USDCNH ANALYSISUSDCNH rebounded from downtrendline with bearish movement
Price is rejected from 50% Fibonacci level at 6.9252
Pair is based below key level
Below SMA 100
MACD shows weakness in bullish momentum
RSI is below level 50
It's expected for coming bearish wave (c) to target daily demand zone at level 6.8454
Pyramid scheme noos numero 131- Dan Lok, motivation success coach that preys on impressionable 20 yos, sued by real owner of "his" mansion 😏
Yikes. The self proclaimed "best selling author" and "world's #1 closing & influencer business strategist" that got into 6 figures debt and failed 13 business attempt in a row before "becoming a multi millionaire that now wants to help students find success", has been sued by the actual landlord of his mansion after failing to pay the - ahem - 35,000 monthly rent.
The mentor migrated from Hong Kong to Canada early on, and soon his father would have to declare bankrupcy and would not be able to support him & his mother. And this is when he learn hard honest work. Or nothing at all and just followed dad footsteps.
His 16 to 30 year old students are going to be so disappointed :( Maybe he can convince them to pay his rent? Now that would be hilarous.
2- BLM & Antifa gangs terrorizing the USA, al-Qaeda delighted, ISIS predictions make me look like a permabull 😳
I say this often, but imagine my surprise.
An impressionable and not very bright security agent that was "peacefully protesting" (I cringe everytime I read or write this 😆) ran in the back of a man and kicked him in the back of the head, like the courageous & virteous hero he is. The man was made to sit by the "right side of history" BLM gang that ganged up on him after he defended a trans woman that they were assaulting.
The media is silent obviously. Police said his condition was stable. Translation: he is on life support and might never wake up and if he does he'll be handicapped for life, but we don't want people to fight back and the situation to escalate.
The mastermind attacker that was identified by 4chan said "wElL hE wUz raCisT sO wE hAd tO deFEnd OurSelVEs" (by hitting him from behind when he was sitting down and not hostile).
A black man, another gullible 25 years old, probably brainwashed by the media and sneaky little politicians that whites are hunting down blacks and getting away with it, non ironically just EXECUTED a little 5 year old white boy. The creature defended itself with some gibberish along the lines of "well he was on my property duh he was very suspicious amaury live mattered".
Some BLM supporters said they were happy about it. Even on non anonymous accounts. Nothing happened to them. And the media is silent as usual.
Al-Qaeda is overjoyed with the US situation, is writting about it, and hope they can use the social issues in the USA to recruit ... you know it already, as usual gullible young (mostly) men 15 to 30. Here are all the ages of the 911 terrorists: 33 22 28 22 25 23 24 22 20 22 29 26 24 25 20 26 20 24 21. Something wrong with human brain development.
For its part ISIS, that wants to establish a racially pure 4rth reich-caliphate where white women will be sex slaves "just like in the good old days" and blacks cotton pickers, is seriously pissing itself, no other way to put it. Good job big brain commies you are even making racists happy in Iraq.
This is pretty much what the Islamic State is saying, from one of their editorial in my own words: "Just like the non-believer infidel dogs scoffled at the chinese virus and did not expect it to spread and did not prepare, they are now studying the US situation (god's punishment) and not preparing for it, because the US situation in that country will explode we have seen nothing yet and it will also spread to the entire world. Growth is gone, company bankrupcies are spreading, unemployement crime and poverty are spreading and there is not any hope this nightmare will end. Other countries are as weakened as the US by the way they handled the pandemic as well as years of economic social & political ills that have eaten them away (gee they got a point). And once the unfaithful countries will burn to the ground they will stay away from the region and the true muslims will finally be able to rid the arab world of the tyrans (and establish a New World Order 😉)."
3- Greece-Turkey migrant & border crisis: France sends warships. "Covid Hoax" Belarus: NATO troops at border 🚢
The mainstream media just whined that Greece sent 1,000 migrant away to the open sea.
So they have migrant issues, border issues, plans were "discovered": Turkey war plans against Greece.
There also have been some clashes, and recently Turkey has been exploring Oil in contested sea.
France has taken the side of Greece, and sent a few ships & planes.
The main subject is the border dispute but hordes of migrants are also part of it, and I think the root.
A few months ago Turkey even threatened Europe they'd let millions in if they did not receive money.
