FORD MTR CO ( F) Monthly, Weekly & DailyDates in the future with the greatest probability for a price high or price low.
The Djinn Predictive Indicators are simple mathematical equations. Once an equation is given to Siri the algorithm provides the future price swing date. Djinn Indicators work on all charts, for any asset category and in all time frames. Occasionally a Djinn Predictive Indicator will miss its prediction date by one candlestick. If multiple Djinn prediction dates are missed and are plowed through by same color Henikin Ashi candles the asset is being "reset". The "reset" is complete when Henikin Ashi candles are back in sync with Djinn price high or low prediction dates.
One way the Djinn Indicator is used to enter and exit trades:
For best results trade in the direction of the trend.
The Linear Regression channel is used to determine trend direction. The Linear Regression is set at 2 -2 30.
When a green Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression upper deviation line (green line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a sell is triggered.
When a red Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression lower deviation line (red line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a buy is triggered.
This trading strategy works on daily, weekly and Monthly Djinn Predictive charts.
Trades made when the monthly, weekly and daily arrows are pointing in the same direction are the most profitable.
This is not trading advice. Trade at your own risk.
Ford ($F) Symmetrical Triangle Bullish, Insider Buying. As you can see, a nice bullish symmetrical triangle has formed on the chart recently, and you can also see some double bottom patterns before and recently it bounced off the double bottom. This was due also because of the catalyst of Ford beginning their production again once more. One very interesting thing, however, is that the COO(Chief Operating Officer) actually spent his entire salary worth millions of dollars into buying Ford at 5.01 dollars a share. Knowing these patterns, as well as the insider buying, this was a easy buy especially at that double bottom. The symmetrical triangle also shows more promise on the long term and by the end of next week I suspect that it will atleast be over 5.5 dollars a share if not more and you can see today it already shot up by around 7 precent.
Ford continues to consolidate on GoNoGo Charts dailyLong post but so much information!
Ford Motor Company is consolidating sideways after the precipitous drop that came with Covid-19.
The GoNoGo Charts highlight many traditional aspects of technical analysis and they can be seen here on the chart of Ford.
The GoNoGo Trend indicator has illuminated the down trend with consistent bearish purple and pink bars but since the end of march has been forming a consolidation pattern with higher lows and lower highs. You can see the upper bound of resistance and lower bound of support are on a collision course to meet.
In fact, there is cause to think that the down trend is weakening as we saw amber neutral GoNoGo bars during the last price high.
The GoNoGo Squeeze indicator accurately shows this reduced price volatility with its climbing grid that has formed a few times throughout the sideways price action. (Lower panel)
Also traditionally associated with this kind of consolidation is low volume and again, the GoNoGo Charts show this. Gone is the dark blue color of the Oscillator in the lower panel. The dark blue represented higher than normal volume as prices crashed. The GoNoGo Oscillator has been its default pale blue for most of this consolidation.
Look for a significant move away from zero to determine Ford’s next move.
Ford Technical Analysis - Stand Aside I would go Short only based on Technical Analysis that shows a Symmetric Triangle - Continuation Pattern of a Bearish Market. In fact it would lead to a potential target level of 3.50$
Fundamental Analysis supports the Bearish Market:
Second quarter loss could exceed 5 Billion $ with a lost of 0.5$ per share.
Some Analyst are expecting a rise in the stocks up to 6.00$, This is the reason why the wisest option is to hold.
F (FORD) needing to prove more .Before one considers buying NYSE:F , I think this stock still has things to prove . I believe a considerable break of the green line/resistance at least , is necessary If we are to hope for it going up .I also think closing considerably above the black line/resistance will be even better and confirm that it will be heading towards the 8.5-8.85 area .
OPENING: FORD OCTOBER/MAY 3/5 LONG CALL DIAGONAL... for a 1.73 debit/contract.
Max Loss: $173/contract
Max Profit/Return on Capital: $27/contract ; 15.6%
Break Even: 4.73/share
Notes: A small, defined risk engagement trade here in Ford. The metrics generally aren't what I'm looking for in one of these setups (25% ROC or greater), but I'm selling the front month shortie at-the-money, so that's to be expected.
Ford (F) may be going lower, but I don't careFord may be going lower considering sales will likely decrease due to COVID-19, jobs will take time to reestablish and the economy to slowly recover. What is intriguing about Ford to me is:
1. It is a 116 year old company which means it has been through every financial crisis since 1903 and is still here to talk about it
2. One of the top ten companies with the largest cash piles, roughly 22 bln.
3. to be able to own a company at the current price or below is ridiculous IMHO
4. Theoretically has the ability to enter new markets should sour gapes still hit the fan
"Ford: correction to continue the down move"4H Chart Explanation:
- Price broke the Ascending Trendline and started the down move.
- Price is on a Bearish Corrective Structure below the Resistance Zone.
- If price breaks it, it will move down towards the next Support Zone.
Weekly Vision:
Daily Vision:
Updates coming soon!
