Intel gobbles up Barefoot (cloud flexibility platform)I have always been grateful to have knowledge in both tech and finance.
To be able to Forex EMA 8,12,15,20,25,50 swingtrade & to be able to understand the tech behind the market.
People might read this headline in think so what big deal?
People have no idea the significance that cloud storage (specifically a platform that’s multifaceted, flexible, fungible , scalable, user-friendly and is garnering a massive buzz in the tech circle in Silicon Valley.
If you ask me this was a poor move; rather a cowardly one on the developers of barefoot. Unless one of their family members got a terminal illness and they needed money for medical bills or there’s some exigent circumstances that required them to need a large sum of money ASAP , selling Barefoot While still in its infancy is perhaps the stupidest move they could’ve done....comparable to Gates selling Microsoft IBM in 1988 or Zuckerberg selling FB to Microsoft in 2006— granted Microsoft and Facebook are much wider in terms of user base and market cap however with smartphones costing as little as three dollars in 3rd World poverty-striken, remote regions in Southeast Asia/India (courtesy of the American consumer) upgrading their iPhones every year so that they could refurbish our old iPhone 1-3 for practically pennies and that coupled with India’s most wealthy billionaire and venture capitalist/entrepreneur (as well as patriot to his nation) being a real estate mogul has made a massive investment in his country to install seven 4G Wi-Fi towers with a radius of 15 to 20 Km & putting them in the most densely populated regions of India... he is not only investing in his nation; He is modernizing India as a whole.
Some of you might not be old enough to remember the dreaded AOL dial-up robotic sounds or the 2 FPS bandwidth it came with (My God it makes me cringe thinking of how mining Cryoto on dialup would’ve been lmao) my point being:
They do not have to climb the rugs at the ladders from Dialup-broadband-1g-2g-3g-4g but with the $4 billion dollar investment in infrastructure ushering in the implementation of the cell giving the worlds worst second populous nation towers, he’s not only giving the worlds worst second populous nation—over 1 billion people (700 million of which are all within the range of each tower strategically placed by engineers, meteorologists, architects, sociologists & consumer based economic analysts to maximize user base and efficiency.
Just like that overnight india goes from having no cell phones to having 4G smart phones and this is something that is not widely discussed but really should be as the east will be the sole determining factor in the future of the crypto market.
One out of three people do not have a bank account on earth. When you narrow the region down to the south east Asia/India you’re talking 1/2 with no access to digital payments yet very much a need to use them just like the rest of us.
This is my argument and I stand by it for why I believe Omisego will be a game changer in 2020.
They are just now toying with their phones; playing Angry Birds, Adopting social media and finding their footing...It’ll be absolutely no time before they discovered Crypto and once they do you’re talking Roughly 3.5 billion people who do not trust the financial Infrastructures nor the governments at all.
What do you think they will do when they find out they can be their own bank? More so what do you think they’ll be inclined to do with they find out they could do it ANONYMOUSLY? I’ve visited Mumbai for a brief time circa 2014 & It was absolutely mind boggling to see bazaars & makeshift tents with merchants and consumers alike holding live chickens over their heads & bartering/paying for all goods with a QR code on the fabric of the tent.
Why do child soldiers exist in Africa? (Somalia, Libya, Nigeria, etc.) It was a rhetorical question.
The answer is because you could buy an AK-47 at any age from anyone for the cost of a fast food meal ($2-4) & when munitions are cheaper than food,
People will buy them and use them to kill others to steal food.
Without straying too far from the argument the point here is that much like ANY revolution be it the Internet, smartphone, social media, or financial...India will rapidly see a surge in GDP & much like Xi did with modern China, at least half 1 billion people will be lifted from poverty to middle class.
What this means for global markets is contingent of the Geo political situation when all is said & done.
What this means for the global Crypto markets is a massive parabolic bullrun. I’ve said it many times on Twitter (and other platforms) throughout the past 3 years since we begin our decline into cryptowinter...once we reach $100,000 on BTCUSD there’s no going back & it will only start early but slowly climb from there.
To be honest it might even be sooner because after half a decade of insider trading & Wells monopolizing pump and dump schemes, unfortunately.
