Iron TariHi guys,
this is again a CSCO short condor, 4 weeks and 3% strike, gives 30$ credit for 1 dollar Spread. RR is 30/70=0.42, but according to the strategy the odds are at our side, 88% to earn all the premium.
The short strikes are 51 and 54, so BE are at 51.30 and 53.70.
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NFLX Low Risk Short PositionNFLX has been trading in a range for many months, as we can see by this weekly chart here:
Stochastics on the daily chart are showing it as heavily overbought, with an RSI of about 85, likely in anticipation of earnings which come out in 6 days. Historically, NFLX sells off about 80% of the time post earnings, usually quite steeply, with an average sell-off of between $50-60 dollars within the week that follows earnings.
Here's a daily chart with stochastics visible:
Barring a few temporary outlying moves to the outer extremities of its range, I believe NFLX will either:
1) Push up towards and then reject at the $566 level and then retrace back down towards $515.00 post earnings.
2) Falter post earnings and retrace to more "typical" RSI and stochastic levels prior to earning hitting.
3) (Hopefully not) push outside its trading range (difficult to imagine this scenario actually happening) and form new highs above its existing range.
I am currently in an Iron Condor on NFLX with 570 and 490 short strikes. It is leaning bearish at the moment, but a move back down downwards 515 and a crush of implied volatility will substantially help my position. I believe both are likely to happen in the current market environment.
If you were to enter NFLX short, you might consider it around the $566 level, assuming it pushes that high. You could accomplish this with a call credit spread which would give you the benefit of IV crush, assuming volatility decreases (which it would, if the price fell off steeply.)
You could also take a bearish debit spread, but that will struggle with volatility collapse as it's a BTO position.
Whatever happens, I'll be curious to watch NFLX as it develops. I do not think it's current price behavior is sustainable.
SPY / short iron condor / expiring August 27expiration: AUG 27 (50 DTE)
1 * 390 put (delta -0.13)
-1 * 395 put (delta -0.15)
-1 * 450 call (delta 0.15)
1 * 455 put (delta 0.09)
for 1.05 net credit
@ 430.50
BPR $395
IVR 15.9
PoP 72%
P50 88%
expected move 411.00-449.00
net delta -3.90
target: 55% max profit
Nikkei Options Strategy for coming monthsThis is an idea for trading INDEX:NKY options.
In recent months, Nikkei index did experienced some volatile moments, however, they were all short-term momentum that they were unable to be met with trends that lasted for months or even weeks.
The author of this article believes that this trend to continue.
So, I suggest opening an Iron Condor spread which captures the prices between the lines drawn.
$NKE 8% profit in one day with Iron Condor #nike #options$NKE 8% profit in one day with Iron Condor #nike #options
8% profit in one day at event?
Let's see!
Max profit: $45
Probability of Profit: %75
Profit Target relative to my Buying Power: 8%
Req. Buy Power: $554 (max loss without management before expiry, no way to let this happen!)
Tasty IVR: 24
Expiry: 1 days
Buy 1 NKE Jun25' 120 Put
Sell 1 NKE Jun25' 126 Put
Sell 1 NKE Jun25' 145 Call
Buy 1 NKE Jun25' 150 Call
Iron Condor spread for 554cr, because IVR is relative high because event.
If you liked this article, check my other ideas.
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SPY play with 90% PoP!Hello, guys hope all is well. Today we will be looking at $SPY and how I will play the market this week.
Based on the expected move for this week of $6.79 we are possibly looking at a range between $410.01 - $423.59. On Monday I opened the Put side ($400 / $398 and collected $9 per contact) of my Iron Condor and leg into my Call side roughly Thursday afternoon or right before close.
Last week we saw a slight dip in the markets from Monday's open of $424.43 to Friday's close of $414.92. This 2.24% drop has made the $VIX pop to the $20 levels from the mid to high teens. With this pop, we will be able to take advantage in one of two ways.
1) We can keep our stricks the same as we did last week because we still believe that there is a lot of supply at this price and we want to collect more premium.
2)We will be able to get lower on the put side/higher on the call side while still collecting the same amount of premium as we did last week.
I will be going with the second option because although there may be supply at these levels I still want to sell the .10 - .05 deltas with a $2 widespread.
I'll be looking to collect between $8-$10 per contract on the put side give me roughly a 4% gain while also looking for the same percent gain on the Call side later on in the week. Since no additional collateral is needed to add the Call side, we are looking at a minimal gain of 8% if we stay in our expected range.
my indicator shows a 70% probability to end ITMm 4 weeks, 11% strikes.
But premium is very low, so since there is always a 30% chance to end otm, I reverse the condor, and I narrow the sold legs too @48$ and @57$, instead than 11% ( 47$ and 59$), to encrease the odds to end otm, let's say from 30% to at least 40%.
