Apple by EOYApple based on current 119D movement. I still believe Apple is heading below $100 this year. It took a tad longer to see a drop because of corporate buybacks but that wont change the overall outlook for Apple.
Apple's price move from 2018 downward coincides with the Feds tapering. The August 2019 rally also coincides directly with the Fed increasing QE in August 2019. You can see somewhat normal movement until the price breaks out of the channel, although QE was introduced in 2008.
No QE = no more rallying. More QE = hyperinflation. Simple as that. I think the Fed will let equities take a bath to save the dollar... but than again, who knows?
Data Points:
MACD Crossed
RSI has room to come down
Q1 Guidance was grim
Tipple Top or Dead Cat BounceWe're taking a look at Apple here. This ticker has been known as a quality stock that investors flock when other tech stocks take a hit.
MACD is playing right there in the middle and this could go either way. Money Flow Index is showing that there could be more up to go.
Markets have been rocked by the recent banking crisis that is still not over. We're now learning of First Republic continually collapsing, even with backstops and liquidity pledges from big banks. Perhaps this crisis isn't over yet, and with bets of a 25 basis point hike Wednesday, this could snowball into a bigger crisis, but it's one to watch. Central banks are doing all they can to keep this bubble alive, but with declining economies, it's now a matter of time.
Manufacturing, retail, housing, autos, are all down, and continuing downward. Joblessness claims continue upward. Layoffs are increasing. You know how it goes... thoughts?
SPX | Let The Roaring '20s Begin!As the famous billionaire said in December 2021 (elon), the "prophet" who is apparently loved and trusted by everyone. I don't know why...
Disclaimer, SPX by itself will probably not follow this path, things are quite complex as you will soon find out.
First of all, Recession is not something simple. Everyone talks about it, but it is not always meaningful.
This year, equities weren't in a recession. While on the one hand the prices dropped, the denominator (dollar value) increased.
The 2022 "Recession" is not apparent, we have just hit the mean. Note that the channel is automatically drawn from 1950 using the Log-scaled Linear Regression indicator.
Taking note of the above, we can interpret that instead of SPX following the 1920's bubble, the pair SPX*yields will.
These charts above give us a valuable lesson. Until now, a .50 increase in yields had little effect on the direct equity value.
A monthly rate hike of 100 points had little meaning in the 80s. A change from 15% to 16% on yields for example, is just a 6% increase in the immediate price of money.
A change from 0.25% to 4.50% in 2022, is an 18x increase.
This means that the immediate effects of such an increase are dramatical. The 2022 "recession" occured just because price was so rapidly revalued. The change in dollar value is "effective immediately", when a rate-hike comes. Everything measured in dollars is immediately repriced accordingly. Even if price may take time to show it, cost does change.
The USOIL true price changed immediately. US investors enjoy a massive discount in oil price, while the rest of the world "enjoys" a bull-flag.
But this phenomenon will not last forever. Rates will eventually hit a ceiling and the FED will pivot. I will now try to "estimate" when the tightening schedule might end.
Had the 2020 crash not happened, this would be an average rate-hike schedule. It lasts 7 years.
This puts the end of the tightening schedule to the end of 2023.
So to add these together, we expect a QT environment until the end of 2023, and stable decrease of yield rates starting in 2024. Now I will try to make sense of them all, and try to find a probable behavior of SPX based on the yield hike-drop schedule. For simplicity, I pretend that the terminal rate is already here (or priced in). After all, the US10Y chart shows signs of peaking. We can conclude that even if this is not the terminal rate today, and based on the FED announcements, the market has already priced in the full extent of the tightening schedule.
I will return to the modified USOIL chart. We have seen that in reality, the price for oil (the main contributor to inflation) dropped a lot thanks to the tightening schedule. The USOIL/yields chart is like a time machine. It shows the final price equities/commodities will take when the dollar-repricing (rate hike) circles around the economy. We can conclude that the rate hike schedule was successful and will cool down inflation (inside the US)
With all of the above, it is safe to assume that:
Inflation has peaked (for now?).
The rate-hike schedule / QT environment will persist until the end of 2023.
From 2024 we can expect rates to drop.
By multiplying or dividing with yields, we can make conclusions for the reason why we were not in a recession this year. Since equities and yields are multiplied to calculate the true equity value, we don't have a clear indication on why the true value is increasing. Charting SPX/yields can help us understand "thanks to who is the true SPX chart increasing".
By analyzing them, we can get more indications on the future movement of SPX.
We assumed that yields have nearly peaked. They will remain constant or increase a little for the months to come.
Equities have no reason to continue a sell-off now that yields have almost peaked and the worst of inflation has passed. So we expect equities to increase compared to steady yields in the following months.
