Rolling (IRA): QQQ May 27th 305 Short Put to July 1st 301... for a 3.30 credit.
Comments: Gotta roll, gotta roll, gotta roll. Rolling to the expiry/strike nearest 45 days paying around 1% of the strike price in credit. 6.50 collected so far with a cost basis of the short put strike (301) minus total credits collected (6.50) or 294.50 relative to where QQQ is currently trading at around 291.
Opening (IRA): IWM July 1st 154 Short Put... for a 1.64 credit.
Comments: Keeping on keeping on ... . I don't have much IWM on, so am selling something new in the July 1st expiry, targeting the <16 delta strike that is paying at least 1% of the strike price in credit to emulate dollar cost averaging into the broad market.
Rolling (IRA): IWM May 27th 183 Short Put to July 1st 179... for a 1.72 credit.
Comments: Staying mechanical and rolling to the strike nearest 45 days until expiry for a credit that is about 1% of the strike price. Total credits collected of 8.54. Although it's in-the-money, my cost basis is now the short put strike (179) minus total credits collected (8.54) or 170.46 relative to where it's currently trading at 176.40.
Opening: /ES June 17th 2950 Short Put... for a 3.20 credit.
Comments: Back into /ES far out-of-the-money short put here, after exiting all the rungs of my /ES short put ladder at the end of last week. Since delta value isn't very informative (my platform is showing this as a .01 delta strike, which isn't particularly helpful), I'm targeting the strike that is paying around 75% of the current price of /ES in the shortest duration that is paying 3.00 or so.
TQQQ Wheel of Fortune Modeling Although you can effectively model the P&L of 30 days 'til expiry at-the-money short puts, it's difficult to model "the other stuff" a trader would typically do with a short put that is in the money toward expiry (i.e., take assignment, roll out "as is," roll out for strike improvement, etc.). (At least, I don't have access to that kind of model or can't easily program one without breaking my brain).
You can, however, run a small number of occurrences (relatively speaking) to see how the setup would work in practice, so that you can have expectations as to how much the at-the-money 30 day short put pays over time, as well as the frequency of assignment and/or ending up with an in-the-money that has to be managed. You'd naturally have to run this for months to get any decent idea of how the setup would perform over a larger time frame. (Most studies actually look at selling a given strike in expiries of a given duration on a daily basis, which would be a lot of spreadsheet).
The basic rules:
1. Sell the at-the-money short put nearest 30 days until expiry.
2. Either close out the short put on approaching worthless (e.g., <.20) or run to expiry if in-the-money.
3. If assigned on any given short put, initially sell the 30 days until expiry call at the strike at which you sold the short put, looking to exit the resulting covered call at a profit.*
4. Since not everyone has "infinite cash," I'll assume a maximal deployment of 5 lots. As you can see by the chart, you can contemplate getting stuck in a particular rung or rungs for a lengthy period of time, reducing cost basis via rolls of the short call until you're able to exit that "leg" profitably or at break even. The ROC becomes almost immediately "less sexy" when that occurs, since that will potentially be "dead buying power" for weeks (and potentially months) at a time.
5. It's probably to one's advantage to have additional rules as to when and when not to pull the trigger on a given rung (i.e., implied volatility rank and 30-day implied), but for the sake of simplicity, I'm not setting out that type of rule here.
Pictured here would be the first leg, at the 47 strike in the May 13th expiry, paying 4.25 at the mid, with a resulting cost basis of 47.00 - 4.25 or 42.75 if assigned shares on the 47 short put.** For purposes of the return on capital calculation, I'm operating on the assumption that the short put will be cash secured,*** which means you'll tie up 42.75 of buying power to put this on, with the resulting ROC of 9.94% at max (implying a finish above the short put strike at expiry or the ability to pull off the short put on approaching worthless prior to that).
* -- In practice, this isn't what I do when confronted with an in-the-money short put at expiry. I look at (a) taking assignment; (b) rolling out the short put as is to varying durations; and (c) rolling out the short put with strike improvement to varying durations. I then compare and contrast what I would get for each in credit and generally opt for the choice that would result in the largest cost basis reduction. For example, I'm not going to take assignment to sell a call against for less credit than I could get by just rolling the short put out for duration.
** -- It doesn't look like you get much buying power relief on margin anyhow, at least with my broker. The buying power reduction for the 47 short put on margin appears to be 35.26 -- 75% of the short put strike. It's something, but not the typical relief you get on margin, which is about 20% of the short put strike. That being said, 4.25 on buying power effect of 35.26 is 12.05% at max -- a smidge sexier than cash secured.
*** -- I can also see a potential additional rule or rules that takes profit between 42.75 (your break even) and 47.00 toward expiry as extrinsic in the 47.00 converges on 0 or potentially rolls out the 47 to a 30 day at-the-money strike when it's in profit. On a practical level, I tend to do this quite a bit, but it's involves rolling from an out-of-the-money strike to an out-of-the-money strike, which continues to leave leave me with room to be wrong.
Rolling: XBI June 17th 79 Call to 71... for a 1.72 credit.
Comments: Inverting here. Total credits collected of 7.33 on a 5-wide inversion (71C/76P). The best outcome for this would be a finish between 71 and 76, but the most I can hope to make on it would be the total credits collected of 7.33 minus the width of the inversion (5.00) or 2.33.
$APE and Your Fib Matters - Price at premium to sell *SMT**SMT = Smart Money Theory = everything you think that is not retail related to trading. First, SMT does not believe that triangles, wedges , trendlines , channels, harmonics, etc. has any effect on how price reacts. I'm Sorry, but you won't convince me that Bitcoin knows it has created a triangle and that it knows how to react from that? It does and will remember price levels, that's it. The second is to recognize that the price is not random, it is set by an algorithm controlled by those that control the asset. The Third thing to remember is price will move toward attacking where there is Liquidity (Equal Highs, Equal Lows, phantom Trendlines etc.) and Balance (Fair Value Gaps, Liquidity Voids.) That's the basics. The rest is very unique in the vocabulary you need to have and the concepts that wrap around these ideas.
Start thE 0% of the fib at the candle that has the big drop that is the first out of line of running sideways. Run your fib 100% to the bottom, price has retraced to an institutional premium in whic it should then Sell off. This is TEXTBOOK SMART MIONEY TECHNICAL ANALYSIS
Previous Listing Deleted (odd text got on the chart somehow)
Opening: BITO June 17th 11/18 Short Put Vertical... for a .48/contract credit.
Comments: High IV with 30-day at 71%.
Unfortunately, I don't get any relief on margin for this particularly underlying, so am buying a cheap long put to bring in buying power effect from 17.46 for the naked 18 to 6.54 for the spread. Paying .07 for the long to bring buying power effect in by >60%.
ROC 7.3% at max as a function of buying power effect; 3.7% at 50% max.
Opening: SMH June 17th 198/270 Short Strangle... for a 5.55 credit.
Comments: High IVR/high IV (80/46). Selling the 15 delta strikes on both sides. 5.55 credit on buying power effect of 23.58; 23.5% ROC as a function of buying power effect at max; 11.8% ROC at 50% max. As usual, will look to take profit at 50% max and/or manage sides on approaching worthless/side test.