DOGECOIN 387x potential & dollar parityDogecoin (DOGE) is projected to move 387x in price and achieve dollar parity by March.
The events that will launch the price action are that Elon Musk will announce (he does not know it himself yet) on November 3rd right as elections are finishing that he will instate DOGE as main currency on his Mars colony, because of the election outcome the earth will be scorched and a escape to for entire humanity is inevitable and necessary for the survival of the mankind. Everyone will be looking to get to Mars.
All seats on space ships from the moment on will be only purchasable with DOGE at which point the entire humanity looking to escape earth will start accumulating DOGE with 1kg on the spaceship costing 1000 DOGE.
Increase your profits with 125x leverage at Binance, an exchange proudly ignoring most financial laws and regulations in most jurisdictions, by so being able to give you tools for instant riches such as 125x Leverage.
Trading involves risk. This is not investment advice.
Financial holdings disclaimer: ALL IN ON DOGE COIN HODLING UNTIL MOON and MARS!!!
TSLA $444 MetThis is an interesting situation as my calls expire in a month and appear to open ITM.
I have a rule to always sell if i exceed a 30% return, this is going to be at least 150%, so I will unload my $430 & $450 calls at open and await a re-entry. I will keep the $465s for Dec 18 however, as I think get some FOMO buyers now that we are through $450
But wow... congrats to longs !
$TSLAWe need some market sentiment and movement to push foward. We bounced off support really nicely, and Id like to see those two levels get broken with some conviction to send TSLA back on track. With election news coming a we could see market wide dips but So far TSLA has stayed in range so i would expect to see TSLA consolidate and could possible present a iron condor situation.
TESLA EARNINGS YOLO | Pure EntertainmentHello Tradingview family, today I yolo $1500 on Tesla weekly calls into earnings. I think they will do really well, on top of the number of sales I think their new factories and distribution centers will provide good numbers.
Throughout the last week, I've noticed the silence from Musk on Twitter, at least when it came to the stock. Over the last several earnings, we've seen Elon tweet out stuff like "it needs to come down" prior to the report. Instead today, we see silence.
My Play:
TSLA $455 Call 10/23 @ $676 (I bought 2)
I do this purely to entertain my fellow traders and feed their FOMO demons. Hope you are all having a blessed 2020, let's see if this hits :D
Please do not play this, you will lose money!
DotcomJack | Tesla Yolo
Tesla Hello!! Tesla again a very great company which will be emerging in the coming years as it is the company producing the amazing electric cars. and now it has given a doji pattern so an upmove can be seen in my view...... and in long term it will remain in uptrend in my view, but still market is supreme lets see what will happen next. #MY_VIEW #LEARNER
Expanding On My Last Idea: I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT SPCEJust expanding on what I just said. I love the idea of this company and like Tesla, it could be the first of it's kind. 10 years ago people laughed at Tesla, now they're singing a different tune as Tesla is the most valuable car manufacturer in the world. Mark my words... 20 years ago it was the internet boom, right now and the last 10 years it's the tech boom, 4G/5G, streaming.... the next 10-20 years will be a space industry boom. I want to be in at only $20 a share.
ridethepig | Tesla Island Reversal!📍 In the realm of Tesla, patience is sustained courage although the struggle for valuation is evident. The overstretched manoeuvre is identical to the struggle which we traded earlier in the year.
It is obvious for any of those that have studied the Tesla supply chain that outlooks and expectations at current valuations are unrealistic. What is surprising, is to see how the economy is coughing badly via covid, both corporates and consumers are becoming increasingly defensive in capital allocation...yet markets are pricing a mass adoption of overpriced cars.
With that recognition behind us, let us look at the deliveries for Q220 :
Model S/X 10,600
Model 3/Y 80,050
Total 90,650
"While our main factory in Fremont was shut down for much of the quarter, we have successfully ramped production back to prior levels."
"Our net income and cash flow results will be announced along with the rest of our financial performance when we announce Q2 earnings. Our delivery count should be viewed as slightly conservative, as we only count a car as delivered if it is transferred to the customer and all paperwork is correct. Final numbers could vary by up to 0.5% or more. Tesla vehicle deliveries represent only one measure of the company’s financial performance and should not be relied on as an indicator of quarterly financial results, which depend on a variety of factors, including the cost of sales, foreign exchange movements and mix of directly leased vehicles."
📌 This press release demonstrates how and where you can advance on expectations that are skewed the wrong way, and how complacency should be punished.
=> The lust for Tesla bulls is to expand above $1,000 ... that leaves them with another +/- 300k deliveries needed for Q3 and Q4 to keep things fundamentally interesting for the game.
=> With a second wave now a done-deal, risk is threatening to storm the battlefield. The previous Tesla crash which we traded live had sufficient preparation, here we have a long weekend and theoretically a delay in virus numbers till Tuesday of next week. Sellers can plan the attack and what makes the flows fundamentally interesting is that operations and valuations are based on no competition.
=> This powerful flow which is starting at $1,200 can be considered the starting point of the waterfall. A bold call that can be protected with stops above $1,500 while looking for another visit of the $425 fair value target.
As usual thanks for keeping the feedback coming 👍 or 👎 ... let's see if we get another home run!