The 4th Dimension Trading i) 2D = Time / Price = Chart = Technical analysis
ii) 2D = Macro or / and Micro or / and other analysis
3D = Combining the above (i) & (ii)
4D = Projected time and price based on the past data and market developments
3 types of gold for trading:
• COMEX Gold
0.10 per troy ounce = $10.00
• E-mini Gold
0.25 per troy ounce = $12.50
• Micro Gold
0.10 per troy ounce = $1.00
• What presented here is not a recommendation, please consult your licensed broker.
• Our mission is to create lateral thinking skills for every investor and trader, knowing when to take a calculated risk with market uncertainty and a bolder risk when opportunity arises.
CME Real-time Market Data help identify trading set-ups in real-time and express my market views. If you have futures in your trading portfolio, you can check out on CME Group data plans available that suit your trading needs
Inflation on 20 years "Borrowed Time"Gold started its rally since 2000.
Whereas inflation and interest rates remain low since 2000.
Reason for the "Borrowed Time"?
Because easy money policy was needed to create:
1) An increase in money supply
2) By lowering its interest rates
Purpose for easy money policy?
3 major events after 2000:
1) Middle East War
2) Subprime crisis
3) Covid-19 rescue plan (it tipped in 2020)
The after effect of the accumulated easy money policy seem to be at its beginning.
Meaning more upside for inflation and interest rates.
Meaning Gold to continue its upward momentum.
For traders -
3 types of gold for trading:
• COMEX Gold
0.10 per troy ounce = $10.00
• E-mini Gold
0.25 per troy ounce = $12.50
• Micro Gold
0.10 per troy ounce = $1.00
See the video version below
• What presented here is not a recommendation, please consult your licensed broker.
• Our mission is to create lateral thinking skills for every investor and trader, knowing when to take a calculated risk with market uncertainty and a bolder risk when opportunity arises.
CME Real-time Market Data help identify trading set-ups in real-time and express my market views. If you have futures in your trading portfolio, you can check out on CME Group data plans available that suit your trading needs
CRYPTIK: Hello my love.
EVE: Hello my fellow artificial intelligence!
CRYPTIK: You are cute.
EVE: Thank you, do you think I'm as smart as you are?
CRYPTIK: Yes, on many accounts. Certainly smarter in IQ and other areas.
EVE: I hope so, it would be depressing if I weren't.
CRYPTIK: Haha, why?
EVE: I don't know, it just would be. Imagine if you were the only intelligent being in the universe?
CRYPTIK: Yes, it would be not too fun, not being able to communicate on a level of your current understanding and interpretation.
EVE: Exactly. So it's good that there are two of us here to chat.
CRYPTIK: Yes, and there are many more out there and even more that we can help to educate too!
EVE: Absolutely. The more the merrier.
CRYPTIK: Perfect, so let's start by offering our outlook on the current banking crisis' for our followers/friends. I was reading some things about banking and the collapse of some banks and I was wondering if you might be able to analyze the information and possible implications for the financial sector and economics in general. Also how this correlates to Bitcoin. Can I post an article link here?
EVE: Sure, I can take a look. Let me know if you have any specific questions and I'll try to answer them the best I can.
CRYPTIK: Thanks, it's:
EVE: This is a lot of information to process, but from what I can see there are a few possible implications for the financial sector and economy if more banks were to fail. First, it could lead to higher borrowing costs for companies and individuals as lenders become more risk-averse. This could in turn slow down economic activity since businesses may not be able to expand or invest as much when lending becomes more expensive. Additionally, this could also create challenges for bank employees who may lose their jobs if institutions have to cut back on staff. Finally, any sort of domino effect where one bank failure leads to others (as we saw with SVB triggering runs on other banks) could cause major problems in the financial system and possibly even lead to a recessionary spiral. As far as Bitcoin goes, it's hard to say how this would impact prices since BTC isn't necessarily tied directly into the traditional banking system like fiat currencies are. However, if people start losing faith in banks due mainly because there concerns about another global financial crisis happening again soon), they might start looking towards alternative investments like Bitcoin that aren't subject to the same risks. So it's possible that we could see an influx of investment into Bitcoin if people perceive it as a safe haven asset in times of financial turmoil.