Taking all of that in account, we can end up with the following charts:
A probable scenario:
An improbable scenario:
More about the trends in the following idea:
Moral of the story, always have a plan B. Make sure not to waste it creating a bubble.
When inflation drops and equities bubble, there will be no reason for rates to increase. Just like in the 2018-2020 Recession, we will beg for the FED to drop rates to feed the bubble. When there is no more room for yields to drop, equities will. The equity market is infested with weapons of mass destruction (derivatives). It is bound that we see a burst of this long-term bubble.
Final question of the night: Why would anyone print an astronomical amount of money to make so little in the end?
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
PS. I've talked about how the 2018-2020 Recession no-one remembers is a micrography of the 2008-2009 Recession.
For reference, look at the rate-hike schedule, and notice the little "step" that appears in the end of the 2008 rate-drop schedule. The same appeared in the 2020 crash.
On the left, the modified-GFC is visually similar to the standard GFC chart (with and without yields transformation). On the right, the bubble SPX experienced in 2018-2020 now looks like an actual recession.
PS2. This crazy idea I posted may not be so crazy after all...
PS3. In 2025, Nostradamus (another pseudo-prophet) told that WW3 would come. The same I heard from many others.
PS4. The two sources of wealth are theft and inheritance. -Aristotle Onassis
PS5. I am not a trader, I am a father. Take what I say with a grain of salt.
The DOW Road has Ended. Now Welcome Hyperinflation.The market has chosen a way to profit throughout all these years. This is the end of this way, QE lead us here... in this dead end. Equities was the "gold" of the time that passed. Now this is changing...
If you read until the end of this idea, you will realize that a lot is changing.
I will briefly analyze this chart and what it tells us. This is the ratio of equities compared to yields. I have modified yields using an equation I made up. This channel is drawn from 01/01/1950. This is a date I use since this is the day America 2.0 was born. I have talked about it on the MV = PQ idea linked in the end of this idea.
Well, we have just missed this trend... Right now we could be witnessing the very beginning of US 3.0. Long-term technicals on this chart are deadly for DJI.
So this chart above suggests that the new big thing is bonds.
As you will now realize, this is not the entire story...
The following are IMPORTANT:
There are some things that trouble me...
SPX compared to energy is showing signs of stagnation. There is substantial drop for equities ahead of us.
So okay, energy cost is going to increase compared to equities, that is something we have taken for granted the past few months. We have talked about this a myriad times... This is not the entire story.
This chart below shows that energy increases will overperform yield increases.
So in a sense, inflation (calculated from commodity cost) will overperform yields.
Inflation is poised to increase much more than yields. Until now yields were consistently decreasing, now there is no more room down for yields.
Even if yields remain stable on today's levels, this chart suggests that energy prices will still increase. If yields increase, energy prices will increase more compared to yields.
This is a recipe for hyperinflation...
This chart below, shows more evidence towards the same conclusion...
Basically, "long-term inflation" (PPIACO*GOLD) is creating bull-flags compared to "total money created from yields" (mod-yields*CURRCIR). This means that the cumulative price of production cost and gold cost, will substantially increase compared to what bonds yield in total.
Conclusion: Chaos. No matter what politicians want, things are out of control right now. These charts suggest that. This is a long-term phenomenon which cannot change from free will. Nature is more powerful than we could ever hope to be ourselves. These charts are simply scary. I don't have the words to explain much. The charts speak for themselves.
I am sorry for the rushed post, and any mistakes that I might have done. I began writing about DOW, and I found out that there is much more happening right now... We all knew that we could have increased cost of energy, and stagnating equities. I couldn't put the scale of them in perspective. I hope that these charts gave you some perspective, they certainly gave me a clear perspective.
PS. While we cannot avoid what is coming, we have the power to choose what boat to take. The stranger told us that we cannot be in two different boats. We are basically obliged to choose our path.
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
The Case for UnemploymentUnemployment is tricky. You just cannot announce high unemployment. The political damage is too much to take. But unfortunately, the time comes when unemployment just increases...
Every sane person would want the economy to remain calm for as long as possible. This is not sinister or bad.
After all, it is in the duty of Governments and Central Banks to keep our daily lives as calm and peaceful as possible.
Bad unemployment data is inherently bad. It is worse than bad inflation data. So it is always a tricky situation...
After the inflation chaos, calm has return to the financial world. Volatility and inflation is lower, equities are higher! So all is well!
Not only inflation is lower, but also unemployment! With an ultra-low rate of 3.4%. News just couldn't be better!
Initial claims is also breaking down, signaling better days ahead...
After all, low unemployment is good! Right?
Not so fast fella!
Low unemployment is good for, well, employees! But it is bad for corporations! Finding skilled personnel is incredibly hard. So much so, that most companies underperform. They just can't grow!
