Shiba Inu Fun play- it's been long time that i didn't post about Meme coins.
- They are good to gamble a bit, make u feel like u go to casino to spend few hundreds bucks for fun and relax.
- They are mostly dependents on announces, Burn!!, new partner!, and more fancy tweets.
- Right now we are on a little bit boring period, as BTC will mostly sideway for a while.
- Most of altcoins dipped -90%-95% so it's a good time for play without much efforts.
- Here a simple trading plan (i took out the 0.000000xx$ :D)
Buy The Dip (2021 support) : 8000-7000ish
Buy The Pump (at liquidity Zone) : 10,000ish+
Sell Zone : 15,000-17,000 (don't fall in love)
SL : 5000 ( Don't play fire with Meme Coins ).
Happy Tr4Ding !
A, B or C? #Crypto Total Market 3. W pattern or Continuation?As we near the end of this bear market in crypto
(in relation to #BTC 4 year cycles)
The lack of liquidity has been evident for many months now, with wild swings in both directions.
Which I have played to to make meaningful gains , if you have been following me on my ideas stream well done.
(YOUR trade = YOUR Risk management)
Lack of liquidity means lack of seller and buyers, yet buying interest in crypto still remains
As the #Doge pump highlights (another idea I shared last week)
I can't help but notice the similar pattern of the previous Bear market bottom... on a much more concentrated timeframe.
What took very nearly two years of price action to form and follow through on.
Is now occurring on a 6/7 month timeframe.
Very interesting indeed!
A, B or C?
Comment below
© 2017 by Clif High for Halfpasthuman
About Predictive Linguistics and our methods
Predictive Linguistics is the process of using computer software to aggregate vast amounts of written
text from the internet by categories delineated by emotional content of the words. Predictive
Linguistics uses emotional qualifiers and quantifiers, expressed as numeric values, for each and all
words/phrases discovered/filtered in the aggregation process. Over 80 % of all the words gathered will
be discarded for one or more reasons.
Predictive Linguistics works as NO conscious expressions are processed through the software.
Rather the contexts discussed within the report in the form of entities and linguistic structures (see
below) are read up in the various intake software programs, and the emotional sums of the language
found at that time are retrieved. Words that are identified within my system as 'descriptors' are passed
through the processing as well. These descriptor words, in the main, are those words and phrases that
provide us with the detail sets within the larger context sets.
As an example, the word 'prophecy' may be read up by our software at a sports oriented forum. In that
case, perhaps, due to the emotional sums around the context, and the emotional values of the word
itself within the lexicon, it would be put into the contextual 'bin' within the database as a 'detail word'.
Note that the context of the use of the word in the sports forum is lost in the process and is of no use to
us in these circumstances. What occurs is that the word is picked up as being atypical in its context,
therefore of high potential 'leakage of future' value. The way this works is that most sports forum
language about future events would be statistically more likely to use words such as 'bet' as in 'I bet this
XXX will be outcome', or 'I predict', or 'I think that XXX will happen'. So it is the context plus
emotional values plus rarity of use within the context that flags words for inclusion in the detail level of
the data base. Further, it is worth noting that most detail level words are encountered in our processing
mere days before their appearance. Within the IM (immediacy data) primarily, and then within ST
(shorter term) data next. But a preponderance are discovered within the IM time period. Perhaps an
artifact of our processing, if so, one not explored due to lack of time (cosmic joke noted).
Words are linked by their array values back to the lexicon using our set theory model (see below), and
the language used within the interpretation (detail words excepted) derives from the lexicon and its
links to the changing nature of contexts as they are represented within our model.
Predictive Linguistics is a field that I pioneered in 1993. The software and lexicon has been in
continual change/update mode since. This is due to the constantly changing nature of language and
human expression.
Predictive Linguistics works to predict future language about (perhaps) future events, due to the nature
of humans. It is my operating assumption that all humans are psychic, though the vast majority do
nothing to cultivate it as a skill, and are likely unaware of it within themselves. In spite of this, universe
and human nature has it that they 'leak' prescient information out continuously in their choice of
language. My software processing collects these leaks and aggregates them against a model of a
timeline and that information is provided in this report.
