VIVINT accused of fraudWith last week report and allegation towards VSLR has caused the share price to drop and may continue to drop further if the allegations has its basis.
30th Sept price 6.13
General Electric - Expect volatilityGE, America's sweetheart has been accused of fraud allegations before. This time though, it's by the same person who did it on the Madoff Scheme (Harry Markopolos)
Markopolos’ main points of contention are:
1) GE’s insurance obligations are woefully under-reserved and it has been lying to the Kansas Insurance Department
2) GE shouldn’t have consolidated BHGE’s financial statements, which are a source of confusion
3) GE’s evolving presentation makes it very difficult to evaluate GE’s operating performance.
In response to the whole ordeal, General Electric's CEO bought $2million in shares.
Welcome to a Fraudstreet Just seeing this make you barf spyim not a perma bear i really want america to prosper but seeing this what make me barf, im not angry because i missed the rally and losse money trying to be rational, i know, markets could be more irrational that i can stay solven.
There is always risk involved, but now i confirm that stock market is a complete and absolutely fraud.
why? first the political side, all these rally was created and false trade ward with mexico, just when the stock market was suffering the worst may, but they create and trade ward and solve it in a week, just to hide the obvious, the data is not just horrible, look at last job report, they even downgrade previous jobs reports, and even wall street brag about the best week of the year? , now they make a deal with mexico and the new york times said that this was previously arrange months ago, just to hide the fact that things are not only bad at a global level, things are getting worse with china, and now they made the best week of the year, microsft rally more than 10% in 4 days. when is that happen ever before?
looking for indicators Yen/carry trade has been always correlated about 95-98% to sustain rallys, if you look at charts we are at the same level that dic correction, and in may was 98% correlation, so magically they are not even correlated? no is 0.38? wtf is going on now. looking at money flow, the last 3 times we have these moves, corrections happen but these time is actually worst! more oberbougth that nov, dic, and march combine. im buying crazy puts just before the fed " cut rates"into weeks! crazy! idiots are going to make the market crash! hope you guys stay safe! becareful out these this is no man land!
My view of crypto fraud market, the magician and 666I've wanted to post this idea much earlier, but I didn't feel to write, although I got so many to write about with a constant flow of ideas and information that I could write volumes, I try to keep it short and expand it in updates. I do notice nobody gets my updates, you have to click the "Follow this idea" next to the like button, try if that helps... if not, well my account is shadowbanned indeed.
The pump was artificial, there is no 100m usd mystery buyer, that story is non-sense, because a mystery buyer does not place at hundreds of exchanges same second for supposedly billions of dollars market orders. Imho, it's the crypto cartel, ala exchanges that have done this. I've explained this before in the MM exit pump idea when we went to 8.45k last year.
Today my friends, it's the beginning of the end. I've talked about black swan for over a year that it's coming. Bitfinex and tether are getting sued, but this is just the beginning, because the rest is following.
Task Enforcement agencies have already banded worldwide and Binance will be the biggest of entire crypto collapse.
I shared with friends a vision I had last summer that a major exchange is going to get shutdown in Oct '19, I've put this idea locked/private, here it is for future reference @
This probably will be shunned as fud, but I know asia crackdown is coming coming months already and CZ probably knew he would go to jail when he stayed in Japan, which I've talked about last year, hence fleeing to pirate island, which is now also not safe, they're coming there as well. I've made predictions last year as well what would happen and so far coming true:
1) Fake exchange hack stories, when in reality it's organized theft and exitscams. Many have exitscammed and many more will, including the large exchanges. Quadriga was just one of them;
2) The drop to 3.2-3.3k, before going lower;
3) Manipulation of price using tethers;
4) Manipulation of public sentiment;
5) The toxification of crypto communities (see CT);
6) The rise of fraud and criminal activities.
I've calmed down the guys thinking it was the bottom at 3.12k, which I do not subscribe too. I saw even the permabears became bullish and calling the bear market over. I've always said we going to make a new low to 2-2.2k for bounce area to watch how it reacts before calling anything over. My neutral price is $650-700 and a real collapse could mean $80-$90 per bitcoin. I've shared my fundamental reasons for thinking and feeling so. I've shared the evidence of manipulation back in Bitcoinica days, to MtGox to Bitfinex to Binance to Bitmex and all usual suspects of pump and dump clowns and promoters and useful idiots at the expense of the naive, which there are many.
You've been told lies about Bitcoin and it's become like a religion, which any who believed in it that it would be the future would proof to me they are young souls and probably will find out the hard way if they don't change.
