Is the Euro's Stability a Mirage?The Euro Currency Index stands at a crossroads, its future clouded by a confluence of political, economic, and social forces that threaten to unravel the very fabric of Europe. Rising nationalism, fueled by demographic shifts and economic fragility, is driving political instability across the continent. This unrest, particularly in economic powerhouses like Germany, triggers capital flight and erodes investor confidence. Meanwhile, geopolitical realignments—most notably the U.S.'s strategic pivot away from Europe—are weakening the euro's global standing. As these forces converge, the eurozone's once-solid foundation appears increasingly fragile, raising a critical question: is the stability of the euro merely an illusion?
Beneath the surface, deeper threats loom. Europe's aging population and shrinking workforce exacerbate economic stagnation, while the European Union's cohesion is tested by fragmentation risks, from Brexit's lingering effects to Italy's debt woes. These challenges are not isolated; they feed into a cycle of uncertainty that could destabilize financial markets and undermine the euro's value. Yet, history reminds us that Europe has weathered storms before. Its ability to adapt—through political unity, economic reform, and innovation—could determine whether the euro emerges stronger or succumbs to the pressures mounting against it.
The path forward is fraught with complexity, but it also presents an opportunity. Will Europe confront its demographic and political challenges head-on, or will it allow hidden vulnerabilities to dictate its fate? The answer may reshape not only the euro's trajectory but the future of global finance itself. As investors, policymakers, and citizens watch this drama unfold, one thing is clear: the euro's story is far from over, and its next chapter demands bold vision and decisive action. What do you see in the shadows of this unfolding crisis?
Can France’s Economy Defy Gravity?The CAC 40, France’s flagship stock index, showcases the nation’s economic strength, driven by global giants like LVMH and TotalEnergies. With their vast international presence, these multinational corporations provide the index with notable resilience, allowing it to endure domestic challenges. However, this apparent stability masks a deeper, more intricate reality. Beneath the surface, the French economy grapples with significant structural issues that could undermine its long-term success, making the CAC 40’s performance both a symbol of hope and a point of vulnerability.
France confronts multiple internal pressures that threaten its economic stability. An aging population, with a median age of 40—among the highest in developed nations—shrinks the workforce, increasing the burden of healthcare and pension costs. Public debt, projected to hit 112% of GDP by 2027, restricts fiscal flexibility, while political instability, such as a recent government collapse, hampers essential reforms. Compounding these issues is the challenge of immigration. France’s immigrant population, particularly from Africa and the Middle East, faces difficulties integrating into a rigid labor market shaped by strict regulations and strong unions. This struggle limits the nation’s ability to leverage immigrant labor to offset workforce shortages while straining social unity, adding further complexity to France’s economic challenges.
Looking forward, France’s economic future hangs in the balance. The CAC 40’s resilience offers a buffer, but lasting prosperity depends on tackling these entrenched problems—demographic decline, fiscal constraints, political gridlock, and the effective integration of immigrants. To maintain its global standing, France must pursue bold reforms and innovative solutions, a daunting task requiring determination and foresight. As the nation strives to reconcile its rich traditions with the demands of a modern economy, a critical question looms: can France overcome these obstacles to secure a thriving future? The outcome will resonate well beyond its borders, offering lessons for a watching world.
Gold to $3000Gold has tested the $2000 area twice and failed. If it makes new all time highs, above 2050-2070, it could easily run to 3k. One of the few spots of strength in the market along with bitcoin since the Silvergate&SVB triggered banking crisis. Out of position on a weekly close under 1750.
Economic, geopolitic, monetary news. Issue No 7.1- New U.S. Navy Tomahawk Missile Now Runs on Corn
Looks like when we'll run out of good old oil we'll still be able to travel to space, project armies, launch all sorts of devices in the air.
"Los Alamos National Labs has come up with a replacement fuel for JP-10 that uses corn bran and other feedstocks instead of petroleum products. The result is a fuel that can be sourced directly from America’s most plentiful crop, bypassing foreign sources."
They claimed it would be cheaper than Oil. Maybe. All that corn is used for fructose sirup because it's cheap already.
Anyone seen The Informant! (2009)? It's about the lysine price-fixing conspiracy with a corporate director or whatever he was constantly lying to the FBI (or whoever was running the investigation).