The ALTA report is an interpretation of the asymmetric trends that are occurring even this instant as
millions of humans are typing billions of words on the internet. The trends are provided in the form of a
discussion of the larger collections of data (dubbed entities) down to the smallest aspect/attribute swept
up from daily discussions within that context. Within the ALTA report format, detail words are
provided as noted below. Phrases and idiomatic expressions are also provided as details. In the main,
geographic references are merely summed, and if deemed pertinent, the largest bag in the collection is
discussed as a 'probable', or 'possible' location to the events being referenced within the details.
In our discussions, the interpretation is provided in a nested, set theory (fuzzy logic) pattern.
Litecoin is still showing as 'trailing' Bitcoin. Unlike Ethereum, the data sets for Litecoin have it as a
'silver' ratio to Bitcoin as 'gold'. The meaning at this time would tend to favor a 70 to 1 ratio. This is
likely an indication of the strength of the rising pressures from the other sets for Litecoin. The reason
for this is that the data sets also have the 'ratio' of 'silver to gold' to be 'descending' over the rest of
2017. The repetitious appearance of 'ratio', and its many supporting sets, as well as the rising emotional
sums within those sets, are all suggesting that the word itself will come to be much more meaningful as
we see the 'steps down' over 2017. The data sets have these 'step downs' being an 'abnormal appearance'
during the bespoke Summer. So the data sets are predicting, at least by way of inference, that 'trading'
of 'Litecoin' over this Summer will be anything, but 'normal'.
These sets have Litecoin reacting to the various DebtsSpace stresses over Spring (northern
hemisphere), as well as the stresses of the technical issues, by erratic price fluctuations. For differing
reasons, but temporally coincident with problems within the 'silver fixing arrangement', Litecoin is
indicated to have 'price jumps', and 'falls', that will 'create paupers' and 'millionaires' all in 'moments'.
Note this is not a good situation and does stabilize. The data accretion patterns in modelspace have
brought forecasts of many videos of people 'lamenting (crying) over their losses' in the 'crazy crypto
currencies markets' of Summer 2017.
The data sets have conflicting memes affecting the LiteCoin trading action over the next few months.
These themes are forecast to play out as 'test bed (for Bitcoin)', and 'fading', or also defined as 'without
luster'. The former is indicated to bring pops in the price as the general CryptoSpace environment is
also rising, and the latter is the general trend of slight rises, or mostly subdued in spite of the
'exuberance' in other crypto currencies.
The 'flat' aspect of Litecoin emotional appeal aside, the price per coin is indicated to climb over
Summer, and, later in Fall (northern hemisphere), reach a point described as 'ignition'. Please note that
this is within a context in our data of 'hyperbolic debt based currencies creation', also known as 'hyper
inflation'. These sets have support, in Fall, for Litecoin rising dramatically as 'bursts' of 'debt currencies
creation' hits the 'financial system'.
Litecoin is still showing as receiving a burst of favorable attention in late June that will support prices
through the next leg up in the capitalization inflows into cryptospace. These sets have Litecoin being
one of those coins which is indicated to be 'regular like clockwork', as well as 'persistently challenging'
the 'double digit daily percentage gains'. No numbers present themselves in our data for Litecoin.
Many new shorter term sets, as well as longer term sets have positive ratio on emotional tone values
with a few of the prime attributes hovering in the same range as ETH.
Litecoin is indicated to be gaining a bit of early shine from developing stories in both the transactions
space, as well as 'value' plays. The 'transactions' stories are forecast to begin to grow as 'retail' and
'wholesale' uses of Litecoin will be showing up even in msm (main stream propaganda press, aka
'legacy media'). Again, as noted above, the msm propagation of the stories will be the temporal marker
for the next leg up in Litecoin price discussed in previous ALTA and bare naked Wealth reports this
year. The Litecoin versus ETH language can also be expected to ramp up with the new use-cases, and
the rising price competition seemingly manifesting.
