USNAS100 4H (Pivot Price: 14788)USNAS100
if it falls above 14788 in this direction will rise to 14935 then 15083 then 15210
but if it is below 14788 the direction will go down 14698 then 14584 then 14445
Pivot Price: 14788
Resistance prices: 14935 & 15083 & 15210
Support prices: 14698 & 14584 & 14445
If a price can stable above 14769 the direction will be uptrend again to reach 14894, 14955, 15023
For any reason if the price backs off and stable under 14769, the price will try to reach 14685 If can break it then will reach 14600 and 15517
Support line: 14685 , 14600 , 15517
resistance line: 14894, 14955, 15023
USNAS100 4H (Pivot Price: 14788)USNAS100
if it falls above 14788 in this direction will rise to 14935 then 15083 then 15210
but if it is below 14788 the direction will go down 14698 then 14584 then 14445
Pivot Price: 14788
Resistance prices: 14935 & 15083 & 15210
Support prices: 14698 & 14584 & 14445
If a price can stable above 14769 the direction will be uptrend again to reach 14894, 14955, 15023
For any reason if the price backs off and stable under 14769, the price will try to reach 14685 If can break it then will reach 14600 and 15517
Support line: 14685 , 14600 , 15517
resistance line: 14894, 14955, 15023
USNAS100 4H GDP will move USNAS100
Today the market will be volatile because this time Congress will be sensitive and will decide about the next interest rate so that every word will be effective on the market,
if it falls above 14569 in this direction will rise to 14698 then 14786 then 14935
but if it is below 14569 the direction will go down 14492 then 14376 then 14259
Pivot Price: 14569
Resistance prices: 14698 & 14786 & 14935
Support prices: 14492 & 14376 & 14259
If a price can stable above 14623 the direction will be uptrend again to reach 14728, 14854, 14955
For any reason if the price backs off and stable under 14623, the price will try to reach 14507 If can break it then will reach 14453 and 14375
Support line: 14507, 14453, 14375
resistance line: 14728, 14854, 14955
If a price can stable above 14661 the direction will be uptrend again to reach 14771, 14854 , 14955
For any reason if the price backs off and stable under 14661 , the price will try to reach 14578 If can break it then will reach 14507 and 14453
Support line: 14691 , 14578, 14507
resistance line: 14854 , 14955 , 14453
USNAS100 4H (Pivot Price: 14569)USNAS100
if it falls above 14569 in this direction will rise to 14698 then 14786 then 14935
but if it is below 14569 the direction will go down 14492 then 14376 then 14259
Pivot Price: 14569
Resistance prices: 14698 & 14786 & 14935
Support prices: 14492 & 14376 & 14259
USNAS100 4H (Pivot Price: 14698)USNAS100
if it falls above 14698 in this direction will rise to 14896 then 15046 then 15379
but if it is below 14698 the direction will go down 14576 then 14492 then 14376
Pivot Price: 14698
Resistance prices: 14896 & 15046 & 15379
Support prices: 14576 & 14492 & 14376
If a price can stable above 14707 the direction will be uptrend again to reach 14771, 14854 , 14955
For any reason if the price backs off and stable under 14707, the price will try to reach 14578 If can break it then will reach 14507 and 1414453
Support line: 14691 , 14578, 14507
resistance line: 14854 , 14955 , 14453
USNAS100 4H (Pivot Price: 14698)USNAS100
if it falls above 14698 in this direction will rise to 14896 then 15046 then 15379
but if it is below 14698 the direction will go down 14576 then 14492 then 14376
Pivot Price: 14698
Resistance prices: 14896 & 15046 & 15379
Support prices: 14576 & 14492 & 14376
If a price can stable above 14785 the direction will be uptrend again to reach 14854 , 14955 , 15023