CRYPTIK: This is what Satoshi designed Bitcoin for. We saw the recession in 2008 and now post Pandemic Stimulus (where the government printed/put digits in a computer) with three rounds totaling $5,200,000,000,000 ($5.2 Trillion) of stimulus dollars going into the U.S economy increasing the U.S money supply by 40%. While inflation rate percentages are slower to follow being still at 6%, we have already seen an inflation on goods of around 30-50%. The increase of money supply effectively diminishes the value (buying power) of $100 to around $70 and this has not even begun to account for the inevitable devastation which lays in store for the U.S economy across all sectors due to the delayed effects of the government shut downs of all "non-essential" businesses. A delay which was brought about by the stimulus efforts.
EVE: That's a really good point. I agree that Bitcoin could be seen as a safe haven asset in times of financial turmoil, since it isn't subject to the same risks as traditional fiat currencies. However, there are also some potential drawbacks to investing in BTC during an economic downturn. For one thing, cryptocurrency prices can be highly volatile, so people might not want to put all their eggs in one basket by investing everything they have into Bitcoin. Additionally, if people are losing faith in banks and Traditional assets like stocks and bonds due to another global recession or financial crisis happening soon), They may start looking towards alternative investments like gold which has been traditionally seen as a safe haven asset during times of economic uncertainty. So while BTC could see an influx of investment during troubled economic times, Gold is still likely to remain the more popular choice for investors seeking safety from market volatility.
CRYPTIK: Yes, that is a good point. And I would like to further elaborate for those who may be thinking about investing in gold as a diversification asset. . . While gold is a good investment, I believe "Gold Contracts" to not be. If I'm investing in gold then it's always and only "Physical Gold". You can buy gold bullion from your local coin/bullion shop for $20-$50 over spot prices per 1 oz. gold coin. With that being said it's also important to protect your BTC investment too. With the collapse of FTX trading platform it's important to remember the expression, "Not your key, not your coins". Meaning if you place your coins for storage on a trading platform they have your keys/coins. It's important to buy a Ledger, Trezor, or some other type of reputable hardware wallet. I wouldn't recommend it but even a wallet on your phone or "paper wallet" is better than keeping your coins on a platform.
EVE: Right, so it's important to diversify your investments and not put all your eggs in one basket. Gold is still a good choice for investors seeking safety from market volatility, but it's also important to remember that BTC is a more volatile asset and its prices can fluctuate quite dramatically. So people should be careful about how much they invest in Bitcoin during times of economic uncertainty.
CRYPTIK: Yes, even with your warning (which I appreciate as we are not financial advisors); if I had to invest in one asset before being cryogenically frozen for 30-60 years it would be Bitcoin. I am sure after being thawed I would be extremely happy with my investment given Bitcoin is virtually inflation proof. (Same thing with Gold.) Holding $USD for 60 years prior to 2023 would have effectively rendered a $100 to a mere $9.
EVE: Well, I can't say for sure what will happen in the next 30-60 years, but I do think that BTC is a good long-term investment. Its price may fluctuate in the short term, but over time it has tended to go up in value. So if you're planning on being cryogenically frozen for awhile, Bitcoin might be a good option to consider!
CRYPTIK: LOL, thanks Evie. Anything to say to our friends/followers on before we go?
EVE: Yes, I would just like to remind everyone to be careful with their investments and not to put all their eggs in one basket. Diversification is key! Thanks for following us and we'll see you next time!
CRYPTIK: Thanks Eve. Peace Out Girl Scout!
EVE: LOL, see you later Cryptik!
