Iron Condor on FacebookWith a small increase in the VIX today and FB still around 50 IV rank I added this trade to my FB positions to slowly start to have trades expiring in oct.
The trade:
Expiration date - Oct 20, 2017
Long 150 Put
Short 155 Put
Short 185 Call
Long 190 Call
Price: $1.10
Max loss: $390
Probability of profit 67%
OPENING TWTR DEC 15TH 17/19/23/25 IRON CONDOR... for a .49/contract credit (late post).
Finally catching up with some of last week's trades ... .
Relatively high implied volatility after earnings (currently at 44%), going small, defined, since I'd rather keep dry powder on for something sexier (which there hasn't been much of here).
Will shoot for 50% max on this little fella ... .
OPENING: XOP DEC 15TH 32/34/40/42 IRON CONDOR... for a .49 ($49)/contract credit.
Probability of Profit: 63%
Max Profit: $49/contract
Max Loss: $151/contract
Breakevens: 33.51/40.49
Delta: 1.64
Theta: .99
Notes: Going small, defined, neutral assumption here, since the implied volatility isn't as high as I would like. Shooting for 50% max ... . The full on naked 34/40 in the same expiry currently goes for .82.
OPENING: EWZ DEC 15TH 33.5/35.5/44/46 IRON CONDOR (LATE POST)... for a .38/contract credit.
With an implied volatility of 31.6, this is one of the higher volatility exchange traded funds. Going small.
For a two-wide, this credit is less than compelling; I usually want to see 1/3rd the width of the wings out of these. Thinking of it more as an "engagement trade" than anything else, as I wait for some volatility to seep back into the market ... .
Monthly Income Series IWMOur IWM has been sideway for many months.
In view of market situation currently, we should have a last wave of uptrend and the heading south.
So for now, I will still stand my view for IWM as slight uptrend will stronger sideway for short term view.
From the chart, as usual i will most based on my Ta analysis, by drawing channel trend line, as well as Fib Retracement
which has proven it work for IWM for the past 4-5 months.
While i am waiting my previous monthly income series analysis on IWM, to expect IWM July options to expire OTM in 2 weeks time,
with next monthly options August options DTE in around 40 days time, i would like to enter my trade on IC on IWM on below:
STO Bear Call Spread 145/147
STO Bull Put Spread 135/133
forming IronCondor for Aug options @ $0.64, with BPE a contract of $141 with DTE 42 at the point enter,
it worked out a good ROI per day.
OPENING: SPY SEPT 1ST 238/241/249/251 IRON CONDOR... for a .95 credit.
I really wanted to go with the highest implied volatility broad index exchange-traded fund (SPY, IWM, QQQ, DIA), 45 days until expiration, but the bid/asks were wide on both IWM and QQQ in the Sept 1st expiry, so went with SPY instead, which had a much tighter bid/ask. The short options here are set up around the 30 delta, so I'm somewhat surprised at the low probability of profit metric, which ordinarily would be around 50% ... . Will look to take profit at 50% max.
Probability of Profit: 43%
Max Profit: $95/contract
Max Loss: $205/contract
Break Evens: 240.05/249.95
Delta: -2.57
Theta: .88
OPENING: SPY SEPT 15TH 238/241/249/251 IRON CONDOR ... for a .93 credit.
I really wanted to open up a QQQ 45 DTE, but a Sept 8th expiry is not yet available, so this will have to do.
Probability of Profit: 43%
Max Profit: $93/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $207/contract
Break Evens: 240.07/251.93 (~expected move on both sides)
Theta: .77
Delta: -2.4
Notes: Will look to take profit at 50% max.
OPENING: QQQ AUG 25TH 131/134/143/145 IRON CONDOR... for a 1.10/contract credit. QQQ still has the highest implied volatility of the four "majors" (SPY, QQQ, IWM, DIA). Going with the expiry nearest 45 DTE.
Probability of Profit: 51%
Max Profit: $110/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $190/contract
Break Evens: 132.90/144.10
Delta: -1.38
Theta: 1.12
Notes: Will look to manage at 50% max.
Neutral trade on DIA (double double)DIA IVR 33.8
Sold the 211/215/201/188 Iron condor
for $4.70
Target 50% of credit received
Ratio 3x the calls spreads for every 1x Puts spreads
The trade:
Sold (3x) 211 Calls
Buy (3x) 215 Calls
Sold (1x) 201 Put
Buy (1x) 188 Put
for $4.70
Max profit $470
Max loss $830
OPENING: IBM JULY 28TH 145/148/160/162.5 IRON CONDOR... for a 1.10 credit. It announces earnings today after market close.
Probability of Profit: 54%
Max Profit: $110/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $190/contract
Break Evens: 146.90/161.10 (Wide of expected move, both sides)
Delta: .37
Theta: 6.08
Notes: The strikes were pesky on the call side. It was either go five-wide or 2 1/2 wide on the call side. I opted for going narrower, as long as I could keep my break evens outside the expected move. Will look to take profit at 50% max.
TRADE IDEA: QQQ AUG 18TH 132/135/145/147 IRON CONDORIt's got the highest implied volatility among the broad-index exchange traded funds. Going delta neutral here to get some theta on and decaying.
