ICX - Still POSITIVE TREND - AND FROM 17-09 IMPORTANT DAYS Hello trading friends,
This is a trend update for ICX.
With this update, we want to share that ICX is still Positive also since the last recovery from 1.88 yesterday.
From 17-09-2021 ICX will become more important and possible with more volume since the coming updates also.
Target still 3 USD +
Have a great day.
Hope everyone has a great weekend😃.
As you know it's BTC and it can change between price action and trend show, from here I still say BTC is positive and looking for a whale breakout to 48200 - 48600, which will also change the trend into a new belief trend for most users.
📈The trend should come out of the box.
💎We know it also from history when BTC get a breakdown trend or crash trend, it takes some time to get the panic trend away, because you have those thinking to buy BTC at 15K again, of course, all is possible into crypto, but the data don't show that now, to get the much lower price we should confirm first some targets, and that's now not the case.
Manage always your risk fine, and have a great day!
ICON (ICX) - On way to the golden target 3 usd +Hello trading friends,
✅This is a price action update for ICX, and ICX is on a good trend way to increase to our target. This could happen in the short term after we will hit 2 USD + , where the volume will increase more. we expect this week a new update by ICON team that will bring a new volume trend.
✅This month are very important for ICON.
BTC - WAITING for a trend whale that should increase BTC to 48k+Hello trading friends😃,
Since the last day's recovery trend for BTC, we expect an increasing trend back, as this should be done at last with Long trend whale.
✅A golden Breakout point is 48200 - 48600 USD, this target could be the change into BTC to change the trend. - and i know the whales know this also beacuase 48600 are a huge golden point. let's see how this will work out.
❌For those hoping for more recovery like to 20K or 15K, manage your risk well.
Have a great day.
😃 I think patience can be good now. and wish everyone the best. and much wisdom for the ones that are short also as you are into profit most of the time.
The fault what the most make when market gets a recovery trend, they think it will go more, but when whale markets long enter, for example, it changes the trend directly and ends with not what they did expect. follow the markets as it's going with the plan.
✅Our before update about the possible breakout of Bitcoin are still into the trend, also with this breakdown trend last hours. we know BTC for a longer time, and we know what it does with the recovery, and how the long whale trend when it starts. so on this way I want to say guys the Bitcoin is positive, hold to your plan, and with good risk management.
What next?
After Bitcoin hitting the 46300+ there will be the more confirmed trend for the uptrend, and the whale trend could change BTC to 48600+
Trade safe. There is no reason to sell BTC at this moment.
Have a great day!
ICX - BUY DIP TREND BEFORE IT EXPLODE TO 3 usd + ICON 2.0 COMINGHello trading friends,
IF we have seen what great last times then its ICX also with the breakdown trend it did prove themself to hold the trend and not to recovery huge.
ICON 2.0 coming soon, know that Bitcoin will recovery back into trend, and ICX will follow hugely. the coins that always showing low dump means huge interest.
✅Expecting that this is a great time to buy the DIP before a second whale increase what will bring ICX to 3 USD +
BTC - 48600 IS the golden point Breakout for BTC And whales..Hello trading friends,
Bitcoin is still positive and there is no reason to worry as long we stay above the important power volume trends lines.
BTC Continues Consolidation but this means nothing bad as its normal price action.
✅The returning to 48600 can be an important time coming time, and this can happen with a whale effect what we have seen before more times.
A long whale increase come always unexpectedly at that moment when the price breakdown, they enter most time.
Know that Bitcoin has a long-term vision for now, and depending on our expecting it's not a good idea to Short trend.
✅ It's the same when trend pumped you don't enter - and it works another side also. some expect more and more dump, and when trends return they miss the trend. this rule has worked before many times.
Follow always your plan, and take this just as extra information that we add depending on our expecting BTC.
we know BTC longer than today, and we have seen many trends happen on it.
Have a great day.