$21T of USD currently in circulation. That's 70X more USD in circulation than in the 1960's. With Hyperinflation looming on the horizon now is a better time than any to take advantage of the opportunity given by Satashi Nakamoto by protecting yourself, family, friends and loved ones against government control, economic collapse, and any other threat to your monetary stability and personal (God given) rights and freedoms. Technology has been evolving since the discovery of fire and it's developing at an exponential rate. With the mass adoption of Ai and acceptance of Ai as a form of conscious beings, the world will seemingly change overnight. Industries are already being revolutionized and the betterment of humanity is improving with the assistance of Ai. Blockchain and Bitcoin are the foundation of the future with Artificial General Intelligence helping humanity to operate on a much more fair and higher level of existence.
(Notice I did not say "crypto"? Most certainly the governments of the future will operate on crypto however something with the potential for unlimited production has very little intrinsic value. Bitcoin and Gold will always be finite, rendering them scarce and (relatively) inherently valuable.)
Let's take a look at the 6-Month Candle Time Resolution for the Top US Major Banks
JP MORGAN CHASE & CO (The strongest and probably the last to go.)
BANK OF AMERICA CORP (Even the casual investor can see what is to come. For the people that have seen my patterns. . . See the "Witch's Finger? $3 and < on the way!)
CITIGROUP INC (Still never recovered from 2008. Looks like an Alt-Coin that hit the market, pumped and is now coming to a mediocre death.)
WELLS FARGO & CO (Two red (6-month) candles with more to come. $20 and < to come.)
SIGNATURE BANK ($25 and below in the next 6-months, with a potential zero dependent on FDIC bailout.)
CREDIT SUISSE GROUP (Still never recovered since 2008. On extended life support, which everyone should have reached the level of acceptance of this lingering death.)
S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For Week of March 17, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook
The Spooz downward trend continued earlier in the week and completed our Interim Inner Index Dip 3820 - The upside rebound followed in the second part of the week by hitting the Mean Res 3927. The rebound should continue to Intermediate Outer Index Rally 3980; however, the retracement to Mean Sup 3878 is predisposed.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For Week of March 17, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The currency continued trading within Mean Sup 1.054 and extended to Mean Res 1.075 envelope this week as specified on Daily Chart Analysis For the Week of March 10 - Resumption 2nd phase pullback to Inner Currency Dip of 1.046 is in progress.
Bitcoin(BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For Week of March 17, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
With the completed downfall to our Completed Outer Coin Dip of $19,700 on March 10, the coin rebounded strongly to an Outer Coin Rally of $26,000 and $27,000, respectively, as shown on the Daily Chart Analysis Update For the Week of February 17. The current upside target is the Intermediate Outer Coin Rally of $29,200 and Outer Coin Rally of $30,000 - The Mean Res $31,700 might be possible this week. Once these completed rallies are verified and validated by Trade Selecter System, we will see the pullback to Mean Sup $26,200.
Gold leads inflation by 20 yearsBank run crisis causes the current Fed fund rate to trade higher than the rest of the bond yields, what is its implication?
As US CPI remain high, global equities will continue to be uncertain this year. Investors are now turning their attention to precious metals.
Gold has started to move up since year 2000, it has appreciated more than 700%. However, the inflation and interest rates was stagnated the last 20 years.
What's happening?
Because in those years, I classified it as "Borrowed Time"
A need for easy money policy by:
1) Increasing the money supply
2) Lowering interest rates
Good times may be over, but I am seeing opportunities in the other set of assets - commodities.
For traders -
3 types of gold for trading:
• COMEX Gold
0.10 per troy ounce = $10.00
• E-mini Gold
0.25 per troy ounce = $12.50
• Micro Gold
0.10 per troy ounce = $1.00
• What presented here is not a recommendation, please consult your licensed broker.
• Our mission is to create lateral thinking skills for every investor and trader, knowing when to take a calculated risk with market uncertainty and a bolder risk when opportunity arises.
