Planet 13 - Cannabis Reform - Valuation MattersLove Planet 13. Love the plan. Better deals as an investor exist. *valuation matters #thegem
#cannabisreform #jobsandjustice
Direct To Consumer .coms. !!!!
Akerna Breakout - Cannabis Compliance - Inventory Software A software solution for cannabis shops. Think POS solutions w/new app. Great sector. Could be a leader in the space that everyone seems to not give a care about. For Now. The Crypto Ponzi Pogs stole the 420day show in 2021. Thanks dogefather. smh
Cannabis Reform #jobsandjustice
#MSOgang #thegem
ESports - The Underdog - Draftkings Competitor - BUYAnother forgotten gem it appears. *valuation matters NOMO FOMO in Crypto Ponzi Pog world. Sports, Gaming, Gambling and #cannabisreform should provide the next greenshoots.
#MSOgang #thegem
Learn to INVEST, STOP POGGING!! You'll do alright.
Affirm - Ponzi Pump - Blowoff Top After Double TopPonzi Pogs collapse. With RENT coming due for the nation, the DOLLAR HUNTERS will be out en masse. Only #thegems provide exponential returns now. QUALITY after Covid. Find them and you've beat Mr. Market. Congrats. *valuation matters in rising rates environment. Forward P/Es will get smacked. Profits and Growth today matter most. Hold for Broke, Poggers
#defi disaster
Go Brave Browser!!! $BAT.X.
Digi Dollar wins.
Defi Disaster - $VIX Spike Imminent - Currency Wars Looks like back to dollars. JPow says CBDCs and the DigiDollar will suffice. Bitcoin and the digi pogs "NOT NEEDED". .... as currency anyways. Perhaps a collectible from 2021? *valuation matters in rising rate environment. Ppl play crypto because it's volatile and always up. #holdforbroke
It goes both ways....
#storytellers abundant
*buyer beware