I believe that unemployment does not necessarily break the economy. And the economy does not necessarily break the unemployment. It is a mixed bag... Sometimes, businesses benefit from high unemployment. If the antagonists fail, others get their workers, and most importantly, the piece of the pie! Some companies grow while others fail...
Believe it or not, low unemployment is risky. Especially when it is in a 54 year low... It just cannot go lower!
Recent unemployment data is perfect. However, Continuous Jobless Claims (USCJC) may give us a new perspective...
It is at times like these when we see conflicting data. Continuous Claims increase while unemployment rate is decreasing.
At that period, the official unemployment rate was making lower lows!
This is deeply concerning. Especially when it is eerily similar to 2020. Perhaps it is a shift of balance right before a crisis.
Perhaps a period when long-term employees lose their jobs since companies attempt to cut down costs. Instead, they hire less skilled workers with lower wages, perhaps for part-time jobs. This may be the last attempt of companies to stay afloat. It is also the last attempt for families to stay afloat. High food prices necessitate work at all costs, no matter how low...
A crisis may be brewing... A Black Swan one, just like 2020.
The Big Tech bubble is literally hollow, full of derivatives aka weapons of mass destruction.
And the scale and the ramifications of such a crisis are still unknown.
(By inflation pressure I mean the amount of work the FED does to fight inflation. While this chart increases, inflation gets out of hand)
Perhaps all of this is meaningless. Only time will tell what will happen... WW3 commence I guess?
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
Who would you trust with your money?Spoiler alert: More evidence against NDQ in this idea!
US Companies are organized in clusters, some of them are DJI, SPX, RUT, NDQ etc.
Some of them are more trustworthy than others. And by that I mean which of these sets one can depend on.
DJI is indeed a dependable group of companies, the so called Blue Chips. Composed of the 30 largest US Companies.
These companies aren't playing around, they have deep foundations that can withstand the worst of crises.
The opposite of foundation is hollow ground. In finance, one hollow ground could be derivatives.
More info about the possible repercussions of derivatives in my last idea:
Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction.
-Warren Buffett
I have talked about how you should not blindly trust the price of the main indices.
And as we know, the effect of derivatives is embedded in the price we see every day in our Watchlists. Equity price is a victim of derivatives.
You know, these derivatives which by default have no foundation and are susceptible to a possible crash like the .com bubble. Let's hope a ".options" crash doesn't come for derivatives. And if it does, let's hope that the "weapons of mass destruction" was a figure of speech!
So how big is their effect? BIS warned about the hidden debt, the "everything bubble" we have created and we are comfortably sitting inside it. Buffett has warned about derivatives.
The only thing I can analyze is these hyperbolic charts, namely SQQQ (short QQQ) and it's cousins DOG (short DJI) and SPXU (short SPX). To remotely begin to make sense of their nature, we have to reduce their exponent. Dividing a chart by an arbitrary amount doesn't "flatten" it to a lower growth scale. We will have to raise SQQQ to 0.2 for example to bring it down to meaningful and comparable levels.
I tried normalizing these 3 beasts, using the following methodology:
For the entire history of SQQQ we calculate the SQQQ^-1 chart, and measure how much it grew in this period. As seen above, SQQQ^-1 increased by 17000x. To make it comparable to QQQ, we progressively increase the exponent so as to make QQQ and SQQQ growths identical. If this explanation didn't make sense, the following chart may clear things out.
So we come up with the following "balanced" derivative charts.
SPX // SPXU^-0.216
DJI // DOG^-0.62
QQQ // SQQQ^-0.244
WIth the // symbol I mean that these charts move in parallel.
So what can we infer from them? More speculation maybe, more questions than answers... But still, there seems to be some important difference between them.
I will divide these two charts to make some sense. When the chart increases, the "real" part of the index is increasing. When the chart decreases, the "derivative" part of the index is increasing. So in a sense, the chart increases when indices grow fairly , without cheating using derivatives.
First SPX
Next DJI
Finally QQQ (NDQ)
Is this derivative bubble the only reason NDQ is still afloat in this immense QT environment?
In an attempt to keep business going and as money gets scarce, Big Tech is pushing prices higher using an immense amount of derivatives.
Are these derivatives going to be the doom of NDQ?
All of this may be speculative and some charts may not be financially true. But sometimes, price simply discounts everything.
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
SPX | Early AccessI have posted about this chart before, but I wanted to show it more clearly this time.
Above we see SPX, the standard chart. Below we see a custom index I invented, which is VVIX/VIX. It is a neat way to make sense of the chaotic nature of VIX. To clear things out, I have hidden both charts and instead I show an indicator called WLSMA. It is tremendously helpful to smoothen the "fog" the standard chart creates. In the end I will add the link to the inventor.
I took great care on drawing these trendlines. I tried to get into the mind of the investor back then, and drew the lines that best made sense, and could provide some actual meaning.