Migrant will forever keep coming to Europe as long as the GDP per capita will be higher and they will be benefits. What do you expect "come here we offer free money". West africa has 120 mouths to feed for 60 workers while Europe is something like 60 mouths to feed for 100 workers.
So poor countries will stay poor and keep making 10 babies and will keep migrating...
It never worked and comes with its issues so Europe and NA will collapse of itself anyway, and that will solve it.
There is also an investigation after Greek troop are suspected to have shot some migrants.
The kills happened after Turkey let migrants flood in Europe back in March when they threatened Europe for money as I said.
It all started when Morocco and Lybia closed the gates a while ago, leaving Turkey as the only entry point to Europe (for those that don't want to end up as fish food).
The UK is also pretty pissed at France that keeps throwing boats of migrants to them. Nice powder keg.
The Soviet Union never had any migrant issues... Well they did by Emigrants, not Immigrants.
4- France "socialist" Jean-Pierre Chevènement: "Our society is falling apart and I am worried for the republic" 📉
A retired politician that served as french minister several times, for different functions, member of the socialist party (France left) gave an interview recently.
He is rather satisfied of the comeback of sovereignty (socialist, not marxist, and by the way even George Soros is pro sovereignty oh well officially he is).
JPC calls himself a republican. Sight, semantics. He says migrants should not be thrown away and be given a chance, but at the same time they have to integrate to the republic (not burn its flags and spit on policemen). Oh boy, the socialist from the 90s 2000s is a white supremacist!
I remember seing him down the street back around 2000, every one was polite, he did not have plenty of guards. He'd probably get stabbed in the back today, how times have changed...
The french socialist party has really gone to crap, I mean popularity wise. A decade ago the lame president wanted to force "the rich" to pay 75% income tax or more, and had a confiscation tax (socialist France already has a wealth tax but this was bonus), because he does not understand that currency is not the same as purchasing power. By the way the whole world already has a wealth tax around 3%, it is called inflation.
Their results are not as bad as the UK labor camp, maybe they'll learn a lesson and not go full extreme.
JPC says that tribalism is threatening the republic, and society is divided and more and more violent (no mention of media & migrants).
The ACTUAL SOCIALIST (not megacorp globalist socialist) says that it is worrying and saddening that PATRIOTISM is disappearing in France, and that we can not have civility (an important french value) if there is no PATRIOTISM.
Which is necessary for the country to regain its (tech & industry) independance.
Note from me: some countries have come to rely a bit too much on foreign country for industry needs - industry is the real wealth creator - and only rely on services. Global trade is nice but full reliance is stupid and prices will be paid.
He condemns the removal of statues and says France should not bow down to intimidation from "decolonial" and "racialised" gangs.
There is more in the article but then it differs from the global subject and don't want to write a book.
Lmao there is a good one "Those that sucked the SOS racism cow udder back then did not go far". Ye go figure.
The communist party in France does not support these clowns (the "peaceful protestors"), not sure about the joke that is now the socialist party, the right and far right don't, not sure about the cattering center. Plus France already knows socialism well, and it has not been ponzi scheming students for decades, and it has not been abandonning people on the ground in front of hospitals, literally letting them die in agony because "sry can't afford it", the french are always striking and complaining but they don't have a reason to be that mad.
I don't think the country will burn, but there are challenges. Might see Frexit in not too long. Maybe the end of the Euro... Germany gains so much from it, France loses so much.
5- Goldbugs euphoric that Warren Buffet sold banking stocks & bought some gold stocks: The Gates Are Open 💸
Berkshire bought gold stocks with some pocket change, a mere 500 million, and also sold alot of banking stocks.
Goldbugs are very happy. One reason it allows the hedge fund sheeps to start buying gold & silver.
If the price goes down they can always say "well Warren did it".
Years ago Buffet & Munger had the biggest silver position in the world, 129 million ounces I heard.
So if they started buying and this is a possibility... There could be some big buying.
Gold is above $2000 once again, but I think we might still be in B. Will short if the price goes under B(min) and will buy if we go above A high.
If you calculate gold inflation adjusted price compared to the start of the XXth century, it comes to $500/oz.
Compared to GDP, MZM, M1/M2, the world money supply, world pop, etc you can get to pretty interesting numbers.
