Good apocalyptic news N°20> Another day trader bites the dust: Youtuber & gambler Garage Day Trader "no red month" vanishes without a trace 🤣
They never stop delivering. I am delighted. Another dumb day trader "trade for income like any regular job" with "no red month" sharing his mighty success on youtube gets wiped out.
Some people warned him in his comments, he was told it was "not a matter of if but when". Yup, like every day gambler it was just a matter of time.
The coward felt so much shame he deleted absolutely all his social content - some is still visible because it got archived.
I think he had a few dozen thousand suckerscribers on youtube, and he had a twitter and idk what else too. All gone now. Poof.
I just don't get these people. Simple logic is too hard for them. There is a total of 0 day trader in the world making huge money,
quants that have holding periods of a few hours:
- Take hundreds or thousands of (partly) uncorrelated trades to scale a tiny edge into some decent returns
- Use prime brokers and have minimal costs, which makes a huge difference on those small edges (-0.1 point spread 500 times adds up)
- Also have access to cheap leverage
- Understand special orders, pay for more special treatment, research, and so on
> Nigerians protesting SARS (AFTER the government banned them?), US liberals supporting them probably by mistake 🔥
SARS the repression unit that goes after Nigerian princes got banned by the government.
Alot of Nigerians support the princes because they think they are poor and take from the rich, except the people that do this are not poor...
Anyway interesting that it gets hit. And lots of "liberals" are supporting it but I am not sure if they understand it is SARS the police and not SARS the coronavirus.
Who ever knows with those idiots. The unit was, according to some, corrupt and was scamming the scammers.
Hey breaking news "peaceful protestors" in Nigeria (I wonder what tribe) stormed into a prison to free dindus.
The clown organisation Amnesty International called the protests peaceful but out of nowhere (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) "at least 10 people were killed".
The police might be corrupt, that I do not know (damn they probably are), but the fact is peaceful protestors threw rocks at them and Amnesty International has frowned and argued that police should have stood still and gently waited to die of stoning.
Instead they used "unnecessary violence against the protesters".
The government has imposed a curfew to stop the #mostlypeacefulprotests “This decision has become necessary because of the very disturbing incidents of vandalism and attacks on private individuals and institutions by hoodlums in the guise of #EndSARS protesters”
Braindead moron Jack Dorsey of Twitter is of course strongly supporting the protestors and I want to be informed immediately when he gets beheaded I will laugh to tears.
As we all watch the world burn, remember how people like me were received when we said lockdown and economic shutdown were idiotic.
"WE hAvE to SAve LIveS"
> France surrenders again: Chechen radical beheads a history teacher. Far left and right get to agree: Deport them all! 🏳️
Yay chechens again. A few months ago Dijon (the town where mustard comes from) was terrorized by a group of 150 Chechens that wanted to fight Algerians.
Even Mélanchon, the pro-diversity communist (literal communist, this is France) that is almost never seen without Miss Obono, his token black from Gabon, is saying he is tired of radical Chechens and wants them all deported. And any islamist that is "tagged" as radical should be immediatly deported.
The pro diversity communist also said the "anti islamophobia group" CCIF should probably be dismantled. Maybe he is being reasonable, maybe it is just the start.
We know how soviets treated minorities (the difference is even Russians were considered a minority) and how the Chinese treat minorities too.
People see them as smart and advance for some reason. DNA analysis has shown the majority of chinese are not even the same race as japanese, koreans and north chinese (and mongols etc), but in the same cluster as Cambodgians Vietnamese and other murderous communists.
Must be a coincidence if they share the same dna and the same practices because "it's all a social construct" ye man just an enormous coincidence.
No one from Europe ever had problems with the japanese & korean genetic cluster, must be a coincidence. Also "white supremacists" are only attracted to Koreans & Japanese outside of whiteland. Must be another coincidence. Advanced countries and everything high HDI & GDP, another coincidence for sure.
Those radicalised brainwashed idiots are exactly the same as Antifa. Young gullible cretins. Same story every time.
The far right is of course as you'd expect calling for deportations, nothing new, and as usual talking about culture & race is taboo...
The "moderate" clowns that get elected bury their heads in the sand like the birds, and it is as efficient as with the birds.
Sorry but when looking at a country cohesion, human index, economy, all of those factors have to be taken into account:
> Age
> Workers/mouths to feed
> Fertility rates
> Socio-economic groups
> Beliefs & culture
> Race, yes RACE!
"Tolerance" warriors should be so happy, we managed - finally - to get all (well most) "whites" to live together! Italians, French, Dutch, Germans, even North Africans.
And it just took a few decades. But they always want more. It's never enough. They push it and it will all explode.
