Moderna sliding back to Earth. MRNAPivot on a huge impulse fractal confirmed. We are drawing more and more zigzags from now on. Our goals are shown.
We are not in the business of getting every prediction right, no one ever does and that is not the aim of the game. The Fibonacci targets are highlighted in purple with invalidation in red. Fibonacci goals, it is prudent to suggest, are nothing more than mere fractally evident and therefore statistically likely levels that the market will go to. Having said that, the market will always do what it wants and always has a mind of its own. Therefore, none of this is financial advice, so do your own research and rely only on your own analysis. Trading is a true one man sport. Good luck out there and stay safe!
Merck is Flying based on the biased perception..!Merck data shows Molnupiravir will decrease mortality and hospitalization which is a good news, but do not forget it does not mean you do not need COVID-19 Vaccine..!
This is only for those who becomes positive for COVID test, while Vaccine is for everyone!
While many people debate about their choice of being vaccinated or not, I would like to show other countries example:
No Jab No Pay
is an Australian policy initiative which withholds three state payments – Child Care Benefit, the Child Care Rebate and a portion of the fortnightly Family Tax Benefit part A per child – for parents of children under 20 years of age who are not fully immunized or on a recognized catch-up schedule.
No Jab No Play
is a related policy that disallows unvaccinated children from attending preschool and childcare centres, and imposes fines on childcare centres that admit unvaccinated children. The system allows exemptions for children who cannot be safely vaccinated for medical reasons.
As a doctor I respect patients choice, but when it is about public health things will become a little complicated from ethical point of view!
I got vaccinated as soon as it becomes possible, and asked all my family members to do so. I want to use this opportunity to ask you to get vaccinated and do not pay attention to misinformation.
I published short analysis on MRNA before this news:
MRNA10.3.21 MRNA Bobby's Homework Assignment : MRNA is likely to find buyers in this general area. We missed the buying tail... but this is not a big deal. This was a difficult video for reasons that I explain in the video. It is very important to start using the drawing tools to get familiarity and learn the process of using those tools to read the market. Use the honeymoon period to get familiar with the tools. The honeymoon period is exciting, and you expect that there will be a learning curve, but your excitement can give you motivation. You expect the tools to be unfamiliar in the beginning, but if you tackle that aspect of your trading, it won't seem so bad with 30 days of effort. On the other hand, if you don't use that period of time with enthusiasm you may never achieve your goal.
I think MRNA has entered a distribution range, as the ST (second test) seemed to be pretty weak, and the price is now showing weakness below the trading range. We are going to wait for further developments in price action and eventually take a trade on the final LPSY. For those of you who like trading ranges, this might be a juicy opportunity. Watch for the creation of an UT (upthrust) and an UTAD (upthrust after distribution) before you take your trade.
If you find this idea to be helpful like, follow, and drop a comment below if you'd want me to analyse a different pair.
Consider supporting me if you think I am providing you with value.
Luca, TrickleDownFX
AMD, MRNA, PFE after WSB play finished..!I reviewed WSB's plays in different articles and explained their price manipulation system Look at their most famous plays after few weeks will make it obvious that sharp rising price has no chance of reoccurring without the same manipulation.
I believe there will be no push from WSB soon!
It seems after the last Flash crash in the crypto market, they are not able to handle anything above the 100 Billion dollar market cap!
For me, there is a very big question:
How should we interpret the charts???
I suggest doing the analysis based on the most recent part and try to be aware of the reality that not all prices will repeat in the future!
reading my previous articles about WSB could help you consider this factor in your trading!
The biotech era possibilities: reverse aging, cure cancer, ...A little intro to the biotech cycle... It could be real big.
RNA technology can do a little bit more than tell your genes to produce spike protein.
It could be used to fight cancer.
It could also be used to increase life expectancy from 75 years to perhaps 90.
And more importantly, make people age slower as well as kill "deficient" cells involved in aging.
This means "prime" and "old age" would go from 25-50 and 50-75 to 25-60 and 60-90. Can you imagine?
Of course this is not eternal life, but us humans prime for what seems like such a short time, especially as our life expectancy increase.
You get to 25 and it's a race. By 50 it's over. At 35 you're already basically halfway through and missed on so much prossibly.
But if you got until 60 then it would make a significant difference. You life would not be "over" just a few years after reaching adulthood.