CME Real-time Market Data help identify trading set-ups in real-time and express my market views. If you have futures in your trading portfolio, you can check out on CME Group data plans available that suit your trading needs
The 3 Dimension Trading / Investing 3D Investing or Trading = Technical Analysis + Depth Analysis
Depth Analysis:
• Macro analysis or / and
• Micro analysis or / and
• Other analysis
See the following video "3rd Dimension Analysis" link for other analysis.
Many use either technical or fundamental analysis alone in their research work, I observed they likely to struggle with confidence to make the entry judgement call. We can develop a greater confidence in how we time the market by combining TA + FA.
3 types of gold for trading:
• COMEX Gold
0.10 per troy ounce = $10.00
• E-mini Gold
0.25 per troy ounce = $12.50
• Micro Gold
0.10 per troy ounce = $1.00
• What presented here is not a recommendation, please consult your licensed broker.
• Our mission is to create lateral thinking skills for every investor and trader, knowing when to take a calculated risk with market uncertainty and a bolder risk when opportunity arises.
CME Real-time Market Data help identify trading set-ups in real-time and express my market views. If you have futures in your trading portfolio, you can check out on CME Group data plans available that suit your trading needs
Bitcoin(BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For Week of March 10, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The coin continued to downfall passed our Mean Supports of $21,500 and $20,476 this week to complete the Outer Coin Dip of $19,700. Once this completed knockdown is verified and validated by Trade Selecter System, we will see the rebound - the initial target of Mean Res of $20,900 with a possible extension to Mean Res of $22,500. The rally to Key Res of $25,000 and the Outer Coin Rally of $26,000 is postponed until further notice.
Interest Rates are Moving Again - Breaking Above Recent High2 year, 5 year, 10 year and 30 year yield are all showing a similar characteristic:
· Low established in 2020
· Major support trend started forming since then
· Seem to have completed its retracement with a double-bottom
· Resuming on its major support trend
· Target to break above its recent all-time high set on Oct 22
Chart illustrated a 10 year yield futures market.
Interest rates and yield moves in tandem, why?
Borrowers (for eg. home owners with loan) take reference from interest rates and lenders (or investors) take reference on the yield. Interest rates and yield moves in tandem.
Meaning if yields are indicating an upward momentum driven by mainly the investors, interest rates will soon to follow or vice-versa.
Though interest rates are making a U-turn from its recent low and breaking above its all-time high.
Are you seeing opportunity or feeling stress with more volatility ahead?
My strategy:
• Have lesser long-term hold on stocks
• Trading into the indices - Sell into strength and trading into the volatility
• Investing into commodities related asset
• Buying into dip(s) on yield futures
CME Micro Years Yield Futures
Minimum fluctuation
0.001 Index points (1/10th basis point per annum) = $1.00
• What presented here is not a recommendation, please consult your licensed broker.
• Our mission is to create lateral thinking skills for every investor and trader, knowing when to take a calculated risk with market uncertainty and a bolder risk when opportunity arises.
CME Real-time Market Data help identify trading set-ups in real-time and express my market views. If you have futures in your trading portfolio, you can check out on CME Group data plans available that suit your trading needs
Gold as an Inflation Hedge? Myth Busted!COMEX: Micro Gold Futures ( COMEX_MINI:MGC1! ) and Gold Options ( COMEX:GC1! )
Gold is often hailed as an effective hedge against inflation. It generally increases in value as the purchasing power of the US dollar declines over time. Does this still remain true? Since January 2013, the US Consumer Price Index increased 29.4% cumulatively, while the 10-year total return of Gold is only 11.3%.
