BTC core vs BSV Satoshi. let slip the dogs of warDon't be emotional and don't be blinded on Segwit scam fork and also on Lightning.
Lightning is like a middleman and not Proof of Work.
Do your own research.
HOT. Buy Range : 20 sat. Sell around : Do not sell wtf ?I honestly invest a lot a money in this project (weeks ago) and I truly believe in it !
But also do think we're in bearish trend - till next pump which should be around 20 sat.
+ In my opinion it is to early to predict long term expectation...
Like and feel free to comment
TRADE SMARTER, NOT HARDER: CRYPTO IS FUNOne thing we know is that Bitcoin, Crypto and the Crypto Market is here to stay...if you want to argue that, take it to NYSE:TWTR
Bitcoin under 4K is a buying opportunity IMO. I've marked 2 zones I believe BITFINEX:BTCUSD will touch again before venturing north. I think it will look more like the PINK Double Curve, but either way get filled!
Keep it simple-
1. Formulate a plan
2. Place Orders
3. Be Patient
4. Minimize Risk (Stop Loss)
5. Be Patient
Setting Up for a 2x, 3x, 4x (maybe more)Ramped up Volume - A consistent increase since the first week of January. This is somewhat hidden/deceiving due to the volume spike on the 26th of November.
Heavily Suppressed - One of the few hidden gems to have a true break out since BTC's drop from the $6k support.
Channel Breach - The channels established during BTC's early 2018 have been charted and have held very strong. REQ's price (sats) has not escaped from upward from these channels and the time seems to be nearing.
Targets are marked in Bright Blue
Incase of a BTC drop, I've marked Stop Loss in Red Dashes
If 600 sats breaks, accumulation zone is marked Orange
<--- CAUTION ---> I am a self proclaimed semi-amateur, novice, rookie Charter with little to NO TA experience! :D safe trading
WhO IS NoT BuyinG BitcoiN? I DON"T CARE!: BitcoinWOOH, My journey started in 2009 and i am at 31 December 2018. Tomorrow will be new years and I don't care who is buy or not buying to me. I am going to straight to $100,000. I repeat myself i don't follow any f***k**g TA, or What?. I always follow myself. I am own my Ways. Catch me if you catch, Stop me if you can: Bitcoin
Share me if u can. Long Live Me, Myself Bitcoin.
There won't be another Bull Run like in 2017. That was it folks The crypto market wont have another bull run like 2017, it will have a bull run but it won't be nearly as strong, then the lows will be worst, we are going to see lower highs and lower lows, until most shit coins including this one, bitcoin core which was ruined by blockstream and others, and is no longer bitcoin, will go to zero. Bitcoin Satoshi Vision is the only one that will have a massive bull run and grow and grow like the original bitcoin should have if they would have not fucked it up with segwit and now lightning both retarded solutions that were made to destroy bitcoin.
BSV is bearish in the short termThe chart says it all. Bearish in the short term, Bullish in the long term. I will publish an idea when I think it is a good time to get in.
btw, you dont want to trade this coin, you want to buy it and hold on to it for dear life, this is something you want to accumulate all your life then pass down. Dont try to make a quick buck, think long term. Put all the money you have lying around in BSV , and think of it as a hedge to the dolar and fiat in general.
BSV very bullish long term, bearish short term.... bought anywayThe whole reason I am posting this chart is to show you that BSV has a negative correlation with BTC , which means that while this market continues to tank, BSV might actually do the complete opposite as you can see in the chart.
Also BSV to USD is pretty much very stable, so if you think about it it is extremely solid for the long term. The crypto market is basically dying off, and on top of that BSV has a ton of hate from the community, and at the same time it is coming out with flying colors in the worst possible environment, pure hate from everyone, market bloodbath, yet it is outperforming everyone, while BCH (abc) has been one of the worst performers in the whole crypto world. So if you look at that , you can imagine how far will BSV go if the market is actually bullish, and once more people understand that it is the real btc, and that it actually has a great dev team and a group of extremely smart people working behind it.