Oh and what's left goes to feeding livestock, and then a tiny part goes to making tortillas or just selling as corn directly.
If Oil is free corn prices will fall but they won't be cheaper than free. It's all going to depend on Oil price.
+ Storage also of course as the world has learned a few months ago which might not be the same for both.
Oil is fat, it has more energy than ethanol (9 kcal/7kcal), not sure how much is in crude.
"As of May 2020, the rack price of ethanol was $0.75 versus $1.06 for unleaded 87–octane gasoline", 30% cheaper and 30% less energy in it.
The "experts" are saying ethanol is really terrible, not sure why. Because it takes space? Fertility rates are dropping and are even abysmal in the west, they're not very high in other countries either except black africa. And alot of people really want that Bill Gates vaccine? On an earth with 5 or less billion people it won't be a problem by the time we run out of oil (if that's not a hoax). The "greens" should push for de-urbanization, distributism, decentralization, working from home, and flying trams like in Japan. Then you won't need so much gazoline or ethanol.
2- New World Order: UN & BIS statements
From modern-liberalism site wikipedia:
"The New World Order or NWO in conspiracy theories is the hypothesis of a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination."
Haha! "Conspiracy theory". Well that aged well.
Unelected UN secretary general for his 75th UN charter anniversary conference speech said that they saved the world from WW3, and has used covid (never let a good crisis go to waste) to show how important the UN role was, and that it showed we needed more of it.
He said the world needed a global governance (sounds alot like the "conspiracy theory"), and has criticized world powers for not playing along (Trump, Putin...). He has in particular whined that the P5 were not all present and it made things harder (China & USA, and also Russia France UK because they used to be relevant well they created it also).
"In the 21st century, Governments are no longer the only political and power reality."
The P5:
China is pro NWO (they want the USA to lose their power). The UN praise China.
France president previous job was at the Rothschild bank, and we had some of the strictest lockdown rules against the coronahoax. The UN praise France.
Russia wants to preserve christan white values, have banned Soros & Rothschilds from their country. ==> SANCTIONS AND MORE SANCTIONS AND MORE SANCTIONS.
The USA have Trump as president and he made it very clear he was a patriot anti globalists ==> Black Lives Matter and Antifa are starting a civil war.
The UK had Brexit, and the neo-marxist weihmar 2.0 party (using the name of the labour party) had its worse result in history ==> Stabbings, fights with police, etc.
Jeremy Corbyn brother is a "climate denier" and I bet Jeremy is too in reality.
BIS now: "Pandemic may have strengthened case for central bank digital currency" and also is urging central banks to speed up their own transitions/dev of digital currencies.
It's hard to impossible for a population to gain their freedom in a big country, logistics, getting together, etc...
Even worse look at the Kurds: betrayed by the west they did not get their country, now they are split in 4 countries.
4 different groups that speak different languages, what can they do?
Imagine a global world government, that also has total control over the money supply. Good luck.
The BIS and UN statements have come the same day. Just like "happytalism" but at least those were concerning the same thing.
It's always coordinated. "Conspiracy theory", oh and what else is a conspiracy theory? That Biden wants to give executive power in the USA to the democrats? How stupid are these people really? "Conspiracy theory".
3- PBOC refuses to monetize the debt or use negative rates
They say they want to use tools but moderate, without opening the flood gates, and are planning the exit in advance (I heard that before 😀 To be fair there is a big difference, the FED said "yeye sure we'll get out of it don't worry" that's not the same as having a plan).
And here we have it: "If the US Federal Reserve puts too much consideration on the "internal scenario" when making policies, it may hurt the global financial stability and lower the creditworthiness of the US dollar."
Not new that China dislikes their too great dependency on the dollar and have been trying to separate from it and have bought plenty of gold.
So not much to say, they're avoiding going full insane. No money flood.
4- Non marxists jews are really starting to worry
Who could have seen this coming? Took them long enough. Plenty of jews, including lgbtxyz and worried now xd What'd you expect? "Kill all whites" "Oh no they're becoming radical Hitler might come back".
Some have emitted worries that all the violent racial rethoric was bringing whites together in a solidified group and you know, and so on.
"One of the reasons I’ve been worried about the current state of racial politics is the potential that it will drive aggrieved white people to the far right. Seems like an obvious problem but I rarely see people talking about it."