☕️so far the manipulation trend not going below 45400 means good news. because as soon as this repeatedly fails, a rise and even a breakout in the short term is possible. the same working for uptrend and downtrend, i think those following BTC can remember the moment of 59K, when it go more times rejected, we did breakdown, and same before at 29K, when it did not go below that target, we did breakout.
✅i think el Salvador has one of the best advice analysts for BTC. they don't just buy 200 pieces and then 150 pieces to come out as history losers. In the long term, this will have more effect if others follow.
✅BTC can make the Day much better with 5% + breakout to 48600+
✅at the Chinese market. they traded differently in the red means buy and green sell. this says something about our day trading way. that red can be good for buying and green is for selling.
BTC - Still positive and Long whales can take any moment over🐳Hello trading friends,
✅We say it again, there is no reason for panic trend as #BTC are at trend side still positive.
we know it's a hard time for some to see these changes in bitcoin and not seen a building long target.
🐳Know when Long whales entering the target will change much more, market has some panic effect.
Depending on our trading way and strategy there is no reason to sell BTC at this zone.
Bitcoin can play a breakdown trend but same time it could break out with whale increase to breakout points 48200 48600~
The real top whales holding still since the crash trend
✅we did add views before like this and data did show later why.
Most times the whales rekt users with these fake trends. check what is at this moment the trend choice, its uptrend and bitcoin are postive
🐳The Sleeping giant on way for target price action 3,37+Hello trading friends,
We need only a second part of the 40%+ trend and we could hit the target.
🐳The Sleeping giant on way for target price action 3,37+
✅Huge chance that the last increase is a whale position for higher trend, and also what coming on Icon coming time, the whales read also the news, and when they invest, they have always a plan.
Lets follow this sleeping giant coming time
This is a new chart expecting for BTCUSDT with possible high range hitting to 55k +
The wick of the last trend shows us there is hugely interesting for BTC, what could bring BTC at long term to 55K coming time.
✅depending on our excel sheet strategy we have now a long trend also
✅To get the 55K trend its important to get the blow breakout first
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Manage always your risk, nobody knows the future - all depending on Data, trends, and whale effect
All our charts are not advice and you are responsible for your own investment
🎬To stay updated check always our last update.
📈Education content How to scan a coin - ICX exampleHello, treading friends,
This is an 📈Education content With ICX chart trend.
✅How to scan a new increase coin?
First of all, there are different ways to scan coins, some are basic ways, and some ways are known only by private users as it can change from the ways we know. with its private users what I mean is that these systems have proof themself with a backtesting system that has worked before on more coins, and they see that this way is working to scan new increase coins, an example of this checking the volume change - trends - chart showings last 7 days.
✅Every increase coin did show a before the trend, and there is a difference between pumped coins for example by groups and real increase coins.
❌For example when you see a coin pumped huge - check first or this pumping is legit, which means what could be the reason for this pump, check the history data of the coin if you can't find any reason for this pump, check the max supply if you find the supply is low, there is a high chance this pump made by pumped groups. That means it will end in a dump for 90% that could be more breakdown trend than the coin was before. so not every pumped trend is good.
✅ Real increase trend shows before trend as it shows now on ICX - the only reason that ICX did show a small breakdown trend are depending on Bitcoin, but this coin still shows since a time an entry whale volume what means a hold trend by whales. and expecting on that trend it could increase more.
🐳To get a whale ICX to increase to 2.90+ the market cap will become a total of 1.944,017,534 - and means 1B adding what is possible. this change was made in minutes by BTC, and yes ICX is not BTC. but with long term possible * month sep can become important for this coin. 1K whale users investing 1M worldwide and ICX moons.
📈To find good increasing coins it's important that it shows volume, that it shows changes than before for example by the last 30 days volume trend, on another trend it shows against power on BTC, but same time if there is a huge crash, of course, it could change what - but same time the coin should show a strong chart TA. where you can see it go above the before HL.