I think we are entering a new era of crypto in which it will be BSV vs everyother shit coin. I dont think the crypto market as a whole will ever see a bull run like we saw in 2017. The market is now well aware that most ICOs are absolute garbage , even big name coins like Bitcoin cash is run by a bunch of retards that want to actually centralize the coin, even though they are saying the opposite, and are basically retarded by thinking having a hard fork every 6 months is a good idea for people building on top of it, and miners. Also coins like Ethereum, everyone was so fucking excited with ethereum, vitalik the pedophile (look it up) was seen as some sort of alien god, but now the smoke cleared and turns out eth is a shit coin that is a complete garbage in terms of coding and building on top of it, and actually very badly built. So basically the smoke has cleared, people have found out a lot of their ICOs where basically a scam, if not all, and even some of the larger coins are run by retarded pedohpiles (vitalik) and straight up idiots (roger ver) , so I dont see a way we will ever get another bull run like we did before, there will be a bull run BUT it wont go up to the same level as before it will stop sooner, much sooner, I think at the most 50%, then crash lower, basically lower lows and lower highs until basically I believe the only one standing and growing and growing will be Bitcoin SV.
BSV will continue to grow over time as all other shitcoins drop, it already had its flippening with Bitcoin Cash, then it will eventually have its flippening with Bitcoin (Core) since people will realize that Bitcoin core was basically hijacked and completely destroyed by Blockstream and the rest. This will take time for people to realize this but it will happen eventually. People will realize how BTC is basically useless, especially with lightning coming up which is a retarded idea as well. Eventually a BSV -BTC flippening will occur.
BSV has a lot of bearish volume and price action at the moment so unless it is showing tricky price volume which does happen, it is very likely it will go down considerably, my pure intuition tells me that we might see it go down to as low as 60, maybe even 40. The thing with BSV is that it has still not have an accumulation phase which was the reason I thought there was no way it could have its bull run, then I saw a lot of bearish price volume so I think that is what is going on here, it has to go through an accumulation phase before it can shoot up. Research richard wyckoff so you understand how the market actually moves and works.
Either way knowing very well that BSV has a high chance of going down considerably I bought some BSV this week....
---Why would I do that if I was certain it was going down?
basically two reasons....
1) There is what I call a trading mental fuck, that happens sometimes when you are position trading, which is that when you are very bullish about a certain thing like a crypto you want to buy and hold, then what happens sometimes is that you miss your chance to invest because you are always post poning entering because you wanted a better price, that better price didnt come then it is more expensive than when you first thought of getting in so you dont want to buy at that price anymore so you tell yourself that you will wait until it "corrects" and it doesnt so now its even more expensive, and before you know it you basically missed your opportunity and then enter much much later feeling like a dumbass for not entering at the moment you first thought of it.
So when I discovered BSV, I told myself I was not going to do this mistake. I set a plan, I am going to buy BSV as soon as I have the money available. I will not wait for the perfect entry I am just going to enter at whatever the price is at the moment I have the money for it. And that is what I have been doing this week.
2) I am doing a strategy that I heard from Grant Cardone, in which he gets rid of his money as soon as he gets it investing into real estate so that he is always broke. This idea is that if you have money lying around you WILL find a reason to spend it , at least I know I will, but if you get rid of it as soon as you get it then basically you save yourself from the possiblity on spending it on some stupid shit, and at the same time you leave yourself broke which motivates you to work harder. I am starting to do this and I am suprised at how much stupid shit I was spending money on, if I had started this before who knows how much I would have saved by now.
BSV accumulationFundamental analysis: BSV - no Canonical TOR, no DataSIgVerify, no Avalanche pre-consensus development
Yes - 64 MB blocks, Yes OP_MUL, OP_LSHIFT, OP_RSHIFT.
Buyers accumulating.
BCH splitters - distributing at low prices.
Price go down to $50-60 with market. Then violent spike back to $90.
Long term is better fundamental than BCH as it has a stable economic protocol (low fees), and changing positive consensus protocol (128MB blocks in Summer 2019).
Don't sell below $50. Check . BSV has dedicated hash mining below BTC hash rate, and BCH mercenary (flip flop hash rate).
Also many good projects. Check handcash on Play Store, (social network on blockchain using OP_RETURN), (like youtube with micropayments).
