Tari CondorHi guys,
this is the best of the week!
2weeks, 8% strikes, implied volatilty is very high, IV rank>75, so this is a perfect scenario to trade this iron condor, because our odds match high IV. This means I feel confy highering a bit the size of the opration, usually my risk is 2-3%, this time I can risk a little bit more.
Enjoy your wallet!
Iron TariHi guys,
This is weekly option Iron condor, 5% strikes.
Since we have 100% win rate I go in with a strangle, I want to maximazie the premium. If the price move over the short strikes I close eod.
Follow my strategy for free, and check by yourself the odds and the maths!
Enjoy your wallet!
Iron TariHi guys,
This is weekly option Iron condor, 8% strikes.
Rew/Risk ratio is not good, but doing the maths with a strangle, closing the position eod if the short strikes ar breached, I find it very nice to trade.
Follow my strategy for free, and check by yourself the odds and the maths!
Enjoy your wallet!
Iron TariHi guys,
this is a very nice iron condor on DAX, follow my strategy 8 weeks 6% strikes: short legs @13.450 and 11.900
We have a 70% prbability of succes, so a Reward/Risk ratio = 100-70/70= 30/70= 0.42
With these strikes we have a max profit 133€, and a max loss 117€, so we have a RR 133/117= 1.13 more than the double compared with 0.42 given by the strategy.
So guys, we have 70% probability to get the max profit!
I love this trade!!
Enjoy your wallet!
TSLA - UP or DOWN?If there's one stock I had to name for being the most unpredictable, it's TESLA ( NASDAQ:TSLA ). This rather volatile stock is expected to have some pretty big moves going into market close today as the company will be holding their annual shareholder meeting at 4:30 p.m. ET.
...But wait...there's more!
Once the meeting is over, the company will immediately follow up with their highly anticipated Battery Day event, which will be used to show those in attendance what's new with TSLA batteries and what improvements could be coming to make their batteries more energy efficient.
So what does this mean for the stock?
Well, for one, TSLA is a volatile stock, so major events like these... only increase implied volatility since everyone is expecting a big move either up or down. Second, The stock is trading dead smack in the middle between its recent highs and lows... the lows being most recent of the two.
So, taking advantage of volatility is the way to go. Options traders can benefit from inflated options prices due to higher implied volatility by being option sellers. Strategies like Short Iron Condors, feature both, a capped risk and reward profile. Setting your strike selections near the recent highs and lows could be one way to trade TSLA... but the problem is that the inner strike are so wide making the risk to reward ratio very high. You can also sell credit spreads.
To trade directionally, means to either go long calls or puts... Since Volatility is high, these strategies tend to be more expensive near major announcements. If you nail it, good for you. If you dont, then know that you can't lose more than what you paid for. If you still want to trade directionally, but want to minimize the risk, you can do debit spreads. This involves buying an option which will serve as your directional trade, and then selling that same type of option a few strikes further away to bring in some credit. This option might be good if you think that implied volatility will only increase after the announcement.
Usually, the day following a major events, as with earnings announcements, options have been known to experience "volatility crush," in which the implied volatility drops after the news announcement. A drop in implied volatility can affect an option's price even more so than the movement of the underlying stock price. Therefore, directional neutral trades such a long straddles, will need to have a large move in the underlying in either direction to outpace the potential drops in implied volatility the next day.
Which strategy will you choose? Remember...choosing not to trade can also be a wise trading strategy.
Iron TariHi guys!
This iron condor is very interesting, abova all because IVrank is high, we can earn much more than what we can expect form our odds.
So kump in this trade, 68% probability to gain the max profit, try by ypurself to find the right short legs, follow the strategy!
Enjoy your wallet!
This iron condor is 3 weeks and 8% strike.
Our short strikes are @118 and @138, 1$ spread.
Our succes rate is 78%, so we have a reward /risk = 100-78/78 = 22/78 = 0.28.
I went in getting 0.33 credit, so max profit is 33 and max loss 67.
RR is 33/67= 0.49, much higher than 0.28.
Enjoy your wallet!
this is a new iron condor to set, 4 weeks with 10% strike
So our short legs are @ 256 and @ 313
We have 80% probability of success, so a rew/risk 100-80/80= 20/80 = 0.25
Depending on the size you can trade, and the spread of the 2 verticals, we can reach a Rew/risk of about 0.37, that is 50% more than 0.25.
The preminum is not that much, but we have a very high succesfull rate at our side, plus we can always roll on leg is the things go bad to lower our risk. Using a wider spread the odds increase more, because there is more room for the price to move before to reach the maximum loss, even if in this case we can always close the leg before expiration, to lower the loss.
Enjoy your wallet!
for this iron condor we have 4 weeks and 10% strike, our porbability of success is 80%
So the maths as you saw in the previous posts is easy, but now let's do them from another point of view:
the short legs are 193 and 235. If the sum of their DELTA is higher than 0.2 (80% is 0.2 delta, 70% is 0.3 delta, you know) is a valid trade. This case we have about 0.13 + 0.18 = 0.31 that means the prbability to have the maxim profit is 100-31= 69%.
But we know that our odds are higer, so we jump on this ride!
Enjoy your wallet!