TRADING IDEA: LULU APRIL 8TH 54/68.5 SHORT STRANGLEI'm going to go with a nondirectional bias here (pretty much always do).
Here are the metrics for both a run of the mill one standard deviation short strangle, as well as an iron condor:
April 8th 54/68.5 short strangle
Probability of Profit: 70%
Max Profit: 1.30/contract ($130)
Buying Power Effect/Max Risk: ~$616/undefined
Break Evens: 55.30/67.20
April 15 50/54/68.5/72.5 iron condor
Probability of Profit: 68%
Max Profit: 1.00/contract ($100)
Buying Power Effect/Max Risk: $301/contract
Break Evens: 53.01/69.49
Notes: I had to go a touch farther out in time for the iron condor to get the long options strikes I wanted, but it'll still yield about $100/contract ... . Look to take either setup off at 50% max profit on the volatility contraction that is likely to occur post earnings.
SOLD TO OPEN APRIL 15TH RUT/IUX 1025/1035 SHORT PUT VERTAfter closing the short put wing yesterday for a small profit and rolling the short call wing up and out a week for an additional credit, I'm selling a 1025/1035 short put vertical in the same expiry as the rolled out call wing to complete an April 15th 1025/1035/1105/1120 iron condor.
I'm still playing a little bit with the percentage of max profit to either take the whole setup off or an individual wing off. Ordinarily, I take off the entire setup as a unit at 50% max profit, but I regard these short term setups kind of like scalps, so have been taking them off at lower profit percentages (money, take, run ... ).
Filled for a 1.21 ($121) credit ... .
SOLD RUT/IUX APRIL 8TH 1100/1110 SHORT CALL VERTICALAfter closing the short call wing of my original iron condor, I rolled out the short put wing down one strike and out one week to the April 8th expiry to give it a little more room and a little more time.
I'm just matching that rolled out side with a new call wing to hedge, resulting in an April 8th 1050/1060/1100/1110 iron condor.
Since I rolled out the short put size for a miniscule debit ($4), I'll look to take off the entire setup at 50% max profit or either side when it approaches near worthless ... .
BOUGHT TO CLOSE RUT/IUX APRIL 1ST 1120/1130 SHORT CALL VERTWith this little down move here, I closed out the short call side of my RUT/IUX iron condor -- the April 1st 1120/1130 short call wing. The short call wing of the iron condor was worth approximately $166 in credit/contract when put on as part of the iron condor, and I closed it out today for a $40 debit, yielding a profit of about $126/contract for that side.
To give the put side a little more time and room to work out, I rolled it out and down to the April 8th expiry for a $4 debit and will erect a new call wing in the April 8th expiry tomorrow ... .
SOLD NKE APRIL 15TH 56.5/60/69/72.5 IRON CONDORI had to fiddle a bit with the expiration and the strikes to get what I wanted, but the metrics are basically the same as outlined in the post below..
Got it filled for a 1.03 credit ($103/contract).
Notes: Looking for NKE's implied volatility to contract post-earnings, as well as for price to stay between my short strikes.
APRIL 1ST RUT/IUX 1055/1065/1120/1130 IRON CONDORBack to short duration trades post-FOMC/post-Draghi ... .
Probability of Profit: 65%
Max Profit: ~$260/contract
Buying Power Effect: $729/contract, Defined Risk
Notes: You will want to try to get a fill slightly above the mid with this instrument; I would shoot for .05 ($5) above the mid and see if you get a fill and then adjust the fill price if you don't. I've been looking to take these off at 25% max and move on ... .