Substantial miner + development investment from nChain and Calvin Ayre's Coingeek - meaning they put money where their mouth is. Again check
1-1.8 Exahash (that is warehouses of mining machines at work).
Also has good developers like unwriter who has developed which spawns open source use cases on an unbounded blockchain - check, yes it's a silly minecraft game on BCH/BSV but the point is you can start doing stuff on a blockchain with stable economic protocol (vs. something like Ethereum which has inflation forever).
[38% PP][DGBBTC] DigiByte Trade Signal by @AlanmastersDigiByte is on the move again and we are trading it for profits.
Here you have a quick trade signal so that you can also trade with us.
Hit LIKE to start trading... Your support is truly appreciated.
Buy in: 0.00000310 – 0.0000340
(1) 0.00000355
(2) 0.00000380
(3) 0.00000417
(4) 0.00000450
Stop loss: Close daily candle below 290.
BTCUSD [Intraday] All: H&S, Me: DiamondWhere everyone is talking about head and shoulders formation I see possible diamond formation ( with stop hunting ) and think higher prices still possible.
Manipulation possible: think if you are looking for liquidity - "street" is selling cause of H&S formation so who is buying ?
BSV SIGNAL: Come on Dr. Wright -Show Us What You Are Worth Now!!Dear Friends!
This is a TEXT BOOK signal - (BSVUSD) - easy money. But do you believe in Craig Wright and his new hard fork BSV currency? I really want to hear what you think.
And please LEAVE a LIKE. Thanks in advance.
D4 Loves You <3
1-Week Chart Analysis for Bitcoin So, given the recent volatility in the markets and the unexpected (for people not following Zerononcense/CryptoMedication) price action of Bitcoin, it appears that there is no review that would be better-timed than this one.
So let’s get into it, shall we?
Let’s just go ahead and start by recapping the events of the last few days to start off with:
As we can see from the chart above, the price has dropped approximately 15% in the last week alone which is pretty substantial, all things considered, for Bitcoin.
The price movement is something that everyone is aware of, but few understand the reason for it. So, let’s go ahead and recap from a few of our prior price analyses.
Descending Triangle Formation
As we mentioned in a prior price analysis here
on TradingView (), the price of Bitcoin appeared bound to continue to decrease for a few reasons. One of those reasons was the descending triangle formation on the chart.
While imperfect, the horizontal line at the bottom of this chart at around $6k did hold as a pretty firm resistance point for quite some time.
Let’s look at the overhead downtrend resistance as well:
In addition, there was a major burst of volume to accompany the breakout south of this long-term support.
Also worth noting is that, at this point, this is the first time that the price for Bitcoin has remained in the $5k region for longer than 24 hours.
If you took a look at some of the charts above, you probably saw that there were periods of time in which the price of Bitcoin had dipped below $6k, but then quickly recovered.
At this point, the price has been in the $5k region for nearly 48 hours since the initial drop down.
Catalysts for the Drop in Bitcoin’s Price
One major theory (fundamental analysis) is that the impending ‘hash war’ in the Bitcoin Cash community helped to accelerate the drop in price.
These fears were exacerbated even further by speculative rumors that began circulating the community that individuals would begin ‘unloading’ massive amounts of bitcoins (thus depressing the price) in order to fund the ‘hash war’ among Bitcoin Cash miners.
The veracity of these claims has yet to be confirmed publicly or via concrete on-chain analysis, but there’s a possibility that this may have impacted the price as well simply because there were individuals in the community that believed it to be true.
Of course, as shown above, technical analysis of Bitcoin’s price chart also indicated that such an event was bound to happen to sooner or later as well.
What to Expect in the Future
The question that many traders are asking themselves at this point is, ‘What should we expect now?’
This has been rightfully demanded of the Zerononcense brand in particular, since we took the pleasure of letting the general crypto community know that we anticipated this drop several months ago as well as the specific placement of the drop too.
Therefore, we’d be remiss if we did not take this opportunity to do a bit more analysis on the price of Bitcoin to ascertain where it may travel from this point.
So, in order to do so, we will go ahead and look at the weekly chart resolution.
Weekly Chart Resolution for Bitcoin
Above is the chart for Bitcoin on the weekly resolution.
