Opening (Margin): /MES March 17th 4075 Short Straddle... for a 199.75 credit.
Comments: 199.75 credit (998.75 max) on buying power effect of 1038.55; 96.2% ROC at max; 24.0% at 25% max.*
A different form of a reverse gamma scalping setup using short straddles. In this case, delta adjustments are made using additive skewed short straddles to delta balance. For example, if the position skews out to -20 short delta, you sell a slightly skewed long delta short strangle to delta balance. I'm intending to leave the entire position on (the original plus any skewed straddle adjustments) running into no later than about half way into the cycle (21 DTE), but will pull the entire thing off in profit earlier if I get an opportunity to do so.
An example of a short straddle that is skewed long delta: March 17th 4140 short straddle, +19 delta (put deeper in-the-money than the call).
An example of a short straddle that is skewed short: March 17th 4020 short straddle, -20 delta (call deeper in-the-money than the put).
* -- With short straddles, I generally look to take profit at 25% max, since these have less room to be wrong than a short strangle. Most at-the-money short straddles set up with expected move break evens, which is less room to be wrong than I would ordinarily set up with a short strangle, where I generally set up sides at 2 x the expected move.
Opening (Margin): /MES February 28th 4080 Short Put... for a 73.75 credit.
Comments: Functionally rolling to a 4080 short straddle here to delta balance and bring my delta/theta ratio to back under 1.0. The position remains net delta short, which I'm fine with since we're at 30 day highs here. Will look to take off the whole kit and caboodle in the next several days here, since I've only got 32 DTE to go in this contract, and would like to move on to the March fairly soon.
Opening (Margin): /MES February 28th 4000, 4010, 4040 Short PutsComments:
Replacing the short puts I took off in profit to delta balance.
Opened the 4000 for a 56.00 credit.
Opened the 4010 for a 59.00 credit.
Opened the 4040 for a 70.75 credit.
Net delta of the position leans net short, but delta < theta, so I'm fine with the position remaining slightly short for now. The basic notion here is to make delta adjustments for realized gains at intervals to keep delta < theta, peeling off oppositional sides in profit where possible or the whole she-bang at once, so long as total realized gains exceed unrealized losses (which is the current case with what I have on now).
Closing (Margin): /MES February 28th 3890, 3925, 3940 Short PutsComments: Going to continue reverse gamma scalping this for a bit with 33 days to go in the contract.
Closed the 3890 for 30.25. (41.00 - 30.25)/.2 = $53.75 profit.
Closed the 3925 for 37.50. (49.25 - 37.50)/.2 = $58.75 profit.
Closed the 3940 for 41.00. (53.25 - 41.00)/.2 = $61.25 profit.
Will open new, higher delta short puts to delta balance in a minute here.
Closing (Margin): /MES February 28th 3670 Short Put... for a 13.00 debit.
Comments: A subtractive delta adjustment here ... . Closing out its +9 delta flattens my net delta (which had begun to skew long), frees up buying power (I had an extra put unit on relative to call units), and results in a small profit of (18.50 - 13.00)/.2 = $27.50.
Opening (Margin): /MES February 28th 3890, 3925, 3940, 3960... short puts.
Comments: Replacing the short puts I stripped off in profit to delta balance what is now the -27, -31, -33, and -36 delta calls. The remaining -42 delta short call at the 4080 is only partially hedged, so position net delta still leans short.
Opened the February 28th 3890 for a 41.00 credit.
Opened the February 28th 3925 for a 49.25 credit.
Opened the February 28th 3940 for a 53.25 credit.
Opened the February 28th 3960 for a 59.25 credit.
Closed (Margin): /MES February 28th 3620, 3700, 3760, 3770 ... short puts.
Filled the 3620 for a 18.00 credit; closed it here for a 10.25 debit. (18.00 - 10.25)/.2 = $38.75 profit.
Filled the 3700 for a 22.00 credit; closed it for a 15.25 debit. (22.00 - 15.25)/.2 = $33.75 profit.
Filled the 3760 for a 31.25 credit; closed it for a 20.75 debit. (31.25 - 20.75)/.2 = $52.50 profit.
Filled the 3770 for a 28.25 credit; closed it for a 22.00 debit. (28.25 - 22.00)/.2 = $31.25 profit.
Will re-erect short puts to delta balance ... .
Closing (Margin): /MES Feb 28th 4200, 4220, 4250, 4260 CallsComments: Doing this all in one fell swoop, rather than in separate posts.
February 28th 4200 Short Call for an 11.00 debit. (22.00 - 11.00)/.20 = $55.00 profit.
February 28th 4220 Short Call for a 9.00 debit. (16.50 - 9.00)/.20 = $37.50 profit.
February 28th 4250 Short Call for a 6.50 debit. (13.25 - 6.50)/.20 = $33.75 profit.
February 28th 4260 Short Call for a 5.75 debit. (13.50 - 5.75)/.20 = $38.75 profit.
February 28th 4110 for a 27.00 credit.
February 28th 4130 for a 22.25 credit.
February 28th 4160 for a 16.25 credit.
If you're asking yourself why I'm selling at these particular strikes, it is to sell call against at a delta that is correspondent with existing legs' short put delta (e.g., the 4110, -23 delta short call strike was selected to sell against my 3770 +24 delta short put; the 4130, -20 delta short call against my 3740, +21 delta short put, etc.). When I finished doing this, I also figured I could afford to resolve having the extra short call unit on by just closing one of the extra short calls that was currently in profit. This leaves me slightly net delta long in the position.
Opened (Margin): /MES February 28th 4190 Short Call... for a 14.50 credit.
Comments: Kind of had to do this on the fly with my phone app ... . Additive short delta adjustment. It was at the -15 delta at the time of fill. Will probably roll down some profitable short call now that I have an opportunity to survey the landscape from the desktop app.
Closing (Margin): /MES February 28th 3730/4230 Short Strangle... for a 38.00 debit.
Comments: Filled the two legs of this short strangle for a total of 44.75 in credits. Closing out here results in a realized gain of (44.75 - 38.00)/.20 = 33.75.
/MES position net delta leans slightly long at the moment.
Opening (Margin): /MES February 28th 3670/4200 Short Strangle... for a 40.50 credit.
Comments: An additive delta adjustment trade, selling the +12 delta put and the -19 delta call to pick up net -7 delta. Will mostly look to mix and match profitable put with profitable call to peel off units from here to 21 DTE.
Opening (Margin): /MES February 28th 3770/4260 Short Strangle... for a 41.75 credit.
Comments: Additive delta adjustment trade, selling the +18 delta put and the -13 delta call.
As before, looking to mix and match profitable short call with profitable short put to reduce size, while simultaneously attempting to keep the position delta neutral.