But for a 40% probability to win I have a wonderfull RR ratio at my side, becuase with 1$ spread max primuim is 80$, and max loss 20$.
So even when the market pays less, we know how to get the best out of it!
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this all starts with a 4 weeks 10% strikes, with 60% probability to end ITM. But the premium is too low, so I narrow the short legs and I invert the condor, so my short legs are @55 and @66( 8% strikes), instead @54 and @67.50.
By this I raise my probability from 40% at at least 50%, keeping a very good RR ratio, in fact with this trade max credit is 75$, and max loss is 25$.
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this is an inverter iron condor, 4 weeks and strike 3%. We have 14% probability to end ITM, so 86% probability that our inverted condor gets the maximum profit!
RR is pretty nice too, becuase selling @305$ and @325$ with 5$ spread, max profit is 200$ and max loss 300$, but we win the max profit 86 times out of 100.
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Developing a ChannelI see Yelp developing a channel between 37.31 and 40.95. There's a possibility that this flag pattern turns into a continuation of a previous up trend so I am cautious but today opened a broken wing iron condor to profit the most if it stays in the said range but still make a slight profit slightly above or below. If it breaks resistance, then I will roll the puts to create an iron butterfly; even a partially inverted iron condor if needed. I can also roll the calls to protect the bottom if the price falls below support but will have less room to defend serious price drops since that is the side of the long wing.
Brought: Jun 18 34.5 Put
Sold: Jun 18 38 Put
Brought: Jun 18 39.5 Call
Sold: Jun 18 43 Call
Credit: 1.80
Profit Range: 36.19 and 41.30
Max Profit Range: 38.00 and 39.50
this week I found better opportunies buying options rather selling ( IV drop made options cheaper to buy)
So the strategy is basically the contrarian of my Tari Condor ( Have a look and subscribe for free!), and as you can see this trade is 4 weeks and 6% spread.
The sold strikes are 132 and 117, the bought strikes are almost ATM, it depends on your money managment, for a 65% of probability to get some profit.
But let's do some math: Tari Condor says we have only the 22% of possibilities that our sold options will both expire worthless. This means we have 78% of probabilities that the price will move over the sold strikes, higher than the 65% coming from the option chain.
So this time the odds are from our side, because now we play from the other side of the Tari Condor.
Enjoy your wallet!
IV keeps quite low, this week too, so I have to reverse my Tari condor.
3 weeks 6% strike, 37% of probability to end ITM. So I reverse the condor, so the odds come to my side, because I have 63% of probability to gain a profit, and my RR is almost 1:1 ( 0.85 commisions incl.)
So subscribe for free to trade with Tari Condor!
Enjoy your wallet!
this IV brings me to reverse the condor again.
3 weeks and 3% strikes give a range to be ITM with the 2 sold options between 192.5 and 205.
The odds to end ITM are only 24%, so I revrese the condor to have a nice 76% probability of profit, RR almost 1
Subscribe for free to trade with Tari Condor.
Enjoy your wallet!
Bullish Iron Condor with 64% PoP for 41% profit at eventMax profit: $291
Probability of Profit: 64%
Profit Target relative to my Buying Power: 41%
Max loss with my risk management: ~$200
Req. Buy Power: $709 (max loss without management at expiry, no way to let this happen!)
Tasty IVR: 53 (high)
Expiry: 43 days
Buy 1 SQ Jun18' 190 Put
Sell 1 SQ Jun18' 200 Put
Sell 1 SQ Jun18' 290 Call
Buy 1 SQ Jun18' 300 Call
Bullish Iron Condor for 2.91cr with +4.82 delta
Stop/my risk management : Closing immediately if daily candle is closing outside the box, max loss in my calculations in this case could be 200$. Probability of loss in this way: ~20% .
Take profit strategy: 65% of max.profit in this case with auto sell order at 1.02db. Probability of profit this way: ~80%.
Of course I'll not wait until expiry in any case!
If you liked this article, check my other ideas.
Anyway: HIT THE LIKE BUTTON BELOW , and for fresh option ideas FOLLOW ME( @mrAnonymCrypto ) on tradingview !
SAGE 62% PoP Bearish Iron Condor after event
My favorite bearish neutral trade for today.
Losing only upside, I like the extreme high IVR values to play.
Reasons to play this:
1/ After event, big selloff, high implied volatility.
2/ Extreme High Implied Volatility, good for credit strategies
3/ I can boost my original bearish vertical spread with 2 bottom legs at fib 0.786 to boosting my reward almost zero risk to the downside (max loss below strike 35 is $17 ...)