None of the trendlines that were produced on the Bitcoin chart have been altered or moved in the slightest.
As one can see, the trendlines look even more accurate on the weekly resolution.
Now, let’s look at some important indicators here.
Exponential Moving Average (EMA) for Bitcoin
As we can see in the chart above, the exponential moving averages on the chart are at the following values:
EMA-12 = $6,542
EMA-26 = $6,934
EMA-50 = $7,018
EMA-100 = $5,953
EMA-200 = $4,156
There are few things that to take note of here:
1. The EMA-50 is greater than the EMA-26 and the EMA-12, which is very bearish.
2. The EMA-50 recently crossed over the EMA-26 on the weekly (before the major drop in price), which should have been another sign of impending ‘doom’ in terms of price action.
3. The EMA-26 is greater than the EMA-12, which is bearish.
4. Currently the EMA-100 is still well above the EMA-200
5. And the EMA-12 is still above the EMA-100, but not by much. The difference between the two values is less than $600 at this point, which shows that the price action for Bitcoin has been extremely bearish.
Also, its worth pointing out that:
One of the more important things to note in this entire EMA analysis though is the fact that the price has now officially crossed below the EMA-100 on the weekly chart.
The chart above shows the price of Bitcoin crashing through the $6k support, which was already bolstered by multiple different re-tests throughout the entirety of 2018 up to this point.
When accounting for this plus the EMA-100 (which is now resistance), $6k may be a price point that is difficult for Bitcoin to break above for quite a while.
Next Major Point of Support
While it is tempting to look at the EMA-200 as the immediate ‘bottom’ support, we must also consider the possibility of an intermediate EMA support, which is the EMA-150.
Currently, the EMA-150 is hanging at approximately $4.9k.
This is just below the psychological support at $5,000 but its not implausible at all, especially given the recent price action.
Zerononcense Double Guppy Indicator
If you’re confused about this one, just know that it trades in a fashion similar to the Donchian channels (however, this version is modified).
The ‘orange’ part in the center of the indicator’s channels signify where the ‘normal’ price action is based on a pre-specified lookback period. Going beyond that, when the price touches the northern or southern part of the channels, that signifies that it is at an ‘extreme’, and a bounce is usually likely from that point.
Here’s what we can see for Bitcoin thus far on the weekly:
There is absolutely no guarantee that there will be a ‘bounce’ from this point and it is possible that there are several more bars that push the price of Bitcoin downward as the week continues.
This has happened before on Bitcoin:
Thus, this is just a good indicator that there may be an impending reversal in price action (similar to the Donchians).
Again, this is the weekly resolution, so there is a substantial amount of data in each candle that must be accounted for vs. the daily resolution or any smaller time frame.
Zerononcense Reversion Ribbon V2
Even at this point in time, the Reversion Ribbon V2 has yet to provide definitive data on the most recent move for the weekly resolution.
This is because, comparatively, the price action (in terms of raw dollars) that was experienced recently still dulls in comparison to the price action for Bitcoin roughly a year ago.
Visual Support Points on the Weekly Resolution
The chart above depicts two major support points.
The first one is the $5.5k support point, which we’ve already justified with a multitude of reasons before.
Second support point can be found at $4.5k. This does not mean that we are omitting the $4.8k-$4.9k support point that we mapped out earlier (based on EMA indicators).
This support point was determined based on prior price action (spanning back to the summer of ‘17). Therefore, it remains to be seen whether $4.5k holds as a support (if it comes to that).
Fibonacci Levels
For the last part of this weekly resolution analysis, we’re going to go ahead and take a look at the Fib Levels for the weekly resolution.
Above are the Fib Levels that we’ve drawn for the weekly resolution.
These were drawn from the price of $200 (yes, that low) on September 2015 up to the most recent high observed in December 2017 on the weekly resolution.
The $200 price point was chosen to be the price bottom for the Fib Levels because it reflects the range of the bottom before Bitcoin went on a near-linear run up to its height in 2017.
Let’s go ahead and isolate the points where the Fib Levels have proven to be reliable ‘bounce’ points for the price of Bitcoin.
Convention dictates that the price could eventually head toward the 78.6% retracement point.