TRADE IDEA: NKE APRIL 1ST 60/70 SHORT STRANGLEHere are the metrics for the setup:
Probability of Profit: 73%
Max Profit: $100/contract
Buying Power Effect/Risk: $846/contract; Undefined Risk
Break Evens: 59/71
Alternative: April 15th 56.5/60/69/72.5 iron condor
Probability of Profit: 61%
Max Profit: $100/contract
Buying Power Effect/Risk: $250/contract; Defined Risk
Break Evens: 59/70
Notes: As you can see, there are pros and cons to the short strangle versus the iron condor. The short strangle has a higher probability of profit, but requires more buying power and the risk is undefined. The iron condor has a fairly nice defined risk buying power metric of $250/contract, but the probability of profit is less (and I had to go farther out in time in order to get decent long options; the longs in the April 1st expiration at basically the same strikes were "no bid" on one side or the other ... ). The break evens of both setups are nearly identical, however.
TRADING IDEA: TSLA APRIL 22ND 170/175/255/260 IRON CONDORSelling a little TSLA premium here ... . Even though the implied volatility rank is not over 70, the implied volatility is 57%, which why I'm going to attempt to squeeze some juice out of this one.
The metrics:
Probability of Profit: 70%
Max Profit: $112/contract
Buying Power Effect: $388/contract
TRADE IDEA: SPY JUNE 17TH 177/181/215/219 IRON CONDORWhen volatility is low such as it is now in shorter term expiries, you have a couple of different choices when selling premium in broad-based market instruments like SPY, IWM, QQQ, and DIA: (a) sit on your hands, waiting for volatility to pop to a level such that less-than 45 DTE setups are more profitable; or (b) look farther out in time for volatility to "regularize" in more time-distant expiries. (Naturally, there is nothing to prevent you from continuing to put on premium selling setups in this environment, but they're subject to the vagaries of volatility expansion, which is the opposite of what you generally want when selling premium).
In this particular case, I'm looking to keep setups in queue in the event that this lower volatility hangs about for several weeks and, after looking at the implied volatility for April, May, and June, have concluded that implied volatility in SPY options doesn't begin to "regularize" until the June expiry: April's IV is 17.2%; May's, 18.7%; and June's, 19.9%, after which the IV%-age pretty much hangs around the 20% area for the remainder of the year.
Here's the setup:
June 17th 177/181/215/219 Iron Condor
Probability of Profit: 61%
Max Profit: $104/contract
Buying Power Effect: $296/contract
Notes: Naturally, this is quite far out in time, and a lot of stuff can happen between now and then. Consequently, I like to keep these longer dated setups small relative to my 45 DTE and under setups, so that I don't have a ton of buying power tied up while I'm waiting for the statistical probabilities to play out.
SELLING GLD APRIL 15th 109/112/127/130 IRON CONDORTaking on a little bit of extra GLD risk here, primarily to finance the improvement of my short call side of my June 112/115/115/118 iron fly (using the .70 credit I hope to receive here to finance the roll of the 115/118 side of the iron fly to higher strikes (same expiry)).
Here are the metrics for the setup:
GLD April 15th 109/112/127/130 iron condor
Probability of Profit: 66%
Max Profit: $70/contract
Buying Power Effect: $230/contract
BOUGHT TO CLOSE BIDU MAR 18TH 152.5/157.5/180/185 IRON CONDORClosed this setup at 50% max profit (for the rolled setup) ($62.58/contract).
It doesn't entirely make up for my early bobble of BIDU's earnings announcement date (first they said it was 2/10; then it was 2/25), but I'll take it here going into Draghi/FOMC.
Here's the entire chain:
2/25 Sold March 8th 132/137/177.5/182.5 iron condor for a $131 credit
2/26 Bought the 132/137 short put vert back for a $9 debit (post earnings announcement; near worthless)
2/29 Rolled the 177.5/182.5 short call vert to the March 18th 180/185 short call vertical for a $17 credit (price too close to short call strike with limited DTE)
2/29 Sold the March 18th 152.5/157.5 short put vertical for a $48 credit (this wasn't strictly necessary, since I received a credit for the roll of the short call side; I just wanted some protection there if price continued to shoot off into the ether).
3/9 Bought to close the March 18th 152.5/157.5/180/185 Iron Condor for a $106 debit.
Total credits minus total debits minus fees and commissions = $62.58/contract, not quite 50% max profit of the original setup, but close enough considering that I had to roll and that it was supposed to be one of those ideal "inzee/outzee" earnings plays ... .