4/ Secure zones are 88$ and the 40$
So the winner is the negative delta Iron Condor Strategy.
Max profit: $483
Probability of Profit: %62
Profit Target relative to my Buying Power: 42%
Max loss with my risk management: ~$250
Req. Buy Power: $1050 (max loss without management at expiry, no way to let this happen!)
Tasty IVR: 92 (ultra high)
Expiry: 45 days
Buy 1 SAGE Jun18' 35 Put
Sell 1 SAGE Jun18' 40 Put
Sell 1 SAGE Jun18' 90 Call
Buy 1 SAGE Jun18' 105 Call
IRON CONDOR for 4.83cr with negative -8.3 delta, because IVR is very high and I'm bearish.
Stop/my risk management : Closing immediately if daily candle is closing ABOVE $90, max loss in my calculations in this case could be 250$. Probability of loss in this way: ~20% .
Take profit strategy: 60% of max.profit in this case with auto sell order at 1.69db. Probability of profit this way: ~80%.
Of course I'll not wait until expiry in any case!
If you liked this article, check my other ideas.
Anyway: HIT THE LIKE BUTTON BELOW , and for fresh option ideas FOLLOW ME( @mrAnonymCrypto ) on tradingview !
this week I found this awesome iron condor, 3 weeks, 12% strikes.
We have 89% chance to earn the max profit, and looking at the moneyness we see that the market pays the double.
We should expect 0.05 Delta per leg, but we are at 0.30 for the Iron Condor.
Let' go!!
Enjoy your wallet!
Watch this BEFORE taking Iron Condors! (IV Rank & Percentile)Iron Condors have been the buzz lately on my social media. People have discovered or re-discovered them because they are WORKING now! But should traders keep using them without knowing WHY they are working? If you are getting into Iron Condors you MUST watch this to understand the key metrics professional options sellers look at when placing their trades.
Tradingview cut me off at 20 minutes but I got the info in!
RUSSEL ETF 20% profit play during correction with Iron Condor
One of the most highest probability of trades are: neutral Iron Condors with high Implied Volatility on large indices. (SPX, DJI, RUT)
The more an indice is overbougth, than better this strategy works, as the correction also results more movement into downside.
Unlike other overvalued stocks, however: the indices are not collapsing. (except for 1-2 extreme cases where immediate intervention is required, eg March 2020)
I'm always trading the alternative ETFs of these indices:
SPY = S&P500 = ES mini futures IWM = Russel 2000 = RT mini futures DIA = DJI = YM mini futures .etc...
On Friday I've opened an IWM Iron Condor, so here are my reasons:
(1) RTY1! Futures Analysis
The Russel mini futures at local top hit the 3 year trendline, bluffy upside trendline permanently broke.
(2) Divergence with breakdown
Hard daily divergence in the last few months, my smooth RSI trendline breeaks.
(3) Relative high IVR
Relative Implied Volatility Rank (IVR) increases.
This value, if high enough (e.g., above 45), favors neutral credit strategies like Iron Condor.
In the case of indices, this is particularly rare, occurring every few months. At these times you can safely open neutral strategies (wide wings), for example: Iron Condor, Strangle.
(4) My Iron Condor hunter script signal
My Iron Condor Hunter indicator give me an automatic signal with safe ranges.
As you see: in the past almost every time indicated the safe range successfully. (I'm not counting the 2020 Marc, every regular strategy failed in that crash).
(5) Safe levels are well defined in my range
I'm always defining safe price levels (based on the nearest short term high/low points).
In my case these levels are well defined inside the Iron Condor Hunter range:
CONCLUSION: I've opened an Iron Condor on IWM (Russel ETF)
Profit target: 20% Max profit: 68$ Max loss: 332$ Tasty IVR: 13 POP: 69% Expiry: 42 days
Strategy: Neutral IC
Buy 1 IWM April16' 185 Put Sell 1 IWM April16' 189 Put Sell 1 IWM April16' 244 Call Buy 1 IWM April16' 248 Call
Stop: Closing immediately if daily candle is closing below put strikes or above call strikes. Safe levels (190,205,229) are defending my borders.
Take profit strategy: I'm taking at the 55% of max.profit in this case. Inside the curve I'm usually in profit.
If you liked this article, check my other ideas.
Anyway: HIT THE LIKE BUTTON BELOW, and follow my fresh ideas ( @mrAnonymCrypto on tradingview ).
Old Nuggets: Defined Risk Skew AccommodationSkew. It can be a pain in the butt if you want to trade both delta neutral and probability neutral.