The data suggests that much 'touting and pump/dump' language will flourish briefly. Do not be
deceived at the froth in the language, nor the relative prices of various offerings. Litecoin and ETH are
NOT directly competing within their use-cases, and both will be long term holds for value, with the
value deriving from where they differ, not where they are similar.
The Litecoin use case in the forecast modelspace developments shows as dominating in many different
Point-Of-Sale, and POS2IoT interconnections.
Major developments in LTC underlying technology (as forecast more than a few reports back) are
indicated to be surfacing in August such that by mid August (as forecast a few reports back) Litecoin
will be involved a price, and volume competition with ETH.
The rate of acceleration of Litecoin in the data sets has big increases, almost 'stair steps', that are
showing over the next five months (more or less). These 'stair steps' are indicating that very large
'capital inflows' will be occurring from August, onward. The stair steps within the data sets have
several instances in which we get numbers. These would suggest that a '3/three digit' US dollar ratio to
Litecoin begins before September and grows over the remainder of 2017.
Some of the 'capital inflows' over 2017 are forecasting that the 'marketing effort' for Litecoin, as the
'payment vehicle' are showing as taking great leaps. These are suggesting that perhaps we will find that
a 'multi-polar cryptospace' is developing with 'thickening payment layers' which are separated from the
'wealth storage' layer. IF this is indeed an accurate interpretation of the development of the 'payment
layers' space, then it would seem reasonable, now, to forecast that LTC will dominate the mid-tier of
this space.
LTC has the 'pop' in attention, and the 'pop' in performance showing up in the data, as well as 'new
opportunities' for its use within the global payments systems. In some of our detail sets are forecasts for
LTC to 'break through' the 'lunch line barrier' with some new technology later in 2017. This will
apparently be an outgrowth of 'back channel adoption' of LTC within a few very large organizations.
Nicely rising emotional tones on the LTC data from early August through into late October
The sets for Litecoin within modelspace, have new growth within 'racing' descriptor linguistic
structure. The 'racing' has been associated with ETH. Now the data is pointing toward LTC being in a
race at the level of 'percentage growth'. These sets further contain language for each 'up leg'. The data is
forecasting that the 'emerging patterns' over October and beyond into 2018 will include a 'percentage
race' such that 'each gains alternatively'. Further this is clarified as being 'small' or 'single digit (more or
less)'. The idea coming across from the accrual patterns is that if ETH were to go up 9% in one day,
that same day LTC may be up 8%. However on the next day up, ETH would lag behind on a single
percentage point basis. These sets are explicitly not suggesting that each day would be up, nor that
either LTC or ETH will go upward together, nor that they will not be out of sync, nor that they won't
fall. All of the percentage sets are also focusing on US dollars, and with primarily US based geographic
references for our processing sets.
Much of the LTC data sets within modelspace have their emotional tones centered around the 'lightning
network' and 'atomic swaps'. There are sets building up with longer term values that are focused on
'smart contracts' as in LTC as a vehicle for such, but the immediacy data, and shorter term values are
much more focused on 'atomic swaps', and 'LTC (as) fast intermediary' to other cryptocurrencies.
Litecoin is setting up for the 'belle of the (Spring) ball' award for cryptocurrencies in our data sets. The
LTC accretion patterns are surpassing the ETH sets at a very brisk rate of new data elements at about
2.4 new elements for each 1 about ETH as modelspace is moved into March 2018. These new sets are
bringing the emotional tone values for LTC into ranges not seen for it before, and, that are, in some
respects, temporal echoes to the 'set up' in early 2017 that saw such large gains for ETH (and Ripple) in
the early part of the year. In the case of Litecoin, the data sets are bringing in a larger percentage of
longer term data sets than had either ETH or Ripple (XRP) in early 2017 indicating a longer run for
LTC, throughout much of 2018.
