Stop loss is your enemy?
One of the most common misconceptions in trading is that your STOP LOSS is your ENEMY.
But in fact, the opposite is true. Stop loss is your best friend
There will always be losing trades because they are part of the trading system. You cannot avoid them, but you can CONTROL the losses.
Stop Loss is a defense mechanism designed to get you out of the market at the PRESERVED PRICE and LOSS that you planned.
Exiting a stop loss certainly doesn't make you a bad trader.
When a trade goes against you, you are the most vulnerable in terms of irrationality and emotional instability. SL (Stop Loss) exists to get you out of the market safely and securely before your emotions get the better of you and further damage your account balance.
Most newcomers to the market make the same mistakes ... Always increase the SL size, add more positions at a loss, and risk most of their accounts for a few trades.
Always adhere to 1-3% RISK PER TRANSACTION.
The key to the game is longevity.
By understanding that your SL is your savior, you can release the emotional tension of a losing trade and instead maintain maximum clarity on your charts to quickly move away from PRE-CALCULATED losses as a simple part of the process.
With the right RISK / PROFIT RATIO and adherence to the RISK principles of 1-3%, you can get more losing trades than profitable ones, but at the same time remain a profitable trader 💰
Your worst feeling is greed.
Keep your losses minimal and you will quickly find that your trading will improve tenfold by simply exiting the market when it no longer matches your preconceptions and plans.
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Hello everyone! In this idea, I will try to warn you against the wrong approach to trading.
As you know, 95% of retail traders hold their losing positions for too long in the market, but at the same time cut profits before the trade reaches its potential.
That is, a trader, being in unprofitable positions, is ready to sit out huge drawdowns -50% ..- 70% ..- 100% of the deposit, but at the same time, with a profitable trade, he is ready to close the profit with a yield of + 1% with trembling hands.
It is a common trait of a retail trader to be constantly at war with the market.
The fastest way to drain your deposit is to fight against trades that are going against you. 95% of traders fall into the trap by increasing their stop loss on an open trade or, even worse, adding even more positions to a trade that goes against them, sincerely hoping that the market is about to turn around and go in their direction.
Successful traders do the opposite.
Taking the risk per trade of 1-2%, they minimize their losses in unprofitable scenarios by closing by stop loss. But in the case of profitable trades, they take MORE profit than they initially risk.
In this case, a profitable trader may have more losing trades than positive ones, but he will still be in profit.
Take the emotion out of your trade and let price hit your stop loss where you set it. Thus, your losses do not exceed the threshold of the planned risk, allowing your profitable positions (with a good risk: reward ratio) to override any that did not work in your favor.
Cut your losses and let your profits grow
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A trader who is in a bad mood should think about taking a break.
The easiest way to determine when a BREAK from trading is needed is to first assess your current emotional state and performance.
- Do you constantly close the trades couple of seconds/minutes after you opened them, chaning your mind?
- Do you spend all day "burning" your eyes, watching charts to find patterns just for the sake of making money fast?
- Are you deviating from your trading plan?
- Are you taking more risks than usual?
If you answered "YES" to at least one of these questions, then it's time to stop.
Always let the market give you the conditions for trading. Build your analysis = Follow your trading plan & strategy and let the market do what it needs to do. Never get into the market at random or into the first pattern you come across. You will often notice that the pattern is not the best trading condition.
When you find yourself violating strict risk management and trading plan, take a step back and understand what may be causing your irrational decision-making.
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Hey traders,
I vividly remember how I started to trade 8 years ago, how I was learning, and the things that I was doing.
Contemplating my old self, I notice a dramatic shift in my mindset in regards to trading.
Staring at the charts and desiring to make money on price action, I wanted to become a consistently profitable trader. Making the priorities, I decided to sacrifice my time on studying technical analysis totally neglecting trading psychology and risk management.
Learning different trading strategies I always came to the same result: the account went blown and nothing seemed to work.
Strategies of fancy traders on YouTube, strategies from best-selling books on Amazon, nothing could produce any penny.