White flag holders in Europe were criticizing the "Putin regime" for "being mean" to Chechens. Ye enjoy them now they're in your countries.
Idiots. Oh and the president of Chechens or whatever he is has "condemned" the beheading but hey "guys you provoked him thought" 😂
Ayyy globalist neo-liberals (the leftists are the ones that were pro colonisation right?) don't dare banning the muslim brotherhood in Europe.
> African nilotic countries entrepreneurs defeat China competition & dumb westerners charity with 1 simple trick! 🚙💸
People in nilotic countries (Uganda Kenya etc) and Ethiopia in the past years have come up with an ingenious way to compete with the chinese and european & north american kind soul charities that keep the African economies down.
Build shoes. With tyres. They can't be disposed of, they can't be recycled... until now.
A woman in Uganda exports them back to the dum dums in Europe and North America that destroy African economies by sending free stuff there, they are loving their tyre shoes "wow so ecologic".
All these morons care about is their little dopamine rush after convincing themselves they did something good (which works since they are too stupid to tell good and bad apart).
A man was laughed at by plebes as he was accumulating free tyres no one wanted (typical). They laughed, and they laughed, and then he got rich and they work for him now. So typical.
You don't get anywhere by being a brainless sheep.
Not sure how the businesses are doing right now with the runny nose lockdowns.
Here is a story about the woman, she received many prizes for being ecologic and for being a woman, whites are all pissing themselves in particular.
Too low IQ to figure out:
- Black = no cold winter = women stay at home less
- White = cold winter = women stay at home or they just freeze to death
A simple root cause that results in a big difference in outcome ESPECIALLY AT THE EXTREMES.
I don't know it's like just acknowledging racial DIFFERENCES - I did not say "superiority" I said DIFFERENCES - is so terrible.
"Ok doctor this person got hit by a truck please keep this person alive!" MD: "WHAT IS HIS BLOOD TYPE? HIS BIOLOGICAL GENDER FAST I NEED TO KNOW"
"I do not know what they identify as" aaaand it's gone (his life).
Who knows, maybe after 5 million people get their head chopped off we will start considering maybe starting thinking about considering paying attention to cultural & racial differences.
> Cryptocurrencies: That's it. China is deploying its crypto. This is good for Bitcoin (lol). John McAfee has 2 months left 🍽️
Good news everyone. McAfee got captured in Spain a few days ago.
Why you may wonder? Well as I said 1000 times crypto currencies are pyramid schemes that are only used by criminals including tax evaders.
And what a surprise, big crypto bull John McPonzi - known for promoting pump and dump altcoins for money - has used crypto to evade taxes.
The Shenzhen SEZ, the first SEZ in China, is now using the chinese digital currency among its population, as a large scale real experiment before complete deployment.
FYI Shenzhen has a GDP/capita PPP of $57,234 which is higher than France Germany & Japan, and obviously far higher than the lousy chinese one at a pathetic $16000.
Shenzen borders Hong Kong at the complete opposite side of the country from Beijing. Maybe one day this giant country will divide like Korea.
Mouth breathing superstitious primitives in the north, and smart advanced civilizations in the south except they don't make babies so they are bound to collapse anyway.
Pro-corporate laws, low taxes, and capitalism just works far better than social programs... Very simple...
Launching a digital currency in an advanced area yes, but can they do it with primitive medieval commies in the rest of the country?
I hope Beijing bans Bitcoin soon. Maybe they will tell everyone they are making a digital currency because they love cryptos and love them all then wait a bit for pro crypto gamblers to come out of hiding then strike them all 😝
> Dumb European bankers: "Hey! Let's drop market neutrality!". I guess Auschwitz will not stay a museum much longer 🤷
ECB Lagarde... "transition towards a greener economic model". That's it. Not much to add.
Perma bears like Peter Schiff were right... Those clowns are never going to reverse course and they will never let it crash.
I really hope Biden & Kamala win and quickly destroy the USA so we can rebuild. The faster it all collapses the faster I can stop being a permabear and we can all start bouncing back.
It's just this disgusting slow decline ffjfehjhjfsde rotting leg that they won't just CUT OFF! Tear that cancer out and foifkijing start rebuilding.
Stupid morons. Don't count on me to shed a tear when we get a new Hitler and they get sent to Auschwitz. Well I might cry a bit but not tears of sorrow 😉
I hope we get fascists rather than communists because with fascists as long as we play by the rules everything will be good.
Thanks to this wonderful thing that happened in the last 50 years called manmade CO2 emissions there will not be any mega starving like they used to be.
So no, I do not think it will be as extreme as the National-Socialists & Bolcheviks.