The new sets for LTC that accrue as modelspace is progressed from late November through to the
December solstice have a 'gentle rise' in its pricing relative to USD growing into a 'steady (eye catcher)'
by the end of the year. At that time we have language forecast to appear about 'comparisons to Bitcoin',
both in 'rate of rise', and 'early days history', and 'ratio of valuations'. These 'comparisons' are forecast
to treat LTC well.
The data sets still have LTC moving into '3/three digits', and new growth to these sets show that the
movement will be creating a floor for LTC into 2018.
As modelspace is moved through 2018, there are many sets relating to 'securities', including 'security'
that are associated with Litecoin. These sets are positive, and bring in larger amounts of new supporting
sub sets for 'excitement'. There are many sets accruing in May that are within the first large clump of
new 'excitement' data. There are some detail sets indicating that the 'rising emotional state (of)
excitement' over Litecoin will actually start producing 'anxiety', though this is of an 'anticipatory' nature
about when will the 'rise' end. These sets are echoed later in 2018 as the 'excitement' sub set seemingly
breaks out of some limitations that existed over Summer (northern hemisphere). As Fall weather begins
to be reported, the data sets have new 'excitement' shifting into Litecoin sets. These latter, 'excitement'
sets are curious in that they have cross links over to 'established businesses', and 'sudden
(major/significant) leap ahead'. These sets are forecasting a very good 2018 for Litecoin.
The data sets have continuing growth for LTC reaching a 'parity point' with the Ethereum network, but
be aware this is not a price projection, rather it is focused on the 'smart contract' hosting and 'network
(distributed apps)' side of things. These data sets are forecasts, not related to any announcements, nor
leaks of information, but rather derive from our process of predictive linguistics. There are several
possible interpretations including that Litecoin will develop networking capabilities along the same line
as the Ethereum network. Alternatively it can also be interpreted with the 'ethereum smart contract'
temporal marker as being the key element for emotional sums tone advancement.
Other language of interest has 'litecoin' becoming 'emblematic' of both the 'cryptocurrencies (alt coins)'
space as well as a symbol for 'new rich' and the rise of the 'crypto-millionaires' as a discernible class
within our society. These sets have forecasts for a number of new videos that will be focused on
'litecoin' and its role as a 'vehicle' to 'riches' over a very short time. According to the data, we should be
able to expect to see the appearance of several 'stars' in the video spaces as both 'tell-all (how I made
my money)' and 'musical celebrations (of litecoin)' videos are presented during these next 6/six months
Litecoin has dominating supporting sets of 'fire (on fire, catching fire)'. Secondary support sets are
'favorable', with aspects of 'winds (favorable winds), and 'favorable times', 'favorable presence',
'favorable view'. Tertiary support sets are led by 'good luck'.
The 'favorable timings' sub sets are cross linked over to 'work' and 'planning', and 'activity (path)'. The
'crisscross' of the 'timings' is showing as being 'exquisite' and 'precise'.
Other sets are going explicitly to 'good fortune', 'good luck', and other 'fortune smiles' language.
Note the Litecoin sets are showing 'transitions', and 'new developments' as the rising supporting set
dominating aspects. These 'transitions' first appear in modelspace as it is progressed through
September, and reaches a near term peak by mid November.
SHIB Holders Realize Nearly $373 Million ProfitsShiba Inu ( CRYPTOCAP:SHIB ), the infamous meme coin, has captured the attention of crypto enthusiasts once again with a staggering 55% surge in its price on a weekly timeframe, hitting a year-to-date high of $0.00004567. While the cryptocurrency market experiences a wave of volatility, CRYPTOCAP:SHIB stands resilient, sustaining its gains and defying profit-taking pressures.
The recent rally in CRYPTOCAP:SHIB price coincides with Bitcoin and Ethereum's resurgence in 2024, signaling a broader trend of capital rotation within the crypto space. As investors seek alternative avenues for profits, meme coins like CRYPTOCAP:SHIB , along with AI, metaverse, and gaming tokens, emerge as attractive options for speculative investments.