That will be the threshold where price action cannot longer be manipulated as the minnows collectively will always determine market outlook and the whales have no choice but to go with the flow.
Anybody that’s “too big to fail” I.e. Rothschild Goldman Sachs JP Morgan Citibank Lehman Brothers & Wells Fargo (among others) Has already bought around 3700 bottom and this is not my opinion just go on the Blockchain network and look at the wallets with the biggest holdings in the top 10 market cap.
The very fact that they have had their entries for over 140 days and are still HODLing despite any selloff or reversal suggests that they took a “If you can’t beat them join them” approach after Trying to disparage / suppress crypto for over a decade starting with the silk road scandal.
But let me get back to the topic at hand. Intel is already a major tech hardware and software conglomerate. This acquisition was perhaps the smartest move on their part although if they waited a couple months they probably could’ve gotten it much cheaper nevertheless it will still pay off tenfold as they have major issues with data compression...
Apps and services like dropbox or Google Drive will be obsolete as intel finds a way to combine both their hardware and software from Barefoot to create data sets compiled into fractions of a megabyte. There are more reasons than I could list as to how this will change the game for one and perhaps most obviously, there will be no data plans.
Your phone bill price will fluctuate based on (presumably) bandwidth, As phones at 2025 and forward will be advertised NOT for the amount of data they could hold but how quickly they could process it.
Now this is still at least a decade away; but intel just made a huge move and you know the expression “buy the rumor, sell the news” and so a beautiful short position entry on intel is probably a good idea.
Let me emphasize why I believe it would be better to go short—I’ve dealt with this type of News time and times again.
There’s two types of headlines that could impact the market:
1) ASAP news (I.e. trump tweets “I am putting a 50% tariff on the entire world” which would probably send the market in a death spiral and
2) Patch/upgrade news (i.e. an announcement has been made; though practically irrelevant in terms of how it will be used in the company in the case of the intel acquisition— Just the news alone will spin the market to #FOMO.
This brings me to why I suggest a short position because after we see our upswing/growth from this acquisition news by intel and Barefoot; Almost immediately after you’re doomed to see a bunch of greedy shorts who will then start a dominos effect causing massive FUD & a sell off will ensue...afterwards a bunch of greedy folks will try to take advantage of said selloff by making a huge entry before consolidation.
I’ll be the first to admit I am no stock guru by any chance, yet I am a crypto wiz and when it comes to reading charts, indicators do not discriminate nor give a shit what it is.
Beit a currency, equity, bond stock, crypto; it makes no difference. Burkowskis DBL bottom will always result in the same chart pattern & The only difference being volume/mkt cap this timeframe.
So in summation for you “TLDR” folks out there —
intel just made a huge game changing cloud flexibility acquisition that will strengthen their market outlook for atleast a decade to follow.
India will contribute immensely to the global markets within the next year & if you can forex trade stocks, you can forex trade crypto and vice versa.
It’s just a bit harder with Crypto because everybody knows what Samsung & SIRI & Viacom does: nobody knows what the roadmap/whitepaper for Iota is. In addition to having to learn the tech behind the market cap tokens and coins, cryptocurrencies are the wild west of Wall Street in a global market that never closes.
I’ll admit at first I was a bit intimidated to branch out to nyse & Wall Street; yet after trading crypto from Q1 2014 to Q2 2016, I figured I would start with baby steps and so I branched out to first other currencies. Then commodities . Then bonds. Those stocks and I pretty much straight trade everything.
Institutional Wall Street investors with over 20+ years experience will resent me for saying this but the truth hurts: Forex trading crypto is like riding a mountain bike on gear 10 up Mt. Everest in a blizzard.
In comparison, to go & start trading on Wall Street/ NYSE , it felt like riding a 4 year old toddlers bicycle with training wheels on flat terrain....
So even though these wall st fat cats will never admit it— they envy us for we can do what they can and they can’t do what we can.
Research research research!!
If a bachelors degree is 248 accredited hours towards a specific field/subject and you spent 16 hours a day seven days a week for four years straight amassing > 3000 to 4000 hours of Self education and I’m talking rigorous off education it’s not for everyone for some people cannot teach themselves and that’s OK.
Hate to hit you with another cliché but knowledge is power.