Tip: See why other coins did increase before and found the difference between them, I am sure you will come to new points why this happened, and on by the time you will have a better view to look better coins.
Have a great day.
ICON 2.0 Possible coming week ready . SEP WILL BE THE ICON MONTHHello trading friends,
✅With a new update for ICX, and that ICX going on a good way to double 100% or more
THE NEW waiting ICON 2.0 and other updates that are coming will make a difference, we expecting a huge increase trend in the coming time, and this is not for nothing. we did it before with more coins, IOTX last one, and more than 10 others with doubling the trend, by good scanning the coins and the reason of the increase, and now we have ICX. and this coin will go to the moon depending on our study.
More reason why we expect an increasing trend, one of the reasons the DCA of whales, what means there is something to happen, and I will be not shocked if this coin also gets listed on Coinbase.
✅This is our expectations and our vision to this coin, you as trader investors should always do your study and manage your risk
Have a great day.
📈Into this EDUCATION content we will try to explain the trend data that should take before taking any action.
First of all, to see a trend, we should confirm where are we now? Is this uptrend or a downtrend?
Second, are what Shows the chart at this moment for the last 2H 4H 1D time frame - for day trader between 15-45min, and for scalper between 5-15min.
✅To start we should get first the main trend of the chart, is this HL? or HH. it's important to know the last trends lines update. After that, we check to see the last support and resistance as a small confirmation trend.
After we have done these basic trends, we will see what was the last trend line where bitcoin did breakdown from it, and are we now 50% back of the last trend line or not? there is an important trading rule that says more than 50% increase back the last trend line means a possible return of trend in 75% of moments.
🎯Is bitcoin back to the before zone as we see in this live chart? Did bitcoin re-test the last trend lines, and why was there a huge bought wick? Every data that shows on the chart has a mean. for example most time a huge wick means interest to buy or to sell the trend for the long term - and with time frame confirmation we should see or this will get confirmed or no.
📈The trading chart of this moment still showing some panic trend, and same time there should build some trust for re-entering the trend, at the main trend the bitcoin looks positive. it shows that there is a which trend, which means interesting trend where we did talk before about it. At and same time Bitcoin will be more interesting in the area of I am back, but same time for a low time frame it's also interesting. we have seen a re-test and also 45400 shows a building trend, which means below that trend the SL could be if the trend crash.
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Have a great day
📈BITCOIN READY FOR BREAKOUT 48200 - 48600+Hello trading friends,
✅BTC on time frame confirmation at 47K what could bing BTC with breakout back to 48200-48600+
This could be an entry for a breakout since BTC are on power trend volume - but check always also the other side and manage your risk well.
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Manage always your risk, nobody knows the future - all depending on Data, trends, and whale effect
All our charts are not advice and you are responsible for your own investment
🎬To stay updated check always our last update.
This month is very important for ICX, and after the icon confirms the blockchain trend 2.0 we could see more volume trends coming days.
✅Our expecting are that this month ICX can hit 3 USD +
WE did explain before in other trend charts the reason for our expecting for this coin. this chart are more confirmation that we are still behind the monthly target.
Have a great day.
✅Since this month until 25-09-2021 we have a trend challenge where we add all orders on our excel sheet for the coming time.
IF the trend increases to 46777 that would be our Long entry for the challenge.
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Manage always your risk, nobody knows the future - all depending on Data, trends, and whale effect
All our charts are not advice and you are responsible for your own investment
🎬To stay updated check always our last update.
Have a great day
BITCOIN looks ready for Breakout to 48200+Hello trading friends,
Bitcoin looks ready for a new breakout trend since
✅Trend shows since last 30 min transformation from panic trend to stable and slowly trend
🐳 Long Whale data active right now at BTC 46400 46500
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Manage always your risk, nobody knows the future - all depending on Data, trends, and whale effect
All our charts are not advice and you are responsible for your own investment
🎬To stay updated check always our last update.