect a lot of panic selling
My Approach:
- dollar-cost-averaging into index funds diversified internationally, still 85% cash currently
- higher than usual weight into REITs and emerging markets, US equities still have low expected returns at current valuations
- expecting this bear market to last at least 6-12 months, possibly multiple years, no need to FOMO and spend all cash quickly
- lots of opportunities for individual stock picking, ETFs are dumping holdings systematically based on the market cap without regard for fundamentals
TL;DR: the economy is a shit show & the crash is just getting started
Corona isn’t the only virus destroying the U.S economyOne of America’s greatest bull markets ended earlier this month. From the depths of the Great Recessions, the S&P 500 roared, generating ~400% over the last decade before falling victim to the coronavirus. However, corona isn’t the only virus eating away at the U.S economy. A deeper look at the stock market’s rise shows the symptoms have been apparent. America’s largest corporations have built a reputation for capital destruction. If a vaccine isn’t developed, the U.S. economy and our capitalistic system will remain quarantined long after coronavirus is contained.
According to Informa Financial Intelligence, a total of $444 billion has been pulled out of the U.S. equity markets over the last decade. Some of you may be asking how the stock market could go up 400% over the last decade if investors pulled nearly half a trillion dollars. The biggest purchaser of stocks over the last decade has been U.S corporations. In total, S&P 500 companies have spent $4.3 trillion on stock buybacks and $3.3 billion on dividends since 2009- 91% of net income.
S&P companies spent $600 billion on buybacks in 2017. In 2018, following the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, companies in the S&P 500 Index spent 68% of net income ($806 billion) on stock buybacks. According to JP Morgan, the proportion of buybacks funded by corporate bonds reached 30% in both 2016 and 2017. With executives focused on short-term stock price fluctuations, research and development (R&D) have been severely neglected. In 2018, only 43% of companies in the S&P 500 companies recorded R&D expenses. Furthermore, 8% of companies accounted for more than 75% of total R&D spending.
One of the main reasons stocks are falling is because corporations no longer have the funds to prop up the market. In addition, studies show that a majority of stock buybacks take place when the stock market is rising not falling. As a result, a majority of companies overpay for their stock- another form of capital destruction. Famed investor Warren Buffet once said, “Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked.” America’s largest companies got caught with their pants off, again. As long as the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve allow unhealthy companies (the virus) to live, the U.S. economy will never be healthy.
-Appo Agbamu, CFA
XBTUSD: FED cuts rates to zero and massive $700 QEThe Federal Reserve has announced they are emergency cutting rates to zero and launching a MASSIVE quantitative easing program to do $700 billion in asset purchases.
With these news I think BTC is heading to $6000 - $6200 now (selected zone).
Information is just for educational purposes, never financial advice. Always do your own research.
BEARS may have come out of HIBERNATION !Really not being too helpful with this pair to go against the trend because USD is still a safe haven in times of geopolitical stress.
Fundamental Reasons for having the SHORT BIAS
1. Eurozone GDP growth rate has been contracted to 1.1 percent from 4% while US GDP growth has rate has increased to 2.3% from 2.1%
2. German PMI has shown some signs of improvement but it would be too early to call the change in sentiment because apart from economic numbers, EUROZONE is still prone to geopolitical news like TRADE WAR which is still a matter to consider.
3. US ISM numbers were too good and it peaked above 50 after nearly 6 months. So, it can be anticipated that better numbers can come ahead. Hence, we can still load up dollars here and that's why we have also seen long USD positions building up via CFTC data.
4. Interest rate differentials between FED and ECB will still prefer USD buying from the carry trade perspective and cheaper Euro is considered to be a funding currency in times of equity correction.
5. Apart from Interest rate differentials, better economic numbers will also give a lift to US GDP and Inflation that can give FED a reason to lever up tightening in the coming months.
Only considering a few major economic data from a fundamental point of view.