Key Catalysts Driving SHIB's Rally
At the forefront of CRYPTOCAP:SHIB 's price surge is the relentless pursuit of ecosystem expansion by its lead developer, Shytoshi Kusama. Kusama's efforts to secure the listing of ecosystem token BONE on Binance have injected optimism into the CRYPTOCAP:SHIB community, fueling bullish sentiment and driving demand for the meme coin.
Furthermore, the recent burning of 13 billion CRYPTOCAP:SHIB tokens, worth $463,000, on March 9, underscores the commitment to reducing the circulating supply of SHIB, thereby potentially increasing its scarcity and perceived value among investors.
Navigating Volatility: Opportunities Amidst Challenges
Despite facing significant profit-taking activities, CRYPTOCAP:SHIB price managed to sustain above the psychologically important support level of $0.000030, signaling resilience and investor confidence in the project's long-term prospects.
Moreover, SHIB's ability to rebound from a notable dip on March 3, offering a lucrative "buy the dip" opportunity to traders, highlights the underlying strength and resilience of the meme coin amidst market fluctuations.
Looking Ahead: Potential for Further Upside
With £SHIB's weekly gains of 55% and a reduction in selling pressure as reflected by the decline in CRYPTOCAP:SHIB supply on exchanges, the meme coin is poised for further upside potential. As buying pressure continues to support SHIB's price momentum, investors anticipate a continued climb towards its year-to-date high.
Is Shiba Poised for a Potential Breakout?BINANCE:SHIBUSDT
Is Shiba Poised for a Potential Breakout?
Shiba is currently showing signs of accumulating strength and potentially gearing up for an upward move. The price appears to be forming a bullish triangle pattern, and a surge could be imminent once it breaks through the triangle's bottom trendline. This potential breakout is further bolstered by the support of the 120-day moving average, which often indicates an underlying uptrend.
3 Key Points:
Shiba Coin might be forming a bullish triangle pattern.
Price could rise once it breaks through the triangle's bottom.
Support from the 120-day moving average adds to the bullish signal.
Remember: This analysis is for informational purposes only and shouldn't be taken as financial advice. Always do your own research before making any investment decisions.
Luna still has one more drive to $70 before steep correction!Luna has done phenomenal in this run and we can all agree with that. Its been forming a large rising wedge and indicators are showing a pretty sizable correction back down to single digits after the peak at $70 near the apex of the wedge. The Elliot wave is almost complete as well, we are in the final stages of the fifth wave which woulds bring LUNA to around $70 dollars before it corrects. A massive, fast and steep correction will occur after the top at $70 dollars so dont forget to take profits. Not financial advice, happy trading, let me know what you think. Good luck!
SHIB/USDT A successful Break the supply, Indicating Continue UP💎 SHIBA has recently exhibited significant market dynamics. Currently, it is encountering resistance at the supply area, with the previous attempt to breach it at 0.00388 resulting in rejection.
💎 If SHIBA manages to successfully break above this supply area, confirmed by a daily candle closing above it, there is probability for SHIBA to continue its upward movement and reach our target area.
💎 However, if SHIBA fails to break out above the supply area, there is a likelihood of price rejection and a subsequent decline towards the demand area. Notably, SHIBA has yet to retest the demand area after its significant breakout in the past.
💎 The demand area holds crucial significance for SHIBA, as a bounce from this level would signify strength and an attempt to re-challenge the supply area.
💎 However, failure to sustain above the demand area, resulting in a breakdown, would signal a bearish sentiment. This could lead SHIBA to revert to a bearish trend, potentially prompting further downward movement towards the support area, or even lower levels.
🔥 SHIBA Bull-Flag: Patience For Break!Together with many memecoins, SHIB has seen a siginifficant bullish move lately. However, SHIB has been consolidating for a few days at this point.
In the process, a bull-flag pattern has been formed. For this signal we're going to wait for SHIB to break through the top of the pattern and place our stop below the most recent swing low.
Target at 7500. I don't think the memecoins have stopped, but are merely preparing for their next leg up.