Not giving up and pursuing my ultimate goal I came to the conclusion that I set my priorities absolutely incorrectly.
To be honest, I always thought that trading psychology (like psychology in general) is s*cks. Moreover, I considered risk management to be kind of obvious, banal topic not deserving much attention.
Learning risk management techniques, applying them in day trading I finally saw a glimmer of hope.
Reading dozen of books on trading psychology, contemplating my mistakes, and observing my behavior I noticed so many wrong, incorrect things that I did on a daily basis.
With time and practice, my mindset shifted.
I realized that most of the strategies that I applied and that seemed losing to me, in fact, were decent.
It turned out that mastery of technical analysis is not enough for profitable trading. Instead, that is just a tiny part of what must be learned.
Now, when my students ask me about the most important things to learn & study in trading, I always say:
trading psychology and risk management go first, technical analysis is the secondary.
❗ Do not neglect these topics and give them due attention. They are an essential part of your success in trading.
🤔 Do you agree with the pyramid that I drew?
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Analyst and Trader. What are the differences?
The main difference between an Analyst and a Trader is in their main goals.
For an analyst, the main goal is to determine the future price and write articles.
Most analysts give a double trend direction in their forecasts, as they worry about their incorrect forecast, and hedge in case of their mistake.
For a trader, the main goal is to MAKE a PROFIT when working in the market. At the same time, the direction of the trend is a secondary goal, since you can also make a profit by scalping when the trend does not matter much. Each trader has his approach to trading and his trading strategy. One trader opens a long position to earn money on the growth of quotations, but at the same time, another trader opens a short position on the same instrument to earn money when the price drops.
PROFIT is the main priority for the trader.
The analyst can show alternative options for the development of events, leaving the trader to make a responsible decision about actions in one or another option. At the same time, the Analyst does not risk anything - neither his money nor his reputation, since TWO OPPOSITE scenarios insure him from making a mistake.
As a rule, 65% of analysts do not trade themselves, but only write analytical articles and make forecasts.
A few facts about the analyst and trader:
- collects information and analyzes the market situation
- writes analytical articles
- makes forecasts (usually in two directions, for safety)
- probably trades/invests by himself according to his forecasts
- determines the direction for a potential transaction
- performs risk calculation and installation of a protective order (stop loss)
- performs trading operations on the market to make a profit
- manages and accompanies the position from the beginning to the end
And who do you think you are? An analyst or a trader?
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China Bans Crypto - Fact or FUDHello Traders! We got something interesting for you!
Chinese authorities ordered a fresh crackdown on crypto mining and trading Friday, according to a statement posted on the People’s Bank of China site.The statement, signed by China’s top financial and cyberspace regulators, gives a comprehensive list of crypto activities that are forbidden, and orders local governments to crack down on them.
China’s State Council issued a statement in May ordering a crackdown on crypto mining and trading. The statement sent dozens of crypto companies abroad.The regulators banned banks and other financial institutions from offering services related to crypto and called for increased censorship of information related to crypto.The regulators also want to establish a mechanism for early warning and stopping “hype” in crypto trading and mining activities.
Honestly speaking, the intentions of the Chinese government are not clear to me. However, one thing is for sure - this situation will have an extremely negative impact on the cryptocurrency market and may lead to the start of a bear run. We will keep our finger on the pulse and keep you updated on all the latest news from the world of cryptocurrency.
Honestly speaking, the intentions of the Chinese government are not clear to me. However, one thing is for sure - this situation will have an extremely negative impact on the cryptocurrency market and may lead to the start of a bear run. We will keep our finger on the pulse and keep you updated on all the latest news from the world of cryptocurrency.
Nevertheless, let’s have a look at the chart. As you can see the price I lying on the Support 1. If it’ll close bellow it, the continuation of fell if very probable. The next level is Support 2. It’s kinda difficult look in future deeper:). If the scenario works, we will update out analysis. But, it seems to me that today’s candle is able to close above the support 1. In this case, it may retrace rapidly.
Well guys, I don’t want such news get you into trouble, it’s the big game that’s named «Market». The rules are trivial - there are no rules or the are always be rewritten. Try to make deal even in such tough periods and we’ll help you with it.