BOUGHT TO CLOSE MAR 18TH QQQ 99/102/107/110 IRON CONDORTaking some risk off the table while I can ... . This was part of a layered on arrangement I had in QQQ in the March expiry, much as I did with SPY. Here's the trade chain from head to toe:
2/2 Sold March 18th QQQ 94/97/109/112 iron condor for a $110 credit
2/2 Sold March 18th QQQ 93/96/108/111 iron condor for a $112 credit (Don't ask me why I sold two setups the same day; I imagine there was somewhat of a large move that particular day such that selling a second setup made sense).
2/4 Sold March 18th 92/95 short put vertical for a $56 credit (sold on weakness)
2/5 Bought to close March 18th 109/112 short call vertical for a $16 debit (bought back on weakness/spread near worthless).
2/5 Bought to close March 18th 108/111 short call vertical for a $22 debit (bought back on weakness; spread near worthless).
2/16 Sold March 18th 106/109 short call vertical for a $41 credit (sold on strength)
2/17 Sold March 18th 107/110 short call vertical for a $49 credit (sold on strength)
2/22 Bought to close March 18th 92/95 short put vertical for a $26 debit (bought back on strength; spread near worthless)
3/1 Bought to close March 18th 93/96 short put vertical for a $9 debit (bought back on strength; spread near worthless)
3/2 Bought to close March 18th 94/97 short put vertical for a $10 debit (bought back on strength; spread near worthless)
I should have bought to close here, as the "chain" was net in profit, but forgot to check when I was doing my Tuesday housekeeping trades.
3/7 Rolled the March 18th 106/109 short call spread to the 107/110 spread (same expiry) to merge the 106/109 with an existing 107/110 for a $34 debit
3/7 Sold March 18th 99/102 short put spread to finance the cost of the roll for a $74 credit
3/8 Bought to close March 18th 99/102/107/110 iron condor for a $176 debit
I'm not going to do all the math here, but if you add up all the credits and subtract all the debits, the net profit after fees and commissions is about $100/contract ($99.89, to be exact), which is a little less than 50% max profit for the combination of the two original iron condors ... .
NDX/IUXX MAR 11TH 4190/4200/4420/4430 IRON CONDORAnother thing I'm going to do while waiting for volatility to return in the broader markets such that it makes sense to set up plays 45 days out is go short duration. While I'm not going to put this particular trade on because I have a short duration RUT/IUX iron condor that I rolled out to next week standing in as this week's short duration play (see Post below), at some point I figured I'd putz with the "big daddy of the indices" -- IUXX or NDX (RUT/IUX is the smallest, followed by SPX/SPX500, followed by NDX/IUXX).
Here's a basic setup:
NDX/IUXX Mar 11th 4190/4200/4420/4430 Iron Condor
Probability of Profit: 63%
Max Profit: $335/contract
Buying Power Effect: $665/contract
Notes: Like RUT or SPX plays, this is one that you want to fiddle with getting a fill above the mid price, since price can swing back and forth across that by +/- .20 given the wide bid/ask due to the price of the underlying. Hey $20 is $20 and if you're going 2 or 3 contracts or more, that little .20 swing can add up and be significant. I generally set price .10-.20 above the mid, see if it gets filled, wait a bit, adjust price slightly, etc.
As with all iron condor setups, I look to take the play off as an entire unit if I can for 50% max profit or, if a single side is approaching worthless (.10 or less), I look to take that off first. In the event a side is breached, look to roll it out another week, improving strikes if possible, and selling an oppositional side against for at least a credit that exceeds the cost/debit to roll any tested side.
MARCH 4TH SPY IRON CONDORI'm layering these on with a particular price zone in mind between the .236 and .764 shown on this SPX 500 chart, but giving myself a bit more leeway to the downside from the outset. I can always delta balance the setup on the fly by rolling the short put side up a little bit within the same expiry as the trade progresses.
