SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-10 : Carryover in Carryover ModeToday's cycle pattern suggests the SPY/QQQ price action will be very similar to yesterday's price action. I believe the markets are starting to move away from the basing/bottoming phase and moving back into trending phase.
Thus, I believe the SPY & QQQ will begin a rally up to highs reached before October 20-21, then form a top, and toll downward just before the US elections.
Gold needs to find some support and move higher - away from the 2625 price level. It is critical that Gold stay above 2620 at this stage. if Gold falls below 2620 - there is a very strong chance Gold will move into deeper consolidation and fail to rally above the 2750++ level I expect.
BTCUSD has already reached my lower support zone. I do expect Bitcoin to consolidate a bit near this lower price channel, but the next move is to either revert higher, or breakdown even further. Currently, I suggest waiting 20 to 48 hours with Bitcoin to let price settle on a new trend.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-9 : Breakaway In Counter TrendToday's video goes over why I believe today will be somewhat quiet in terms of trending and expectations. As I suggested in the video, today is a good day to trade with only 20-30% position sizes - or to take a day off and go golfing.
I don't expect any big moves today - even though today's pattern is a Breakaway in Counter-trend mode.
I believe the markets will pause today - seeking support/resistance and trying to establish a range for a bigger move on Thursday/Friday.
I hope you guys are learning how to use the Excess Phase Peak patterns more efficiently. They are not easy to learn - especially now that I'm showing both the Ying & Yang side of these patterns.
They happen everywhere and can be very important when making decisions.
Remember, price only does two things: Trends or Flags.
That's it. There is no other type of price action you have to prepare for.
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Gold Washout Low/Excess Phase Peak #3 Setup - Get ReadyThis short video highlights why I believe Gold is building a base near $2640 for a big rally move up to $2760++.
Yes, I highlight some concerns in this video.
I expected Gold to move more aggressively to the upside over the last 36 hours, but this is trading. Everything doesn't work out perfectly in all instances.
If you are trading Gold, this video should help you understand what is happening on the price chart and why it is so important for Gold to build a base and move higher from these lows.
If Gold breaks below $2620, all bets are off, and we may see a broader breakdown. But I don't think that is likely to happen with this move.
I still see the $2780 level as the upper target.
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Analyzing BTCUSD Using Excess Phase Peak PatternsI've been getting lots of emails and comments about the Excess Phase Peak patterns I use on my charts.
They are really quite simple to understand once you learn their structure/process.
But, the hardest part of using them is they work as a YING/YANG type of price structure. While the bullish Excess Phase Peak patterns are operating, the other side of price action, the bearish Excess Phase Peak patterns, are also operating in price.
So, you have to be able to see what's in front of you from both sides.
In this example with BTCUSD, I try to highlight both the bullish and bearish Excess Phase Peak patterns for traders to learn to use them more efficiently.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-8 : Gap Breakaway PatternToday's Gap Breakaway pattern suggests the SPY/QQQ will gap up and rally higher - moving away from yesterday's base/bottom.
Remember, we had two basing and bottoming patterns over the weekend. Although I don't really count weekend patterns as drivers of price trends, I view them as psychological patterns. In other words, they reflect expectations headed into the following week of trading.
So, the basing/bottoming patterns last weekend will likely resolve into a melt up type of trend this week and the gapping/breakaway patterns this week will, as a result, present a strong opportunity to the upside for traders.
Recently, I started drawing the "Roadmap" trade signals on the charts for traders. This is an attempt to make things easier for all of you. Allowing you to see where the opportunities are for Options or Share trades more clearly.
Ideally, if this works for all of us, then I'll be able to map out 4 to 7+ days of price rotation in clear trade triggers for all of us to use.
Now, something interesting I wanted to point out is the SPY has just moved into a #3 phase of an Excess Phase Peak pattern. It is a very small pullback off a high - but it is still a valid Excess Phase Peak pattern.
If price rallies today, as I expect, this rally will invalidate the Excess Phase Peak pattern and put us into a strong rally phase targeting $605 on the SPY.
Gold is getting ready to move into a basing/support zone over the next 18+ hours - then really start to rally higher.
BTCUSD has rolled downward - just as I expected moving into the #3 phase of it's Excess Phase Peak pattern.
Again, if you are not paying attention - I'm picking apart all of these charts very cleanly and the information I present should be helping you see and identify better trade opportunities.