In QQQ, a delta neutral setup at the moment would be: selling a spread on the put side with the short put leg at the 275 (17 delta) and on the call side with the short call leg at the 344 (17 delta). However, this results in a short put strike 38 strikes away from current price and a short call strike 31 strikes away. It's delta neutral, but the probability of profit on the put side is 83% and on the call side 78%, so it isn't both delta neutral and probability neutral. Ugh.
Fortunately, there is a solution to obtain both a delta neutral and a probability neutral setup, and it's with a variation on the iron condor: a "double double" -- double the contracts on the call side, with the put side being double the width of the call side spread. Because the risk associated with the put side spread -- that attributable to a five wide -- is greater than the risk associated with the call side (2 x 2 or the equivalent of a four wide), the maximum risk of the setup is that of a five wide -- the widest wing of the setup. In other words, doubling up the number of contracts on the call side doesn't increase buying power effect, because it's attributable to the widest wing (i.e., 5 > 2 x 2, so buying power effect is that attributable to the five wide).
Here, you can't quite go exactly double due to strike availability at the moment on the put side (there's only five wides there), but you can go five wide on the put side, and 2 times a two wide on the call (the functional equivalent of a four wide) to get both a net delta and probability neutral setup:
Put Side Short Put Leg: 17 delta
Put Side Probability of Profit: 83%
Call Side Short Call Leg: 2 x 12 delta
Call Side Probability of Profit: 82%
Resulting Setup Delta: .07
Naturally, skew isn't always to the put side; it's sometimes on the call side, where we'd do the opposite to accommodate skew: double up the number of contracts on the put side (but at half the spread width of the call).
BIDU IRON CONDOR with high Probality of ProfitHi everybody!
After a very big break - MrAnonymCrypto back on board!
The past year I'm spent for learning and developing my new trading system and indicator pack and full trading strategy system for option trading of the us stock market. I'm tired to waiting for any bitcoin daytrades and unregulated price moves: those instruments eated my life and time.
Ever since I’ve only been dealing with the stock market for up to an hour a day: my life has changed - in a positive direction.<3
Today I'm releasing the first live tradig publication of my indicator: the Iron Condor Hunter . // If you are new in the option's world I'm recommending to learn options first via tastytrade youtube videos //
More about my Iron Condor Hunter script in advance:
This script is for neutral credit strategy trades. This script indicates the secure Iron Condor setups automatically on any liquid+volatile instrument, based and calculated with auto Murrey Math level script and current price actions, and IVR. (MurreyMath is my other script, telling more later) If the script indicates new potential setup: you can see a blue background with the levels of the Iron Condor wings, automatically! You can check the success rate of the script for the past with same setup I've designed this indicator for 45-60 days expirations, (because you can exit automatically at 50% profit in 30 days, if the instrument stays inside your original range!)
And now, let's look an today live example: BIDU
(1) Backtesting the indicator
17 Iron Condor detected in the past 10 years, with 100% succes rate, with exact range detection at the beginning.
Today I'm catched another signal, so I'm grabbing the opportunity!
(2) The trading range & IVR
Today Iron Condor Hunter script detected the 372-221 range for safe-play this setup.
Because the most volatile expriation is the April 16th in the 45-60day range: I'm playing this for credit.
The (tastytrade) IVR is high (above 80) - this is very high Implied Volatility Rank - safe for credit play, the instument is liquid.
Good Defined Strikes:
Sell 1 BIDU Apr16' 220 put Buy 1 BIDU Apr16' 210 put
Sell 1 BIDU Apr16' 370 call Buy1 BIDU Apr16' 380 put
(3) Divergence on my oscillator
As you can see: the very obvious divergence is detected at the overbought levels.
This and the formation meaning for me: some correction started.
No kind of event ( divident ) coming in the next 60 days, so I'm not expecting more significant price movement.
(4) Define safe zones
At Iron condor setups I'm always define some "safe-zone" : for upside and downside too.
Safe zones meaning for me: I can sleep peacefully until the price is moving between these edges.
BUT! If the safe zone beaks: my eyes on the final strikes.
Another seat beld is the 0.618 fib-retrace level, because if the price is falling straight down: at this level we are expecting some resistance. But in current case: the fib 0.618 level is inside our range.
Max profit: $288 Max loss: $712 IVR: 87 Probability of Profit: 68% Expiry: 50 days Strategy: 67.7% wide delta neutral Iron Condor for credit Risk management : I'm closing the trade immediately - if the daily bar closing outside my strikes - and I'm cutting my loss. (no matter what I'm believing)- usually I'm losing mutch less than my max profit in this case.
Profit management: I'm sending an order at the 50% of max profit, immediately after my position successfully opened
Welcome any comments:
* whether about the options, my indicators in the future.
* in private, I will be happy to help you with any questions about the option for free.
* are you interesting in options, or only "when bitcoin moon"?