We all have our strengths & weaknesses. Mine? I am a socially awkward geek loser with 0 friends. But I’m okay with it. I have my girl I have my family and I have my kitties and that’s all I need.
With that being said— Do not pursue this career choice as a Forex trader ( esp wit crypto) If you are is it for just the money. You will never win it that way.
If this isnt for you; cut your losses and find your niche, then go all in on that. Not only will you be up much happier person your quality of life will improve but you will also be successful. I promise you.
So that’s it for Tuesday mornings lecture as the morning bell has rung. Let the games begin!
Safe trading everybody. Peace & Love.
Intel (short) gobbles up Barefoot for cloud flexibility I have always been grateful to have knowledge in both tech and finance.
To be able to Forex EMA 8,12,15,20,25,50 swingtrade & to be able to understand the tech behind the market.
People might read this headline in think so what big deal?
People have no idea the significance that cloud storage (specifically a platform that’s multifaceted, flexible, fungible , scalable, user-friendly and is garnering a massive buzz in the tech circle in Silicon Valley.
If you ask me this was a poor move; rather a cowardly one on the developers of barefoot. Unless one of their family members got a terminal illness and they needed money for medical bills or there’s some exigent circumstances that required them to need a large sum of money ASAP , selling Barefoot While still in its infancy is perhaps the stupidest move they could’ve done....comparable to Gates selling Microsoft IBM in 1988 or Zuckerberg selling FB to Microsoft in 2006— granted Microsoft and Facebook are much wider in terms of user base and market cap however with smartphones costing as little as three dollars in 3rd World poverty-striken, remote regions in Southeast Asia/India (courtesy of the American consumer) upgrading their iPhones every year so that they could refurbish our old iPhone 1-3 for practically pennies and that coupled with India’s most wealthy billionaire and venture capitalist/entrepreneur (as well as patriot to his nation) being a real estate mogul has made a massive investment in his country to install seven 4G Wi-Fi towers with a radius of 15 to 20 Km & putting them in the most densely populated regions of India... he is not only investing in his nation; He is modernizing India as a whole.
Some of you might not be old enough to remember the dreaded AOL dial-up robotic sounds or the 2 FPS bandwidth it came with (My God it makes me cringe thinking of how mining Cryoto on dialup would’ve been lmao) my point being:
They do not have to climb the rugs at the ladders from Dialup-broadband-1g-2g-3g-4g but with the $4 billion dollar investment in infrastructure ushering in the implementation of the cell giving the worlds worst second populous nation towers, he’s not only giving the worlds worst second populous nation—over 1 billion people (700 million of which are all within the range of each tower strategically placed by engineers, meteorologists, architects, sociologists & consumer based economic analysts to maximize user base and efficiency.
Just like that overnight india goes from having no cell phones to having 4G smart phones and this is something that is not widely discussed but really should be as the east will be the sole determining factor in the future of the crypto market.
One out of three people do not have a bank account on earth. When you narrow the region down to the south east Asia/India you’re talking 1/2 with no access to digital payments yet very much a need to use them just like the rest of us.
This is my argument and I stand by it for why I believe Omisego will be a game changer in 2020.
They are just now toying with their phones; playing Angry Birds, Adopting social media and finding their footing...It’ll be absolutely no time before they discovered Crypto and once they do you’re talking Roughly 3.5 billion people who do not trust the financial Infrastructures nor the governments at all.
What do you think they will do when they find out they can be their own bank? More so what do you think they’ll be inclined to do with they find out they could do it ANONYMOUSLY? I’ve visited Mumbai for a brief time circa 2014 & It was absolutely mind boggling to see bazaars & makeshift tents with merchants and consumers alike holding live chickens over their heads & bartering/paying for all goods with a QR code on the fabric of the tent.
Why do child soldiers exist in Africa? (Somalia, Libya, Nigeria, etc.) It was a rhetorical question.
The answer is because you could buy an AK-47 at any age from anyone for the cost of a fast food meal ($2-4) & when munitions are cheaper than food,
People will buy them and use them to kill others to steal food.
Without straying too far from the argument the point here is that much like ANY revolution be it the Internet, smartphone, social media, or financial...India will rapidly see a surge in GDP & much like Xi did with modern China, at least half 1 billion people will be lifted from poverty to middle class.
