Gann Box
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!The year 2020 was a year full of problems which we tried to face in the best possible way. I wish you from the bottom of my heart a happy new year 2021 and may this year be a full year of miracles for you and your families. A good year for trading.
Happy New Year 2021 from ME !!!
ALBANIA: Vitit 2020 ishte nje vit plot probleme te cilat ne munduam ti perballonim ne menyren me te mire te mundshme ju uroj thelle nga zemra gezuar vitin e ri 2021 dhe qofte ky vit nje vit plote mrekulli per ju dhe familjet tuaj. Nje vit i mbare per tregtim.
Gezuar Vitin e Ri 2021 nga MUA !!!
ITALIAN: Il 2020 è stato un anno pieno di problemi che abbiamo cercato di affrontare nel miglior modo possibile. Ti auguro dal profondo del cuore un felice anno nuovo 2021 e che quest'anno sia un anno pieno di miracoli per te e le tue famiglie. Un buon anno per il trading.
Felice Anno Nuovo 2021
DUTCH: Het jaar 2020 was een jaar vol problemen die we op de best mogelijke manier probeerden het hoofd te bieden.Ik wens je uit de grond van mijn hart een gelukkig nieuwjaar 2021 en moge dit jaar een vol jaar van wonderen zijn voor jou en je gezinnen. Een goed handelsjaar.
Gelukkig nieuwjaar 2021
BTCUSD: Potential Continuation SetupThe correctional formation target that was mentioned in the related idea has been met; the highlighted area is now acting as support. It looks like higher timeframes failed to close below this key area; nonetheless, this pair might probe that area as a failure test. In such an event, it is expected that the lower timeframes will turn by printing spring bars. So far, bears are having problems following through and adding on to short risk exposure seems justified. The risk profile is not that bad.., if structure remains intact, this limit buy area can potentially deliver a 20% return, coupled with the selected risk profile, it would mean delivering around 6R return.
BTCUSD: A Potential FadeReasons to consider getting out of short risk exposure if the highlighted area fails:
Bearish Divergence
Break of Structural Gap
Overextended state
These reasons might trigger some traders to short or sell this pair; however, in terms of probability, the market still favours bullish bias, evidenced by the context to the left.
The break of the highlighted bullish structural gap area can serve as a warning for short risk exposure. If that happens and higher timeframes close below that area, that can be considered as a decent indication towards further downside for short risk exposure.
Constructive discussions are always welcome, just drop a line in the comments section.
UNIUSD | PerspectivesChart squared via Thales to last major LHL swing (left most teal triangle). Right triangle was then replicated and placed at first major dip after the local high, which highlighted the angular trend through October 14. Using Fib Channels you can construct a perspective Gannbox (right most grid formation). Backtested idea by then duplicating and offsetting a second Gannbox (left). Watching how price action reacts to this geometry. Not Trading Advice.