es, spy, day trading for Feb 7th 2020so a bit of a slide over night but balanced in a declining flag so watch the red top for the break to the up side. action that is not impulsive to eh down side could be hared to trade if it remains inside the flagging set up. the red zone range is big enough to just trade the action inside if that is all it wants to give to us today.
cl, oil, day trading for Feb 7th 2020 as of typing oil is testing support of the red zone bottom and this would be the break of yesterdays range bottom, non rth session has traded inside the range of yesterday so a decent move could happen on break.
I will watch the reaction on this break and probably short a retrace if the move is outside the red bottom.
oil, cl, day trading for Feb 5th 2020from last session close oil has been moving up to the top of yesterdays early session and is finding a happy place there. If not break above red top then will not even think long, and last nights low is the area I will look to see if oil is finding buyers. So that said will be looking to trade this range from 49.25 to 51.50 and looking for impulsive trends inside the range until we clear this zone.
This will makes you happy :)Here you are an easy and simple view of USDCAD. I am expecting the OIL price to go up, so we all know OIL up = UC down righ? Do you need more confirmation of cuorse, so look at chart. Weekly resistance, marked in black, divergence, marked in red, trendline, marked in black (you could wait for a break of that) and the target is green. Easy right? So,
i hopes that you will be happy with this freemoney :)
S :)
CoronavirusHi friends, today I want to analyze one news that excited and scared people - this is news about the coronavirus that appeared in China.
If you like my analyzes, click like.
In the first place of this week is the news about the coronavirus epidemic in China, which took the whole world by surprise.
There is no such person who spoke about this news. But all this news did no good, except to create panic among the people.
Therefore, after studying the mechanism and selecting all the news, I give only the necessary and important conclusions.
I must say I'm not a doctor, and I have nothing to do with medicine. In this regard, I will focus on other economic and political consequences of this epidemic.
Because the economic and political consequences may be higher than the medical consequences of this epidemic.
First, I want to give you some brief information.
A coronavirus epidemic has emerged from the 13 million-strong city of Wuhan in China. According to scientists, the main reason for this epidemic is the Chinese habit of eating all moving animals. The Chinese boast: "we eat all quadrupeds except the table, all flying except the plane, all floating except the boat."
In my opinion, this custom will not lead to anything good. It was revealed that specific people were infected with the coronavirus epidemic from bats.
At the moment, most countries do not have testing devices for accurate diagnosis, let alone an anti-epidemic drug. Such devices have been researched and produced only in China and the United States. In most countries, such devices have not yet been delivered. Chinese scientists study the genetic structure of this virus and distribute their research results to all countries.
According to experts in the field of medicine, it takes 6-8 months to find antiepidemic agents. Then it needs to be tested for 6-8 months. Only after this will there be a drug available for production, until then there are no drugs that treat the disease.
It turns out that in order to find a cure, we need at least 1.5 years. Now let's see how dangerous this is for us. As mentioned above, there is no cure for this epidemic yet. And the next 1-2 years will not be either.
Despite the fact that there are no drugs for this epidemic, the statistical danger of this epidemic is very low. Today, in the 13 million city of Wuhan, there are only 8 thousand infected people. As for the whole world, the number of cases of this infection is 9776 people, of which 213 people died. For comparison with the usual flu in the world, at least 5-10% of the total population get sick every year, and about 300-400 thousand people die. This epidemic is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets. This makes this disease dangerous in densely populated countries. In countries where the population density is small, the risk of infection becomes lower. I told you about the medical and statistical dangers of the coronavirus epidemic.
Now let's go over the economic and political dangers of this epidemic.
The economic and political danger of this epidemic will be much higher than the medical danger. If you pay attention to economic news, you will get the impression that it is war news . The Chinese securities market continues to fall.
The gross domestic product of the Chinese economy will fall by at least 1-1. 5% and if the Chinese economy weakens, it will have a very strong impact on the world economy.
The very first can have a negative impact on the price of oil and metals.
Since mid-January, when the coronavirus epidemic began, the global securities market and commodity exchanges have continued to fall
The price of oil fell by 20%
Copper fell 15%
If we take the last 100 years of historical statistics, the economic crisis occurs every 7-9 years. And more than 10 years have passed since the last crisis of 2008.
Therefore, it seems that the world is facing another crisis. If the price falls below $ 40, the state of the budget of countries that depend on the price of oil will deteriorate sharply.
And if we take into account that part of the budget of these countries is spent on social spending, then there are great doubts that the government will find the means to fulfill its social obligations.
Where do governments find funds?
Of course from our pocket
We will have to stop many social payments and devalue national currencies. This will further reduce the social situation of the population. And it can cause discontent of the people, which is already on the verge. And in this way, many countries can go to a political crisis. And God knows what will happen at the end of it all. Of course, all this may not be.
Some even believe that too much attention paid by the media is both an ideological and information war of the United States against China. Although, personally, I even if I do not believe in it, but I believe that in the modern world everything can be. Continuing to talk about the coronavirus epidemic, I would like to draw attention to two or three other small things from which we should take an example .
The first is the effectiveness and discipline of the Chinese government. See how many measures they took specifically and without unnecessary panic in the shortest possible time. They showed themselves as a state system that knows what to do.
The second is the openness of the Chinese government this time. Since the beginning of the epidemic, the Chinese government has convened the World Health Organization . Without hiding any information. Hold press conferences on time.
