Iron Tarihi guys!
This iron condor is 4weeks strike 7%, 74% probability to gain the max profit. We need a rew/risk = 100-74/74=0.35
Actual RR is not so good, just 0.45, that is'n so that bad, we can trade this because we have an edge, but since I already placed other 5 iron condors only today I prefer to place a pending order @0.52.
enjoy youra wallet!
Tari CondorHi guys,
this is the best of the week!
2weeks, 8% strikes, implied volatilty is very high, IV rank>75, so this is a perfect scenario to trade this iron condor, because our odds match high IV. This means I feel confy highering a bit the size of the opration, usually my risk is 2-3%, this time I can risk a little bit more.
Enjoy your wallet!
Iron TariHi guys,
This is weekly option Iron condor, 5% strikes.
Since we have 100% win rate I go in with a strangle, I want to maximazie the premium. If the price move over the short strikes I close eod.
Follow my strategy for free, and check by yourself the odds and the maths!
Enjoy your wallet!
Iron TariHi guys,
This is weekly option Iron condor, 8% strikes.
Rew/Risk ratio is not good, but doing the maths with a strangle, closing the position eod if the short strikes ar breached, I find it very nice to trade.
Follow my strategy for free, and check by yourself the odds and the maths!
Enjoy your wallet!
Iron TariHi guys,
this is a very nice iron condor on DAX, follow my strategy 8 weeks 6% strikes: short legs @13.450 and 11.900
We have a 70% prbability of succes, so a Reward/Risk ratio = 100-70/70= 30/70= 0.42
With these strikes we have a max profit 133€, and a max loss 117€, so we have a RR 133/117= 1.13 more than the double compared with 0.42 given by the strategy.
So guys, we have 70% probability to get the max profit!
I love this trade!!
Enjoy your wallet!