Technical Reasons
1. EU is forming a clear bear flag with a perfect measurement of AB = CD where the current bear leg has a possibility to close the gap that was created post-Frech Presidential Election in April 2017.
2. Also, the volume has peaked which also indicates a short position has been built. Hence, a short from the pullback of this trend would reap a good reward than trying to catch the bottom.
Bitcoin future is promising, even in a downturn. Sure, we are in a downturn, a bear market; so what?
With a long term line of sight, it's easy to see where Bitcoin is going. Every country has laws that govern. Heavyweights like the United States and China impact global markets. Considering Bitcoin has the attention of the two largest economies in the world, it's understandable that the market is affected. Take the blinders off and look at the long term environment for Bitcoin. I will share what I see.
Path one:
Bitcoin in the next year establishes confidence with the support of the United States regulatory environment. China and the United States make a long term trade deal and Bitcoin is open for business between the two countries as a valid means for transacting wealth. China's digital yen is utilized for global stock exchanges and the United States citizens will use Bitcoin as a vehicle between the two currencies (US Dollar <> Bitcoin <> Yen).
Heres why. The dollar is losing foothold as a controlling global currency. With the digital yen hitting the global markets, the rest of the world gains immediate access to new financial tools based on the yen. The United States can use Bitcoin to compete as the transition to a digital dollar occurs. The United States will play a wait-and-see approach to a digital dollar, and they might just use Bitcoin as the vehicle to explore its options.
If this path plays out, the value of Bitcoin will explode. For instance, fast track adoption in various stock exchanges across the world. Digital assets of various types will grow and allow cross-chain functionality with Bitcoin blockchain. Debt for countries will reduce due to new asset class creating a means for governments to secure new wealth for their fiat systems.
Path two:
Bitcoin continues to have issues with unfair policies set by various countries (especially, the United States and China). As regulations are muddy, Bitcoin continues to see extream two-way volatility. It will be emotional with up and down movement that causes whiplash. Fortunately, it can't last forever. The trend will change and governments will adopt friendly policies to please global fintech demand. Once the dust settles and regulations have a clear path for working with Bitcoin technology, we will see a continuation with the global trend in Bitcoin wealth generation.
Path three:
Bitcoin is outlawed in China due to an anti-competition stance with the digital yen. The United States continues to attempt a trade deal and faces central banking issues with the digital yen and de-dollarization of China. The United States desires to compete and opens all markets to access the US Dollar using Bitcoin in various market verticals like ETF and so forth. Matter of fact, this might be one reason for such delays to move this direction. If this occurs, the United States will adopt an open FinTech market to the global community to combat China and its de-dollarization with the digital yen. Bitcoin will explode and be used as a means to reduce the United States deficit. We might get close to a world war with China if this occurs, so it's not a great path to see come to fruition.
Path four:
Bitcoin is outlawed by China and the United States. Allies of these countries will adopt the trend. Global markets suffer, riots break out, and the fight for privacy becomes a global issue. A global depression occurs that has never been seen before. Due to global communication Bitcoin rises from its ashes and creates a new global economy. If this happens, the Bitcoin value will go near zero and explode to incredible valuation.
Path five:
Bitcoin is outlawed by all governments. The network becomes weak and is taken over due to a lack of contribution to maturing its codebase. It's an all-out digital mess and becomes worthless. This path seems the least likely to occur.
In the end, most paths you can imagine lead to Bitcoin gaining new wealth generation abilities with services being adopted to complement regulatory environments. The long term outlook seems favorable for the technology. For this reason, I love blockchain technologies and will continue to build the skillset to compete in future economic environments in tech.
If it does not work out, oh well, it's been a wonderful ride. I will have stories to tell for generations to come :)
If you read this far, share your outlook. What is your thoughts regarding the potential paths for Bitcoin?
USDCAD Market Structure ExhaustionThe USDCAD is displaying 2/3 market structure. There are only 3 ways markets move: uptrend, range and downtrend. These are composed of swings in the case of uptrend and downtrends.