They're probably going to hard tax corporates and when jobs go away and the gdp goes away like Africa in the 80s, they'll rethink their strategy.
Of course "it will not be as extreme" does not mean there will not be any violence.
HYPOTHETICAL: BITCOIN - $30,000 BY 2024?The volatility of Bitcoin on anything less than a 4H chart, hides its path of momentum. On this monthly chart I show what I see. Move chart to left to see more. The path is more probably up in the long term based on monthly momentum. In my hypothetical $30,000 is possible - but I make no predictions. I previously made other speculations.
If we hit a 1929-type depression in the next few years - and fiat becomes meaningless as in 1929, what will we use to exchange value? I think it could be Bitcoin - or possibly some other crypto(s). I can't say it won't be Ethereum.
Some argue that 1929 is gone and the scenario would never happen again. I'm not so sure. When I look at the factors that contributed to 1929, I'm seeing them right now as the COVID-crisis evolves.
This post does not mean that you should rush out and purchase or invest in Bitcoin or cryptos.
Disclaimers : This is not advice or encouragement to trade securities. Chart positions shown are not suggestions. No predictions and no guarantees supplied or implied. Heavy losses can be expected. Any previous advantageous performance shown in other scenarios, is not indicative of future performance. If you make decisions based on opinion expressed here or on my profile and you lose your money, kindly sue yourself.
AUD USD SUNDAY SELLSell AUDUSD when it opens on sunday if there is no gap. If there is a gap sun/mon do not take the trade as it is not optimal. RSI looks like it will continue on its path downwards and possibly break the 30.00 RSI zone. Overall, price action broke the 23.60 fib zone and is looking to retest for a further movement to the downside.
Sell AUDUSD @ .57989
SL: .60014
TP: .55116
Inflation will drive markets to beautiful highs in the longtermHOLD ONTO YOUR BAGS LADIES AND GERMS BECAUSE THIS MARKET AINT GOING ANYWHERE BUT UP!!!!!! X)
As the advent of a global economic implosion is brought about, not from le covid scam, but from something le greater - the "we will run our economies purely on slave labor and fake monopoly monies ad infinitum and nothing will ever get bad. oh there are recessions? well just bail everyone out until there's no more competition and the giant corporations produce products that have no correlation to consumer demand :D!"
Let's be real, guys, the fed will implement whatever backstop, break whatever rule, coax whatever dipshit to buy into this invisible freight train for as long as the dollar can purchase their soylent. I think this year, and who knows maybe a couple more times in the next couple years, we will see some bloody crashes, that will then be drug back out from a drunken daze, have water poured on its face, and commanded to keep drinking more and more (until it's dead from alcohol poisoning, but hey, the markets have strong kidneys B), maybe they have irish blood). Once these crashes become more normal, especially from all the retail buying, and as the fed is able to implement more "robust" "measures' to "control" "deflation" and make sure that our "economy" is "strong" and "healthy", then there will never be a noticeable drop again.
So how do you play this inevitable inflationary nightmare? It's easy B), just keep buying the dips like the davydaytrader masters you are, keep listening to jim cramer, and buy the SVXY and whatever S&P DOW NASDAQ bull ETFs that you can cuz they ain't goin nowhere x).
And I might sound sarcastic, but guys come on, this bull market will never end! ok that was sarcasm <:o)
The S&P will skyrocket until the dollar is on its deathbed and austerity measures are implemented that probably lead to the socialist states of the west coast and new england to secede while the actual producers and normal hardworking Americans are foisted into a deflationary depression (probably with a gold standard). So keep buying guys, cuz this next drop this election season will be our last and probably the last time the VIX gets to shine like a rockstar until its put into retirement :').
Silver could touch $40-41 very soonToday, we're looking at SILVER.
Silver, along with Gold are in the early stages of a multi year bull market rally.
Looking at the daily, we could see a break out and the start of Wave 3 before the the end of September but could be delayed a week.
In the longer scale, going back to the late 1970s, we have the biggest cup and handle formation I've ever seen.
If a catalyst can make itself available, we could see $59 for a hot minute.
Longer term my target for silver is $130.
DXY: Upper 70s to 80 Likely Late Q1 2021Hello traders,
The dollar has completed a 12345, A and B over the past 10 years (dating back to roughly mid 2011). The "B wave bounce top" was the Coronavirus temporary deflationary period, and now the dollar will continue to undergo a sharp C wave impulse down to 77.5-78 (or around 80) by sometime in February, March or April of 2021.