The 78.6% retracement point might be at the $4.2k mark, which is a further depreciation of -22.39% from where the price is currently.
Again, there is no guarantee that the price will eventually head here, but that is where the underlying Fibonacci Support can be found at (for the 78.6% retracement point) on the weekly resolution.
The good news here, however, is that the price would more than likely bounce from this point and perhaps begin its long, upward track north toward a new ATH at some point in the future.
Any and all indicators, theories, and analytical standpoints on Bitcoin indicate that it will continue to head south over the long-term.
Rather than being exhausted, it appears that the bears are now just warming up (hence the name of the former price analysis, ‘The Bear Market Has Just Begun’).
The good news is that there more than likely won’t be too much drawdown from the point that the price is currently at to the proverbial ‘bottom’ (localized low) that everyone is waiting for.
As always, there is the possibility that this analysis proves to be entirely wrong and the price action behaves unexpectedly. So, regardless of one’s trading strategy hedging correctly is absolutely imperative.
Disclaimer: Nothing written about should be construed, perceived or accepted as financial advice. This is not written in advocacy of any personal finance strategies. Your decisions are your own and the author assumes zero liability for the outcome of those decisions. The author has zero conflicts of interest currently to disclose and is not currently an owner of Bitcoin or any other rival currencies at this point in time in accordance with SEC regulations and guidelines.
BCH fork action appended to pre-fork dataThe price action for this chart is defined by the average of BCHABC across 4 exchanges(Poloniex, Bitfinex, Binance, and Bitstamp) added to the average of BCHSV across 3 exchanges(Bitfinex, Binance, and Poloniex). I copied the pre-fork price action from BCHUSD @ bithumb(where BCHABC is currently trading at about a $150 premium), appended it to this chart and meticulously lined up several key swing highs and swing lows so I could do some somewhat accurate analysis on the chart. In hindsight, I should have used a vertical line to make sure I didn't mess up the horizontal scale as I was adjusting the pre-fork data to fit correctly.
Personally, I'm bullish on BCHABC and bearish on BCHSV. If one considers the possibility of BCH technically being the original chain of bitcoin as NIST claims, in my opinion it's easy to understand why this fork was so important and why it seemed to have had such an impact on the crypto market as a whole. My bullishness on BTC in the short-term is currently somewhat dependent on BCHABC continuing to win the battle. To make the chart a lot more interesting, I've overlaid the individual prices of BCHABC and BCHSV. It will be quite interesting(to me) to see BCHABC at binance react to the TA from this chart...
Bitcoin's latest bear trap hit the downtrend line on my falling wedge perfectly, currently bouncing right off(see the related "personalized bitcoin index" chart and press play)...
Note: As with my related chart I just mentioned, in this version, I sacrifice accuracy of the volume indicator to get a slightly more accurate price reading, correcting the average price against any movement of USDT/USD at Kraken. In a couple weeks or so after Coinbase finally stops holding the coins hostage and the dust settles, I'll follow it up with another one with a more accurate volume indicator that will either disregard USDT pairs altogether or otherwise not worry about what happens with USDT.
BTC/USD: Long term outlook and levels After bouncing around it looks like this range is finally consolidating here. The volatility on BTC has reached lows, and it is due for a large move. Price action recently looks like it wants to breakout, however, I am weary of testing the $6,000 low too many times and breaking down. In the event bitcoin breaks down, it could drag alts another good 30%-40%.
If momentum broke upward from this range, I would eye around 10k as the first significant target level as marked in the first green box.
I still am thinking we will range here between the marked support and resistance levels for a while, potentially something like 4-6 months. Even If we breakout, I think there is a chance that we breakout and then come back to the $6,000-$7,000 range for a while and continue to consolidate here. Lack of volatility could bring some capitulation, which would then force a downward break of the range where we would see the $3,000-$5,000 price scenario.
This stability that bitcoin is providing right now is prime for alts to thrive. There have been some alts starting to run throughout October, and starting somewhat in November. The range bitcoin is currently in seems like a prime opportunity for alts to decouple and ideally start to run. While Bitcoin ranges here its likely more lucrative to focus on alt moves. Unless you are able to scalp intraday on leverage on BTC, or have some sort of bot/algorithmic/automated strategy, alts are likely a better place to spend time in hopes of making more satoshis.