The USDCAD has been in an uptrend, composed of higher lows and higher highs. We then began to exhaust as no new higher lows and higher highs were created. We are now in a range.
Price exhausted near a resistance/flip zone of 1.3340, however I would prefer to see price test a bit closer. This would be one downfall for this idea.
But the market structure is there.
We are creating an exhaustion/topping pattern. With a break of 1.3260, we would break below a flip zone.
This is what I am watching for. There is a demand zone at 1.3100 that should be a take profit zone.
We do have the Bank of Canada this week on Wednesday. Many are expecting Canada to hold interest rates steady at 1.75% but Canada is not immune to the global slowdown. They will eventually cut rates.
I must say that perhaps we could get a surprise cut. The rest of the world is cutting rates, and Canada is equal to the US in terms of rates.
I do expect a dovish tone, which could see USDCAD test the aforementioned 1.3340 flip zone.
Again, we will not be doing anything until the flip zone is broken which would give us the trigger to enter. Until then we remain on the sidelines.
DXY: Good days for dollar!
hey traders,
weekly update for dollar index.
the market has started a correction cycle and for the last two weeks, we see a steady bullish movement.
I still believe that bulls have much space to push the index even higher before we see a bearish continuation.
The first supply zone that I will pay my attention to is between 98.0 - 98.4 levels.
as always, our confirmation is the bearish violation of a rising channel.
Why Bitcoin Will Be Better Than GoldHello Everyone!!!
I am Donald David Dongalore!
Earlier in the day, I had promised that I would provide some remedial education! I am doing this because I believe that there is a lack of literacy, with regard to the cryptocurrency space, in the arena of monetary policy and the effect that meddling with a money supply can have!
To fully understand what is happening, it is imperitive to have a firm understanding of what is so called "hard money" vs "easy money"!
In the chart you can see that as far back as time will allow me to chart is the year of our LordAnneTaylor 1975. Unfortunately this does not allow for the accurate price analysis of Gold in comparison to the United States Dollar prior to thier decoupling by the great and glorious President Richard Nixon, who I'm told has established quite a reputation for watches and sunglasses! How exciting!
The interesting item that I believe I have uncovered here is that when you scale the 21st Century Fox (TM) digital gold i.e. BTC to the origin of decoupling "hard money", we can see that what was once an asset which had appeared to be manipulated through paper (XAU) has done nothing more but grow in value on a consistent basis when compared to the now "easy money" generated by what can be presumed to be the "easy money" powerhouse of the world!
It is interesting to note that this powerhouse of "easy money" no longer enjoys the same prosperity that it once had while following the economics of "hard money" and has since laden its populace with reckless amounts of debt! How enjoyable it must be to live there!
BTC which is growing ever more scarce and difficult to obtain, shares many properties with XAU but has many more features which make it incredibly useful!
Don't invest in "easy money"! It will make you poor!
I don't give advice, but if I did, it would be good.
Bitcoin's Real SupportHello Everyone!
I am Donald David Dongalore!
This idea is less of a trade and more of a thesis about BTC!
As you can see here, there seems to be a heavy interest in continually increasing the M2 money supply, and by extension...all other money supplies!
The best part about BTC, is that it is finite! Meaning, that the more money that the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury make, the more valuable your BTC will be! Hooray for hard money!
This is not financial advice, but it probably could be. But its not.
S&P 500 - A Bearish Outlook Heading Into 2020Here is my thought process behind why I have a bearish outlook heading into 2020 - please note that this is the second time that I have ever published analysis and this is just me synthesizing a bunch of ideas. I'm going to start off with the lighter ideas before moving on to the heavier ideas...
1) We are in the late stage of the economic cycle... this is the longest expansion of the US economy since records began. Common sense dictates that we will enter a recession soon.