Weimar 2.0 can lead to Hitler 2.0. The west was confronted to Hitler thought, and learned to be afraid of it, they didn't learn to be afraid of Stalin. So maybe that's what will happen. Oh how fortunate that in january 2021 as a new US president takes office well intentionned people are coming to save us all with their new world order.
Maybe add them to genocide watch? Both jews and european whites.
5- Mexico pesos inflation & further rate cuts
Mexico does not care. Another western offshoot even thought they're not considered so. And another similar reaction.
Trying to look like Argentina, which also is a white western offshoot not considered so because reasons, that had great policies and also a great depression. Argentina literally has a german reich army, and all the nazis fled there, but hey, they're not part of the west. Logic. Mexico is aztec-spanish so it's arguable I guess. Still, pretty similar methods.
Mexico growth is predicted to be under -10% this year which is the non official requirement for a depression.
And China that isn't doing this, like other SEA nations. 20 years ago the west told them not to, and they learned. The west thought did not learn their own lesson.
Hey you remember that never ending sideways in 2018-2019? Ye that's over.
6- Companies end their Facebook ad contract, and FB decides they'll be censoring politicians they don't like
Large companies including Unilever (the company now based in London and made anti-Brexit bears look stupid) have terminated their ad contract with Facebook due to them refusing to censor Trump. It's at least for 1 month.
For Unilever it's the whole year. Statement:
Ben & Jerry (A Unilever product) have said "silence is racism" or something like that, and "We Must Dismantle White Supremacy".
Unilever has even rebranded some products in India under pressure from idiots that are always wrong and never learn in the USA xd
Advertisers are boycotting Twitter and Instagram too, but FB is what we heard most about. Other famous names include KO, Hershey, VZ.
Unilever is the world largest advertiser and they're a big chunk of internet platforms revenue. I don't know what the total share of all the boycotters is.
Big tech was the one sector pulling the US economy up, and away from a mega depression :)
I wonder who started with campaign. Oh, it happened to be the ADL, didn't see that coming.
"Provide audit of and refund to advertisers whose ads were shown next to content that was later removed for violations of terms of service. We have documented many examples of companies’ advertisements running alongside the horrible content that Facebook permits. That is not what most advertisers pay for, and they shouldn’t have to."
KO has an official statement on their website:
The Oligarchy wants social media to follow Stalin example and remove everything. Just a few months before the NWO is introduced.
The oligarchy shall not let Zuck not censor the US president, and "fight hate speech" (promote marxism, the nwo, the oligarchy).
Some companies have already started to drool and congratulate themselves on their power over social media.
And on the other side, the US executive have issued an order to punish social media over their censoring of conservatives, and the social media shield from 25 years ago (they're not publishers) is being rethought.
Trump also wants to modernize anti trust laws.
Trump wants to permanently "boycott" federal ads on social networks.
Stuck. Pulled from both sides!
If Trump wins FB TWTR etc will be in big big trouble xd. They must be praying for the democrats to win, presidency and congress, so at least they can survive.
No need to explain what could happen on an investment perspective. FB has thousands of advertisers thought. And not the first time they do this, or threaten to.
Huge companies will stop at nothing to preserve wageslavery. Even if dems win social media will be in trouble, it's expensive to run a Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. They have billions of users, but maybe they can use garbage algos like youtube? Having to refund advertisers thought xd This can only end well.
As you can expect, UNI have been criticized for not having enough blacks at the top, which is their fault of course.
So on 1 side we have the government, that is against regulations and against big government and pro business and pro profit.
On the other side we have big companies, oligarchs, that are pro marxist-stalinist ideas and want a bigger government and big control and censorship and anti-business, the boycott is called "Stop Hate for Profit".
DJI update: fake news and almost free money. The DJI is approaching an all time high of about 278400. This market has become pretty volatile mostly at 30 - 50 minute charts.
Although the DJI is pushing north madly, it is a market that is being moth eaten. It's instability is likened to a Jenga tower. The instability is also seen in trend switches down to the 5 minute level.
Time to Accumulate Gold and Silver Miners on Metals Pullback It is always important to keep one’s mind open and to consider all possibilities.
