Binary Options Made Easy - Trading Opportunities on USDJPYThis is my method of trading Binary Options for the past 5 years trading only 30 minutes and hourly expiries. This method works 65 to 70% of the time and there are filters to further increase the winning %. We are not worried whether goes up or down. If it goes up, we SELL or place PUT options as it hits our SELL ZONES and buy areas where it drops and hits our BUY Zones. As required with any form of trading, no strategy works all the time. Avoid over trading. Will observe how these zones marked plays out in the days ahead. Money Management helps survive bad phases. Sticking to rules helps avoid emotional trading and maintain right psychology.
We are looking to place CALL or PUT options in the confluence area of Buy/Sell Zones in confluence with Support and Resistance on hourly candles with 30 minutes / 60 minutes expiries.
Will post results of the trades taken based on the areas marked.
ROLLING SPY JUN 10TH 209/213 SCV TO JUNE 24TH 210/214 SCVRolling my SPY June 10th 209/213 short call vertical out a couple of weeks and up a strike for a little more time and a smidgeon of strike improvement (again ... ).
I got this filled for a $22/contract debit and then sold a 199/203 short put vertical in the same expiration for a $41/contract credit, so I'm net credit on the operation, so I've now got a SPY June 24th 199/203/210/214 iron condor in that expiry.
While I plan on continuing to roll the short call side up and out, if necessary, I'm naturally looking for price to stay between my 203 short put strike and my 210 short call strike toward expiry to exit the trade profitably.
SOLD JUNE 24TH SPX 2020/2030/2145/2155 IRON CONDORKeeping with the short term engagement trade theme here while I wait for some volatility to sell premium in something ... anything ... (currently, there is no fairly liquid underlying with an implied volatility rank of greater than 70 to work).
Probability of Profit: 58%
P50: 77%
Max Profit: $310/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $690/contract
Theta: 8.99/contract
Delta: -3.62/contract
Notes: I'll look to take this off at 50% max profit or earlier if something pops to the forefront with decent volatility ... .
TRADE IDEA: IWM JULY 1ST 100/103/114/117 IRON CONDORLayering on a bit more bread on my butter while VIX>15 ... . This is about as full a boat as I like to have (not <25% in cash), so I may not be posting many new trade ideas here for a bit; most of them will be closing trades. I know ... boring ... .
Probability of Profit: 58%
P50: 65%
Max Profit: $102/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $198/contract
Theta: 1.56/contract
Delta: -4.62/contract
Notes: You know the drill ... . Look to take this off at 50% max profit ... .
TRADE IDEA: GDX JUNE 17TH 20/27 SHORT STRANGLEGoing where the premium is at ... . I already have a setup in GDX in the same expiry, so I'm layering another on small here ... .
Probability of Profit: 69%
P50: 81%
Max Profit: $93/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: Undefined/~$236/contract
Delta: =8.29/contract
Theta: 2.98/contract
TRADE IDEA: VXX JUNE 17TH 17/27/37 LONG CALL BUTTERFLYWith low volatility having drained premium not only out of the broader market, but individual underlyings as well, I continue to look at VIX and VXX derivatives to go "long volatility" in lieu of opting for low vol strategies like debit spreads, calendars, and diagonals.
In this particular case, I'm opting to use a long call butterfly given its high risk/return ratio, its relative cheapness to put on, as well as the large profit zone the setup generates.
Here are the metrics for the setup:
Probability of Profit: 54%
Max Profit: $910/contract
Max Risk/Buying Power Effect: $90/contract
Notes: There are a couple of different ways to manage this intratrade, one of which merely involves taking the whole setup off in profit. The alternative way is to strip off the long call vertical portion of the setup (the 17/27 wing) first as price moves up, after which you would look to exit the short call vertical wing (27/37) as VXX mean reverts (as it is want to do).
COVERING VXX SEPT 16TH 13/MAY 6TH 17.5 SHORT CALL DIAGONALI put this on on April 1st, thinking it might be a while before I could take it off, but covered it today on this pop, freeing up the buying power for another go should be strike $17 again. I put it on for $373/contract, and took it off today for a $419 credit, yielding a $42.93/contract profit in six days.
Naturally, this isn't hugely earth shattering profit-wise, it's always best to take off a VXX setup of this type as soon as possible. The contango helps your short call in the long run, but also eats away at the value of your long over time ... .
SOLD APRIL 8TH GME SHORT STRANGLESorry I didn't get to post this before NY close ... .
Filled for a $94 credit. I usually like to see a $100/contract out of these setups, but I figured it was close enough ... . I'm looking for price to stay between my short strikes between now and expiration and for volatility to contract post-earnings announcement. Post-announcement, price is down about $2 to $28.38, so it looks good at this point .... .
I'll look to take it off at 50% max profit or for about $47 (a .47 debit).
WFT COVERED CALL IDEAWith covered calls, I look for cheap underlyings with high implied volatility rank/high implied volatility and setups that will produce at least a 10% return if called away at the short call strike.
WFT fits the bill, with a rank of 72, an implied of 84, and a 13.06% return if called away at the nearest out of the money strike.
Here's the setup:
Buy 100 shares WFT at 8.52
Sell 1 Feb 19 9 short call
Entire Package: 7.94 ($794)
Max Profit: (If Called Away at 9) $106
USO COVERED CALL IDEAHaving waited a long time for West Texas Intermediate to hit 2009 levels, I figured I'd put my money where my mouth was and go long USO when it did.
I filled this one earlier today:
Bought 100 Shares USO @ 10.05
Sold 1 Feb 19th 11 Call
Total Package: 9.69 debit
Max Profit: $131 (if called away at 11)
You could probably get a slightly better fill than I did, as USO ended the day at 9.90 ... .
TLT LONG-DATED DYNAMIC IRON CONDORHaving gone somewhat "covered call" crazy last month and being somewhat ball and chained to those for the near future (most are Feb 19th expiry setups), I figured I'd turn my attention to old bread and butter standbys while I work through those particular trades, looking for setups that I can put on fairly cheaply from a buying power perspective. One of these is in TLT, which I haven't worked in a while. Because near term expirations have little volatility (current implied volatility rank is 4), I figured what I would do is go out further in time for my setup, as I did with my SPY setups when there was no volatility in near-term months in that instrument and manage the setup dynamically over time, rolling the call/put sides toward current price as time passed and the short option decayed and/or price moved.
Here's the basic setup:
April 15th 108/111/136/139 iron condor
Probability of Profit: 83%
Max Profit: $36
Buying Power Effect: ~$285
Break Evens: 110.64/136.36
Notes: As with the SPY dynamic iron condor, the notion is to roll the call or put side toward current price when it is profitable to do so to capture additional credit during the life of the setup while at the same time paying close attention to the 1 standard deviation line (basically the 84% out of the money/16% in the money line) for the expiry. The easiest thing to do in the vast majority of cases is to watch the short options price and if it is approaching worthless, check to see whether you can roll the side toward current price while staying clear of the 1 standard deviation line in light of the time remaining ... . My general rule of thumb is don't bother rolling unless you can get at least a .25 credit for doing so.