World pop more than quadrupled in the last 100 years, so brought to the population ignoring the change in supply, that's $2000 gold here.
Then add the gdp per capita immense growth, not Venezuela thought, they're at -80% already, probably even lower. Haha. Nice social programs.
Ok the world gdp grew more than 25 fold, so that's at least $12,500 gold ounce.
I don't think the supply grew much.
There are clowns saying "bUt gOlD iN thE sEa" sad. Not even going to argue about the economics or logic of it.
Just going to laugh and be sarcastic about it. Remember when for thousands of years there were big open mines in particular in west africa and the price did not fall?
Remember ancient days when people could just look down and pick up gold nuggets and price did not just go to zero?
Remember the US gold rush with rivers flowing with gold and people picking it up and the price remained strong?
Remember when we just all completely gave up gold because it is all around us, which is never?
6- China full of permabears, conspiracy theories: fear of ending up behind a Financial Iron Curtain (like Iran)
Remember the biggest USD bagholder in the world, China, that was in the denial stage recently but wisely reduced its risk by buying gold?
They are between anxious and panicked now. There are not hiding it anymore. No more masks, no more lies.
They bought into the biggest ponzi scheme in history. They worked hard for billions of hours and gave real things to fatmericans.
And what did they get for it? Worthless magic bean money 😂 A "promise". A promise that "ye sure one day we'll provide you with goods for this".
Their explosive growth has ended. They really thought communism was a big success. They have far higher inequality that EU(28) and even higher inequality than corporate infested america. They got very hopeful when they became less poor than African countries, and when growth accelerated (because of special economic zones) they got real euphoric. This was the top. They have been hit in the face with a big slowdown, and now have all the old problems (but not the wealth) of the west. Oh no so close.
Their gdp per capita reached a whooping $10,000/capita and they actually thought they'd become a rich country. Funny.
Now they are doubling down on communism, sending Uyghurs to concentration camps, destroying statues of Buddha (they must be racist statues).
Oh boy.
Only 2 things have fueled their growth:
Trump stated on twitter I think, that he wanted to fight income inequality. Dum dums acted surprised like this is not what he has done.
And basically this + everything else mean making the USA a net exporter again or at least not a ponzi schemer.
Bringing jobs back to the US (Apple & Google etc are very mad they might not got their cheap slaves in suicide net surrounded factories).
Well and so on.
So China would not only lose its main source of income because that's all this garbage regime can do, but they would also lose their lifesavings if the USA decide to just exit scam :)
Politicians and economists (the guys that are always wrong) have been publicly discussing their fears of the USA freezing their bags, and cucking them out of the dollar world order.
Oh my USDCNH is sh***ing itself while I type, it is going below all my levels.
Mentionned it in my "plan for the week" idea. Here it goes. It's already far for me to chase H1 I want a bigger pullback otherwise no go.
It's going to zero.
USDCNH | MY PERSPECTIVE FOR THE WEEKWe continue to enjoy profitable Bearish opportunity on this pair in the last 3 weeks as price moved over 350pips in our direction since my last publication (see link below for reference purposes). We might be looking forward to a last Bearish drive as the PBoC intends to promote the healthy development of offshore Yuan market.
Tendency: Downtrend ( Bearish )
Structure: Supply & Demand | Trendline
Observation: i. Price has been respecting my Bearish trendline in the last couple of weeks with no structure suggesting a possible Breakout of this line soon.
ii. Present structure at this phase in the market is screaming Breakdown of my Key level ! 6.93500 in the coming week(s).
Trading plan: SELL confirmation with a minimum potential profit of 350 pips.
Risk/Reward: 1:3
Potential Duration: 1 to 6 days
NB: This speculation can be considered to make decisions on lower timeframes.
Watch this space for updates as price action is been monitored.
Risk Disclaimer:
Margin trading in the foreign exchange market (including foreign exchange trading, CFDs, etc.) has a high risk and is not suitable for all investors. The content of this speculation (including all data) is organized and published by me for the sole purpose of education and assistance in making independent investment decisions. All information herein is for your reference only and I take no responsibility.
You are hereby advised to carefully consider your investment experience, financial situation, investment objective, risk tolerance level and consult your independent financial adviser as to the suitability of your situation prior to making any investment.