Tell me how I'm doing.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-24 : Counter-Trend BreakawayToday's counter-trend Breakaway pattern suggests the markets will attempt to move downward (counter to the current Bullish trend) and attempt to find support.
I believe the downward price move in the SPY will target the 565-566 level for a low today - setting up a solid reversal rally phase going into the rest of the week.
We didn't see much downward trending yesterday - so, today could be the day the markets attempt to flush downward a bit.
I'm still urging traders not to overreact to this minor downward price move (potentially today). My analysis suggests the SPY is still on a path to target 595-605 before Oct 10th or so.
Gold/Silver will likely move downward today - setting up a nice base before the next rally phase higher. The strengthening US Dollar will continue to put pressure on Gold/Silver - but I don't believe the US Dollar will rally above 102 at this point.
BTCUSD appears to be rolling over into a consolidation phase. I believe we could see $60k to $62k before the end of this week as a base/bottom.
Now if not the time to be foolish. Just sit back, time your entries, and prepare for the next rally phase in the markets.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade 10-7 Roadmap UpdateThis short video updates traders related to the SPY & GOLD Cycle Patterns and how I see price playing out over the next 48+ hours.
I also highlight the resistance level setting up in BTCUSD.
Should be interesting to see how this plays out over the next 4+ days.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade for 10-7 - SPY Cycle Patterns RoadmapThis week, I'm trying something I started over the last week or two - a "Roadmap" of what I expect to see price do going forward 7-10+ days.
Now, this is something most people won't do because it presents a "live or die" outcome. Either I'm going to be right (or somewhat right) about price action and can live with my expectations - or, I'm going to be completely wrong about all of my expectations and it will prove to be a failed exercise in the use of my SPY Cycle Patterns.
So, at this point - you know I'm hoping price does exactly what I expect it to do.
I started doing this about 2 weeks ago. I just started calling it the "Roadmap" for traders (tieing into the Plan Your Trade concept).
What I'm trying to do is to show you how I use my SPY Cycle Patterns (and other analysis techniques) to try to stay ahead of market trends. And you can learn to do this as well.
It just takes time, practice, and knowledge.
So, as we start the week out in early October - let's see how this plays out and if we get any surprises with price action.
I spend quite a bit of time going over BTCUSD today - pay attention.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade 10-4 End Of Week Wrap-upWhat a great week overall! My SPY Cycle patterns worked fairly well to target buy/sell zones 4-7+ days in advance and really provided some much-needed guidance for traders this week.
I've been getting emails and messages from many traders telling me how my research and SPY Cycle Patterns have changed their lives.
It sure makes things easier when you have this level of information about the future of price trends/ranges, right?
As we head into the weekend - let's take some time to help those around us that need our assistance. After the recent Hurricane, I'm sure people within your reach need a little assistance.
Remember, this is when we, as Americans, need to stand up and help fellow Americans.
Be safe, and see you on Monday.
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Understanding Excess Phase Peak Patterns In More DetailThis video helps traders identify and understand Excess Phase Peak patterns in more detail, particularly in relation to current market trends.
Remember, these patterns are the constructs of all price action/activity. So, if you can learn to see, understand, and trade these patterns, you should be able to pick apart any chart - on any interval.
What's most important is for you to build your knowledge and understanding of price data. Price is the ultimate indicator.
Indicators and other systems are great to help you see and understand what price is doing - but PRICE is the real RAW SOURCE of all data. So, learning to understand better what price is doing is critical to improving your skills and trading abilities.
Hope this video helps.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-4 :Up-Down-Up Pattern (Counter)Today's pattern is an Up-Down-Up in Counter Trend mode. Thus, I expect to see and Dn-Up-Dn pattern today.
This pattern reflects today and the previous two days - as Down - Up - Down in range.
Overall, I expect today to be rather muted in terms of total range. Price should stay muted, sideways and drift downward overall.
Additionally, I believe the markets will be attempting to settle into support headed into dual base/bottom/momentum rally patterns setting up this weekend. I believe these patterns reflect a momentum shift that will launch the markets upward next week.
Gold and Silver will melt-upward today - likely attempt to settle the week near weekly highs.
BTCUSD is struggling to start forming a base near the 59k-20k levels. It will likely take 4-5 days for BTCUSD to actually build enough momentum to roll out of this basing pattern.
So, today is a day to prepare for the weekend and for next week's trading activity.
