EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For Week of October 21, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The Eurodollar bounced swiftly from our Mean Sup 0.9700 and rested at our Mean Res 0.9860; however, retesting the Mean Res 0.9987 and 1.0020 is probable. The significant downside move is a) from the current position, b) From up the ante restarting down move of 1.0020. The main targets continue to be our Key Sup 0.9595 and completed Inner Currency Dip 0.9570. Continuation to the next Outer Currency Dip of 0.9370 is in the making.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For Week of Oct 21, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The Bitcoin is churning between our Mean Res $19,550 and Mean Sup $18,750. As specified on the Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For October 14, the possibility of moving to the Outer Coin Dip of $17,200 and extending the overall outcome to the #2 Outer Coin Dip at $15,500 is in the process. Reaching out in the short-term to the Mean Res $19,550 and possibly Mean Res $20,385 is blowing hot and cold.
S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For Week of October 14, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook
The immediate reversal on Friday of the vigorous upside rebound (Dead-cat ricochet) on Thursday was caused by the long-term specified Outer Index Dip 3530 (Oversold market): The downside target is the retest of the Key Sup 3505, Outer Index Dip 3530 with the Next Outer Index Dip 3450 is in the making. Following the completed above-specified targets, a short-term move leading to the newly created Mean Res 3633 is possible.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For Week of October 14, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The Eurodollar's failed attempt to retest our Mean Res 0.9987 indicates high negative market sentiment; however, the retest of the newly created Mean Res 0.9780 is probable. As specified in the EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For Week of October 7, the main downside targets continue to be our Key Sup 0.9595 and completed Inner Currency Dip 0.9570. Continuation to the next Outer Currency Dip of 0.9370 is in the making.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For Week of Oct 14, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The Bitcoin completed down movements to targets of Mean Sup $19,050 and Key Sup $18,400 as specified Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For October 7, with the possibility of extending to the prevailing move to #2 Outer Coin Dip at $15,500 is much greater at the current market sentiment. The case of the short-term upside move to the Mean Res $20,385 is low.
S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For Week of October 7, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook
Repeated dead-cat moves to Mean Res 3720 and Mean Res 3775 - the letter partially fulfilled last week (as pointed out on S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For September 30) was in order throughout the trading week. Short-term moves leading to the newly created Mean Res 3790 are possible. Currently, on the downside, the main target is Key Sup 3587, and Outer index Dip 3530 - Next Outer Index Dip 3450 is in the making.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For Week of October 7, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The Eurodollar attempted to retest our Mean Res 1.0040 after breaking out thru Mean Res 0.9835. There is a possible short-term upside move to the newly created Mean Res 0.9987. On the downside, the main target is our Key Sup 0.9595 and completed Inner Currency Dip 0.9570. Continuation to the next Outer Currency Dip of 0.9370 is in the making.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For September 30, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
On Friday, the Eurodollar completed our Interim Rebound as specified on EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For September 23, after a repeated hit of our completed Inner Currency Dip of 0.9570. On the downside target is retesting the newly created major Key Sup 0.9595 and once again completed Inner Currency Dip 0.9570. Continuation to the next Outer Currency Dip 0.9370 is in the making - There are possible short-term dead-cat bounce moves.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For September 30, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The Bitcoin completed our interim rebound as specified Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For September 23. On the downside, the main target is our Key Sup at $18,400 and the next Outer Coin Dip at $17,200, with the possibility of extending to the prevailing move to #2 Outer Coin Dip at $15,500 - There are possible short-term upside moves.
S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For September 23, 2022 Technical Analysis and Outlook
Aggressive down move to Inner Index Dip 3760 and the next move to completed Inner Index Dip 3640 and Key Sup 3666 - completed, as specified on ''Daily Chart Analysis For September 16''. The following primary down target is the Next Outer index Dip 3530. The interim rebound to the newly created Mean Res 3775 is very much possible.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For September 23, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
On Sep 21, Eurodollar completed our Inner Currency Dip 0.9820 as specified on ''Daily Chart Analysis For September 16''. The following Sep 22 & 23, the currency took the lead to head to our currently active Inner Currency Dip of 0.9570. The interim rebound to our Mean Res 0.9835 is a possibility. Continuation to the next Outer Currency Dip 0.9370 is in the making.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For September 23, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
Bitcoin prices continue to slide down: Currently, the crypto is targeting our Key Sup at $18,400 and the next Outer Coin Dip at $17,200, with the possibility of extending to the prevailing move to #2 Outer Coin Dip at $15,500. There is an isolated chance for a breakout to our Mean Res $20,200.