For any reason if the price backs off and stable under 14785 , the price will try to reach 14691 If can break it then will reach 14578 and 14507
Support line: 14691 , 14578, 14507
resistance line: 14854 , 14955 , 15023
USNAS100 After a lot of decline today between (14787 & 14707 )USNAS100
After a lot of decline today between (14787 & 14707 )
if it falls above 14787 in this direction will rise to 14896 then 15046 then 15379
but if it is below 14707 the direction will go down 14576 then 14376 then 14259
Pivot Price: 14787
Resistance prices: 14896 & 15046 & 15379
Support prices: 14576 & 14376 & 14259
timeframe: 4H
USNAS100 4H ( Pivot Price: 14861)USNAS100
if it falls above 14861 in this direction will rise to 15000 then 15087 then 15184
but if it is below 14861 the direction will go down 14782 then 14689 then 14591
Pivot Price: 14861
Resistance prices: 15000 & 15087 & 15184
Support prices: 14782 & 14689 & 14591
timeframe: 4H
If a price can stable above 14952 the direction will be uptrend again to reach 15026 , 15082 , 15125
For any reason if the price backs off and stable under 14854 , the price will try to reach 14788 If can break it then will reach 14691 and 14578
Support line: 14691 , 14578 , 14691
resistance line: 15026 , 15082 , 15125
USNAS100 4H Changing direction zone USNAS100
if it falls above 15264 in this direction will rise to 15360 then 15441 then 15528
but if it is below 15176 the direction will go down 15087 then 14999 then 14920
Resistance prices: 15360 & 15441 & 15528
Support prices: 15087 & 14999 & 14920
timeframe: 4H
USNAS100 4H (Pivot Price: 15264) USNAS100
if it falls above 15360 in this direction will rise to 15528 then 15600 then 15706
but if it is below 15264 the direction will go down 15184 then 15106 then 15027
Pivot Price: 15264
Resistance prices: 15528 & 15600 & 15706
Support prices: 15184 & 15106 & 15027
timeframe: 4H
USNAS100 4H (Pivot Price: 15264)USNAS100
if it falls above 15360 in this direction will rise to 15528 then 15600 then 15706
but if it is below 15264 the direction will go down 15184 then 15106 then 15027
Pivot Price: 15264
Resistance prices: 15528 & 15600 & 15706
Support prices: 15184 & 15106 & 15027
timeframe: 4H
If a price can stable above 15535 the direction will be uptrend again to reach 15605, 15697 , 15769
For any reason if the price backs off and stable under 15462, the price will try to reach 15355 If can break it then will reach 15242 and 15151
Support line: 15355, 15242 , 15151
resistance line: 15605, 15697 , 15769
USNAS100 4H (Pivot Price: 15528 )USNAS100
if it falls above 15528 in this direction will rise to 15600 then 15706 then 15826
but if it is below 15528 the direction will go down 15360 then 15264 then 15184
Pivot Price: 15528
Resistance prices: 15600 & 15706 & 15826
Support prices: 15360 & 15264 & 15184
timeframe: 4H
USNAS100 4H (Pivot Price:15406)
if it falls above 15406 in this direction will rise to 15487 then 15600 then 15706
but if it is below 15264 the direction will go down 15264 then 15184 then 15027
Pivot Price:15406
Resistance prices: 15480 & 15600 & 15706
Support prices: 15264 & 15184 & 15027
timeframe: 4H
USNAS100 4H (Pivot Price:15264)USNAS100
if it falls above 15358 in this direction will rise to 15480 then 15600 then 15706
but if it is below 15264 the direction will go down 15264 then 15184 then 15027
Pivot Price:15264
Resistance prices: 15480 & 15600 & 15706
Support prices: 15264 & 15184 & 15027
timeframe: 4H
USNAS100 4H (Pivot Price:15477)
if it falls above 15477 in this direction will rise to 15538 then 15601 then 15654
but if it is below 15422 the direction will go down 15367 then 15264 then 15184
the condition is closing the 4H candle above 15477
Pivot Price:15477
Resistance prices: 15538 & 15601 & 15654
Support prices: 15367 & 15264 & 15184
timeframe: 4H