I do not guarantee its accuracy and is not liable for any loss or damage which may result directly or indirectly from such content or the receipt of any instruction or notification therewith.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
USDCNH summer sales 🦐After our last 2 call on this pair, we check for another opportunity on USDCNH pair.
The market hs moved in lower high lower low pattern and tested 3 times the ema 21 that always rejected the move.
Recently the price has retraced till the 0.5 fib level and now is pushing down to test again the weekly support.
If the price will manage to break and close below the structure we can look for a nice short order according with our strategy.
Follow the Shrimp 🦐
Here is the Plancton0618 technical analysis , please comment below if you have any question.
The ENTRY in the market will be taken only if the condition of Plancton0618 strategy will trigger.
USDCNH. The price will not leave the downtrend boundaries.Hello dear subscribers.
The dollar price in the previous chart for this currency pair
showed a positive result and the price reached its target.
However, the price continues to be under the influence of the
downtrend and will not leave its borders.
The price will fall to the support level.
Good luck to you!
If you liked this idea, please like and subscribe to my profile.
This idea does not provide the financial advice.
USDCNH | MY PERSPECTIVE FOR THE WEEKSince my last publication on this pair (see link below for reference purposes); price has moved over 500pips in our direction followed by a correction move with the anticipation of a further decline scattered all over the place! As USDCNH risk a further decline in the following week, a retest of my Key level is red flag to watch out for in the following week(s).
Tendency: Downtrend ( Bearish )
Structure: Retracement | Trendline | Breakdown | Supply & Demand
Observation: i. Breakdown of my Key zone @ 6.98000 followed by a retest of this zone in the following week confirms my Bearish bias on this one.
ii. Correction of Breakdown impulse leg appears to culminate at my key zone which is 61.8 retracements.
iii. It is also worthy to note how selling pressure has been strong at the corridors of my Bearish Trendline since it's inception in June 2020.
Trading plan: SELL confirmation with a minimum potential profit of 600 pips.
Risk/Reward: 1:3
Potential Duration: 3 to 7 days
NB: This speculation can be considered to make decisions on lower timeframes.
Watch this space for updates as price action is been monitored.
Risk Disclaimer:
Margin trading in the foreign exchange market (including foreign exchange trading, CFDs, etc.) has a high risk and is not suitable for all investors. The content of this speculation (including all data) is organized and published by me for the sole purpose of education and assistance in making independent investment decisions. All information herein is for your reference only and I take no responsibility.
You are hereby advised to carefully consider your investment experience, financial situation, investment objective, risk tolerance level and consult your independent financial adviser as to the suitability of your situation prior to making any investment.
I do not guarantee its accuracy and is not liable for any loss or damage which may result directly or indirectly from such content or the receipt of any instruction or notification therewith.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
USDCNH | WEEKLY PERSPECTIVERecent upbeat data from China standing in contrast to the sluggish US statistics, the Bears once again are gradually regaining control as Sellers bombard 6.9900 level, down 0.15% on the last day of last week. With a meagre 45pips since my last publication on this pair (see link below for reference purposes), my Bearish bias still persists as price action has been caught within a consolidation phase with the anticipation that a Breakout from this range might be emphatic in the following week(s).
Tendency : Downtrend ( Bearish )
Structure : Channel (Bearish Rectangle)
Observation : i. The fall of the USD since the beginning of July 2020 appears to continue even though we had a heavy consolidation pattern throughout the later part of last month.
ii. My Key level at 6.98000 is still a level on my radar in the coming week as I anticipate a significant Breakdown considering the selling pressure @ 7.00500.
iii. Kindly refer to my previous broadcast on this pair as the Harmonic expectation (AB = CD) is still in existence.
Trading plan : SELL confirmation with a minimum potential profit of 550 pips.
Risk/Reward : 1:3
Potential Duration : 1 to 5 days
NB: This speculation can be considered to make decisions on lower timeframes.
Watch this space for updates as price action is been monitored.
Risk Disclaimer:
Margin trading in the foreign exchange market (including foreign exchange trading, CFDs, etc.) has a high risk and is not suitable for all investors. The content of this speculation (including all data) is organized and published by me for the sole purpose of education and assistance in making independent investment decisions. All information herein is for your reference only and I take no responsibility.