ETHUSDT AnalysisHello traders!
Today we gonna speak about Ethereum. As you can see, it has grown up far and away. Vitalik Buterin with his updates has built. Strong fundamental and make Ethereum one of the most attractive coin for crypto investors. As we’ve already told, there will be some more updates that’ll reduce commission but reduce the number of miners. It’s double edged sward, but we hope Vitalik will handle. Speaking about fundamentals, everything is more than good. Let’s speak about technicals. Have a look at the chart.
As you can see, now ETH is in local up-trend. At let least, it’s continue up to the end of the 2-nd Fib. Time zone. Moreover, the price action takes place between very strong support and resistance lines thus the probability of squeezes is low. Moreover, it respects the PitchFork I’ve built. Thus, we have a strong local uptrend. Judging by the price action I see three scenarios.
Scenario A
The price will go up, consolidate near the resistance line and break it above.
Scenario B
The price will reject from the resistance and go down. However, in my opinion, it’s the best variant cause the probability of reaching global buyer zone will be high. As we’ve already told you, the best variant of earning money safely is to buy on this level cause the probability of rejecting is about 100%
Scenario C
The resistance and lower border of pitchfork will build a triangle. Judging by my experience , it will be broken down.
Well, guys, I hope the information will give you a detailed view of Ethereum. I hope, you’ll build your own analysis based on my. Have a nice trading day!
YOUR PROFIT FORMULA | Three Essential Ingredients 🤔💭💫
Hey traders, We must admit that it is phenomenally difficult to become a consistently profitable trader.
This journey requires years of practicing and training, constant losses, and nervous breakdowns.
If you are a struggling trader, if you are still looking for your way to succeed in this game, here is the formula that will help you to chase consistent profits.
💰Consistent profits = 📝Trading Strategy + 🤬Emotions + 📈Market Sentiment
Let's discuss each element separately.
📝Trading Strategy:
To be in profit in a long run requires an understanding of what do you actually trade.
You must have strict and objective entry conditions.
You must rely on the objective & verifiable rules for the execution of market analysis.
You must have a plan to follow.
A plan that is backtested and proved its efficiency.
Even the best trading plan, the most accurate trading strategy can be easily beaten by emotions.
Emotional decisions such as revenge trading and early position close
can easily blow the account of any size in a blink of an eye.
The most disappointing thing to note right here is the fact that you can be taught how to execute technical analysis but you can not be taught to control your emotions.
Your main enemy here is yourself and being in a constant battle with your greed and fear it is very easy to go broke.
Only by being humble, disciplined and patient, you can successfully apply a trading strategy.
📈Market Sentiment:
Mastering your emotions and having studied a trading strategy, it looks like it is finally the time to make money.
However, occasionally the market tends to be irrational.
Being chaotic and unpredictable, sometimes the market neglects every technical and fundamental rule.
Crisis, euphoria: the reasons can be different.
The fact is that such things happen.
And it is your duty to learn to deal with unfavorable market conditions.
💰To become a consistently profitable trader, you must become the master of these three elements.
Only then the doors to freedom and independence will be opened to you.
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How To Spot and Use Liquidity Zones In Your TradingIn this video we show how you can easily spot where liquidity is on a chart and how to use this information to profit from in your own trading
Of course for a successful trading strategy, this is only a small part of the puzzle and you will need to add many more aspects of analysis.
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Let me know if you have any questions below!
AUDUSD: Trade Breakdown!This one is a teaser for that one! Has a technical glitch.
Below is the actual video! Click on it to play!
In this video, I break down the AUDUSD short I mentioned in my Forex Weekly Forecast video posted Sunday on my Channel.
Price found our POI and is now in proft. Did you get in this trade? Is there still a chance to find a valid entry? How do you set your SL and TP? I attempt to answer these questions and more.
Check it out.
Hit the "Find Me" button below to go to my Channel and learn more.
Thank you!