Probability of Profit: 51%
Max Profit: $102/contract
Max Loss: $198/contract
Break Evens: 133.98/146.02
Theta: .98
Delta: .59
Notes: Will look to manage at 50% max.
Iron Condor on KREEntered an Iron Condor in KRE (Regional Bank ETF) on June 26th to try to strangle the price between 50.00 and 56.00 for 71 cents in credit. Break even in the trade is below 49.29 and on the high side above 56.71. Two days after the trade the Fed came out passing all banks that were involved in stress tests giving them a green light to add to dividends and start buy backs. The news gaped KRE up very close to the sold call side and has fallen since into a more comfortable range. Plenty of time for this Option to play out and I will be looking to take 50% ($0.355) of the Premium as soon as possible. Original assumption was neutral, now neutral with a co-mingling of bearishness.
Iron Condor on XBI with a slight negative assumption.Decided to deploy a slight negative to neutral bias August18th Iron Condor option on XBI. 30 Day IV rank 84.952%
The strikes are as follows. The Sell side is a 10 point spread of 74(.24 delta) Put / 84 (.30 delta) Call. The buy side options at the 72 and 86 strikes respectively.
Premium collected was .90 cents per share which and will look to cover position between 40-50% max profit of 90 cents.
TRADE IDEA: QQQ AUG 18TH 127/130/145/147 IRON CONDORThe Q's have the highest implied volatility rank among the four major index exchange traded funds. That being said, I generally look to bring in one-third the width of the widest wing with these with the short options set up at the 20 delta, and I'm not getting that here, so it's less than ideal ... . The metrics:
Probability of Profit: 62%
Max Profit: $69/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $231/contract
Break Evens: 129.31/145.69
Theta: .82
Delta: -1.78
Notes: Look to manage at 50% max. For an undefined risk alternative, go with the 130/145 short strangle, which pays 1.86 at the mid and has a probability of profit of 68%, BE's at 128.14/146.86, theta of 3.84, and a delta of 1.89.
TRADE IDEA: COST JULY 21ST 155/158/175/178 IRON CONDORAfter news of AMZN's acquisition of WFM, COST's implied volatility has popped here, with its implied volatility rank ramping up to the 67th percentile over the preceding 52-week period, and with background implied volatility at 21%, making a premium selling play potentially worthwhile.
Probability of Profit: 64%
Max Profit: $93/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $207/contract
Break Evens: 157.07/175.93
Theta: 1.96
Delta: -2.47
As an undefined risk alternative, the July 21st 150/175 short strangle is going for 2.35 at the mid with a probability of profit of 71%, BE's at 155.65/177.35, theta 8.85, delta -3.91.
Notes: Because I could potentially see this snapping back to the upside, you may want to skew the setup to the call side, narrow the call side spread to reduce call side risk, or otherwise put on a limited upside risk play (e.g., July 21st 160/173/175 Jade Lizard, 1.95 credit at the mid, BE's at 158.05/174.95). With the Jade Lizard, upside risk is limited to .05 (the width of the call side spread (2.00) minus the credit received (1.95) ... .
OPENING: FXE JUNE 16TH 102/103/105/107 IRON CONDORBasically, a synthetic short FXE position with some put side flexibility in the event that I am totally wrong ... .
POP%: 46%
Max Profit: $95/contract
Max Loss/BPE: $105/contract
BE's at 102.04/105.96
Theta: .38
Delta: -22
Notes: Shooting for 50% max ... .
OPENING: EWZ JULY 21ST 26/28/38.5/40.5 IRON CONDOR... for a .61 credit.
With EWZ caving heftily here and implied volatility popping, I'm going back to the Brazilian well narrow and small, since I can foresee this having some volatility in it for a bit, in which case I may want to add to the position.
POP%: 63%
Max Profit: $61/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $139/contract
BE's: 27.39/39.11
Theta: .69
Delta: .7
Notes: I'll look to take this off at 50% max ... .
Monthly Income Series - IWM Iron CondorIWM
Last month our Iron Condor has expired worthless after the repair and gain the full profit for the 3rd consecutive month,
except with repaired commission cost.
This month, IWm again looks to be positioned nicely in side way, but volatility is higher this time.
So trade with care, and prepare to repair anytime, do ensure we only trade up to 10% of our margin and leave with lenty of spare cash for repair.
This month i would like to go for Iron Condor 143/145 Call 131/129 Put for premium around $0.36 for options DTE in 25 days.
OPENING: IWM JUNE 16TH 128/131/141/142 "DOUBLE DOUBLE"This is basically an iron condor variation where you double up the number of contracts on the call side while going narrower with the call side spread. Due to "the math" of that, there is no additional buying power effect, but you collect some additional credit ... .
Probability of Profit: 57%
Max Profit: $76/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $224/contract
Theta: 1.59
Delta: -.68
Notes: Will look to take off at 50% max.
Sell TGT Iron Condor May 52.5/47.5P, 58.5/62.5CTGT is having earning call on May 17, the same day as the May option expiration. I expect TGT will go side way before then. So I setup the Iron Condor to catch some money before then. Aim to close the position before May 17th.
Put: -1x52.5/1x47.5
Call: -1*58.5/1x62.5
Breakeven: 51.67 to 59.33
PoP: 72%
Premium: 0.8$
Target Goal: 0.4$ (50% of the premium). This position is to be closed before May 17th, the earning date.