You are hereby advised to carefully consider your investment experience, financial situation, investment objective, risk tolerance level and consult your independent financial adviser as to the suitability of your situation prior to making any investment.
I do not guarantee its accuracy and is not liable for any loss or damage which may result directly or indirectly from such content or the receipt of any instruction or notification therewith.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Decent Entry: USDCNHI believe that currently the USDCNH is having correlations previous to one of its last breakout patterns and that at the current price, it is a decent entry. I think currently this is mid risk. That being said, everything I say is on an opinion based basis. Please proceed with caution and do your own due diligence. Invest at your own risk.
USDCNH : Trendline BreakoutHi .
The trend line on the USDCNH pair has been broken since May 28.
Parameters :
Position Size : %1 (0.01)
Risk/Reward Ratio : 2.00
Leverage : 100x
Stop-Loss : 6.99627
Goal : 7.0596
If everything goes well here, the long position above Fibonacci 618 level can be tried again.
ridethepig | Tracking CNH Extremely Closely🔸 China Macro Flows 🔸
The point of this configuration is that CNH is influencing the currency, equity and commodity board that can be seen in AUDUSD, NZDUSD, OIL, Gold and everything in-between...USD's cannot make any use of the Yuan devaluation and this has been a threat ever since Saudi unlocked the CNY oil contract.
For those tracking the Long-term Macro Playbook we are reaching the first area of strong support. Now that all the pieces to the global economy are hanging by a thread, it will be difficult to continue betting on the downside in USD until we clear the second chapter in covid. To put simply,
expecting a temporary stop-over till 2021 as markets will have a difficult time from August convincing people to stand as guarantors to CNH till year-end.
The "Giant Panda" has been playing a 🔑 role in sitting on the AUD bid...however, in an ever changing environment the arrival of Covid Chapter II will make things even more complex. Highly recommend digging deeper into the AUDCNH and NZDCNH which are both experiencing the slingshot as widely expected since the start of the pandemic:
... As you all know by now the Oil devaluation gave China a third lever to control its C.A surplus - by devaluing the black stuff it was the equivalent of devaluating the Yuan. As long as we get another hammer in Oil then it will offset any upside in CNHUSD, the only way that the U.S. can manoeuvre around this is by pushing up the price of XAU in USD terms.
... Well as we can trade GC1 and CL1 in both USD and CNY terms it means the Gold:Oil ratio is indirectly tightening the noose on the petrodollar market.
Despair. It illustrates the unhealthy stance of the energy market and the 'checkmate' from China/Russia. The textbook move involves a pinning of USD and US Equities. We are still not quite there yet where the USD can begin the waterfall devaluation, it will take a Plaza Accord 2.0 to trigger such an event and until the dollar peaks Equities will remain vulnerable to gyrations in risk sentiment.
Those who are betting on the CNHUSD breakdown are also aiming for a retest of support at the March lows in SPX, NQ and DJIA... The USD will still be the safest place to park in Covid Chapter II.
📍 The Dow
📍 Shanghai Comp
Highly recommend tracking CNH in the 'endgame' of the economy cycle. Typically recessions last 5 Quarters in time and it is far from unusual to see 2 or 3 of those Quarters as dead-cat-bounces. If you are still in any doubts of the picture equity promoters are painting, please take a look at Long Bonds which are refusing to subscribe to the V-shaped consensus view.
As usual thanks for keeping the feedback coming 👍 or 👎
The Chinese yuan continues to advance against the US dollarThe Chinese yuan continues to advance against the US dollar as the Chinese economy gradually recovers. The USD/CNH trading pair’s prices are widely predicted to remain bearish and possibly reach its support level in the first week of August. Bears are hoping to force prices to the range last seen in early March before the pandemic worsened around the world. The main strength of the Chinese yuan comes from the recent reports that Goldman Sachs says that it sees the currency reinforcing itself against the US dollar in the next 12 months. However, the Chinese yuan’s strength suddenly felt a sudden stop this Monday after the People’s Bank of China announced its official interest rates this morning. Earlier this Monday, the PBoC announced that it has set its 5-year loan prime rate at about 4.65%, leaving it unchanged from a month earlier. Aside from that, the Chinese central bank also left its 1-year loan prime rate unmoved at about 3.85%.