What this means for global markets is contingent of the Geo political situation when all is said & done.
What this means for the global Crypto markets is a massive parabolic bullrun. I’ve said it many times on Twitter (and other platforms) throughout the past 3 years since we begin our decline into cryptowinter...once we reach $100,000 on BTCUSD there’s no going back & it will only start early but slowly climb from there.
To be honest it might even be sooner because after half a decade of insider trading & Wells monopolizing pump and dump schemes, unfortunately.
That will be the threshold where price action cannot longer be manipulated as the minnows collectively will always determine market outlook and the whales have no choice but to go with the flow.
Anybody that’s “too big to fail” I.e. Rothschild Goldman Sachs JP Morgan Citibank Lehman Brothers & Wells Fargo (among others) Has already bought around 3700 bottom and this is not my opinion just go on the Blockchain network and look at the wallets with the biggest holdings in the top 10 market cap.
The very fact that they have had their entries for over 140 days and are still HODLing despite any selloff or reversal suggests that they took a “If you can’t beat them join them” approach after Trying to disparage / suppress crypto for over a decade starting with the silk road scandal.
But let me get back to the topic at hand. Intel is already a major tech hardware and software conglomerate. This acquisition was perhaps the smartest move on their part although if they waited a couple months they probably could’ve gotten it much cheaper nevertheless it will still pay off tenfold as they have major issues with data compression...
Apps and services like dropbox or Google Drive will be obsolete as intel finds a way to combine both their hardware and software from Barefoot to create data sets compiled into fractions of a megabyte. There are more reasons than I could list as to how this will change the game for one and perhaps most obviously, there will be no data plans.
Your phone bill price will fluctuate based on (presumably) bandwidth, As phones at 2025 and forward will be advertised NOT for the amount of data they could hold but how quickly they could process it.
Now this is still at least a decade away; but intel just made a huge move and you know the expression “buy the rumor, sell the news” and so a beautiful short position entry on intel is probably a good idea.
Let me emphasize why I believe it would be better to go short—I’ve dealt with this type of News time and times again.
There’s two types of headlines that could impact the market:
1) ASAP news (I.e. trump tweets “I am putting a 50% tariff on the entire world” which would probably send the market in a death spiral and
2) Patch/upgrade news (i.e. an announcement has been made; though practically irrelevant in terms of how it will be used in the company in the case of the intel acquisition— Just the news alone will spin the market to #FOMO.
This brings me to why I suggest a short position because after we see our upswing/growth from this acquisition news by intel and Barefoot; Almost immediately after you’re doomed to see a bunch of greedy shorts who will then start a dominos effect causing massive FUD & a sell off will ensue...afterwards a bunch of greedy folks will try to take advantage of said selloff by making a huge entry before consolidation.
I’ll be the first to admit I am no stock guru by any chance, yet I am a crypto wiz and when it comes to reading charts, indicators do not discriminate nor give a shit what it is.
Beit a currency, equity, bond stock, crypto; it makes no difference. Burkowskis DBL bottom will always result in the same chart pattern & The only difference being volume/mkt cap this timeframe.
So in summation for you “TLDR” folks out there —
intel just made a huge game changing cloud flexibility acquisition that will strengthen their market outlook for atleast a decade to follow.
India will contribute immensely to the global markets within the next year & if you can forex trade stocks, you can forex trade crypto and vice versa.
It’s just a bit harder with Crypto because everybody knows what Samsung & SIRI & Viacom does: nobody knows what the roadmap/whitepaper for Iota is. In addition to having to learn the tech behind the market cap tokens and coins, cryptocurrencies are the wild west of Wall Street in a global market that never closes.
I’ll admit at first I was a bit intimidated to branch out to nyse & Wall Street; yet after trading crypto from Q1 2014 to Q2 2016, I figured I would start with baby steps and so I branched out to first other currencies. Then commodities . Then bonds. Those stocks and I pretty much straight trade everything.
Institutional Wall Street investors with over 20+ years experience will resent me for saying this but the truth hurts: Forex trading crypto is like riding a mountain bike on gear 10 up Mt. Everest in a blizzard.
In comparison, to go & start trading on Wall Street/ NYSE , it felt like riding a 4 year old toddlers bicycle with training wheels on flat terrain....