SHIB (Shiba Inu) Technical Analysis#SHIB has decisively broken out of its extended sideways consolidation, signaling a strong bullish shift. This analysis examines how to capitalize on this momentum by employing price action strategies in the context of the current range breakout. We'll focus on reading price action to identify opportune entry points. Be mindful of expected volatility, and prioritize rigorous risk management practices.
Disclaimer: This analysis serves as a technical perspective and should not be interpreted as direct financial advice. Cryptocurrencies carry inherent risks. Always seek guidance from a qualified financial professional and thoroughly assess your individual risk profile before any investment decisions.
"Let's be realistic with SHIB" - Is 2400% realistic enough ?#SHIB/USDT #Analysis
+ SHIB is currently looking to breakout from its resistance zone
+ I see a clear bullish divergence with the RSI and price. Overall SHIB is showing a bullish signs
+ For the long term trade, i'm planning to enter a position at the current price.
VectorAlgo Trade Details
Entry Price: 0.00001133
Stop Loss: 0.00000767
Target 1: 0.00001371
Target 2: 0.00001601
Target 3: 0.00001956
Target 4: 0.00002466
Target 5: 0.00002976
Target 6: 0.00003944
Capital: 1-2% of trading capital
Leverage: 3-7x
Enhance, Trade, Grow
Feel free to share your thoughts and insights.
Don't forget to like and follow us for more trading ideas and discussions.
Best Regards,
SHIBA is having a 2017 XRP moment!Shiba Inu (SHIBUSD) is on a remarkable 2-week rally that has already hit the November 2021 levels. Such a strong move is the start of year long parabolic rallies and the one coin that Shiba seems to be replicating is XRPUSD.
In fact it appears (on the 1W time-frame) that SHIB is copying XRP's 2014 - 2016 Bear and subsequent accumulation phases, which eventually led to the parabolic rally of 2017. As you can see XRP's start on this rally is very similar to Shiba Inu's today.
Is SHIB having a 2017 XRP moment?
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ShibaInu 2-day chart📈 - New All Time High THIS MONTH⁉️🚨⁉️ShibaInu 2-day chart📈
New All Time High THIS MONTH⁉️🚨⁉️
Look at the similarities of the bull run2021 and bull run2024
If SHIB can keep that speed the ATH will be catched very soon dear shiba Army and Crypto Nation🚀
Increased volume looks healthy - record RSI has to be considered👀
Stay tuned for updates dear Crypto Nation😎
Comments💭, Likes♥️ & Follow🔗appreciated🤗
Not financial advice
Do your own research before investing
The content shared is for educational purposes only and is my personal opinion
SHIB: scalp in M15📊Analysis by AhmadArz:
🔍Entry: 3645
🛑Stop Loss: 3437
🎯Take Profit: 3955-4216-4455
🔗"Uncover new opportunities in the world of cryptocurrencies with AhmadArz.
💡Join us on TradingView and expand your investment knowledge with our five years of experience in financial markets."
🚀Please boost and💬 comment to share your thoughts with us!
Alikze → SHIB | Completing ascending micro waves 3According to the analysis of the previous post, it climbed to the supply area after the exit of the density. In the 12h time, after the support in the green box area, it is completing the 2 out of 3 microwaves. This current wave, with the support of the green box, has the ability to reach the supply area, and then the 0.78 Fibo target, and then the 0.00001401 target. had
Note: Note that there is a double correction in the weekly time that has been completed and is in ascending guard, which I will send step by step updates.
Analysis invalidity: below the green box area
🟩Sup:Green box
⛳️Tp 1:0.00001060 - 0.00001089
⛳️ Tp2 :0.00001178
⛳️ Tp3 :0.00001401
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Shiba Inu Price Surged By 60% In Single DayThe recent surge in the price of Shiba Inu ( CRYPTOCAP:SHIB ) has caught the attention of many investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts alike. In a single day, the value of CRYPTOCAP:SHIB surged by an impressive 60%, bringing it halfway to its all-time high value. This is a remarkable achievement for the meme coin which has been performing exceptionally well in recent times.