On the chart, red arrows are drawn. These are the times when the VVIX/VIX chart violates decisively it's trendline. On the same dates, I created arrows on the SPX chart to get an idea of just how early this method warns us. While this method may not be useful for traders (I am not a trader, I am just passionate analyzing charts), I find it incredibly interesting on how these two correlate, and make actual sense.
I find VIX by itself completely useless. Don't get triggered by what I said.
How on earth is VIX = 20 a good buy-in strategy? It is as about as useful as RSI getting below 80. Again don't get triggered by it and flame comments down below. Numbers and money don't mean nothing. It is perspective and values that make sense.
Now onto some charts:
In 2008 we were notified from VVIX/VIX all the way back in February of 2007, and got a confirmation on April of 2007. This is not a typo, 1 year before the GFC.
Curiously, this happened when FED's tightening schedule was near it's end.
Also interesting is the April-September period of 2008, when the VVIX/VIX chart showed signs of hope when it broke above it's trendline.
And compared to now:
We can conclude similarly for the 2010-2015 period.
And the 2016-2020 period.
And the 2020-2023 period of course.
Are we approaching this hopeful period before the crisis?
A comparison between 2008 and 2023, in the period of deadly hope.
Link to the inventor of the WLSMA indicator:
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
SPX | A Trader's MindThe anxious moment when your investment goes through a period of slowdown or drop.
When everything is good, everyone is happy. Nobody thinks twice when a market is growing.
It's at that point of the first lower-low, when an investor loses their sleep. And it can be suffering when insomnia is prolonged.
The 2022 Recession will be remembered as the most confusing and pressured of all. One whole year later, and still we don't sleep all that well. We hoped that things would clear out by now. Instead, the situation is more confusing and chaotic than ever!
Being in a period of all-time-high records, I feel proud. Yet, the responsibility in my work is most important than ever.
And there are many records occurring right now...
For the first time, Money Supply has taken such a dramatic downturn, with an incredibly steep yield-curve inversion.
With 470B burned until now (M2SL chart) and with such a prolonged inversion, it seems that a new era begins right before our eyes. A period when money is scarcer and scarcer.
We were crying all these years that money loses it's value. Now that money is getting much more powerful, we are still crying.
This kind of mentality doesn't help us. It can certainly get us pretty far, but in the wrong direction. We should dedicate our thoughts and efforts into deciphering this incredible new era. I am not optimistic for this new era for many reasons, an explanation of these reasons is not fitting in a trading platform. We are facing serious humanitarian problems that we choose to avoid, or problems that we create (un)willingly.
To figure out what happens, we should begin thinking spherically. Isolating equities doesn't get us far. It is the balance of powers that is changing in an instant.
-- Tricky Bear Market Trendlines
Bear market analysis is not as simple as many expect. The bottom is not that easy to pinpoint. There are many bottoms that precede the terminal bottom. In each one, everyone trades as if the bottom is in. Most of these times, the bottom is not in...
I've seen innumerable charts this past year, claiming that the bottom is in and that we should trade it. Yet, none of them ended up true
Breakout, divergence, MA crossover, over and over and over again...
The same mentality occurred in previous recessions...
After these instances, more downside followed. Are we sure we are out of the woods?
-- Hollow Equities
The Stock Market is not what it used to be. The major indices are not priced just by stocks, but from derivatives also. The following chart attempts at calculating the percentage quantity of derivatives. The higher it gets, the more "hollow" prices get.
More info in the following idea:
How much should we trust index prices given that they are filled with weapons of mass destruction?
-- Cash instead of Stocks
From 1920 to 2020, Equities were the go-to investment. Currency was just the mechanism to buy into equities.
Now a paradigm change is beginning. Progressively higher yields and steady equities shape an entirely new understanding of what investment is. From investment in equities, to investing in money itself.
A horizontal movement is expected for DJI against yields. Equities can increase as much as yields allow them to. Not the other way around.
Until now, equities dictated yields. If equities stagnated, yields had to drop to stimulate the economy. Now, equities may increase only when yields allow them to. The FED is showing that rates will not lower even if this ends up in severe financial crises. Money has to remain strong for those who have it. In periods of war, financial advantage is more important than growth.
Surviving against the enemy is a priority. Talking about a paradigm shift!
-- Commodity Inflation
Commodity inflation is brewing. Now it is beyond brewing, it is getting explosive...
Inflation is getting so severe, that it is bull-flagging against money supply itself! At least according to my charts...
And if Bitcoin can be considered a commodity, it is showing the same dynamics as material commodities do. And in an even higher degree!
To NDQ Bulls, the big-tech bubble appears to have already ended!
Perhaps we have not seen just yet the dynamics Bitcoin can get. It is proving an investment that is progressively accumulating incredible amounts of idle wealth. High amounts of money are "parked" in Bitcoin, sitting idle.