This is not to say the dollar will go down everyday - or every week - but rather, this is certainly the start of prolonged weakness in the dollar and Gold and Silver will indeed have a furious Wave 1 impulse in Q1 2021 (currently, Gold and Silver are gearing up for a Wave 5 therefore it will take time for both to complete a Wave 5 then an ABC before an ultimate sharp Wave 1 in an entirely new cycle).
Normally, C-wave corrections (like that unfolding in the dollar), typically have a similar angle of inclination (or in this case declination) of that to Wave 3. Therefore, the C wave impulse downwards could be quite voracious and sharp as we move through the end of this year and into the start of 2021.
There is easily a possibility for the dollar to re-test 94 or even 95, however, any bounce will ultimately be short-lived.
No Technical Analysis Just a Shill and a QuoteHey guys,
Longtime I haven't posted a Colorchart. I think it's time to through one out there, still not writing much (I hate it!!)
Well, as I just saw some FUD on $BTG going to ZERO, I did this ColorCharts for sky-blue Entries.
Whatever your decision is to get in or not at whichever price you think it's fair to risk some capital, I'm thinking that $BTG is underwater and the surface of the water is at $600.
The Colorchartist Law of Crypto Price Energy Measured in Fiat will alway be a Fibonacci Time Function Exponentially correlated with the ability of Central Bank to maintain a Binary Belief of Digit Printed on Papers while Digitization of the World via Crypto is Infinite but Capped with the finite amount of the Bitcoin Network with Satoshi being still Unknown such as Infinity.
#TheColorChartist #GBAZQuote #DontSteelIt #ItDoesntMakeAnySenseRight #JustThinkAboutIt
It would not take much to get BTC to ath. 85k by 2022? 200k? 🚀Bitcoin, like many other currencies as well as money, is skyrocketing, as us dollar holders sell to buy something else.
Governments, wealth & pension & other funds, individual investors, they hold tens of trillions of us dollars. And they are selling for something else.
Funds are well known to be absolute sheep. They FOMO. They buy anything shiny to not miss out because if they do miss out their clients get angry.
If they start buying crypto... You are not prepared for this. They can send the price exploding up like tsar bomba.
All this usd outflow is going into gold, silver, forex, and yes bitcoin. Volume are higher than usual (while commodities have rather low volumes).
It does not take trillions to push the price of Bitcoin up. A simple 10k coins purchase alone is already enough to send the price flying up a few hundred bucks.
1- The collapse of the US DOLLAR
I have not heard much about crypto lately, there is not much hype. Where is the euphoria? Disbelief stage? Permabulls have gotten tamed from all the dumps.
The US DOLLAR is massive. It represents 85% of the trading volume, about 5 trillion usd are exchanged every day on the Forex market, add bonds and stocks and you have at least another trillion or two.
USD holdings amount to tens of trillions. China government alone probably holds around 2 trillion in usd.
And now the USA are collapsing. Huge wealth & pension funds are selling. This money has to go somewhere.
Feels like I'm doing Forex. Everything is Forex & US indices. Money goes in or out of the usd that's all there is to it.
The whole world moves in sync. In March the uncertainty in the us stock market meant whales were going into usd, price was going up.
And now investors are exiting the usd and everything else is gaining value. US Dollar versus the world.
I thought he was retired but in 2017 at Davos our favorite speculator Bank Of England breaker George Soros said he would bring financial armageddon and hell to the USA.
He really does not like Trump. Looks like it's mission success. He is well known for destabilising governments, and recently the EU parliament said he had the humans rights court in his grip.
When he shorted the UK journals described traders that followed him as a pack of wolves ripping apart the pound.
2- FOMO of the sheep funds & retail spending spree
US consumers are getting paychecks, and plenty are scamming the government to get free money. Such as businesses that don't need any of it.
Some of this money is going into "investment vehicles". So you have this that can fuel additional growth (not as big as the usd going down).
And you also have all these hedge funds that get judged quarter to quarter and cannot afford to miss out or underperform other funds.
Even Warren Buffet that made it clear he was a long term investor had his investors run away when he missed out on the Dot Com bubble.
Wall Street has become a huge herd of sheep that have no choice but to follow what others are doing and make sure they don't miss out or underperform others.
Look at what happened with Tesla. This is what happens when the hedge fund herd starts to buy.
3- Charting and targets for Bitcoin
The price action does not look good for Bitcoin. Since 2018 it has been in a nasty correction. This does not mean it cannot start a clean uptrend.
But for now I would not bother buying it. There are much better looking charts, cleaner trends.
Most bagholding refuse to sell price manipulating correction I have ever seen.
If we ignore 2018 flat then vertical down to 3000 thing, this looks alot like the nasdaq indice.
