OPTIONS TIP: WHEN/HOW TO MECHANICALLY SHORT VOLATILITYThere are two types of VIX or VIX product (i.e., VXX, UVXY, and SVXY) trades that I like: (a) "Term Structure" and (b) "Contango Drift" trades.
"Term Structure" Trades
"Term Structure" trades are only done in VIX, since only VIX has an underlying future (/VX) and a "term structure," with /VX futures prices generally priced at increasingly higher prices as you go further out in time. While these trades do benefit from contango, they are set up using the /VX futures term structure (not VIX spot price). In that sense, the price of VIX is somewhat irrelevant to these trades, although you'll naturally find that if spot is elevated, the futures price in the expiry in which you want to set up your trade is, too.
My entries are straightforward: (a) find the /VX front month futures price >16 and in an expiry that is <90 days out; (b) sell a short call vertical spread with the short call aspect at/near the /VX futures price in the expiry that corresponds to that of the /VX future (i.e., if the /VX future >16 is in Dec, sell the VIX short call vert in the Dec expiry with the VIX short call strike at 16 and the long call out from that strike).
You can naturally go lower (i.e., the 15 strike), but I view the 16 level as a fairly long term average level that I'm comfortable working with. As far as the width of the spread is concerned, that will be subjective. The wider you go, the more the max loss potential -- keep your risk consistent with your per trade risk tolerance. To give you some sense as to what to expect out of these: look for .70-.80/contract on a three-wide and look to take profit at 50% max.
"Contango Drift" Trades
The vast majority of the time, VIX is in contango. What does this mean? Without going into too much detail as to "why this is so" and at the risk of oversimplifying things, it basically means that products like VXX and UVXY decline over time in the absence of backwardation. Backwardation -- where near-term futures prices or spot is actually higher than longer-dated futures -- doesn't occur all that often, so the general, overall, long-term drift of these instruments is toward zero, with occasional reverse splits being necessary to prevent them from ceasing to exist. That being said, these instruments experience spikes just as VIX does; it's just that -- on average, over time -- they decline in value, and "Contango Drift" trades look to benefit from that fairly inevitable decline.
Entries here are also straightforward, but some patience is required to wait for the right metrics to occur -- a VXST/VIX ratio of greater than 1.0. The higher the ratio, the better. When that ratio is greater than 1.0: sell a short call vert in either VXX or UVXY (a) in a 45 days until expiry or greater; (b) with the short call aspect at the first in-the-money strike; and (c) the long call aspect as wide as your per trade risk tolerance permits. With SVXY, an inverse, do the opposite: sell a short put vert (a) in a 45 days until expiry or greater; (b) with the short put aspect at the first in-the-money strike; and (c) the long put aspect as wide as your per trade tolerance permits.
With these, I attempt to get 1/3rd the width of the spread in credit, so for a three wide, you should be seeking a 1.00 in credit; a four-wide, 1.25, etc. Liquidity in these instruments -- particularly in UVXY and SVXY -- can sometimes be "pesky" with wide bid/asks, so you frequently need to shoot for a mid price fill and then walk your fill price in incrementally to get filled. As with the "Term Structure" trades, I shoot for 50% of credit received for these.
1 -- Assuming that VIX is in contango.
2 -- SVXY, an inverse, increases over time.
3 -- SVXY, an inverse, "regular" splits.
4 -- I personally like something north of 1.15, but it's hard to hit these spot on.
THE WEEK AHEAD: RRC, GDX, GDXJ, AND XLIIn spite of various media reports that "volatility is back," anyone who plays the premium selling game knows that it isn't in significant measure. Nevertheless, there is some uptick in volatility as compared to the post-election to March volatility lull, which was a slog to get through for premium sellers who look to capitalize on a high implied volatility environment. That being said, the minor uptick isn't providing candidates for picky premium sellers like myself, who look for certain implied volatility metrics to get into plays.