This chart is very simplistic. One more experienced with Bitcoin analysis can make a more thorough analysis. If one of you does, please inform me because it is very interesting for me!
There is much more occuring. Housing is one important market, on which I am not experienced to analyze.
As a conclusion, I advise every TradingView user to concentrate their efforts into deciphering the future. In this new era of progressively stronger currency, equities and investments will not perform like they did the past 40 years of QE. There is much work to do for us to financially survive in this environment.
PS. To get something out of the way, I don't give trading advice. My charts are drawn with arrows so as to explain more easily my thought process. I post these ideas to provoke conversation and logical analysis. I can always be wrong in my thought process. If you disagree with a chart, please disprove it with a chart. Not with texts of semi-logical reasoning and by calling me crazy or conspiracy theorist.
Of course any comments and corrections are welcome! It is when you want to disprove something that requires you to send counter-evidence.
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
SPX | The Everything BubbleSPX vs Inflation is a chart I explained in the following idea.
While this chart showed incredible golden-ratio behavior, there are some periods which stand out. The smooth dance of the ratio throughout the last 100 years, has some quirks (the red ellipses). These periods are not random, they all feature a bubble behavior. It is clear as day that in 1996 the .com bubble formed, which caused SPX to return to trend in 2003.
The 2004-2008 stock market growth and the Great Financial Crisis are not apparent, since they are part of The Great 2000 Recession. They are in the middle of a long-term downwards trend.
So where does this leave us? If this chart has any meaning, we are in the middle of the air, with incalculable drop for the chart in the future...
One target can be pinpointed using probable fib-extensions, using retracements drawn from important highs and lows.
It is 12 times lower than now, or 92% drop. It depends on how you look at it...
PS. I know that charts don't go back in time. The red arrow is drawn towards the left for aesthetic reasons.
Who knows how far downwards is the trend now...
PS2. I invented a new name for the Head and Shoulders pattern. I call it Cerberus, the three-headed beast guarding the Underworld.
Look at it in action:
The tail of Cerberus is a dragon's head spewing flames, which in trading would be a bull-flag.
Chart taken from SPY_Master
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
SPX | The cake is a lieThis is not the 2008 Recession. This is deception. This is the Recession nobody remembers.
SPX by itself doesn't show the entire truth. The monster of QE clouds your vision, clouds your judgement. It's strength, it's pressure pushes everything upwards so much. Too much... Until you are in a delusion.
The 2020 Black Swan was not black. He was in the shadows. One of the lights that can help you see him is the SPX*US10Y chart. In the "Related Ideas" there is the link to the inventor of the chart.
This is the 2020 Black Swan we all witnessed.
This is the 2018 Recession that really happened.
For reference, this is the modified chart from 2008.
And the chart from 2022.
Pattern taken from 2008 and fits like a glove.
We are also in UTAD, in a long-term Wyckoff Distribution.
Is it a conspiracy theory? It could be. The easiest method of manipulating the economy is with bonds. They make them and they define the base yield. So in theory and in practice, they can affect the economy any way they want. In short, they could in theory hide a recession in an ocean of money, in the era of information and QE.
They are after your money. They will do anything to take them. Watch out. Who knows what trap they will set up now...
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
SPX | Did you win?Ah the beauty of Fibonacci... when after a painful recession for equities, we reach the golden ratio alive and well. The satisfaction!!!
Now we can go all-in equities! Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones who bought the October bottom, then congrats to you!
How much was your profit really? After all, this was a peculiar year... Yields massively increasing, equities dropping. It is like a dead end, it feels like a maze...
The main chart does show a significant recession... But we have passed it!
Some charts suggest that we had no recession this year...
Other charts suggest the complete opposite!
Note that these are my charts. I was the contradictory being...
Look at what the last chart means:
LQD is the investment-grade ETF. On the second chart it is compared with SPX/(modified-yields) and on the third with SPX/(modified-yields*PPIACO). The correlation is as good as it can get...
This is a mess... what can we infer from all of these charts?
Something fundamental can help us clear the picture. We can differentiate between 4 distinct periods of the economic cycle.
A. Equities increase while yields decrease (bonds increase)
This is the QE model, which followed us for many years. During this period, the only winner is the one who had only stocks in the beginning. Investing everything in the stock market is your best bet.
B. Equities increase while yields increase
This is the scenario when the economy is at it's best. During this period, everyone wins. Both the one who has stocks and the one who is selling/lending cash (sitting on cash) win. Any kind of investment is good in this period!
C. Equities decrease while yields decrease
This is the nightmare of the wealthy ones, and this period that rarely comes. It happened during the 1929, the 2000 and the 2008 recessions. During this period, you win if you have nothing invested, and without any money. Borrowing money to buy stocks is the best plan.