XAUUSD (Gold) Trade BreakdownIn this video, I walk you through this Gold trade, the setup of which I put out in my Forex Weekly Forecast for this week.
I want to share with you the power of trading order blocks and structure breaks.
If you are pickin' up what I'm puttin' down, drop me a message/leave a comment.
IMPROVE YOUR TRADING | Simple Flowchart For You to Follow 🧭📍
A short ⚠️disclaimer before we start:
the rules that will be discussed in this post are applicable only for technicians - traders that are relying on price action/structure/etc.
Also, we assume that structure levels do work and for us, key levels are considered to be the safest trading zones/points.
In order to increase the accuracy of your predictions analyzing different financial markets, you must learn to identify the direction of the market.📈
The identification of the market trend must be based on strict & reliable & testable rules.
It can be based on technical indicators or price action
Personally, I prefer to rely on price action.
Here are a couple of examples of how I identify the market trend:
There are three main types of market trends:
Bullish Trend
Bearish Trend
Sideways Market
Depending on the current direction of the market, on the chart, I drew a flow chart✔️ that will help you to act safely.
➡️Sideways market signifies consolidation & indecision. Usually being in such a state the market tends to coil in horizontal ranges.
To trade such a market safely, the best option for you will be to wait for a breakout of the range & wait for the initiation of the trend.
➡️Once you spotted a bullish market, do not rush to buy.
Your task will be to identify the closest strong structure support.
You must be patient enough to let the price reach that support first (and by the way, there is no guarantee that it will happen) and then you must wait for a certain confirmation.
Please, check the article about different types of confirmations:
Only once you get the needed confirmation you can buy the market.
➡️The same strategy will be applicable to a bearish market.
Spotting a short rally it is way early to just sell the asset from a random point.
You must find the closest strong structure resistance and wait for the moment when the price will approach that.
Then your task will be to wait for a confirmation and only when you got the reliable trigger you short the market.
🦉Try to rely on this flow chart and I promise you that you will see a dramatic increase in your trading performance.
And even though it may appear to you that this flow chart is TOO SIMPLE, in practice, even such a set of rules requires iron discipline and patience.
Thank you so much for reading this article,
I hope you enjoy it!
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Upcoming FOREX Weekly Forecast: What pairs do you want analyzed?I want to interact more with my subscribers! Tell me which pair or instrument you want analyzed for the week ahead, and I will
include it in my Forecast video!
I'll be looking to cover all the majors and cross pairs, along with Gold , indices, and US Oil .
I analyze AUDJPY in this video, as an example.
Guys, I'm leveling up, and I want you to level up with me! Let's build a community of consistently profitable trader together!
Leave me a comment with your request, and I'll be all over it in the next video!.
How to Use Fibonacci Retracement ? hello traders , today i'll talk abouut my favourite tools
the Fibonacci retracement tool is extremely useful and it help us to find the strong resistance and support area ( 0.618) .
How to use it :
Drawing Fibonacci retracement levels is a simple three-step process :
In an uptrend:
Step 1 – Identify the direction of the market: uptrend
Step 2 – Attach the Fibonacci retracement tool on the bottom and drag it to the right, all the way to the top
Step 3 – Monitor the three potential support levels: 0.236, 0.382 and 0.618
In a downtrend:
Step 1 - Identify the direction of the market: downtrend
Step 2 -Attach the Fibonacci retracement tool on the top and drag it to the right, all the way to the bottom
Step 3 Monitor the three potential resistance levels: 0.236, 0.382 and 0.618
In the next post, I will explain more about The golden ratio and how to use it in entering and exit .
for more educational ideas , signals and analysis follow us .
FOREX Weekly Forecast: What pairs do you want analyzed?I want to interact more with my subscribers! Tell me which pair or instrument you want analyzed for the week ahead, and I will
include it in my Forecast video!
I'll be looking to cover all the majors and cross pairs, along with Gold, indices, and US Oil.
I analyze AUDJPY in this video, as an example.
Guys, I'm leveling up, and I want you to level up with me! Let's build a community of consistently profitable trader together!
Leave me a comment with your request, and I'll be all over it in the next video!.