A while ago they came up with solutions but they had a little downside: it was highly cancerigenous.
Research has improved, and if people don't revert to the stone age soon (no guarentee about that), it will continue.
Plenty of treatments (injections, drugs, not RNA modifications) have been tested, and we have seen "70 year old" mice run faster than "25 year olds".
They have been tested on various mammals and plants. And to my knowledge, 1 human. David Sinclair, a genetician that looks at least 10 years younger than he is.
Not going to lie, the first people to get access to this, after the innovators (the few professors testing it on themselves) will be rich people.
Anti-ageing through DNA therapy got to be cheaper and work better than weekly injections of 5 products + 25 other products to counter the side effects.
RNA also is used to fight rare diseases, genetic disorders, but this concerns a tiny part of the population.
It's nice and all, but let's be honest, most people care way more about increasing everyone's (and their) healthy life spans.
Other uses:
Vaccines. Obviously.
Hunger management (you could also just ban obesity like Japan or ban the industry from dumping trucks of sugar and salt in their food to make people hungry).
Faster fracture repair (maybe send gene instructions temporarly)
Cure all sorts of handicaps (up to 10% of the population)
Less very dumb people (that are unemployable)?
Hair loss
Color blindness
Finally fix these teeth constantly getting damaged by bacteria
Regrow an arm?
Some cool sci-fi stuff? X-ray vision maybe?
Idk unlimited possibilities
A huge market bubble since "unlimited possibilities" Oh I can already see it
Right now they are showing the population that RNA tech isn't scary by using them all (most of the pop) as guinea pigs and force vaccinating a lot of people.
But I think they are calming down. These guys aren't that bright but at some point they might figure out if they insist too much they will alienate people and make them ultra-conservative and anti-vaxx and anti-everything. The boomers in power don't have long, so of course they are in a hurry to push this tech at any cost. Funny. They are desperate. The only western president that is young is Macron and OF COURSE his wife is like 80 or something.
The risk is MOAR mass hysteria, MORE euphorism, so I think ultimately people will get greedy and go after more and more half tested rushed treatments, and traders should know the outcome: eventually, a catastrophe. Mass deaths followed by reverting back to ultra conservative values.
Good buy on the next major bear market (this company or whichever one survives). But investing in this is not even the most interesting part.
It's Time.Deadweight momentum while holding 440 level.. This will flush and retest 400 and under very soon. MRNA and BIIB should not be anywhere close to each other. Magnet repellent rug pull is coming and it will quickly chop meat. I see a random tiktoker and youtuber die everytime I scroll in my leisure time. Eventually when everyone's favorite time killer gets executed by vaccine, anti vaccine rallies and protests will combust on MRNA. Do you trust online graduated interns working at a biomedical lab? These bonobos are getting massive funding to start new projects and even has brand labeling secured. Pretty bullish honestly but I'm holding puts so this will retest the pits of oblivion.
TLDR; MRNA short term put play retest ocean bottom 425p based on flushing momentum at stagnant price level
Entry: 444 (My Grandma's favorite number)
Stop loss: Don't need it, Good night MRNA
MRNA Daily TimeframeSNIPER STRATEGY (new version)
It produces Weak, Medium and Strong signals based on consisting elements.
NOT ALL TARGETS CAN BE ACHIEVED, let's make that clear.
It will not give you the whole wave like any other strategy out there but it will give you a huge part of the wave.
The BEST TIMEFRAMES for this strategy are Daily, Weekly and Monthly however it can work on any timeframe.
Consider those points and you will have a huge advantage in the market.
There is a lot more about this strategy.
It can predict possible target and also give you almost exact buy or sell time on the spot.
I am developing it even more so stay tuned and start to follow me for more signals and forecasts.
This magical strategy works like a clock on almost any charts
Although I have to say it can’t predict pullbacks, so I do not suggest this strategy for leverage trading.
It will not give you the whole wave like any other strategy out there but it will give you huge part of the wave.
The best timeframe for this strategy is Daily, Weekly and Monthly however it can work any timeframe above three minutes.
Start believing in this strategy because it will reward believers with huge profit.
There is a lot more about this strategy.
It can predict and also it can give you almost exact buy or sell time on the spot.
I am developing it even more so stay tuned and start to follow me for more signals and forecasts.