Sit back and take it easy today as price settles into the weekend's shifting momentum.
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ES Setting Up Excess Phase Peak Pattern - Stay Cautious Today.This price volatility has setup some very interesting price patterns on the chart. Particularly multiple Excess Phase Peak patterns on the ES chart.
My analysis suggests the ES must attempt to find support above the 5738 level, otherwise the ES (and NQ) will likely attempt to move downward into the #3, #4 and #5 stages of the Excess Phase Peak pattern.
This short video highlights how to use the Excess Phase Peak Patterns for your trading.
Stay cautious today. Price is very volatile and it is likely that we are seeing capital react to external news (again).
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-3 : Reversal Rally DayOver the past few days, I've posted 4-5+ videos highlighting my SPY Cycle Patterns and how these help traders plan and prepare for future price action/trades.
Today's Reversal Rally pattern should prompt a moderately strong upward price move in the SPY/QQQ. I'm expecting the SPY to attempt to rally up into the 572-573 range today - maybe a bit higher. The QQQ may attempt to rally up into the 487-489 range today.
Gold and Silver are working through a Temporary Bottom pattern today. This pattern usually starts with a moderate downward price move (setting up a base) and then rolls upward. So, I expect Gold to attempt to move back up to the 2680-2685 level today, and I expect Silver to rally up to the 32.12-32.25 level today.
BTCUSD is stuck in the Excess Phase Peak setup's downward (rolling base) pattern. This rolling base will likely take more than 2-4 days to resolve before we'll start to see BTCUSD move into the FLAGGING stage of the Excess Phase Peak pattern.
This suggests BTCUSD will struggle over the next 4 to 7 days before resolving into a moderate uptrend (the FLAGGING stage) - leading to a make-or-break price move sometime near October 15-19 or so. That make-or-break move could be huge depending on how BTCUSD resolves the end of the FLAGGING phase.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade 10-2 End Of Day Review.For those of you following my research and SPY Cycle Patterns, this video helps to understand where we are within the SPY Cycle Patterns (and also the GOLD Cycle Patterns) while providing context and information related to future trends.
I suspect the price will follow my "Buy Here" and "Sell Here" levels very closely, as this week's price rotation seems very clear.
Most traders should have no problem trying to understand where opportunities exist after the recent Harami and CRUSH patterns collided into one bigger downward sweep of price. Over the last few days, the Israeli/Lebanon conflict became a focal point, and prices reacted to this news.
Now that the issue seems to have passed (a bit), the markets will return to doing what they do.
Watch this video and post any questions you may have.
The rest of this week should be a great opportunity for skilled traders.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade 10-2 CRUSH Pattern UpdateThe SPY is searching and seeking support early in trading today.
I believe this attempt to find support will fail, and the price will continue downward, attempting to find lower support.
Watch this video as price attempts to identify direction and trend.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-2 : CRUSH Pattern TodayPlease take a minute to watch this video related to my SPY Cycle Patterns and today's CRUSH pattern.
Although I expect the markets to find support over the next 2-3 days and resume the rally higher, today's CRUSH pattern will likely prompt the markets to sell downward, looking for support.
I've clearly laid out the rotations I expect for the SPY/QQQ, and Gold/Silver in this video.
I've also shown why I believe BTCUSD will struggle to move away from the $57k to $61k level over the next 10 to 15+ days. It is likely trapped in a rolling base/bottom pattern, moving into the Flagging stage of the Excess Phase Peak pattern.
The markets are struggling for direction right now, but I believe the outcome for the SPY/QQQ is still bullish and I believe Gold and Silver will make a very big move higher into the end of this year.
Bitcoin is another story. It is searching for support and may break downward if this Excess Phase Peak pattern unfolds correctly.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-1 : Amazing Harami PatternI wanted to create a video highlighting some of the success my SPY Cycle Patterns have had over the past few weeks and months for all of you.
Many of you don't comment on my videos but follow my research intently. I see my videos getting 250 to 400+ views daily - so I know many of you are seeing my content. And that makes me happy because I'm doing this to help you become a better, more skilled trader.
Yet, after the last few days of price rotation, and particularly today's big news day, I'm absolutely amazed that if the SPY closes above 750.45, we may end up with a true Harami-Inside price pattern.
I want all of you to consider something for just a few minutes. My SPY Cycle Patterns are built on Fibonacci and GANN technology, which attempts to map out price patterns in a matrix. From this matrix, I can develop complex lookup engines (an inference engine) that attempt to map the current price pattern with known data from the matrix.