High Implied Volatility Rank/High Implied Volatility Underlyings
Currently, there is only one underlying that meets my >70/50 rank/implied volatility metrics, and it's RRC with a rank of 98 and a background of 55. It's a land-based oil and gas exploration and development company with an abysmal balance sheet, and it's less than an ideal options play for the impatient, since it only has monthlies to work with. Possible plays would be an Oct 20th 15 short put at the ~26 delta (neutral to bullish), which is currently paying .50 at the mid with a break even of 14.50 or a nondirectional: the Oct 20th 16 short straddle (neutral to slightly bearish) is paying 2.30 at the mid with break evens at 13.70 and 18.30 (I would skew bearish, since we've seen a bit of a Harvey bump in oil prices that is likely to recede in fairly short order) or a defined risk Oct 20th 13/16/16/19 iron fly (neutral to slightly bearish) with break evens at 14.22/17.78, a credit of 1.78, and a buying power effect of 1.22.
Low Implied Volatility Rank/Low Implied Volatility
Currently, XLI, GDXJ, and GDX all have ranks at the very low end of their ranges.
The gold plays are really no surprise there, with gold having ripped up to 52-week highs on risk off sentiment and overall Greenback weakness. Ordinarily, these would basically beg for a low volatility strategy such as a 40 delta/same strike* calendar, but these will not be worthwhile unless you go multiple contracts due to the size of the underlying. Consequently, working something like a 90/30 Poor Man's Covered Put** might be more productive if you've got an assumption that risk on and/or Greenback strength will return at some point and gold will weaken. For example, the bearish assumption Oct 20th 24 short put/March 16th 33 long put Poor Man's Covered Put costs a 7.66 debit/contract to put on.
XLI -- which I honestly have not played much, evokes similar setups ... .
VIX/VIX Derivatives
The first /VX future at >16 (north of where I like to setup up my VIX tent, generally) is currently in January (128 days until expiry). That contact was trading at 16.12 as of Friday close, but it's still a little too far out in time for me to set up a play, since I generally like these with 90 days to go or less. The VIX Jan 17th 16/19 short call vertical with a fairly generous break even at 17.75, is paying .80 at the mid, which is generally what you get out of these VIX term structure plays (between .65 and .85/contract). That being said, the Feb expiry is amenable to laddering out, with the 17/20 paying .77, so I may go ahead and put on a trade if I see little else going on next week, particularly since it's a rollover week, where there might be some temporary uptick in futures contract pricing as the term structure adjusts.
With the derivatives (VXX, UVXY, SVXY), I'm looking for a short VXX/short UVXY entry or an SVXY long entry if the VXST/VIX ratio pops to 1.15 or so. With VXX/UVXY, this will generally mean a 45 days 'til expiration short call vert with the short call slightly in-the-money and the long aspect out-of-the-money such that the spread yields one-third the width of the strikes. With SVXY (an inverse), it'll mean the opposite -- a short put vertical with similar characteristics.
* -- Back month long at the 40 delta strike; front month at the same strike.
** -- Back month long at the 90 delta; front month at the 30.
VXX - Upward breakout Long from $13.67 to $15.23 & higher VXX seems starting to make a move, and breaking up its key resistance point. We think it has strong upside potential for current label.
* Trade Criteria *
Date First Found- July 6, 2017
Pattern/Why- Fallen angel formation, Breakout trade
Entry Target Criteria- Break of $13.67
Exit Target Criteria- $15.23
Stop Loss Criteria- N/A
Please check back for Trade updates. (Note: Trade update is little delayed here.)
Short volatility play in VXXWith the spike in volatility and knowing that next week might be a slow one I did a short play on volatility. Sold the 8 days to expiration 14 Call on VXX for $0.68 per contract.
This is a naked trade and it is a high probability trade, but it can be very risky if volatility explodes. If that happens we will have to defend it, but most likely by the end of next week we will be making a nice profit, since volatility usually don't stay high for that long.