USDCNH | WEEKLY PERSPECTIVEWith over 800pips in our direction since my last publication (see link below for reference purposes), it appears that the Chinese Yuan is not reversing any time soon as USD/CNH risks a potential decline to the 6.9500/6.9300 area in the coming week(s).
Tendency: Downtrend ( Bearish )
Structure: Harmonic (AB = CD)
Observation: i. The fall of the USD since the beginning of this month (July 2020) appears to continue as we anticipate a Breakdown of my Key level 6.98000 leading to a Harmonic pattern.
ii. ABCD pattern expectations:
a. Impulse A-to-B expected to be in harmony with the potential C-to-D leg.
b. The B- to-C leg is at 50.0% Fibonacci retracement of the A-to-B leg.
c. The C-to-D leg is expected to fall within 127.2 - 1.414% Fib. ext. of the A-to-B move.
Trading plan: SELL confirmation with a minimum potential profit of 450 pips.
Risk/Reward: 1:2.5
Potential Duration: 1 to 4 days
NB: This speculation can be considered to make decisions on lower timeframes.
Watch this space for updates as price action is been monitored.
Risk Disclaimer:
Margin trading in the foreign exchange market (including foreign exchange trading, CFDs, etc.) has a high risk and is not suitable for all investors. The content of this speculation (including all data) is organized and published by me for the sole purpose of education and assistance in making independent investment decisions. All information herein is for your reference only and I take no responsibility.
You are hereby advised to carefully consider your investment experience, financial situation, investment objective, risk tolerance level and consult your independent financial adviser as to the suitability of your situation prior to making any investment.
I do not guarantee its accuracy and is not liable for any loss or damage which may result directly or indirectly from such content or the receipt of any instruction or notification therewith.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
The Chinese yuan continues to see gains against the US dollarThe Chinese yuan continues to see gains against the US dollar this Wednesday. Although yesterday the buck appeared like it’s forcing a recovery, there are more fundamental factors supporting the Chinese yuan’s case. The pair will likely reach its support levels this July thanks to the positive sentiment sparked by American investment banking company, Goldman Sachs. Just recently, it was reported that the bank sees the Chinese yuan strengthening further against the beloved US dollar in the next twelve months. According to the bank’s strategists, the Chinese yuan will primarily rally thanks to the recovery of the Chinese economy’s health. It’s no new news that China, where the outbreak started, has very few existing cases as of writing. That comes in contrast to the number of cases seen in the United States. Aside from that, the economic recovery of some of China’s biggest trading partners is helping the yuan power through.
USD/CNH 7/7/2020Welcome to this analysis on USD/CNH.
Looking at the daily chart, the price has been trading in a wide range between 6.85 and 7.2 since July. On 28th of May price tested the top resistant of the range and got rejected from there and created a Head And Shoulders reversal pattern at the top half of the range that just got activated by a break and close below the neckline of the pattern at 7.04. The target of the Head And Shoulders is around 6.88 as long as the price doesn't move back up above the right shoulder of the pattern.
The first support zone below the price is around 6.92 and below that the low of the range at 6.85.
This trade idea has 4 rewards to risk ratio.
Good luck trading.
USDCNH A Great Buying OpportunityTrade Proposal:
There is a probability of first tp to the proposed (7,04535) Direction line. So, Traders can set orders based on Price Action and expect to reach short-term goals.
Technical analysis:
USDCNH Waiting for the Range Bound and the beginning of the Ascension Trend.
TP1= 7,04535
USDCNH Bullish OpportunityWaiting for Price to Breakout of this minor trend line holding price orders, in order to enter with precision and proper Risk/Reward. I have to wait and adapt to the market conditions that show when the market opens, by adapting means by adjusting the trading idea as price flows closer to support if it decides to. Get your Buy Stops ready is all I'm saying.
Trade idea USDCNH longUSDCNH follows a medium-term uptrend. On 27/05/2020 the pair reached its previous high at 7.20 and got rejected. In the last two weeks we saw a decline back to the SMA200 at 7.0450 where we today saw a rebound in an environment of risk aversion and dollar strength. This situation gives a long engagements a very good return/risk ratio. Trade parameters are as follows:
- entry at current level of 7.08
- stop loss at 7.01 (conservative approach) or below 7.04 (aggressive approach)
- take profit at 7.195 for 67% of the position