So even though these wall st fat cats will never admit it— they envy us for we can do what they can and they can’t do what we can.
Research research research!!
If a bachelors degree is 248 accredited hours towards a specific field/subject and you spent 16 hours a day seven days a week for four years straight amassing > 3000 to 4000 hours of Self education and I’m talking rigorous off education it’s not for everyone for some people cannot teach themselves and that’s OK.
Hate to hit you with another cliché but knowledge is power.
We all have our strengths & weaknesses. Mine? I am a socially awkward geek loser with 0 friends. But I’m okay with it. I have my girl I have my family and I have my kitties and that’s all I need.
With that being said— Do not pursue this career choice as a Forex trader ( esp wit crypto) If you are is it for just the money. You will never win it that way.
If this isnt for you; cut your losses and find your niche, then go all in on that. Not only will you be up much happier person your quality of life will improve but you will also be successful. I promise you.
So that’s it for Tuesday mornings lecture as the morning bell has rung. Let the games begin!
Safe trading everybody. Peace & Love.
Intel gobbles Barefoot(multimillion cloud tech)I have always been grateful to have knowledge in both tech and finance.
To be able to Forex EMA 8,12,15,20,25,50 swingtrade & to be able to understand the tech behind the market.
People might read this headline in think so what big deal?
People have no idea the significance that cloud storage (specifically a platform that’s multifaceted, flexible, fungible , scalable, user-friendly and is garnering a massive buzz in the tech circle in Silicon Valley.
If you ask me this was a poor move; rather a cowardly one on the developers of barefoot. Unless one of their family members got a terminal illness and they needed money for medical bills or there’s some exigent circumstances that required them to need a large sum of money ASAP, selling Barefoot While still in its infancy is perhaps the stupidest move they could’ve done....comparable to Gates selling Microsoft IBM in 1988 or Zuckerberg selling FB to Microsoft in 2006— granted Microsoft and Facebook are much wider in terms of user base and market cap however with smartphones costing as little as three dollars in 3rd World poverty-striken, remote regions in Southeast Asia/India (courtesy of the American consumer) upgrading their iPhones every year so that they could refurbish our old iPhone 1-3 for practically pennies and that coupled with India’s most wealthy billionaire and venture capitalist/entrepreneur (as well as patriot to his nation) being a real estate mogul has made a massive investment in his country to install seven 4G Wi-Fi towers with a radius of 15 to 20 Km & putting them in the most densely populated regions of India... he is not only investing in his nation; He is modernizing India as a whole.
Some of you might not be old enough to remember the dreaded AOL dial-up robotic sounds or the 2 FPS bandwidth it came with (My God it makes me cringe thinking of how mining Cryoto on dialup would’ve been lmao) my point being:
They do not have to climb the rugs at the ladders from Dialup-broadband-1g-2g-3g-4g but with the $4 billion dollar investment in infrastructure ushering in the implementation of the cell giving the worlds worst second populous nation towers, he’s not only giving the worlds worst second populous nation—over 1 billion people (700 million of which are all within the range of each tower strategically placed by engineers, meteorologists, architects, sociologists & consumer based economic analysts to maximize user base and efficiency.
Just like that overnight india goes from having no cell phones to having 4G smart phones and this is something that is not widely discussed but really should be as the east will be the sole determining factor in the future of the crypto market.
One out of three people do not have a bank account on earth. When you narrow the region down to the south east Asia/India you’re talking 1/2 with no access to digital payments yet very much a need to use them just like the rest of us.
This is my argument and I stand by it for why I believe Omisego will be a game changer in 2020.
They are just now toying with their phones; playing Angry Birds, Adopting social media and finding their footing...It’ll be absolutely no time before they discovered Crypto and once they do you’re talking Roughly 3.5 billion people who do not trust the financial Infrastructures nor the governments at all.
What do you think they will do when they find out they can be their own bank? More so what do you think they’ll be inclined to do with they find out they could do it ANONYMOUSLY? I’ve visited Mumbai for a brief time circa 2014 & It was absolutely mind boggling to see bazaars & makeshift tents with merchants and consumers alike holding live chickens over their heads & bartering/paying for all goods with a QR code on the fabric of the tent.