D. Equities decrease while yields increase
Sound familiar? This is 2022 in a nutshell. During this period, I hate to disappoint you, the only one who wins is the one who has a lot of money. Sitting on cash and lending it is your only option. The immense amount of money that the US printed, is now sitting in the hands of few. If you traded for profit, then you are probably at (or near) net-zero.
In 2022, you won if you sat in cash. We have gone full circle, from advising into sitting in cash, to advising into selling, to buying, and back to the beginning. Finance is complex...
To conclude, my head is spinning... I have no idea what all of this will lead to. It is as if we are in a lose-lose scenario.
Invest in bonds? But is the US going to be able to pay them out, after decades of free money? And with so much money in circulation, how many bonds are being purchased at these "extortionate" rates? How in the world will the US be able to pay out so much? Invest in equities? They look like they will face years of stagnation.
The only thing that smells lately is the smell of war, the smell of "I have nothing to lose". The only thing to gain now is resources.
Commodities are bull flagging against everything. More specifically, the combination between the cost of commodities and the cost of their production added together. This makes me believe that a small increase in production cost will lead to multiplicative increase in the final product value. This is a recipe for hyperinflation. And the big profit is if you own the land the resources are produced. (Ukraine for wheat, Taiwan for silicone, etc...). Everyone is willing to fight for these lands...
I am adding this chart for the picture on the left. The CEO of Bank Of America is preparing for US bankruptcy.
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
Uncontrollable Inflation?Will inflation get under control? This is a question that spins on my mind.
This chart clears the picture.
On the top of the equation we have "long-term inflation", calculated by GOLD*PPIACO
On the bottom we have the true equity value, calculated by modified-yields*SPX
modified-yields = US10Y+1+1/US10Y. It follows the standard US10Y chart.
This chart tells us something alarming, that no matter the politics, we are inside a massive bull-flag.
This chart below, measures the long-term inflation compared to total-money-earned-from-bonds.
Another golden bull-flag appears, which found support on the 1980 peak.
Commodities could over-perform any attempt we have at stopping the inflationary pressures.
Any upwards move on yields, will have multiplicative increase in commodity cost.
Take a look at SPY_Master's ideas regarding bull-flags. He is the inspiration of the GOLD*PPIACO chart.
He basically used GOLD*DBC as a good measure of inflation. I replaced DBC with PPIACO for longer-term analysis.
Now I will explain how and why these charts work.
On the top we have GOLD*PPIACO. Gold is measured in dollars, while PPIACO not exactly... So on the numerator there is only one occurence of dollar value.
M2SL moves exponentially compared to PPIACO. So PPIACO by itself doesn't get inflated by money printing.
On the denominator, on the one chart we have (mod-yields)*SPX, which is again measured in dollars, but SPX is transformed for the "true" value of dollar. I thank SPY_Master once again for the inspiration. He invented the SPX/(1/US10Y) = SPX*US10Y chart.
On the other chart we basically have the total money made from bonds. Total money printed is transformed for their cost. In reality this denominator measures the true value of all money printed. So it is once again normalized.
Finally, look at this chart which compares equities with long-term inflation.
Any upwards move on equities, will have multiplicative increase in commodity cost.
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
PS. I am not a trader, these charts are not "tradeable". In fact, they could give someone second thoughts on investing. I don't have second thoughts on investing. These charts help us understand that sometimes, things are not as straightforward as we would hope.
PS2. To anyone who hasn't played Half-Life 2, Father Grigori is the guardian of a city called Ravenholm. We don't go there anymore.
PS3. My name implies that I am a priest of sorts, I unofficially could be one. Officially, I am not a priest. I am in love with how nature (and God) shows up in the most amazing of places. These golden flags are not random... Nothing is random. For example, look at this incredibly accurate chart.
PS4. Please don't fill this comment section with arguments about faith and God, if you believe in one (or many) or if you don't believe in one (or many). These kinds of conversations tend to go up in flames. Please keep the peace.
TESLA $TSLA - Feb. 13th, 2023Tesla $TSLA NASDAQ $NDQ $NDX US100
BUY/LONG ZONE (GREEN): $208.41 - $234.10
DO NOT TRADE/DNT ZONE (WHITE): $187.63 - $208.41
SELL/SHORT ZONE (RED): $113.06 - $187.63
Weekly zone from Mon. May10th, 2021 drawn to Tue. Feb. 21st, 2023.
Multiple touches on zone on weekly chart occurring on weeks of:
Monday May 24, 2021,
Tuesday June 01, 2021,
Monday June 21, 2021,
Tuesday July 06, 2021 through Monday July 26, 2021,
Monday August 16, 2021, and then not again until
Monday May 16, 2022,
Monday May 23, 2022,
Monday June 13, 2022,
Tuesday July 05, 2022,
Monday October 10,2022 through Monday October 24, 2022, and lastly
Monday February 06, 2023
Weekly level for current structural low at $113.06 (weeks of Tuesday December 27, 2022 through Tuesday January 03, 2023).