Several other meme coins have also been performing well in the past few days, with some even crossing their all-time high values. Weekly trading volumes for some of these coins have also surged by up to 3000%. However, Shiba Inu ( CRYPTOCAP:SHIB ) stands out as one of the top-performing meme coins due to its recent surge in value.
At present, CRYPTOCAP:SHIB is trading at $0.00004083, which represents a 70% increase in its value from the previous day. Over the past week, the price of CRYPTOCAP:SHIB has risen by an impressive 283%, with a trading volume of $13,338,944,678. This represents a massive surge in trading volume, compared to the $617.67 million trading volume recorded on February 28th.
Following the recent surge, CRYPTOCAP:SHIB has climbed up the rankings on CoinMarketCap to become the 10th most popular cryptocurrency, with a market cap of $22,869,329,619. This surge has pushed Shiba Inu's valuation to $25 billion, putting it in close proximity to Dogecoin's valuation of $27 billion.
The recent surge in the price of Shiba Inu ( CRYPTOCAP:SHIB ) can be attributed to several factors. For starters, Shiba Inu ( CRYPTOCAP:SHIB ) is the second-largest meme coin after Dogecoin, also known as the "Dog-Killer." Other meme coins such as Bonk and Floki Inu have also gained significant attention, contributing to the bullish market for meme coins, including $SHIB.
Another significant factor contributing to the surge in CRYPTOCAP:SHIB 's value is increased buying activity in the market. According to Spot-On-Chain, the founder of MakerDAO, Rune Christensen, recently purchased 7.41 billion CRYPTOCAP:SHIB worth 100K USDC on March 1st, which was responsible for an initial 60% increase in the coin's value. Later on, he purchased an additional 17.629 billion CRYPTOCAP:SHIB with 400K USDC, contributing to a further 20% increase.
The launch of CRYPTOCAP:SHIB Identity, which is designed to incorporate Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) into Shiba's projects, is another significant development that is expected to cause a surge in the value of $SHIB. This is scheduled to launch on November 1st, 2024.
In conclusion, the recent surge in the price of Shiba Inu ( CRYPTOCAP:SHIB ) is a remarkable feat that has caught the attention of many investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. While the value of CRYPTOCAP:SHIB seems to be slipping a little from its peak of $0.00004438 earlier, it remains to be seen what the future holds for this meme coin and whether it will continue to rise or fall.
SHIB has a very good Investment opportunity Hi Everyone;
today we have a memes coin
it has more than 187 times the risk and the chart is look very promising.
I expect breaking the previous bear market key point will clear the way to the final target
I don't recommend investing too much money in memes coins because of the High volatility.
SHIBUSDT(Shiba Inu) Daily tf Range Updated till 05-03-24SHIBUSDT(Shiba Inu) Daily timeframe range. it had insane amount of continuous pump. outperforming many things at once. easiest profit one can made. now trying against 0.00004006 a retrace would not surprise me at this point but it still have enough fuel do more carnage.
MING DYNASTY 2.0I was doing a little research on the history silver. In the Ming dynasty they had an insatiable hunger for silver. Just speculating, perhaps China adopts Litecoin as its crypto "gold". Charlie Lee is Chinese as well just to add to the speculation. Asia is number one in adoption of Litecoin. What if China demands all citizens pay taxes in Litecoin like it did during ming with silver? China may only accept Litecoin as payment for global trade just like it did during Ming with silver?
Gold is only worth more than silver because its harder to mine. Silver has many more uses throughout history. Silver was the first metal to unite the world and start world trade with China.
The dollar becomes the official currency in 1785. The US had no mint to make its own currency so the first temporary currency was the Silver Spanish Peso. The word DOLLAR comes from the word thaler which comes from the German root “thal” which means valley and “thaler” indicates a person or thing from the valley. Thalers were silver coins and they were named Thalers because of a silver rich valley the silver was mined from.
I like to speculate quite a bit so this may be just a bogus idea but its worth keeping in the back of my mind. Also I have written proof if this does happen right here and Im the next Nostradamus hahah, just kidding. Anyways I thought the Litecoin fam would enjoy this little tidbit.