Why do child soldiers exist in Africa? (Somalia, Libya, Nigeria, etc.) It was a rhetorical question.
The answer is because you could buy an AK-47 at any age from anyone for the cost of a fast food meal ($2-4) & when munitions are cheaper than food,
People will buy them and use them to kill others to steal food.
Without straying too far from the argument the point here is that much like ANY revolution be it the Internet, smartphone, social media, or financial...India will rapidly see a surge in GDP & much like Xi did with modern China, at least half 1 billion people will be lifted from poverty to middle class.
What this means for global markets is contingent of the Geo political situation when all is said & done.
What this means for the global Crypto markets is a massive parabolic bullrun. I’ve said it many times on Twitter (and other platforms) throughout the past 3 years since we begin our decline into cryptowinter...once we reach $100,000 on BTCUSD there’s no going back & it will only start early but slowly climb from there.
To be honest it might even be sooner because after half a decade of insider trading & Wells monopolizing pump and dump schemes, unfortunately.
That will be the threshold where price action cannot longer be manipulated as the minnows collectively will always determine market outlook and the whales have no choice but to go with the flow.
Anybody that’s “too big to fail” I.e. Rothschild Goldman Sachs JP Morgan Citibank Lehman Brothers & Wells Fargo (among others) Has already bought around 3700 bottom and this is not my opinion just go on the Blockchain network and look at the wallets with the biggest holdings in the top 10 market cap.
The very fact that they have had their entries for over 140 days and are still HODLing despite any selloff or reversal suggests that they took a “If you can’t beat them join them” approach after Trying to disparage / suppress crypto for over a decade starting with the silk road scandal.
But let me get back to the topic at hand. Intel is already a major tech hardware and software conglomerate. This acquisition was perhaps the smartest move on their part although if they waited a couple months they probably could’ve gotten it much cheaper nevertheless it will still pay off tenfold as they have major issues with data compression...
Apps and services like dropbox or Google Drive will be obsolete as intel finds a way to combine both their hardware and software from Barefoot to create data sets compiled into fractions of a megabyte. There are more reasons than I could list as to how this will change the game for one and perhaps most obviously, there will be no data plans.
Your phone bill price will fluctuate based on (presumably) bandwidth, As phones at 2025 and forward will be advertised NOT for the amount of data they could hold but how quickly they could process it.
Now this is still at least a decade away; but intel just made a huge move and you know the expression “ buy the rumor, sell the news” and so a beautiful short position entry on intel is probably a good idea.
Let me emphasize why I believe it would be better to go short—I’ve dealt with this type of News time and times again.
There’s two types of headlines that could impact the market:
1) ASAP news (I.e. trump tweets “I am putting a 50% tariff on the entire world” which would probably send the market in a death spiral and
2) Patch/upgrade news (i.e. an announcement has been made; though practically irrelevant in terms of how it will be used in the company in the case of the intel acquisition— Just the news alone will spin the market to #FOMO.
This brings me to why I suggest a short position because after we see our upswing/growth from this acquisition news by intel and Barefoot; Almost immediately after you’re doomed to see a bunch of greedy shorts who will then start a dominos effect causing massive FUD & a sell off will ensue...afterwards a bunch of greedy folks will try to take advantage of said selloff by making a huge entry before consolidation.
I’ll be the first to admit I am no stock guru by any chance, yet I am a crypto wiz and when it comes to reading charts, indicators do not discriminate nor give a shit what it is.
Beit a currency, equity, bond stock, crypto; it makes no difference. Burkowskis DBL bottom will always result in the same chart pattern & The only difference being volume/mkt cap this timeframe.
So in summation for you “TLDR” folks out there —
intel just made a huge game changing cloud flexibility acquisition that will strengthen their market outlook for atleast a decade to follow.
India will contribute immensely to the global markets within the next year & if you can forex trade stocks, you can forex trade crypto and vice versa.
It’s just a bit harder with Crypto because everybody knows what Samsung & SIRI & Viacom does: nobody knows what the roadmap/whitepaper for Iota is. In addition to having to learn the tech behind the market cap tokens and coins, cryptocurrencies are the wild west of Wall Street in a global market that never closes.