At this point I am expecting a pullback correction in Gold, between $1416 and $1434. If this pullback comes, this will be an opportunity to accumulate undervalued junior miners who will play “catch-up” to the large cap miners. Additionally, with the gold-silver ratio finally breaking lower, silver looks poised to outperform on this next leg up. I am not actively shorting the metals, merely patiently waiting for this opportunity to accumulate even more shares in my list of miners.
However, given the current state of affairs around the world, it is entirely possible this pullback never comes and that we move higher from here. I am hedged against that possibility by being presently invested and continuously adding to my investments in junior & small cap miners. In my opinion, if this scenario plays out where gold does not correct first, it will ultimately not be ideal for gold long-term and will likely result in a painful crash in the metals.
THE FOOLS RUSHED WHERE ANGELS FEARED TO TREAD!!Well, well - 'everybody' (except me), is rushing madly bullish on the DJI, as there is now a 99% expectation that the Federal Reserve is gonna make not one but three interest rate cuts over the next 18 months. This post is relevant to risk management and trading psychology .
The hard evidence is that rate cuts in the similar economic circumstances are followed by recessions. Don't believe me. See it for yourself at the Federal Reserve ! For an annotated version see here .
I can find no hard data that leads me to believe that the US Economy with its $22 Trillion exponentially rising debt , is healthy. There is nothing in the fundamental data that would account for the sort of charge north we saw in the last week. The leap north is simply about greed and hope, that the FED will save the markets - which is not their business.
Central Banks in India and Australia have already cut interest rates. For India the markets went south in response, for complex reasons that may not relate to the DJI. The Aussies are indecisive at this point. Now we have Draghi in Europe contemplating rate cuts.
A fresh round of money printing (aka quantitative easing) is likely to happen. Look, all this stuff is like paddling hard in a canoe against a tsunami. The IMF warned us about the approaching financial tsunami. Instead our leaders worsened the situation by protectionist trade measures. This is what people do: when your life is under threat, you panic and protect your own - instead of cooperating. So - nothing surprising. All the protectionism is a signal to me that something big is coming.
Looking ahead, if a collapse happens (and I'm not predicting), I expect Gold, Platinum, and Cryptos to rocket north. For forex, I expect all /JPY pairs to head south. AUD and NZD pairs tend to move south but the correlation is far from perfect.
DISCLAIMER : This educational post is speculative. Opinions expressed here are not intended as 'advice ' even if so construed. DYOR! Your decisions in the markets are your own. If you make decisions based on this post and you lose money, you are totally responsible for your losses.
Gold will rise on fears of USD instability In every way possible the US is reducing its role on the global stage and becoming less of a global superpower. Unless new signals reassert American dominance globally it can be easily assumed that USD will loose purchasing power along with its parent nation. Money is needed to move politics, war and global trade. If the US pulls back from these activities there will be less demand for USD. In other ways we are still waiting for another 2008 style black swan to bring the party to an early end. The US debt is also untenable and could bring the entire world to a standstill. Its against this backdrop of mistrust and uncertainty that investors will again turn to gold and for some cryptocurrency. With fewer POW cryptocurrencies and more tied into traditional finance and backed by traditional assets they too are at great risk of crashing with the rest of the markets ( except for Monero, Litecoin and the original Bitcoin)
BTC/USDT - SHORT TERMBitcoin is experiencing days of instability, we can be in a good area of purchase for this timeframe aiming at a sale in the area of the green line and with a stop in the line of 50% fib(breaking down this resistance the next is the red line and next 61,8% of fib) RSI and Sthocastic are almost in oversold giving even a small margin to drop more, the entry point will be from the next candle with closing above the maximum of the previous one and the confirmation with the EMA line of 9 periods by cutting the EMA from 26 upwards.
Bitcoin está passando por dias de instabilidade, podemos estar em uma boa área de compra para esse período, visando uma venda na área da linha verde e com uma parada na linha de 50% de fib (quebrando essa resistência, a próxima é a linha vermelha e a próxima 61,8% de fib) RSI e Sthocastic estão quase em sobrevenda, dando mesmo uma pequena margem para cair mais, o ponto de entrada será da próxima vela com o fechamento acima do máximo do anterior e a confirmação com a linha EMA de 9 períodos cortando o EMA de 26 para cima.