March 4th SPY 180/184/203/207
Probability of Profit %: 62%
Max Profit: 1.04/$104/contract
Buying Power Effect: 2.96/$296/contract
Break Evens: 182.96/204.04
BIDU EARNINGS: MARCH 4TH 136/141/185/190 IRON CONDORBIDU announces earnings after tomorrow's close, so look to put a setup on in the waning hours of the NY sesh.
Now that I've got the earnings date correct (they previously "tentatively" announced a 2/10 earnings release -- sooooo annoying), here's the metrics for the setup:
BIDU Mar 4th 136/141/185/190 iron condor
Probability of Profit: 70%
Max Profit: $125/contract
Buying Power Effect: $375/contract
Notes: Naturally, you may need to tweak the setup given the underlying's price movement during the session ... .
THIS WEEK'S OPTIONS EARNINGS PLAYS -- COSTFor all practical purposes, this quarter's earnings season is all but over.
However, there is one last play I might do and that is in COST, which announces earnings on Tuesday after market close.
Currently, it's implied volatility rank is 58 and its implied volatility is 26. Generally speaking, I like to see the rank in the 70% percentile, and this isn't quite there, but this is one of those underlyings that just never gets that volatile -- its IV has been between 20 and 30 or so for the past 90 days.
I'll look to put on a play before NY market close on Tuesday, and I'll post a play (most likely an iron condor given the price of the underlying) some time during Tuesday's NY session.
Preliminarily, this looks like the approximate setup I'll use, although tweaking may be required as price moves on Monday and Tuesday:
March 11th 137/142/157.5/162.5
Probability of Profit: 66%
Max Profit: $99/contract
Buying Power Effect: $401/contract
RUT/IUX 66% POP MAR 4 970/975/1045/150 IRON CONDORAs with my previous, short-term RUT trade, I'm looking to keep buying power engaged while I wait for March index ETF trades to decay and/or work themselves out.
Here's the metrics for the setup:
March 4th 970/975/1045/1050 Iron Condor
Probability of Profit: 66%
Max Profit: ~$170/contract
Buying Power Effect/Max Risk: ~$329
Notes: Due to the price of the underlying, look to attempt to get a fill slightly above the mid price, since price can move +/- .05 somewhat quickly. Look to take the entire setup off at 50% max profit or peel off the side that is at or near max profit (<.05) prior to expiration. In the event a side is tested, look to roll the tested side out to the next weekly and sell an oppositional side against for a credit that exceeds the cost of the roll.
LAYERING ON: MAR 24TH RUT/IUX 945/955/1070/1080 IRON CONDORLayering on to my existing Mar 24th IUX/RUT Iron Condor with this little number:
March 24th RUT 945/955/1070/1080
Probability of Profit: 63%
Max Profit: $330/contract
Buying Power Effect: $670/contract
Notes: I'd ordinarily go out to April, but I have a preexisting March 24th setup on and have a little bit more unused buying power and less theta on than I'd ordinarily like. Plus, I just don't feel like going out to April with a ton of stuff yet. I actually looked at layering on another SPY iron condor on top of the one I put on yesterday, but price hasn't moved enough yet ... . With this particular "discretionary" setup, I won't chase price; if it fills, it fills; if it doesn't, I'll look at it again some other day.
FSLR -- MAR 4TH 51/54/70.5/73.5 IRON CONDORGoing small here, given the fact that the solar space has been a bit of wild of late ... .
FSLR March 4th 51/54/70/73.5
Probability of Profit: 66%
Max Profit: $71/contract
Buying Power Effect: $229/contract
Notes: Ordinarily, I pass on stuff that doesn't have at least a 1.00 credit in it. I could naturally go short strangle, but don't want to tie up the buying power if the thing goes awry (a 53.5/71.5 short strangle would get you a 1.44 credit). That being said, I don't have a ton of stuff going on (mostly waiting for longer-term setups to play out), so I figured I'd play it just to keep some buying power engaged ... . Look to take it off at 50% max profit.