Third , we can see how developed the Chinese economy is, and we can find out by looking at a 1,000-bed hospital built in 48 Hours. Amazing.
And the last thing I noticed was the cohesion and decency of the Chinese people. If you look at the 13 million city of Wuhan. Where the government has imposed a quarantine, people continue their lives without going out and committing any hooliganism.
Looking at these examples, we can learn a lot of good things from them, if we don't take the bad ones.
As you have noticed, everything is interconnected in the world. If one country sneezes in one place, the whole world will become infected. These words are said not only in a medical sense, but we live in a world where Economics and politics are closely linked and have a great influence on each other.
Many people asked me my opinion about the coronavirus. That's my opinion
If you like my analysis, please like it.
Best regards EXCAVO
cl, oil, day trading for Feb 3rd 2020From last close oil has been balanced long and in a decently tight consolidation looking for it next move. As always watch the red zone for the first directional clue. A move lower could come fast and expect a move higher will be more grindy, but what do I know, this is only my thoughts. The trick is let the market prove me wrong and take advantage of what it is showing you..
I like the idea of a Red zone bottom bounce and then see if we can break out the top of the red zone.
If teh bottom lets go will change my long view very fast.
Potential LONG CLAfter the huge sharp decline in the price of oil from recent highs of 64 due to supply and Corona Virus concerns. We are currently sitting on yearly support level for oil. Volume has still been extreemly strong to the downside, so price may even break through from here, but if the street feels that prices have been a bit too oversold, we can expect a nice corrective wave up before attemtping to further break this huge resistance at 51.00
Waiting for strong volume to come in to confirm price movement up
2 Poisitons
1 1:1
1 BE at 1:1 with an aggressive SL trail
OPEC Partners Seek Meeting in a Bid to Control Falling PricesHeadlines:
- Chinese Equities are pointing to a negative start back from holidays as delayed hit on markets is expected to roll into today’s session
- Chinese Central Bank trying to stem the flow by inserting 150 billion CNY$ into Chinese equities
- OPEC partners seek emergency meeting in a bid to control falling crude prices seen in recent weeks
- Coronavirus sees first international death and virus continues to spread globally seeing new cases
Successful Short Trade (BOOMER Market)WTI Crude is in an obvious mid-term BOOMER market here, which is great!
According to the rules of CONDI Trading System, we are allowed to only trade short,
inside the recognized range - as long as our TS has all of our trades are fully confirmed.
Recognized and confirmed a trading opportunity at point marked with the callout.
Trade successfully closed hitting PL within just 8 60m candles.
Happy CONDI trading!
oil, cl, day trading for Jan 31st 2020Oil is in a big consolidation and has a smaller break zone. This is why showing 2 red zones, the bigger zone is more for a trend or swing type trade or heads up of primary direction and also support and resistance for turning points. The smaller red zone will be good for intraday trading showing chop or small trend for the day.
I will be looking for 53 and then a turn back down as plan a.
oil, cl, day trading for Jan 29th 2020The action is balanced long and looks to want to move higher as long as red zone bottom holds. down side has some very close targets so a move down could be just a peak below to see if there is any action so watch for buys around these areas if short.
The move above red high has more aggressive targets and looks to me to be where the bigger moves could come.
In the event we move down into Mondays range then I say the long side is done for a bit in a bigger picture.
cl, oil, day trading for Jan 28th 2020Today we have a up move inside a balancing range so will be look at 2 things, 1) a move below the top dashed line for a trade back to bottom dashed line and possibly to the Red zone bottom. If Red bottom break then a move through to 52.
2) is a move above the top of Red zone or a bounce of top dashed line for a run to 55.
3) A consolidation day looking for the longs off bottom and shorts off the top.
Ask me question if you need more info on how to play the different ideas.
cl, oil, day trading for Jan 27th 2020With no doubt oil is bearish and first plan would be to be looking for ways to get short. There are some bounce points that could happen but with this news cycle going to take a bunch of good stuff to cause this bounce. We are getting very over sold so bounce can happen but will need a new narrative to change the over all direction.
oil, cl, day trading for Jan 24th 2020Oil is balancing as it gets ready to tell us what it plans next. not only is this info critical for the day trade ( that is fine just staying in the Red Zone for back and forth action) but also critical for the oil big picture trade also. I targeted oil down to 56 area before big decision time and now we went a little lower. On the chart are lower important big picture supports.
So all this said will trade the balance unless the oil market picks a side by moving out of the Red zone.
oil, cl, day trading for Jan 23rd 2020Well we hit my 56 area and things got interesting. I will be stalking a long term long side trade if it set sup, but now that we are under 56 for today the Red zone is very important and looks like lower we will go. So today will be leaning on any short set up, however a move back above 56 dot 25 I will look for day trad longs back into the high 56's to low 57's
cl, oil, day trading for Jan 21st 2020Oil has moved back down to the pricing level it hang out at most of last week and would balance out well with a move to 57. This also give oil a bigger range to slosh around in between 60 and 57.50.
Will watch red zone for breaks or rejections to give me my days directional leaning or days range to trade.
cl, oil, day trading for Jan 17thThe current action is bullish and to me looks like it wants higher, however what i think is not important. What is important is what happens.
The best thing for me or plan A would be move down that I can gt long and move to the 59.5 target.
Plan B would be a move down back into the prior distribution into the 58 area.
Plan c is shorting tops and long bottoms of the red zone.