Just some longer term thoughts, TDLR: Bitcoin will probably be boring for a while, probably should focus on alts while we are ranging
BTC – we will tell you why BTC won’t go lower than $5800 –encoreHi Guys!
As we struggle with no volume on the crypto market we want to remind you why we believe BTC will not fall below $5800. We made such analysis on April 11th and it is still in force.
This analysis is very fundamental. It shows why we have a very strong resistance at $5800 - $6000.
It is not an easy task. We have to get back to the basics.
Why is it even possible to have a BTC, to make any transaction with BTC? Have you ever thought about it?
We don't mean a mobile phone, public address, private key, exchanges and so on.
There is a whole infrastructure, people, companies involved.
Developers, miners and people who want to use it (buyers and sellers). That's it.
That is the whole magic. Without them, there was no crypto world today as it already looks like.
Here are the key factors:
1. Satoshi Nakamoto has/have created BTC. They figured it out how to create, safe, digital asset combining it with the whole network of miners.
2. Miners give essential infrastructure to maintain the network and make it possible for BTC to be transferred by 3rd parties.
3. Finally, we have a network effect. It means more and more people want to have, buy, transfer, hodl it.
So here are 3 essential factors to make everything work.
The first point mentioned here is pretty obvious and we won't go into it any further in here. One important information: Satoshi Nakamoto is in possession of around 1mln of BTC. So this is nearly 7 bln of dollars. They have enough money for the development of the project as well as keeping the price at any level buying or selling their (crypto) money.
The second point is here very very important in this puzzle. To keep this network all miners and nodes has to be duly rewarded.
Mining effectiveness /profitability is directly connected to the price of the electricity. 90% of costs in the time span are electricity costs.
So how much $ does it cost to obtain 1 BTC? Good question ha?
Most of the miners actually mine in the pools.
Here is the structure of the pools worldwide:
Pool___Blocks___ Share %
unknown___ 886___ 20%
BTC.com___ 752___ 17%
AntPool___ 602___ 13.61%
Slush___ 494___ 11.17%
BTC.TOP___ 495___ 11.19%
ViaBTC___521___ 11.78%
unknown___ 886___ 20%
DiscusFish / F2Pool___ 405___ 9.16%
Most of them operate in EU, US some of them in China. Please look at the link.
We have to now figure it out where most miners are located. We haven't found 100% reliable data but here is something helpful.
Distribution of the nodes worldwide.
So here is looks on numbers:
Country____Percentage/share__Cost/mining 1 BTC in USD
• USA________23,6____________4758
• Germany____19,26____________14275
• France______6,65_____________7930
• China_______6,45_____________3172
• Netherlands__4,89_____________9449
• Unknown___4,49____________6951
• Canada_____3,66____________3965
• UK_________ 3,12____________ 8402
• Russia______2,87____________ 4675
• Singapore__2,5_____________5936
We can assume that diggers/miners/rigs are more or less same distributed as the nodes.
When we calculate the weighted average (depending on the methodology as we did not take all the countries into account) we have the minimum price when it is even profitable. We range from 5874$ to 7530$. When price significantly dips someone has to take action (Satoshi Nakamoto?) and buy BTC to get the level of the BTC price when digging will be profitable again.
Satoshi Nakamoto takes care of that business to run smoothly as much as possible.
Without the minimum price, there will be no network. Without a network, there will be no BTC. Without BTC many people/organizations (including Satoshi Nakamoto) will be totally broke.
We had 5 tests of this level since the beginning of the month. Each time if was defended.
So Traders! Does this analysis make you feel calmer? How do you feel about this?
WBM Team
PS: Useful links:
Prices of the electricity across the world
The list of the wealthiest wallets:
$GRS - Groestlcoin ~ Gann Fann!Daily Chart
We can see an incredible pattern here. Would be lovely if it would play out again. Each time it bounces off a fib and then moons, it's roughly 400% profit.
I'm hoping it can take a dip soon to trigger a launch.
"TA IS A SCAM" haha. (Jokes!)