Do yourself a favour...... and buy the $VIX (or some form of it)
Volatility about to get STUPID.
VIX will double from here.
Neutral/Bullish trade on VXXWe are at the lows and this trade is a neutral to bullish strategy. By selling the 18/19 Credit spread we make money if VXX continues to go down, however by selling the At the money Put we collect enough premium so that we have no risk to the upside in case volatility decides to explode.
To be more efficient with my capital I am also buying the 13 Put improving my margin requirements by 76% percent and only losing 4% of the credit received.
I collected 1.09 per contract with a 70% chance to close at 50%
SP500, SPY - The End is nearSP500 Daily Chart
Did you like my title? "The end is near". BUT NOT YET. I'll explain. First on this daily chart I would like to point out that we dropped a little bit over the last couple weeks. The hidden bearish divergence on the RSI below played out. But as you can also see, we have a larger hidden bullish divergence that has formed. Look at the last hidden bullish divergence and you can see how we made new highs shortly after. Well this divergence is a little bigger. So I do think we will be ramping up hear very soon and I do think we can reach somewhere around the 2500 range (to complete this larger 1st wave) before the larger corrective 2nd wave begins. Yes, only wave 2, not the END. That comes later. So lets look at some possible key events that could trigger the wave 2 correction. (and the correction should be a decent 10% drop). 1st, I do not think the FED will raise rates in May. Even if the market is up to 2500 at that point. The reason being is that I think the fear of the French election will keep the FED at bay. So there is a 2 round vote in France. The first one is April 23rd and the second is May 7th. I think the Brexit and Trump affect will win the day in France and Le Pen will be victorious. But the media wont say that. So that could have a similar affect as Brexit did. And thereby bring a little shock to the Markets. But that wont last long and we will start a hefty larger wave 3 of wave 5.
I will post my Monthly or weekly chart next to show you what I see is happening. This market has structure and it is playing out like I see it.
SP500 Rate Hike Feb 1st ?? I do believe soI have been giving it some thought and I have a feeling that there will be a rate hike on February 1st and I will list my reasons. #1) We are currently in the micro wave 5 which wont last until the March 14th Fed meeting. 2) The CME group has a FED Watch tool that gives a percentage for the likelihood for a rate hike for this year.....and for Feb 1st we are at 96%. #3) the RSI is showing a good sized bearish divergence that you can see below. #4) we have not had a DCL low since November 4th and we are about due. #5) the market barely took a hit at the last rate hike and now the DOW just broke 20,000 which usually lets the FED know that the market can handle a rate hike.
So then, if they do hike what could be expected for a drop in the SP500? If my wave count is correct and we are currently finishing wave 3...and this correction would be a wave 4, then we shouldn't be able to drop below the bold black line with the blue arrow which is 2194 max. But a more likely target for me would be the 100 DMA which should be approximately at 2210 - 2215 range by that time.
Last little tid bit> what looks reasonable for a target price by February 1st. Well, you will know on that day or the day before but I am thinking that we push up to just over 2300, maybe up to 2310. Which we are almost there. GL
sp500 spxI believe we are completing our minor wave 5 up to about 2300 2310 range in this bigger wave three. The FOMC rate hike estimation for February 1st is at 97%. I do believe they will hike again on that date being that the last one did nothing. This would also coincide with an overdue DCL. But if we are in fact in a bigger wave 3 then this correction should not be able to extend lower than the bold black line with the blue arrow pointing at it.
That's it, short and sweet. GL
THE WEEK AHEAD: SLIM PICKINGS FOR THE PREMIUM SELLERWith VIX at sub-12 levels, broad market implied volatility is low here, and a basic screen run for high implied volatility rank/high implied volatility yields few high quality results. Here's what I'm looking at ... .
