The Dow 2007 vs 2014Of course, the projected future waves are pure speculation and I'm not expecting any patterns to repeat themselves exactly. There do exist, however, 7-year and 13-year cycles in the market that deserve consideration and further research, considering the similarities I believe to be showing quite clearly in this comparison. I have made an effort to simplify this by keeping any drawings to a minimum and, by the way, the year 2000 doesn't have the same resemblances. Thanks to Chris Moody for his 2xEMA (20 and 100) Trend Detection script. Do feel free to comment!
That's a rough 96 hoursI really don't have much to say ...
But I am happy that my remaining sells all triggered
at $605 while I was being evilly trolled by the $1000 bulls.
And except for a few morsels left that I trade altcoins
with, I'm 100% out, til the bottom, then maybe I'll
come back out and play.