Short Term BullishNYSE:F
Indicators that I use:
* Purple = 9 EMA
*White = 21 EMA
*Light Blue = 200 EMA
Since markets have been flooded with fed money and a lot of reaction of overselling and overbuying on good and bad news (this market doesn't make any sense), I put a short term analysis on why I am temporary bullish.
Using the 30 min Intra day chart, the first indication I got was at the green arrow where the 9 EMA crosses over the 21 EMA(I use this as a GOLDEN CROSS to go long on a position). This indicates to me that a trend reversal has happened prior to a couple days ago testing support at $4.20 and being oversold as seen on the RSI. In a similar fashion, higher highs and higher lows can be seen continuing to prove my theory that indeed we are in a bullish trend. Another indication that allowed me to confirm is that the candles continued to ride above the 21 EMA and not once falling below it. To further support this, the trend at the second green arrow pulled above the 200 EMA once again indicating that this is a bullish trend and setting the current support above $5.
With more money being dumped into the economy and trumps plan to bring more stimulus money to the people, I can see this riding the wave of news to new higher highs.
FORD Analysis - Henry Wouldn't HappyFord stock just hasn't been the same and it's not looking any better.
They're down over 75% from their highs in 2014 and the company just lowered its 2020 guidance to $1.20 EPS while suspending their dividend and shutting down their plants. They have a ton of cash on hand and just borrowed another $15.4 Billion maxing out their credit lines, but they're losing around $1 billion a week. Ford hopes to open some plant in April to work with 3M & GE in making make ventilators and respirators but no confirmation yet as to when.
So right now we have a car maker that isn't making cars, losing $1 billion a week, credit lines maxed out, with no plan mentioned as to what the next move is yet. RSI is currently oversold so we may get a slight bounce but a very risky play at the moment. I would only consider for a slight scalp play with a tight stop loss. Keeping an eye to see if we find some support around $1.80 - $2.00 range or if any new announcements come out to change the sentiment.
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I do not provide personal investment advice and I am not a qualified licensed investment advisor. I am an amateur investor.
All information found here, including any ideas, opinions, views, predictions, forecasts, commentaries, suggestions, or stock picks, expressed or implied herein, are for informational, entertainment or educational purposes only and should not be construed as personal investment advice. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. I will not and cannot be held liable for any actions you take as a result of anything you read here.
Conduct your own due diligence, or consult a licensed financial advisor or broker before making any and all investment decisions. Any investments, trades, speculations, or decisions made on the basis of any information found on here, expressed or implied herein, are committed at your own risk, financial or otherwise.
Ford 15% up easily if they get some government supportFord seems has passed the 1st wave of shock and things are getting stable. It Can easily go to $5- $5.10 if there be some supporting news from CEO or government. And since it is a mother industry, its more likely that government will help them to make less job loses. tomorrow morning if the market be stable I will buy and then sell it same day at noon or tomorrow Friday.
"Ford: down move coming" by ThinkingAntsOkDaily Chart Explanation:
- Price broke the Weekly Support Zone (now Resistance Zone).
- Expect a pullback towards that Zone.
- After that, price will move down towards the next Support Zone.
- We are waiting the pullback to take short trades on lower timeframes.
Weekly Vision:
Updates coming soon!
Ford's market cap versus Tesla'sSeeing historic lows in Ford makes me think their lack of direction has finally been priced in, but compared to $TSLA it still seems wrong in some way...
Ford's market cap now runs around $23B, while $TSLA is north of $110B, even despite a large % downturn.
That said... free cashflow for Tesla just recently eclipsed Ford.
Ford in trouble, looking clear to short.I have been watching Ford since Jan 15 and the bears have been having a field day. The recent trend is a further confirmation Ford is in short term trouble. The news at end of day of the Mach-E being a fine electric vehicle, but lackluster compared to Tesla, was a big blow to them. Their earning's call in early 2019 banked their future on the electric products and the end of 2019 Q4 call said they were "proud and encouraged," by the interest in the new Mustang Mach-E. The lack of early numbers being disclosed and the first early reviews doing their best to find positive lead me to believe it's going to struggle.
The Stoch RSI has been a mostly good indicator on this stock, with the triple peaks and sharp peaks going above 80 signaling sharp price falls. It does provide a warning though that previous peaks within the 80-40 range were followed buy small price rises, but other instances show it falling dramatically as well
The fundamentals scream sell, the TA shows sell, and the 1H and 15 min charts show the end of day news did little to bolster the stock price. Next level of support is 7.81, looking good to short to there or a little higher to guarantee fill. My personal range is provided in the chart. My detractors would be:
Stoch RSI at similar points has been followed by spikes down, but also occasionally small spikes up. Would like to see the peak come down above 80 like the other clearer signals.
Mach-E only had one early review, as the official articles and videos come out it could cause a price jump.
The two other times the Squeeze Momentum indicator had this much selling pressure, it was followed by small price hikes before falling again. Could trigger Stop Loss
Please leave any feedback on this analysis and let me know what could be more heplful (More SnR levels, more explanations on graph, more description, etc.)