By doing this, I can map out any construct or type of price action/pattern that happens within price—now, in the past, or in the future. And, with my complex inference engine, I can map the Fibonacci/GANN structures nearly forever into the future.
For example, here are the SPY Price Patterns for the first two weeks in November 2036...
11/1/2036 Top/Resistance
11/2/2036 GAP Potential
11/3/2036 GAP-Reversal
11/4/2036 GAP/BreakAway
11/5/2036 Break-Away
11/6/2036 Carryover
11/7/2036 Inside-Breakaway
11/8/2036 Break-Away
11/9/2036 WeekendGap/WeekdayFlat
11/10/2036 GapUp-Lower
11/11/2036 GAP/BreakAway
11/12/2036 Harami-Inside
11/13/2036 CRUSH
11/14/2036 GAP Potential
11/15/2036 Top/Resistance21
What amazes me is that these patterns are predicted more than 3 to 5+ years before the actual price moves.
Like today's Harami pattern, I'm amazed that my SPY Cycle patterns could attempt to accurately predict a Harami-Inside price pattern 3+ years in advance of it happening.
I don't know anyone on the planet who can do this research and attempt to accurately map out future price trends/moves/setups like this.
Watch this video and see why learning to use my SPY Cycle Patterns is absolutely incredible.
I'm going to work on a QQQ version next.
Let's go get some profits together.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 10-1 : Harami-Inside PatternToday's video spends quite a bit of time going over the next 8+ trading days and why I expect the markets to continue to move upward - with the SPY targeting 595-605.
What is important to understand is that outside new events can disrupt my SPY Cycle Patterns. So, this new move by Israel to encroach into Lebanon may present some real disruptions in price activity.
But, ignoring that potential news suggests my price patterns will show price ultimately wants to melt upward.
My own personal opinion is the world has already discounted The continuing conflicts between Israel and these terrorist groups. I believe the world already knows Israel will do what is necessary to prevent further rocket/other attacks from these groups. And that's that.
So, I don't see it being a big distraction for the markets.
In fact, I see it as the natural order of how things must play out to reach a conclusion.
And I see the world's global markets moving higher as a result of these conflicts and the pending US elections.
Follow my research and ...
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-30 : 2 Week ExpectationsThis video highlights two weeks of SPY Cycle Patterns and what I believe is the most likely outcome over the next 10+ trading days.
I urge traders to stay cautious as the current capital shift (related to the Fed rate cut) is transitioning. This is a process where capital is actively seeking undervalued and ignored global market sectors.
This transitioning process may mute some price action related to the US markets and forward expectations. This is almost a certainty related to the pending US elections only 30+ days away.
I'm suggesting the current melt-up trend will continue until a potential topping pattern setup near October 18-24. I still believe a topping pattern is likely just before the elections which will send the markets moving downward. Traders must be aware of this topping pattern's potential downward price move.
I do see a solid upward price move in the SPY/QQQ over the next 7 to 10+ days. There is a CRUSH pattern on Wednesday this week, but the next two weeks show identical SPY Cycle Pattern setups.
I believe this week will be somewhat volatile for traders. But the next two weeks will be rock solid to the upside.
Gold and Silver will contract a bit in early trading this week, but should start moving higher on Wednesday/Thursday. Gold will target $2750 and Silver will target $33.50-34.00.
Bitcoin is rolling, just as I expected, to the downside. I believe BTCUSD will fall to 59k-60k before finding support. I also think BTCUSD will stay rather muted throughout the end of this year (at least into and through the elections).
Here we go—another week of opportunities.
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#ES_F 9.29 - 10.04.24 Distribution Continues ?Last Week :
Last week market opened and failed to get under VAH during the Globex session, we needed that to see more weakness from previous week. Instead we push back inside the Edge and started balancing above most of the supply which brough stability. We got a mid week Globex stop run into next unexplored Value which couldn't hold when Volume came in closer to RTH and it flushed back towards the Edge where we balanced above into the week end.
This Week :
Friday finished with a break back inside the Edge with a few days of Supply above. Sellers are at and above the Edge, holding under 5810s puts us in 5790 - 40s Range which with Supply above could give us fills back Inside/Under the Edge.
Needs to be holding above Edge and 5810 areas for a change and acceptance in 5790 - 5830s Range.
SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-27 : Gap Potential PatternToday's Gap Potential will likely resolve in an opening price gap to the upside.
I believe the current price bias, which is still to the upside, will prompt a higher opening price gap followed by a moderate bullish trend today.
I will warn you that an afternoon consolidation period heading into the weekend is not out of the question. So, be prepared for a flat trading range after Noon (NY) lasting possibly 60-90 minutes.
The close of trading today could prompt a fairly big price trend (an end-of-day Squeeze). This is capital moving out of the markets before the weekend, and it could prompt a big opportunity for traders. My guess is it would be to the upside, but it really depends on how price reacts throughout the day.
Right now, I would guess the upward price squeeze will change by 55 to 65% at the end of the day.
Overall, I believe today will be rather muted for the SPY, QQQ, Gold, Silver, and BTCUSD. Yesterday's big CRUSH bar is the volatility event this week (setting new higher highs and higher lows), followed by today's price action, which will settle ahead of next week.
So, today, it will likely show moderate trending with periods of flat/consolidation. The end of the day may show a more aggressive "Squeeze" trend - but we'll see if that happens.
Either way, play the chart. Play what is in front of you, and don't get trapped in any longer-term expectations. There will be lots of opportunities next week for bigger trends.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-26 : CRUSH In Trend ModeAnd here we go..
If you've been following my research/videos for the past few weeks, you already know how accurate and valuable my research/content is for traders.
I'm using common techniques: Fibonacci Price Theory, Technical Analysis, Candlesticks, and quite a bit of my own proprietary research to share insights and information with all of you.
The point behind all of this is to help you become a better, more skilled trader - and to learn to be patient while waiting for the best trade setups.
Today, we'll see the benefits of waiting out the last 5+ days of price consolidation and how price moves in only two modes: trending or flagging.
Today is a trending phase.
It seems like all the pressure of capital flow (after the Fed rate cut) is finally starting to hit as the US markets attempt to make a big move.
Remember, the top in the SPY should be between 595-605. The top in the QQQ should be near 505. The top in Gold (temporary peak) should be near 2720-2735. And the top in Silver should be near 34.50-35.00.
I'm still expecting BTCUSD to roll downward over the next 2-3 weeks - targeting 60,150.
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QQQs Break Above Unique High Level On Moderate VolumeAnother sign the markets are attempting to break away from sideways/topping patterns is today's closing price on the QQQs.
Today's close above the Unique Fibonacci Price Theory High suggests the QQQs are attempting to break away from the Excess Phase Peak pattern and will likely attempt to move up into the 501-502 price range.
Remember, the first rule of Fibonacci Price Theory is Price must always attempt to reach new higher highs or lower lows.
When it fails to make a lower low, it must roll over and attempt to reach a new higher high.
In this case, as we neared to top of the Excess Phase Peak pattern, the Ultimate High, price would either fail to make a new higher high (and attempt to roll downward) or it would break to a new higher high (thus confirming price is still in a Rally Phase).
Today's close means my analysis of the general markets moving into a "cleared for takeoff" rally phase is starting to become much more valid. We have broken above the Ultimate High on the QQQs with moderate volume.
Now, we should expect the QQQs to attempt to move higher - toward the 501-502 level.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 9-25 : Carryover in Carryover ModeToday's carryover trend will likely prompt a moderate meltdown in the SPY and QQQ. Pay attention to how the QQQ is still transitioning away from the shorter-term (blue) Excess Phase Peak pattern while the SPY has broken both the long-term and short-term Excess Phase Peak patterns.
In my opinion, this suggests the markets are still struggling to move higher overall.
The recent Fed rate cut will prompt the markets to shift attention towards more undervalued stock sectors. This will prompt a fairly broad-market rally phase to settle into place.
However, the US elections, which are only about 35 days away, act as an "uncertainty factor" for the markets.
Thus, we have a very interesting dynamic. The markets want to transition into a fairly broad rally while uncertainty and concern related to US policy and leadership are becoming increasingly contentious.
This translates into volatility, and I believe the markets are set up for a DEEP-V type of Flash Price move over the next 30 days. This is why I'm urging traders to stay cautious of a big volatility event after October 10-14.
In the meantime, the SPY and QQQ should attempt to rally a bit higher, and Gold will try to reach $2710-2720.
BTCUSD, on the other hand, looks like it will roll downward, targeting the $60,150 level.
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