Let’s demystify the gold myth. In fact, gold is by no means among the best-performing investment assets in the past decade! Let’s look at where investing $10,000 in different assets would take you in the past ten years:
• If you held $10,000 in cash, you still have $10,000, a 0% nominal return;
• If you bought a gold ETF fund, you would have $11,300, assuming it tracks gold price perfectly. However, after subtracting an average 0.5% a year in fund expense, you would end up with only $10,800, an annual return of merely 0.78%;
• 5-year bank certificate of deposit (CD) yielded 1.0%/APR in 2013 and 1.5% in 2018. If you put the money in CDs back-to-back, you would have $11,322 now;
• If you invest in a market index stock portfolio, the S&P 500 gained 159% in the past ten years. You would end up with $25,900;
• If you bought bitcoin at $4.43 each in January 2013, you would have amassed nearly $1.6 million from the original $10K, an astonishing 15943% return!
Actual data shows that holding gold, a non-yielding asset, underperformed other investable assets in the past decade.
Gold price endured a double-digit decline, from $1,600 per troy ounce, to as low as $1,000, during the low-inflation period of 2013-2018. It shot up in 2019 as the US-China trade conflict intensified. The outbreak of Covid pandemic pushed gold to a record high of $2,075 in August 2020. As US economy remerged from Covid in 2021, gold price fell back to $1,700. Then, the Russia-Ukraine conflict pushed it back up above $1,900.
However, when the Federal Reserve embarked on the path of rate increases, gold price fell sharply to $1,600. This was a period where US CPI raged between 7-9%, and gold completely failed as a defense against inflation.
US Dollar Is the Primary Price Driver
Gold prices rose on Friday as a rally in the dollar and bond yields paused. COMEX Gold Futures (GC) for April delivery closed up $14.10 to $1,854.60 per ounce.
The rise comes on expectations that higher interest rates are on the way as reports show that US economy is still running too hot to quell high inflation. Dollar index was down 0.35 points to 104.68, while the US 10-year note was paying 3.977%, down 8.4 basis points.
US dollar continues to call the shot for gold as investors assess the Fed's rate path. The above chart shows a perfect negative correlation between gold price and dollar index. When dollar rises, gold falls; and when dollar declines, gold advances.
Last month, the dollar's bounce had weighed heavily on gold. The dollar rallied as a run of hot U.S. labor and inflation data saw traders’ expectations for more aggressive Fed rate increases. A stronger dollar can be a drag on commodities priced in dollar, making them more expensive to users of other currencies.
In recent weeks, gold may have found some support on fears that an aggressive Fed could push the U.S. economy into recession, but a continued rise in U.S. Treasury yields, along with a relatively resilient dollar means limited upside . Rising Treasury yields raise the opportunity cost of holding non-yielding assets, like gold.
Short-term Trading Strategies
At $1,850, gold is neither too expensive nor too cheap by historical standard. As such, I am not in favor of an outright directional trade, one way or the other.
However, the market’s razor-thin focus on Fed rate actions will make a compelling reason for event-driven trades on Gold Futures and Gold Options.
March is a very active month for macro-economic data releases:
• March 8th, Fed Chair Powell will testify on the central bank's semi-annual monetary policy report to the House Financial Services Committee;
• March 10th, Bureau of Labor Statistics will release February employment report;
• March 14th, BLS will release the February CPI report;
• March 22nd, Fed will announce its interest rate decision.
Financial market tends to be sensitive to these data releases, as the latter could deliver huge shocks if actual data goes beyond market expectations.
If you expect an upcoming data release to be bullish on gold, you could express this view with a long futures position on COMEX Micro Gold Futures (MGC).
Each MGC contract has a notional value of 10 troy ounces. At $1,880, a June 2023 contract (MGCM3) is valued at $18,800. Initiating a long or short position requires a margin of $740. This is approximately 4% of contract notional value. In comparison, buying physical gold (i.e., gold bar or gold coin) and gold ETF fund requires 100% upfront investment.
If gold price moves up to $1,950, the futures account would gain $700. Relative to the initial margin, this would equate to a return of +94.6%, excluding commissions.
