Closing (Margin): /MCL March 16th 58/108 Short Strangle... for a .48 debit.
Comments: Collected a total of .69 in credits for this pair of legs. Closing out here for a small (.21/$21) winner to free up buying power in the event I have to do an additive adjustment later. Net position leans a smidge short delta, so don't need to do an adjustment here at the moment.
Closing (Margin): /MCL February 15th 67 Short Put... for a .27 debit.
Comments: Since I've exited the position that this leg was providing a little long delta assist to, closing it out here for a small winner. Filled for a .54 credit; out here for a .27 debit. .27 ($27) profit. I'm now all out in the March cycle which, for the moment, is net delta flat to slightly short.
DFS Discover Financial Services Options Ahead of EarningsLooking at the DFS Discover Financial Services options chain ahead of earnings , I would buy the $104 strike price Puts with
2023-1-20 expiration date for about
$1.60 premium.
If the options turn out to be profitable Before the earnings release, i would sell at least 50%.
Looking forward to read your opinion about it.
Opening (Margin): /MCL February 15th 77 Short Put... for a 2.13 credit.
Comments: An additive delta adjustment trade, which is a functional roll-up of what was my 74.5 short put. At this point, I'm fine with taking a loss on this very narrow short strangle, so long as I'm net up for the cycle on my /MCL trades, but would naturally prefer to scratch it out. Still keeping on the 67 short put for the moment, as it's providing a smidge of long delta.
Opening (Margin): /MES February 28th 3670/4200 Short Strangle... for a 40.50 credit.
Comments: An additive delta adjustment trade, selling the +12 delta put and the -19 delta call to pick up net -7 delta. Will mostly look to mix and match profitable put with profitable call to peel off units from here to 21 DTE.
TSLA strangle 195c / 85pTrade thesis
- theta collection
- current IV rank and percentile are at historical highs aggregating past 252 trading days
IV rank: 95%
IV %: 99%
- near delta neutral options strangle position of 195c/85p on Feb 17 monthly expiry
- 85p short leg represent a -32% price buffer to the downside
- 195c forms a nearly delta neutral trade on call side (+.02 delta)
- 56 DTE / ideal duration to sell premium
- entry: $123.95
- strategy: strangle
- structure:
short 02/17 195c (.10 delta)
short 02/17 75p (.12 delta)
- cost: $500 credit
- delta: 2.96
- theta: 13.867
- gamma: -0.86
- vega: -18.13
- Profit target: $250 total profit (50% of credit collected)
- SL target: -50% loss
- management strategy:
roll unchallenged side to higher delta to maintain at least .10 delta on each side
roll unchallenged side to higher delta (5 strikes) to collect additional credit (10% minimum of roll width)
exit position before earnings on 01/25/23
Opening (Margin): /MCL February 15th 67 Short Put... for a .54 credit.
Comments: An additive long delta adjustment trade, selling the +10 delta put. February position still leans a smidge short here with 33 days to go.
I'm indicating that this is "long" here because the delta of the position is long, not because I think oil goes up from here.
Closing (Margin): /MES February 15th 3910/4080 Short Strangle... for a 108.75 debit.
Comments: I collected a total of 95.75 for the two legs of this short strangle. Closing it out here on abysmally low IVR for a realized loss of (108.75 - 98.75)/.20 = $50.00.
In spite of taking off these last two short strangles as losers, net realized gain on primarily February 15th cycle /MES: 236.25.
Closing (Margin): /MES 3850/4120 Short Strangle ... for a 78.50 debit.
Comments: I received 73.25 total in credits for these legs; closing out her results in a realized loss of (78.50 - 73.25)/.20 = 26.25 ($26.25). I'm fine with doing this here, since IVR has plummeted to almost 52-week lows, implying that there is a risk that IV could expand from here. If that happens, I'd rather be in a setup with further out-of-the-money sides.
Opening (IRA): IWM Jan/Feb/March 169/160/155 Short PutComments: Laddering out here on weakness ... .
January 20th 169: 1.75 credit.
February 17th 160: 1.68 credit.
March 17th 155: 1.89 credit.
The weakness isn't "ideal" here, but I am relatively flat, so need to get theta out there and grinding. Will look to add at intervals over time.
Opening (Margin): /MES February 17th 3590/4160 Short Strangle... for a 46.00 credit.
Comments: Additive delta balancing. $230 max on buying power effect of $790. 29.1% ROC as a function of buying power effect at max; 14.6% at 50% max. Total credits collected off $478.75.
Will look to mix and match profitable call with profitable put and/or take the entire cannoli off in profit.
Opening (Margin): /ES April 21st 4800 Short Call... for a 3.35 credit.
Comments: On second thought ... . Re-erecting a short call here after taking off a shorter duration one at 50% max. This would be better done on strength, but I have some "unit imbalance" here on the put side (i.e., a greater number of put side units than call ones) and would rather keep the short call in place until I'm able to pull one or more of those units off, particularly since I get it buying power free here.
Opening (Margin): /CL March 16th 37 Short Put... for a 1.60 credit.
Comments: Selling /CL premium on weakness, but giving myself plenty of room to be wrong, targeting the strike that is 50% of current price that has an ROC metric of >10%. 1.60 credit on buying power effect of 9.71. 16.5% ROC as a function of buying power effect; 8.2% at 50% max.
UROY Uranium Royalty Corp Options Ahead Of EarningsLooking at the UROY Uranium Royalty Corp options chain ahead of earnings , i would buy the $2.5 strike price Calls with
2023-1-20 expiration date for about
$0.22 premium.
If the options turn out to be profitable Before the earnings release, i would sell at least 50%.
Looking forward to read your opinion about it.
Rolling (Margin): XOP Dec 16th 127C/147P to Jan 20th 130C/147P... for a 3.67 credit.
Comments: Rolling for a realized gain with this down move. There was no 127 strike, so rolled the short call to the 130 and the short put "as is." Total credits collected of 28.47 on a 17 wide inverted. Resulting delta/theta -38.14/15.30 with 13.43 of extrinsic, so I'm indicating here that it's a "short" position.
Still looking at this for tax loss harvest, but wanted to give it an additional chance running into year's end to make something of itself.
Opening (Margin): /CL February 15th 40 Short Put... for a 1.70 credit.
Comments: Taking a small, far out-of-the-money trade on weakness here, targeting the strike paying around 10% of buying power effect in credit. 1.70 credit on BPE of 16.32; 10.4% ROC at max; 5.2% ROC at 50% max as a function of buying power effect.