2) Keeping this in mind, let's look at the state of politics around the world. We have protests and riots in HK (recently a protestor was shot for the first time), we have Brexit which has both Germany and the UK on the brink of recession. The US and China trade war has not improved at all and is constantly seeing tit-for-tats. Finally, literally the other day the US was given the go-ahead by the WTO for $7.5 billion in tariffs on the EU in response to their 15-year long row over the subsidizing of the rival aircraft companies Boeing and Airbus.
3) In recent surveys, over half of economists in the US believe that a recession will hit the US in 2020. The market has also seen the yield curve invert, providing a stark warning (although this usually takes at least 12 months to materialize, this is a bad indicator).
4) There is a ridiculous bearish RSI divergence on the charts, with Fibonacci Time Zones pointing towards significant price action at the start or end of 2020. I believe this is because this cycle was pumped and overrated, running on the crack cocaine of financial markets: Quantitative Easing.
5) Recessions usually occur when there is a sharp fall in liquidity in the cash markets (referring to bank deposits and not trade execution liquidity). In recent times we have seen a bipartisan deal passed through in the US which mandated the US Treasury to "aggressively build up" cash reserves. After lowering the debt ceiling the Treasury plans on borrowing an additional $433 billion during this quarter (about $275 billion more than it had previously estimated) which is roughly ten times (1,000%) more than what the Treasury borrowed last quarter ($40 billion). This would cause global dollar liquidity to dry up fast (foreign nations and banks use excess deposits and reserves to purchase these meaning dollars flow out of the economy into the Treasury).
6) Continuing on from the last point, not only do we have dollar liquidity vanishing in the global economy but we have negative dollar swap spread (those lending USD via currency swaps want higher premiums). This is only getting deeper and deeper. Interestingly, the Bank of International Settlements found that cross-currency swap spreads act as a more accurate measure of struggle in the financial markets than the VIX. This shortage of dollars (highlighted by the premium being charged to lend dollars in swaps) comes at a time when the global economy is already weakening thus is making financial markets more fragile (turning to IMF reports on muted inflation and weaker final demand for goods and services) also referring to previous points
Seeing and analyzing all these factors, the future doesn't look too bright. Disappointing economic data continues to plague our minds. As the Fed continues to cut interest rates they are only giving debt-laden companies one more sigh of relief which will only knock the inevitable crash further down the road when neither corporations nor the government can cope with it (they're throwing away all their ammunition and shooting themselves before the battle has even started). The drop to come will be harder and more brutal than 2008 because asset prices are currently inflated at incomprehensible levels due to quantitative easing as well as the Fed having little headroom to cut rates further. You could only imagine what is to come in countries with much less head-room for monetary policy than the US... What's next? Helicopter money!?
Disclosure: I hold shares in: XSPS IGLT O IBTM
The Next Recession is probably within 2 years.The “Recession Watch” indicator tracks 7 key economic metrics which have historically preceded US recessions. It provides a real-time indication of incoming recession risk.
While not flawless, this indicator gives a good picture of when risk is increasing, and therefore when you might want to start taking some money out of risky assets.
All of the last seven recessions were preceded by a risk score of 3 or higher. Six of them were preceded by a risk score of 4 or higher.
Based on the indicator hit rate at successfully flagging recessions over the last 50 years, risk scores have the following approximate probabilities of recession:
- 0-1: Low
- 2: 25% within next 18 months
- 3: 30% within next 12 months
- 4-7: 50% within next 12 months
Note that a score of 3 is not necessarily a cause for panic. After all, there are substantial rewards to be had in the lead up to recessions (averaging 19% following yield curve inversion). For the brave, staying invested until the score jumps to 4+, or until the S&P500 drops below the 200day MA, will likely yield the best returns.
Read more about the metric on Medium here:
TradingView Indicator here:
Notes on use:
- use MONTHLY time period only (the economic metrics are reported monthly)
- If you want to view the risk Score (1-7) you need to set your chart axis to "Logarithmic"
Enjoy and good luck!