S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For September 16, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook
The index destiny to the Mean Res 4105 - completed. Aggressive down move to Mean Sup 3908 - completed. The succeeding move to Mean Res 4105 caused the index to drop viciously and progress to the Inner Index Dip 3760, which is on its way, as specified on ''Daily Chart Analysis For September 9''. The interim rebound to the newly created Mean Res 3946 is very much possible.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For September 16, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
Eurodollar has completed Interim Rebound to our Mean Res 1.0180 and retreated viciously downward by forming a new Mean Res 1.0117 - with the possibility to be re-tested. The currency continues to move about the 1.000 threshold by closing slightly above the newly created Mean Sup 0.9970. The Key Sup 0.9880 and our open Inner Currency Dip 0.9852 continue to be the main target, with further expansion to the Next Inner Currency Dip 0.9570 and the lower mark is in the making.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For September 16, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
Bitcoin prices completed a rebound to our Mean Res $21,600 and some more as specified on ''Daily Chart Analysis For September 9''. Currently, the crypto is in the process of revisiting our Key Sup $18,900 and completed Outer Coin Dip $18,665 with the possibility of extending to the prevailing move to #2 Outer Coin Dip. There is a slight chance for a breakout to our Mean Res $22,450.
💶 EUR; Lowest Rate in 19 Years ( Risk of Energy Crisis )🆖As the risks of an energy crisis increase, the euro is nearing its lowest level in 19 years
Today, the price of natural gas has increased by 9%, and the price of electricity for one year in Germany is 14 times higher than the level of one year ago. The numbers are crippling for heavy industries, with Germany's DAX down 2.3 percent today, the steepest drop in the global index.
The euro has strengthened over the past six weeks as the US dollar weakened against a less accommodative Federal Reserve, but that rally appears to have come to an end. Meanwhile, Europe's economic outlook is rapidly deteriorating. The EUR/USD low was at0.9952 in July and is now about 20 pips away. If this rate breaks, the euro will hit its lowest level since late 2002.What is surprising is that the people of Europe have not yet realized how bad the economic situation will be. There is a lag in energy price increases that has not yet been felt and depends on different countries and contract structures, but there is a lot of difficulty ahead.
✌️ Good luck with your trading and investing and remember: Trade smart…OR JUST DON’T TRADE!
👉This analysis is my personal opinion ,not a financial advice ,so do your own research.
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S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For September 9, 2022 Technical Analysis and Outlook
The current index destiny is the Mean Res 4105, and the worst-case scenario Mean Res 4205 is designated by interim rebound. The current Inner Down Trend targets Mean Sup 3908 and the Inner Index Dip 3760, following hitting upside prices.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For September 9, 2022Eurodollar has completed Interim Rebound and continues to hove near the 1.000 threshold by closing slightly below critical Mean Res 1.005. The Key Sup 0.9880 and our open Inner Currency Dip 0.9852 continue to be the main target, with further expansion to the Next Inner Currency Dip 0.9570 and the lower mark is in the making.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For September 9, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
Bitcoin prices had rebounded from our Key Sup $18,900 and completed Outer Coin Dip $18,665 as specified on ''Daily Chart Analysis For September 2'' and moved aggressively to our Mean Res $21,600. As of this publishing, the coin's main retreat target is $20,200 before resuming up move.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For September 2, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
Eurodollar attempted to settle above our Mean Res 1.005 for six consecutive trading sessions but is failing. As the currency continues to trade under the 1.000 threshold and slightly above critical Key Sup 0.9940 with a further process to Next Inner Currency Dip 0.9570, and Outer Currency Dip 0.9370 is in the making.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For September 2, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
On the Bitcoin chart, the prices are sliding lower - first lever support is weak Sup at $19,540, next is major Key Sup at $18,900, and completed Outer Coin Dip at $18,665. An ultimate trip to #2 Outer Coin Dip of $15,500 is in the making.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For August 26, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
Eurodollar attempted to settle above our Mean Res 1.005. The European currency must close above 1.000 to have a possibility to generate sustainable upside momentum. However, as the currency market continues to trade under the 1.000 threshold, bears will have a fair chance to push it to and under Key Sup 0.9940 and completed Inner Currency Dip 0.9914, and further continue to Outer Currency Dip 0.9765.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For August 26, 2022Technical Analysis and Outlook:
On the Bitcoin chart, the harsh price bar refers to the current down path, which is designated at Key Sup at $18,900 and completed Outer Coin Dip at $18,665, a descriptor of Bitcoin's volatile market price action. However, outside of these predictable analysis indicators designated by TradeSelecter, other economic and political determinants BTC's broader bearish sentiment.