AUDUSD: Feelin' Bearish...?In this video, I present my analysis for your consideration.
- Price has hit a 4H Supply Zone
- The bullish "news candle" is due a pullback
- Hit the 70% fib
- Bear Flag pattern is playing out
- Looking for the H&S pattern to complete on the 1H TF.
Check out the video... and learn to earn.
BNBUSDT Midterm AnalysisHello, traders!
After a small pause I decided to get back to Altcoin analysis. As you know, these coins give traders an opportunity both to lose money and cut the jackpot. Thus, you should enter the trades very accurate if you want to earn a lot. As for me, I’ll try to do my best to help you.
Well, today we’ll speak about BNB - one of the most trusted alt coin. Have a look at the chart.
As you can see, after a massive correction in May it usually tried to gain the price but failed and became choppy. However, as you can see, it has already started its second attempt and is in a strong up-trend now. In my opinion, everything will be a clear in a few days - very significant level is about to be reached to the price - 0.382 Fibonacci. If bulls have enough power, it will be easily broken and the price will go up. However, there’s another even more significant level 0.5 Fib. As you know, the area between 0.5 and 0.618 is very important. Moreover, it’s called «the golden pocket», that means that the price will consolidate in this area with high probability. Bulls have enough power to break the 0.382 Fib. Level in my opinion. Is this enough to enter «golden pocket»? We’ll see.
However, if you look at Chaikin Oscillator, you’ll see the bearish divergence. Look at the chart. Can you see it has worked off? There was minor downtrend. In my opinion, we shouldn’t consider the divergence worked off. This, there is another scenario of price action - down-trend. The price will go down, breaking the support trend line. Judging by all my thoughts a have built several scenarios.
Scenario A
The price will break 0.382 and 0.5 Fib. with further consolidation in «golden pocket».
Scenario B
The price will break 0.382 Fib. but the 0.5 is a hard nut to crack for bulls. But the power still enough, they don’t want to lose bears, that are gaining power. Such kind of scenario gives us sideways.
Scenario C
The divergence will work of and the trend will reverse with further consolidation in are under 0.382.
Well, guys, I hope this info is useful for you. I always tell you, but I’ll repeat, make your own analysis based on my or not. Don’t follow me blindly. It’ll boost your trading skills roughly. Have a nice day, dear traders!
YOUR PROFIT FORMULA | Three Essential Ingredients 🤔💭💫
Hey traders, We must admit that it is phenomenally difficult to become a consistently profitable trader.
This journey requires years of practicing and training, constant losses, and nervous breakdowns.
If you are a struggling trader, if you are still looking for your way to succeed in this game, here is the formula that will help you to chase consistent profits.
💰Consistent profits = 📝Trading Strategy + 🤬Emotions + 📈Market Sentiment
Let's discuss each element separately.
📝Trading Strategy:
To be in profit in a long run requires an understanding of what do you actually trade.
You must have strict and objective entry conditions.
You must rely on the objective & verifiable rules for the execution of market analysis.
You must have a plan to follow.
A plan that is backtested and proved its efficiency.
Even the best trading plan, the most accurate trading strategy can be easily beaten by emotions.
Emotional decisions such as revenge trading and early position close
can easily blow the account of any size in a blink of an eye.
The most disappointing thing to note right here is the fact that you can be taught how to execute technical analysis but you can not be taught to control your emotions.
Your main enemy here is yourself and being in a constant battle with your greed and fear it is very easy to go broke.
Only by being humble, disciplined and patient, you can successfully apply a trading strategy.
📈Market Sentiment:
Mastering your emotions and having studied a trading strategy, it looks like it is finally the time to make money.
However, occasionally the market tends to be irrational.
Being chaotic and unpredictable, sometimes the market neglects every technical and fundamental rule.
Crisis, euphoria: the reasons can be different.
The fact is that such things happen.
And it is your duty to learn to deal with unfavorable market conditions.
💰To become a consistently profitable trader, you must become the master of these three elements.
Only then the doors to freedom and independence will be opened to you.
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