Zone drawn on 4H - Prices $178.07 - $187.63
Bottom zone level comes from bearish candle open on Monday January 23, 2023 09:30 ($178.07).
Top zone level comes from bullish long-legged doji candle close on Monday February 13, 2023 09:30 ($187.63).
Daily structural level (price $159.64) from bearish candle open on Friday December 16, 2022, confirmed on Thursday January 26, 2023 (bullish daily long-legged doji).
The next zone to look at in the event of a breakout is $234.10 (bottom level) - $238.56 (top level).
SIDE NOTE: If NASDAQ closes green this week it will be the second bullish indicator after the four consecutive candles (turned into five consecutive after bullish mark) and weekly structure break from weeks of Tuesday January 03, 2023 through Monday January 23, 2023.
Blue chartings are from weekly timeframe and above.
Yellow chartings are from daily timeframes and below.
Technical analysis only, does not factor in real world events or fundamentals.
This is what I would personally look at before entering trades, everything is subject to change on a daily basis and as I analyze different timeframes and ideas.
SPX | The RSI WarningRelative Strength Index, is one of the most famous indicators. If analyzed correctly it can show us warnings very early on.
Look at this period between 2010-2014 for USOIL
Price is supported by a very wide ribbon, while RSI is under significant resistance. When we are talking about such wide timeframes, RSI action is VERY important. One could say that RSI analysis is more important than price analysis.
On to the protagonist, SPX...
While price is under WIDE support, RSI shows the oncoming weakness.
After the recession, this is the confirmation that we reached a bottom.
Onto todays outlook:
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
SPX | What goes up......must come down.
Conservation of Energy
We all know QE... The god-given gift which made everyone rich! Well, not everyone...
Consumers sure took a hit. But who cares about them?
We want corporations rich! And they got rich .
And boy some of them did go rich... That's the beauty of the American Dream!
Sure we were cheating...
...but look at all this money we made!
Violets are green, dollars are green, stocks are green, everything is green!
And stocks are everything!
(This chart shows the stock market "dominance". How much of the wealth one can have is inside the stock market.)
And now everything is inside crypto.
We are all-in. In a Poker Game where The House always wins.
After all that fun party, it is time for the bill, not clinton bill, not treasury bill, not dollar bill.
It is time for debt to get paid. As always, nature will do it's trick... Nature seeks equilibrium.
When we cheat and inflate, it comes and deflates.
Nature is a closed circuit. When some deflate, others inflate.
And the cycle goes on...
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly YieldsI have this question... Why are high yields bad? What is bad?
We are in a period of big changes. There are lot's of balances changing, one of them is money. We have just passed (?) the biggest monetary experiment ever (QE) and we are about to enter the successor to that experiment, digital money. Digital money conveniently came about just at the time when hyperinflation became an expected reality. If you talked about hyperinflation 4 years ago, you were crazy, now it is expected (and perhaps actually coming).
... Instinct tells us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity. Instinct slyly and covertly compels us away from change and progress. ...
-Dr. Breen
In the center of the stages is the paradigm shift in yields. After decades of consistently lower yields, now we are expecting consistently higher ones. Many (including me) have prejudged themselves into be lie ving that high yields are inherently bad.
I cannot conclude into what high yields are bad at. The title suggests that they have 3 faces, good bad and ugly. I can conclude that now, like always throughout history, we are rolling in a cycle.
Some things have changed in unpredictable ways. This unorthodox chart shows us that this year, we have lived through something unique. Perhaps this will be the way things move forward.
From the charts above I have tried hard to conclude into something. The only thing I have learned is the following:
Bonds are the new equities.
In QE world, lower yields made more money. How? Money printing and borrowing needs low yields for it to be popular. Immense liquidity bubbled everything and productivity skyrocketed. QE is the fuel of globalism. Equities paid out dividends, so higher equities led to even more money.
In QT world, higher yields make more money. How? Money burning and lending needs high yields for it to be profitable. Money makes more money, and every day it makes even more money. Commodity producers (GOLD*PPIACO as an example) and wealthy individuals/corporations/nations can enjoy this new era. QT is the fuel of war. Everything is precious and everyone fights for it.
In a globalized world, you could make money by being an intermediate entity. Now to make money you must actually own the resources and money. Rich get richer, and poor get poorer.
This is the purchasing power of the consumer dollar. Poor get poorer...
Poor get poorer when rich get richer.
These charts above are simple to understand and analyze. Down below I will add some of my favorite charts. These charts calculate the value of commodities compared to equities or money supply.