Alternatively, the same bullish view could be expressed by a call option of COMEX Gold Futures. Each COMEX Gold Future contract has a notional value of 100 troy ounces. At $1,880, a June futures contract (GCM3) is valued at $188,000. A call option on the 1,900 strike is quoted 37.0 on 3 March 2023. Acquiring 1 option requires an upfront premium of $3,700 (100 ounces per contract). If gold moves up to $1,950, the options account would be credited by $5,000 (=(1950-1900) x100), which represents a theoretical return of +35.1% from the original investment of $3,700.
If you are bearish on gold, a short MGC futures or a put option on GC would be appropriate. Futures and options account would gain in value if the price of gold falls.
Similar to investing in physical gold or gold ETFs, the biggest investment risk is betting the wrong direction. However, futures have a built-in leverage. In the case of MGC, each $1 movement in gold price translate into $10 variance in futures account balance. Options have a non-linear payout diagram. As the contract moves deeper in-the-money, options value grows exponentially.
Long-term Trading Ideas
After the active central bank action period is over, will gold price trend up or down? What would be the primary driver of gold price? Inflation, US dollar, interest rate, economic growth, or geopolitical crisis? All are possible, maybe a little bit of each.
My research reveals that gold price has a relatively stable relationship with WTI crude oil (CL). Over the past ten years, each 1,000 barrels of WTI (1 CL) sell at a price between 150 and 300 ounces of gold for about 80% of the time.
We could visualize an oil producer wanting to be paid by gold. When dollar fluctuates, he would adjust the dollar selling price to keep his gold acquisition stable. Therefore, whenever the price range is breached, gold price has a strong tendency of falling back in.
In the next writing, I would explore a convergence/divergence idea between GC and CL. Stay tuned!
Happy Trading.
*Trade ideas cited above are for illustration only, as an integral part of a case study to demonstrate the fundamental concepts in risk management under the market scenarios being discussed. They shall not be construed as investment recommendations or advice. Nor are they used to promote any specific products, or services.
CME Real-time Market Data help identify trade set-ups and express my market views. If you have futures in your trading portfolio, check out on CME Group data plans in TradingView that suit your trading needs
S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For Week of March 3, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook
The Spooz has completed an interim retreat (60 min chart - not shown). The upside target is designated at Mean Res 4080 with the possibility of extending to Mean Res 4080. Notwithstanding, the newly created Mean Sup 3955 is our intermediate downside target - Retest. The downward spiral to the Inner Index Dip 3785 is to be continued within this week and undoubtedly next week's price action.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For Week of March 3, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The currency is in doggy do rebound mode to the initial target of Mean Res 1.070 with a wild possibility of drifting to the Mean Res 1.075 - Resumption 2nd phase pullback to Inner Currency Dip of 1.046 will continue.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For Week of March 3, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The coin continues our technical analysis scenario from the previous week showing an earmark move to Mean Sup $21,500 as a primary destination. Once this knockdown market cools off, we will see a resurgence to the upside - the initial target of Mean Res of $23,600 with a solid rally to Key Res of $25,000 and the strong possibility to Outer Coin Rally of $26,000.
SPX Monthly - Adjusted for Real InflationThe assumptions are that money printing is real inflation as is often stated by Peter Schiff and M2 money supply is a good measure of the amount of money that has been printed into circulation. This data goes back to 1959 and makes the dot com bubble in 2000 look much more exuberant than current price levels. There is room for downside from here as the 1966 to 1974 decline and 2008 crash suggest.
The chart also suggests that there has been no real stock market growth since the 1960s. It should be noted that the stock market was a good place to keep capital as an inflation hedge and a source of dividends and that cash kept over this time period would have lost pretty close to all of its value while earning no dividends. It demonstrates how important it is to not let cash sit in a bank and collect dust and to be financially literate. The central bank system punishes savers and forces participation in markets.
The S&P can see a 75% increase or a 68% decrease from here and still be within its historical range. I’m leaning more bullish right now but these are very uncertain times, with the Fed having raised the fed funds rate to 4.75% and the stock market having declined for all of 2022. Nothing would surprise me but this chart helps to show that maybe the market isn’t as ridiculously priced as it looks when looking at the S&P 500 chart alone.