I do believe digital currencies will be the future, probably with blockchain for scalability, uptime and security. I've watched this space since 2011 and only started trading few years laters and I've read the bitcoin white paper and sounded very good. Today, 10 years later, Bitcoin devs have departed from that vision for centralized vision, the anti-thesis of Satoshi Nakamoto. What has become of cryptocommunity freedomlovers has turned into a toxic place of the masses where everything is about the value of bitcoin vs usd, including exchanges who scam people for every cent they got. This was not what Bitcoin was first about, hence I call crypto a giant fiat extraction ponzi scheme. If crypto was about to survive and have meaning, it has to start over, with all rotten players out of the game and start mass adoption in private and public sector at much lower prices so distribution goes to as much people as possible.
Valuations are still in bubble territory and is kept aritficial with tethers. Last month over 1.2 BILLION magic money (yesterday 300m + 40m) was pumped in the system with worldwide fiat trading vol less than 6% and estimation fiat in system less than 10% at much lower prices, so prices are propped up to the last suckers still buying, including some people from MtGox days I know who have not learned anything.
Now here is the kicker. They can still exit scam and pump prices to 8-30k, which has nothing to do with technicals, see my chart, in other words, entire crypto will be Tethers exclusively. This will mean that you CANNOT cash out in fiat, I hope you do understand that, right? Your only place would be p2p with no liquidity and eventually at discount. I've said in my updated post and in the one of SPX + my twitter were first resistance was, which we hit and second to sell coin and also where to exit crypto and cash out. I've recommended not to short and some people didn't listen and got in big losses, then why you telling me this when I said not to short when obviously it would go higher.
With such news, this rally can be over, as it was with Bitconnect. Yeah, how did TA worked out for you with that. Most important asset is your brain.
I will update this post later on, right now is critical time and I don't have time to write more at the moment. This chart was made yesterday and targets were made many months ago. My targets don't change, as you see in my previous ideas, I actually did call the bottom which I said was NOT the FINAL bottom. Many egos said they called it when they didn't call anything without any proof, while mine is over a year old at first.
Most important thing, preserve your capital. Updates will follow.
Softbank: Trading at top of megaphone patternSoftbank has come under increasing scrutiny for its eye-popping investments and corporate governance practices. Investing almost a billion into a company embroiled in a massive accounting fraud scandal (Wirecard) is not what I would characterize as best use of shareholders' capital.
Starting from the 2009 trough, the stock has completed 5-waves up with the price action over the last 5 years culminating in a bearish megaphone pattern.
FB Breakout appears to be fake.FB had a huge spike after earnings . However, when one looks at the chart, this spike and the optimism seem unwarranted.
FB is still well below its long-term trend that has been in play for years. The trend was irreparably damaged in October, and the probability that FB sees a new high in the short term seems almost impossible (what will drive it?) The chart currently is so absurd that it's impossible to predict. It created a huge gap that will be filled shortly. And it seems to desperately try to remain in its previous trend, but has moved too far down, too quickly, to re-enter it.
It is also very suspicious that the reports of up to half of FB users being fake was completely ignored by the market. And it seems that FB's own estimates of fake accounts varies wildly year-to-year and is now estimated at over 100 million.
When a company reports the revenue per user, and then estimates that the number of fake accounts is over 100 million, serious questions need to be asked which currently are being ignored.
My guess is that FB knows that it's popularity is decreasing, and they faked the numbers and growth to try to buy some time (maybe through Instagram or VR or something else).
I would be very cautious here.
COINBASE/KRAKEN-FRAUD-INVESTORS RALLYThis post is for the exchanges who labeled BCHABC as BCH...
I'm creating this idea to rally investors so that their voices are heard in regards to Coinbase's and Kraken's premature decision to label BCHABC as BCH which have caused losses to investors.
Exchanges have absolutely no excuse for labeling BCHABC as BCH. They have been in the crypto community for awhile and should understand how blockchains operate.
They knew BCHABC did not decisively win miners hash.
They knew the hash war would not be 'won' in hours or days.
They knew labeling BCHABC as BCH was not in the best interest of investors.
Coinbase HAS NOT given any CLEAR information in regards to WHY they labeled BCHABC as BCH.
Coinbase HAS NOT given any detailed information regarding their customers respective BCHSV tokens.
This is not acceptable from a so called, 'leading exchange'.
Please visit the articles for further analysis...
Any exchange selling BCHABC as “BCH” is engaging in an extremely dangerous pump and dump fraud. Here is why.
The take home message, if you came so far, is to steer clear of exchanges that try to sell ABC as “BCH” as ABC is extremely unstable and not comparable to your BCH holdings. In fact all stable BCH miners are committed to mining BCH with the SV protocol and consider ABC an attack on BCH.
This death spiral is the most likely scenario for ABC because it relies on BABV, which is extremely unstable hash that can disappear any time if the pool operators cannot afford anymore to subsidise it.
So how does ABC save itself? The short answer is that BCHABC is doomed because the only way for BCHABC to be saved is for committed BCH miners (CBSM) to flip on ABC.
Death Watch
50% this morning! 100 dollar bitcoin coming in 2023Nice morning start...
Anyone wondering where BTC is going next during the day DM me.
Ultimately BTC is going to 100 Dollars
Yes you heard that right... 100 dollars
Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple will create their own coins in the next decade and this will bring the first generation of blockchain to an end while they spend billions developing their own monetary system with the likes of JP Morgan.
Market FraudI am Beginning to be 100 percent sure that events in the market are manufactured simply to push the market one direction or the other that is favored by the elite. It is so obvious in this regulatory agency charge against Musk.....
How Ironic that as Tesla is about to make a push and succeed again the mounting Shorting attack again the company..., despite of it is unbelievable success...... Then a perfectly timed charge is published to make a perfectly chart timed blow to the stock to push it against a MULTIYEAR resistance line.... What a coincidence....
I Think those regulatory agency are the FRAUD..... not Musk
(LTC) Bots, Market Manipulation, and Forced Liquidations, Oh My!Alright folks, been AWOL for a bit but today's utter chaos called for a serious look at what appears to be blatant market manipulation.
So naturally, being that this is an LTC chart one would assume we'd be taking a hard look at litecoin.....well not really, sorry folks.
I actually chose litecoin because every since the litepay debacle the project has taken an utter beating...while your ltc wallet probably took a heavy gained something beautiful from all the chaos: increased market independence.
That is key, because as we all know BTC is practically a crypto index these days, LTC always had more autonomy due to more fiat trade pairs than other alts, but now especially it is moving more freely from BTC's clutches.
This is important, because while a knee jerk sell off of BTC like we saw this morning will always see alts follow; the ETH and LTC markets dont often appear to take direct ratio downturns with BTC.
But not this time. Oh no, this time fiat heavy trade pairs took nearly an identical hit...and that my friend's smells damned fishy.
(Just a sidenote: my formal background is actually in engineering and algorithmic cycles are something I studied pretty extensively, so I'm not just pulling this out of thin air, the cycles were clear and apparent from the get go)
Anywho, all the mumbo jumbo no one cares about aside lets jump in.
The pattern:
Cycle decrease is taken from impulse move to impulse move
Primary cycle appears to be 58 bars
Cycle break was 79 bars, nothing too telling here regarding cyclic length but it is worth noting that the offset rate of decrease from impulse high to low is maintained.
Every post pump down trend angle is increasing by exactly 2 degrees every cycle
As someone whose stared at one too many cycle output charts on MATLAB, and written a number of godawful C++ scripts this just screams "lazy coder" at an exchange attempting to disguise market manipulation through bots by just simply adding simple step and rest functions to the code.
Naturaully this is all speculative as I'm not behind the wheel at Bitfinex, but I'm sorry these patterns just seem too impeccable in their execution rate and uniformity.
Now, regarding today's plummet....what was that about? Realistically its anyone's guess until an insider comes forward. In my opinion though I would assume we either saw some mass liquidation by a few whales trying to FUD the market into a landslide so they could buy up bags, or possibly some major forced margin liquidations on the exchange side. Trading with leverage is at an all time high, what do you think makes more money, fees, or liquidated margin positions? Yeah, excatly lol
In all reality I think the most likely scenario is a mix of the two.
Anywho, heres a little bit about what to watch for with litecoin in the post freefall chaos.
Although it did spend a short period below it, LTC was range bound (~$115-$120) for quite some time prior to today's plummet.
The crash dead stopped at 162% extension from the final impulse wave up
We did tag the major trend 1yr+ support but as I write this it looks as though we may close this bar above it
We'll soon be approaching 58 bars since the smackdown. It's far from guaranteed but I do suspect well see some impulsive movement in the 58-79 bar range
If we get this movement, and it occurs on a bar following a close over the long term support TARGET 1 will be the 162% extension, TARGET 2 will be ~$115 (the prior lower bound of the ranged movement)
If however we hit that impulse move below the long term trend I'd say it might be time to gear up as the bears try to pull our beloved LTC down to $108 range.
This analysis is meant for purely educational purposes, and whether you choose to trade on it or not is entirely on you!
Good luck and happy trading fellow cryptoheads!
Austin Doyle