TSLA - Tesla 9 /10Eron was unable to impregnate Twitter, he's 9/10 presently within the confines
of his very own, unique Preg-O-Verse.
He's pulled out successfully, although there's Eron DNA everywhere, he's full
of endless jizz, unsurprisingly it's time to clean up the mess.
" made a bad deal, time to move on... "
Banging Flight attendants and subordinates eventually adds up, and takes its toll.
Twitter decides to lay off 33% of its "Staff"... err Brownshirts on Eron's sexual prowess
at successfully using the withdrawal method for the first time.
Fanbois cheer and request an Amber hookup. The sheets at Tesla have been winched
in as Seagulls crapped all over them.
Much like Eron, Seagulls are good at one and only one thing...
Phishing... no not fisting. FISHING.
Fly in, stir some stuff up, eat some cult fish, crap all over everything and Fly away.
On to Tesrah, the Junk Co propped up by anything and everything Govie for a Decade.
Risk on for the ever-expanding family of seminal of Eron.
Piga NUMI cranking out more substandard skateboards while Tesla can't seem to pay
rent on their extensive plug-in impregnators powered by Diesel Fuel.
Charging Station leasee's are becoming increasingly vocal while shutting off access to
the SuperCharging Networks across the United States. Better get a Power Wall and
plan to charge at home, no long-distance will possible in the Future until this mess
collapses and receives further Stimmy.
Eron decided to vent on Disney's Insta... oops.
Sorry kids.
Hopefully, this Junk moves higher, we are buyers of Puts down to $25 into 2024.
Q2 will be another horror show.
More Fraud.
More Lies.
More Deceit.
Far Lower prices.
TESLA - Who has Eron not managed to piss offCIA?
Oh my...
To the Moon, have a nice trip.
Wish you well.
Probably has a Hit paid for on Eron.
Ala Jimmy Hoffa...
Baggies crumbling - the big payday
Ding from $54 to sub $40.
It's pissed beyond now approaching $5B
to the Negative.
Well over 2 years behind schedule.
Go away Whacko.
Tesla is no longer a protected entity in the
Eh Neo :)
Uber - Downgraded to WreckedUser Select isn't hooking so much these days.
Must be the propensity for Base.
Base Jumping at present seems to provide Uber
with an endless Downtrend.
Lyft.. ugh.
When both cut bonuses to Drivers, it was over.
Uber Eats, death by 1000 drive-thrus.
All good, Robo Taxis are the primary focus of every
Auto Manu on the Planet.
Even Apple, which remains a software-only iCar Cult
Giga Texas / Berlin Dumpster Fires continue to rage
Even Eron admits - BK is the stark reality.
Buy the Transpo Dip?
TSLA - BKWe're buying Jan 19 2024 Leaps for this bloated bovinity.
Eron will be sacrificed to the Alter of Mass Delusion.
Thankfully the serial predator whose frauds date back
decades will be train wrecked into the South Sea Bubble
and john Law of his time.
It will happen.
Load up for BK, it's not going to take long.
Muskrat love?
Nah... dude needs to be wrecked.
TSLA - Pronoun Sh_t MixWelcome to the whacky world of Eron.
Q1 was the BEST quarter in its storied history.
Massive Uptake - Massive Fraud.
Tent's R' Us.
A Tesla in Space, it identifies as a Flying Toaster.
Sues for FSD Capabilities... and wins.
Battery Day - Plaid Plus will have them. Oh wait, we
canceled that.
Cyber Truck delivery, extend, and pretend.
AI Day - make it up as you go. Tesla Bot still has no
Robo Taxi Day - 20K Taxis making $30K/Year in 2020.
SEC Day - Let this clown tweet on Opex "Tesla Stock is overvalued"
WTF - the Puts blew up 1222% in minutes?
DOGE Father - An unlimited supply of pathological Lies.
Record Quarter 90K? Whooops 2018 record deliveries provided $300M
more in revenues? Cash flow? uh, creepy... -$4.1Billion.
Accounting Fraud 101. Plain as day.
Who is running this sh_t show... it's freeballing in the cactus patch again.
Whois running the Calculator @ Tesla?
Wait... Space X now finds the Cowboy a threat, embarrassment and
absurdity who must resign immediately.
WTF... this on-again, off-again fraud of a CIA Front became useless to
expanding Intel Value on Consumers. Google and Apple can manage
far better data and make $.
Quik Fix? Democratize Twatter... as the marginalized need a voice...
unimpeded by Bots... The solution, Pay to Play to further marginalize
freedom of speech.
Wheel back around to Scam Con, Sex Pest, Meglamaniac, #AmberTurd
serial dater, Porpoise Flipper, and Pronoun challenged Dick Weed - the
Eron is scrambling off the rails... let's see where he takes his portfolio
of zeitgeist within the Cult O' Eron.
Augustus Ceasar was worth $4.3 Trillion... Eron is a mere Paper Pauper,
a Caligula for the 21st Century, a Marie Antionette of Merika.
Eff you Eron.