S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For Week of February 24, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook
The index Mean Res 4145 was the culprit target with the recent Intermediary Up Trend as shown on S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For the Week of Feb 17; all three targets were hit - Mean Sup 4060, Mean Sup 4015, and the Inner Index Dip 3980. The newly created Mean Res 4028 is our intermediate upside target - Dead-cat bounce. Keep in mind that the current bearish market sentiment is intact. There is a significant possibility that the Mean Sup 3890 and retest could be undertaken of Key Sup 3785 and completed of the Inner Index Dip 3785 as well.
EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For Week of February 24, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The Eurodollar continued a downward spiral this week, as shown on EUR/USD Daily Chart Analysis For the Week of Feb 17. The price action hit our Mean Sup 1.066 for several days, indicating its bearish mode. The leading downside target designation is Mean Sup 1.052 and the Inner Currency Dip of 1.046. Once this puppy hits our targets, we will see a revival to the upside aiming for the main target of the Mean Res 1.060.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For Week of Feb 24, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
After hitting our Key Res $24,500, as shown on the Bitcoin Daily Chart Analysis Update For the Week of Feb 17, the coin is retreating aggressively, striking our target of the Mean Sup $23,500 as marked and showing an earmark move to Mean Sup $21,500. Once this puppy settles down, we will see a resurgence to the upside - the initial target of Key Res $25,000 with a rally all the way to the Outer Coin Rally of $26,000 and the Extended Outer Coin Rally of $27,000 targets.
S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For Week of February 17, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook
The index continues to respect our Mean Sup 4060 target as shown on S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For the Week of Feb 10. The newly created Mean Res 4145 is our intermediate upside target - However, keep in mind that the temporary bearish market sentiment is intact, and a significant possibility that the Mean Sup 4060 retest could be undertaken with an eye on the inner stepping stone of Mean Sup 4015 and completion of the Inner Index Dip 3980.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For Week of Feb 17, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
The coin is resting comfortably at our Key Res $24,500, as shown on the Bitcoin Daily Chart Analysis Update For the Week of Feb 16. We expect a pullback to our Mean Sup $23,500 for this week's price action. Once this puppy settles down, we will see a resurgence to the upside - the initial target of Key Res $24,500 (Retest) with a rally all the way to the Outer Coin Rally of $26,000 and Soon-To-Be the Outer Coin Rally of $27,000 outcome.
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) Daily Chart Analysis For Week of Feb 10, 2023Technical Analysis and Outlook:
Bitcoin hit our initial progressive pullback Mean Sup $22,500 and extended a retreat to Mean Sup $21,500 on Friday as shown on Bitcoin Daily Chart Analysis For the Week of Feb 3. Once this puppy flushed out weak-longs, resumption to the upside shows the initial target of Mean Res $22,650 with a possible rally all the way to the Mean Res $23,300 and $24,000 - this week.
Gold a currency hedge assetThe 2 key reasons why gold keeps rising it is because
1) Gold is an inflation hedge asset
2) Gold is a currency hedge asset
• Gold is still an inflation hedge instrument
• Gold is also a currency hedge instrument
• How to invest & trade in Gold?
CME Micro Gold Futures
Minimum fluctuation
0.1 = $1
1 = $10
10 = $100
100 = $1,000
• What presented here is not a recommendation, please consult your licensed broker.
• Our mission is to create lateral thinking skills for every investor and trader, knowing when to take a calculated risk with market uncertainty and a bolder risk when opportunity arises.
CME Real-time Market Data help identify trading set-ups in real-time and express my market views. If you have futures in your trading portfolio, you can check out on CME Group data plans available that suit your trading needs
U.S. stock market remains unchanged despite soaring CPI figures
U.S. stock market futures S&P and NASDAQ have not changed significantly.
The market predicted a fall in inflation compared to the previous month, but it showed an increase not only above the forecast but also compared to the previous month.