And I'm very glad of this post I made a while ago, they dropped exactly the same:
Bitcoin 2012 but especially 2016-2017 trends were magical. If there is a nice trend again it would be an easy buy and hold. Otherwise I don't really see the point.
For years Sweden was a hellhole and its currency going to zero. And now the USA are a hellhole and their currency is going to zero and SEK to infinity.
Globalist bankers want to replace the USDOLLAR. Situations change. If the Swedish currency could beat the usd and rally, bitcoin can too. Anything can happen :)
As the Swedish group ABBA said, Bitcoin is saying "Take a chance on me".
Are you prepared?Hello, at this moment in time it seems like we broke out of a bullish triangle with some good upside perspective. As we're trading above the ranging channel, opportunities may be good when you're looking to convert your Euro's to the Binance Exchange platform. Now you can buy into flexible and locked saving plans! For the flexible option you'll be rewarded with a estimated annual yield of 1.45% which is higher at this moment in time. As for the locked estimated annual yields around 5.7% (7d), 5.85% (14d), 6% (30d), 6.15% (90d). That's a better rate than any bank atm by my knowledge and your capital is ready to pick up some crypto when the market flips bullish! Since recently you can buy FIAT via SEPA/wire transfer without any supplementary fees. That seems like a good trade for me especially when you think that you can pick up crypto when the EUR/BUSD is positioned under the range.
That's my tip of the month everybody, take it or leave it. I'll be happy to hear your thoughts!
*DISCLAIMER* I'm new to chart analysis since November 2019 and this idea is only for the purpose of sharing ideas -> NOT investment advice,
therefore any feedback from aspiring traders and experts are more than welcome.
Always keep in mind not to enter a trade to soon and remember to take profit along the way.
Stay safe, stay profitable & may the odds be forever in your favor ^^
FIAT CHRYSLER AUTOMOBILES - Milan ... any problems??What could be happened with the Italian automobile monster to loose more than 70% of its value by huge H&Sh and a flag??
Doomsday? Are we shorting? Tomorrow I'd be expecting a third test of the resistance in the graph. Only a breakout with high volume can be considered valid for the uptrend. If not, I'd short it on a fake breakout.
Indicators do not convince me to go long.
IMHO news about FCA PSA merger are already discounted. No reason to still price the security for that.
BTC BULLISH TO 10K ~ Breakout of Symmetrical Triangle ~As of right now $BTC is still in the triangle formation while $ETH has broken upward. This is a symmetricall triangle so im expecting a breakout in the upward direction, in the same way the trend was moving.
Ive been watching the 50MA and 200MA very closely especially on the 4hr and 1D, and the Bearish Cross has been denied thus far. This is a great bullish sign and it could keep the trend moving in a bullish direction.
Im expecting a test and possible break of 10k, just so that it can retest resistance at the top of the daily trend line. And ill be watching closely and reacting in the meantime
USD fiat currency & Fed balance sheet parabolic peaks by Nov2023On the left is currency supply and right is the fed balance sheet. Both have similar trajectories to end of Oct 2023.
If I had to guess when the collapse of the USD happens, I would have guessed by end of this decade, however now that we can plot MZM ( which is the new figure the fed publishes for all monies except CDs/time locked deposits which looks very similar to M1+M2 money supplies. When plotted, we get this parabolic LOG chart of exponential debt/currency creation bubble...
The D-day for the USD is end of ~Oct 2023. So far my money is on math and law of exponential growth. If you don't believe this, watch this 2 min video to remind you of what the last few years of this should feel/look like and we may be upon those last few years:
So perhaps maybe we do some sort of digital dollar and revaluation by Nov 2023 on USD and hence break the parabolic ascents?
You may ask who cares... well this sets the path of why gold and silver should do phenomenal next 3 years which is exactly how long I would expect the next bull market at a minimum/maximum to last.
End of the USD by late Oct 2023? - parabolic growth of USDI thought it would take another decade for USD to collapse, but given the recent fiscal expansion, the new parabolic debt/currency ascent looks like it's may bring that date potentially in to late 2023.
BTC patience ProspersThis is what i will be waiting/watching for over the coming weeks/months.
As Central Banks print trillions of dollers each day of worthless FIAT currencies to prop up an already doomed global economy.
Many other will be going back to cash and decreasing their risk on stock markets.
Once everything settles and the Media stop over hyping this Corona Virus and hospitals start to cope with the decreasing cases we will see money start to look for places that offer value.
The market cap of Crypto currencies is so small that if even a very small fraction of this liquidity finds its way into BTC we will see a rally much larger than 2017.
Remember the year BTC was born and what was happening globally at this time.......!