I’ll admit at first I was a bit intimidated to branch out to nyse & Wall Street; yet after trading crypto from Q1 2014 to Q2 2016, I figured I would start with baby steps and so I branched out to first other currencies. Then commodities. Then bonds. Those stocks and I pretty much straight trade everything.
Institutional Wall Street investors with over 20+ years experience will resent me for saying this but the truth hurts: Forex trading crypto is like riding a mountain bike on gear 10 up Mt. Everest in a blizzard.
In comparison, to go & start trading on Wall Street/ NYSE , it felt like riding a 4 year old toddlers bicycle with training wheels on flat terrain....
So even though these wall st fat cats will never admit it— they envy us for we can do what they can and they can’t do what we can.
Research research research!!
If a bachelors degree is 248 accredited hours towards a specific field/subject and you spent 16 hours a day seven days a week for four years straight amassing > 3000 to 4000 hours of Self education and I’m talking rigorous off education it’s not for everyone for some people cannot teach themselves and that’s OK.
Hate to hit you with another cliché but knowledge is power.
We all have our strengths & weaknesses. Mine? I am a socially awkward geek loser with 0 friends. But I’m okay with it. I have my girl I have my family and I have my kitties and that’s all I need.
With that being said— Do not pursue this career choice as a Forex trader (esp wit crypto) If you are is it for just the money. You will never win it that way.
If this isnt for you; cut your losses and find your niche, then go all in on that. Not only will you be up much happier person your quality of life will improve but you will also be successful. I promise you.
So that’s it for Tuesday mornings lecture as the morning bell has rung. Let the games begin!
Safe trading everybody. Peace & Love.
Intel short term reboundThere has bee a lot of negativity lately about the company; and I think a little too much compared to where they are today.
The negative news is slowly dying down and it will open the way for the price to stabilize to it's original standing.
Looking for a bounce on the support line but be careful on not being too greedy on this one.
US Stocks - Intel Trading Plan Week 18, 2019 (20th May - 24th May 2019)
Plan 3 - US Stocks - Intel
Price deadly drop and hit a very strong support @ 43.54 after they have to stop producing and shipping chips to Huawei. This gonna hurt their revenue. I gonna looking to buy this stock if bullish PA forms.
shitcoins are the means to the end of more ZEC / BSVCZ doesn't understand how bitcoin works (imagine rolling back an immutable chain because you dun goofed LOL) and Binance will probably go bankrupt because CZ doesn't understand Bitcoin. In the meantime, cop some RLC after deposits and withdrawals open back up next week. This play will take some time for the entry to trigger break and retest of (.828 usd). I don't like trading shitcoins against BTC right now. All my successful plays have been on dollar pairs. Keep making $ to slowly accumulate ZEC and BSV. Long term, I'm working towards 50% ZEC /50% BSV as my sole crypto holdings after my shitcoins make a move.
This Week: INTC AnalysisSemiconductors took a hit after Intel slashed its earnings outlook for 2019 amid a slowdown in equipment spending by cloud computing companies and headwinds from China. Intel lost 8.99% on its announcement, gapping down to close at $52.43 and forming a spinning top after finding support at ~$52.
BULLISH INDICATORS! BUYERIC looks like it's ready to run!
On the daily chart, if the stock price can break above $8.90, it should hit $10 to $12
Every indicator on the daily chart is BULLISH
As for the Weekly Chart goes...
Every indicator on the Weekly is BULLISH
COST: $8.50
INTC Potentially lowerINTC brings up a buying chance but I prefer to wait and get a better price. At the moment I'd like a short position and the target around 44 it looks ok.
Sidenote: "Top-notch entries are exclusive to members of Cream Live Trading"
Learn how to beat the market as Professional Trader with an ex-insider!
Have a Nice Trading Week!
Cream Live Trading, Best Regards!
Intel resistance INTC NVDA AMD
Advanced self-driving cars will need processors and GPU's, which means Intel and NVDA or AMD likely. Would you put another brand in with that risk?
Intel as at 618 Fib Retracement near 48.48, actual 48.53 right now and hitting resistance today. Expecting midterm election will drive this up to 500 or higher retrace soon.
4h, day and week are all showing same resistance. Playing that market going up with the big boys needing to put money to work.