SPY et al (Broad Market)
The first expiry with greater than 15% implied volatility for SPY is in the June expiry. The most I like to go out with these is around 90 DTE, so no play there unless you like to watch paint dry. (The theta decay of a June setup would be painful to watch).
The only earnings play next week with >70 implied vol rank/>50 implied vol is $NFLX, which announces on 1/18 after market close. I'll probably play that with my standard volatility contraction setup, which will either be an iron condor or short strangle, although I could also see just playing it with a 20-delta short put (bullish assumption).
The only playable individual underlying without earnings on the horizon appears to be P, but the only worthwhile setup due to the price of the underlying would be an ATM short straddle, 45 DTE. It looks like that would pay 2.00 or so at the door; shooting for 25% max profit would yield about $50 per contract.
Exchange Traded Funds
There are literally no sector exchange traded funds out there that meet my criteria for a premium selling play (>70% implied vol rank; >35% implied volatility), unless you count $GDXJ (junior gold miners) and $UNG (the natty gas proxy).
With $GDXJ, I'm contemplating the simplest play out there -- a naked short put (bullish assumption). Unfortunately, however, I missed the "meat of the dip," so am hesitant to pull the trigger here against a backdrop of Fed tightening and therefore Greenback strength going forward.
I'll post the $NFLX, $P, and $GDXJ plays if I decide to play ... .
VIX/VIX Derivatives
I continue to keep an eye on VIX "front month" futures. The Feb expiry is currently trading at 14.20-ish; the March, at 15.70. The Feb is a bit low for my tastes on which to base a VIX term structure trade; I already have a March setup on; and VIX is too low for a "Contango Drift" trade in one of the derivatives.
My original intention with UVXY was just to slap on an ATM short call vert post split, but the options chains have been somewhat slow to populate for the standard contracts. You will see the chain with both 20's (the nonstandard contract for options that were on when the split occurred) and 100s (the standard contract). Some care needs to be taken not to accidentally enter a trade in a non-standard or a combo of a standard and a non-standard ... .
sp500 One more Bullish week? 2298SP500 Daily Chart
It appears that we are in our micro wave 5 move to complete this bigger wave 3. That's how I see it anyways. And I think we can make it to almost 2300 before the DCL rollover. It just never seems to be able to make it all the way through those milestones marks the first time. If you zoom out you will see my little cycle indicators and if you zoom out further you can see the larger cycle indicators. But these seems to shift overs the years. But it appears to be about right for the present. I posted the RSI and you can see that even if we do make it to 2300 range, we are likely to have a bearish divergence. What is really scary is if you jump to the monthly charts, you can see a huge bearish divergence on the RSI from back in early 2015 to the present. When that will play out is a guess but I still think we climb to 3000 in late 2019 before the crash. And I think the November 2019 Presidential Election will be the Catalyst. That's is just my crazy long shot opinion. So looking for at least one more up week for the Markets. Dow will break 20,000 this time. Its ready, I can feel it.
SP500 Vix start of 2017Daily chart for SP500
So I saw someone else's idea about wave count with the SP500 and he may be correct. I was always wondering about the correction we had that ended in November. As you can see it dipped well below the August 15th peak. That is not suppose to happen if that was a Wave 4 corrective move. So another person had an idea that the end of the Brexit dip was nothing but the end of a very large correction from the previous large long rally. So I moved the wave count as it is now shown on the chart in blue. That would mean that we are just starting wave 4 correction which shouldn't be as deep (percentage) as wave 2 was. So that would bring this correction to most likely the purple line channel and at best we should not break the bold black horizontal line. A break of that black line would once again nullify this wave count. Not to mention, we are only due for a short term cycle correction "DCL" and not due for a ICL for a couple months. That being said, I am going to guess that we have the next rate hike on May 2nd which should help trigger the ICL to start.
I am currently in TVIX right now for a small gain. I do not see this dip lasting much longer this week. I do not think I will revisit the VIX until we are due for a bigger better drop in the SP500 DCL in March.