Opened (Margin): SMH Sept 16th 192/260 Short Strangle... for a 4.97 credit.
Comments: Starting to add in some fresh September monthly setups in >50% IVR/>35% 30-day IV exchange-traded funds. Here, SMH is at 50.1/38.7.
4.97 credit on buying power effect of 22.74; 21.7% ROC at max as a function of buying power effect; 10.8% at 50% max. -.11/13.16 delta theta.
Opened (IRA): SPY September 16th 356 Short Put... for a 3.65 credit.
Comments: Targeting the <16 strike in the shortest duration that is paying around 1% of the strike price in credit in this weakness and comparatively higher IV.
And just this morning I was thinking, "Ugh, I'm going to have to go out to October with SPY to get paid."
Opened (IRA): QQQ September 2nd 270 Short Put... for a 2.82 credit.
Comments: Targeting the <16 strike in the shortest duration that is paying around 1% of the strike price in credit in this weakness and comparatively higher IV.
As with the IWM short put I put on, this is more of a trade to add back in shorter duration long delta that I stripped off than a "this is a perfect spot to sell a put" sort of trade. I'll look to add at intervals, weakness, and in higher IV, and am fine with taking assignment of shares/selling call against if the market forces me to do that.
Opened (IRA): IWM September 16th 157 Short Put... for a 1.66 credit.
Comments: Targeting the <16 strike in the shortest duration that is paying around 1% of the strike price in credit in this weakness and comparatively higher IV.
This is more of a trade to add back in shorter duration long delta that I stripped off -- since I still have a high short delta IWM long put diagonal on -- than a "this is a perfect spot to sell a put" sort of trade.
Closed (IRA): IWM August 26th 155 Short Put... for a .55 debit.
Comments: Collected a total of 5.04 in credits with rolls. (See Post Below). Closing out here results in total realized gains of 4.49 ($449). This leaves me with one IWM "rung" on after all the shenanigans -- the September 16th 140. Will look to re-up on weakness/pop in IV such that the <16 delta 45 DTE short put is back is paying >1% of the strike price in credit.
Opened (IRA): SPY October 21st 333 Short Put... for a 3.35 credit.
Comments: Having stripped quite a bit of long delta off and given the fact that I still have short delta hedges on, adding back in some long delta in longer duration, targeting the <16 delta strike paying around 1% of the strike price in credit (since SPY is no longer paying in shorter duration with IV dropping sub-25 here).
Naturally, if we get another pop in volatility, I'll wade back into shorter duration stuff, assuming SPY is paying; otherwise, I'll reserve shorter duration buying power for the other two broad market ETF's that ordinarily have higher IV than SPY -- IWM and QQQ. Alternatively, I'll look to instruments with high correlation with the broad market to dip my toe in (e.g., XLK (.97 3-month SPY correlation) or SMH (.90 3-month SPY correlation).