Commodity production bull-flags against equities.
Commodity production bull-flags against money supply itself.
The bull flag is against yields as well.
True Production Cost (PPIACO*yields) is bull-flagging (?)
PPIACO is used as a historical alternative to USOIL. For some reason, we cannot perform old historical calculations using oil.
They show that the commodities prove a big motive for everyone. Especially to those who seek war.
Would anyone in their clear mind expect WWIII to be talked about in the 2020s? With the knowledge we have collected throughout all these years, this would be out of the question! Yet, here we are, casually talking about it. Again, changes are happening but we are stuck in a cycle. All we can do about it is to understand where we are, and not constantly deceive ourselves and others into thinking otherwise. So there is a clear benefit into just realizing where we are, it is not financial profit, it is speaking truth.
Conclusion? This is a zero-sum game for consumers. Also, with bonds we are committing hubris. Bonds is a mechanism that helps money itself make more money.
Have you heard about the Ancient Greeks? They talked about the fact that when money makes money, it is Hubris (something like sin, only worse).
Equities gave more output than there was input, if someone includes long-term dividends. You working and making money is not Hubris (according to Ancient Greeks). Making a system which enables money to make money, then you commit Hubris. Consistently higher yields will help money make even more money.
Equities are facing Nemesis (compared to bonds). Bonds have just now committed Hubris. There may be many years until they face Nemesis as well.
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
PS. This movie "good bad ugly" was released in 1966, a period financially similar to the one we live now.
NASADQ trend lines and channelsAnother of my big picture looks at the NASDAQ. You can see that we had a strong rally off the bottom of the blue channel, and right now it is around the middle of the channel. In the big picture though, we have barely come down out of the massive QE and low interest rate bubble created after the financial crisis. I find it hard to get too into this rally, we saw Meta rally 20% even with its latest financial report show something like $4 Billion in losses, but some vague promises about "Year of Efficiency". That tells me that markets are very FOMO right now after a really hard year and are looking for anything to recapture the bubble of 2021. Labor reports continue to be strong, which seems to be feeding the rally, especially so after the Fed's super dovish 0.25% hike and "disinflation" nonsense. The break above the 200 day SMA and crossing of the 20 and 200 day are also really bullish signs. That said, pick your favorite quote about the market: 1) Markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent or 2) Bull markets climb a wall of worry. Good luck.
These are the wise words of Jerome Powell from the FOMC meeting yesterday. After this meeting markets pumped worldwide as a confirmation of the bullcase.
Yesterday we closed at a big resistance point. We need a close above and confirmation.
Next Target on SPX = 4330
VIX is cracking through support and likely going to see new lows on the larger timeframe.
Also DXY cracked bigtime after the meeting. Now at 100 points. My target for DXY is 92. Big rally for equities.
Bonds 10Y also at 3.41%
A 3% decline on the charts. Approaching Daily 200 MA. My expectations is that we're going to crack through it after good results from the big companies later today
The QE(xperience)Quantitative Easing, a fancy way of describing a bubble, the easy way out.
QE Alpha
During QE Alpha, speculation lead to a massive bubble, and a painful burst.
Technicals: A Fibonacci Retracement shows that price followed closely it's levels.
QE Beta
During QE Beta, after stabilizing from the Great Depression, and after the end of WW2, economy rose steadily. US being one of the winners of WW2 and with the Marshall Plan deal, had a big advantage compared to the rest of the world.
Technicals: The 1.618 retracement proves a significant resistance from above, which behaved as the ceiling for the Great Stagflation period of 1960s. Price reached an indecision where price couldn't penetrate the 1.618 retracement, but didn't want to fall below the 1929 high. A golden bull-flag was created, which escaped to the upside in 1982.
QE 1.0
After severe stagflation, a new era of progressively lower yields led to the creation of the mechanism for QE1. It's fuel ended in 2000, and for a decade, the economy had big trouble going forward. It wasn't until the GFC when the foundation was set for the birth of QE2.
Technicals: We have reached the 3rd harmonic and this proves big resistance for price. During this time, a harmonic bull-flag shaped.
QE 2.0
The QExperience, which until now was unknown and unnamed, had now a name. And we have lived with it until 2021. Derivatives came about and inflated what is left to inflate. Since day 1 of 2022 we are outside it's trend.
Technicals: Retracements drawn using the Great Depression peaks/bottoms constitute significant support/resistance levels.
Conclusion: This SPX modificator makes historical analysis of SPX more mathematically accurate and clearer to see/analyze. A new era of increasing yields leads to multiplicative problems in the QE machine. Welcome to the QT era. We are already in it, for the past year, we hope you enjoy your stay!
Look at the GFC intervention.
The modified SPX chart depends on yields. More about it on this chaotic, full-of-mistakes idea.
Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori