Deeper Network DPR Crypto NewsBelow is the list of Genesis Gold Ter8 Miner Wallets connected to the ECR20 Deeper Token Smart Contract. You can search their movements on & to see who is supporting this project and who moving DPR across the bridge to BSC or ERC20 to then resell it as the price keeps dropping.
5G3YGLEefsLEDPZCnprYw4VxxkfF5KKmimuCknf2fZYSGqtM Australia
5CXwAf8Dp7C2aEnqZ5gakyFEy2wCv4iq63exuspuhWsjyd7N Canada
5DLTXXQfSrZtFxfVTb27hfsQYzj2H1BxjWbh6wF93TuxwbKA Canada
5DcrtrVd5WzEwtCsd98Y1dHhu5SrjU25PDQc1GbgQmsetHr9 China
5CJjEhwCH8T1Yn36boaRwYzTjioSLegermUq59HSg7HNpEWp China
5F99HbbsZW3ESJpvBG3JGU43c8hKZtqDAjNqSfikeByiU4nS China
5Fnj9ZKJicNTrfN14UxcDhbnagV8mVxVyJqoT54dDmSrh8QT China
5DSLVNUSreqKEL6r9f4Dpy9Usq1gVieLtv62frbmYrQAAuxj China
5EM89PTmvBZ17G6Sz5bJUUQt7gfVFqyHLJSdSMw7M2dcMCi7 China
5Fhj8KwvHmzyCg3F79zqj2sBbdyAZLRrng8awPztTr82tKYc China
5FYsZTqiBD2R21aY8EyoLkfEdk4sJWoxffR86eEHoeYkRqjv China
5CP8bgb22A8Ci8zvNjAFNkf3ckthbNcdeifjwfv897RhVRvF China
5Ew1qrNzCpVwDHU9jNMvvWtbi6Qw1me8x9MeVWVZrBdroary China
5FCAaindCCTonECoTr6X4ovWrLYr1dym8Ep3SkseEuNthTyV China
5EUVpgVF69kY6GVFZtVRNSbcaHqZ6LsrW5udP6x3yNZeRuy7 China
5H5y2m1ZGMGN7oysYCSkF9AVpioVKDNBxwMUrtUMw4nJ9xzT China
5Cyeo62Bk2iJ3XCqyHZ2E22VuVwMMmkTGeb6V1dLgGuQqZ7k China
5E7bWJ4kWKUo3t9icSuKwAsv29YbNngKEm9N9Piu7amVdEKP China
5HGyQFRaRVfpak12t28gj2de7SxJ3KAJaEUZ4CjDZEAiUUXp China
5F4pFuAaeUE32itXSBmtCGPYXH7uFRF1mQ1TjVPpuDnsrJLb China
5Fv7jrT5zXAAouDCAibL4Man1DPxRkSGorrRPoUF61c2uSzg China
5FgxAeDDH5q4onKADb6vGkGzWam7GHPCqpdGdxZdz1xvHak2 China
5EtRS9pHTUh3ydjuHADeQGBQBWh3jgJjgKhB42DLWYjKGnCz China
5GViXCfq22KUdWYK9E6bFZXYJWY7v4EVKJz3mgn6vGGPU1iT Great Britain
5ELEbWGu4fr27tbX6cSiqsFUupcRQaLdghzqp7p9MxwsVhTP India
5GbbFvsjzTuBMT61eSjSmj8hN4GGqws2kv4SCxEdrGBoj56i Korea
5DkLLYCnvGZxFzLDUzP5xxAVnMEagmLXUPPrccuu49kQAH6i Korea
5HWScN1djdjTQ2A4UaojZDyJAd4GZenDMvd6f2k5qZiDN9S1 Korea
5GCRLi52wTynPvV3QXeVSRi2XkJ2NsTTS4XmVGcMGv2LiQfn Korea
5FNUvJQ1288pnNzYPcU7j1dT6my3YDUAyWr1eKU18Nk6L5oE Korea
5EJHcJJeUJ5zLY5cd7B6GtAPaLjAvRy5ivYBmu9S1iB7oqki Korea
5GjdtqtruyNMtCyap5PFKhe84h7XSHcQGTxC4FukqGsJ4sWf Korea
5GEyHKbF8qzzhDPF5q6wbEsFrXzWxoQ5mM6YAgoKLHRioqVX Korea
5Fmt9ujzDQCczYtTRRfTPApnMDnabDFBpttFdZ2nUJCocXpc Korea
5FgxprKcDURxyq2qtdyfGTxyU5HcYeJKQ5xq6Yk2DqaPT6or Korea
5FsUaK9Bxx34Lp3cPVm15Bvo8zjhPPBfRUmnqwxLEVwLEWiJ Korea
5CPkZgLTQ37SS5GPdu2ZFnRikB26QoqCJKt85k1QDHVmDWEa Korea
5Gng44LUSE95SYK49HVr2jGbswqJH3puMSwz4qDFaMWaKNC5 New Zealand
5FCEgFPA1YE5fFsArxkjVsuxWXWj6kP7tpSvsXerxM5yCJZQ New Zealand
5E7KngvV1BS6ksoG3KVPYnFcyqjKpqDBpEbk2sFSVf7WUTYB Poland
5ES6o19S7GEU563uZKcbwHPZyXkPKenzJ2vyCzhWgmM6Fku5 Romania
5Gngy31M1yFkJNDPCv1EaDqaHZmxrUh2Ec28WHwVMmqoGzua Romania
5EuznmnpYwHseDQReBh5YFLgkXLML4EnJAKTxNJAGsBx3FEv Romania
5F9X4WoYCwjUtRNwCJDuxKdMYqfA1rhQZwwLn9CtEbVxPNKg Romania
5GEiCoRKkWvooK8nbzWhZzdKs5nfFR6Tfa6tWvHRypLzWZhC Romania
5EF9kfNGhciL9BqcQMQqZny9kcnzAtssQ8s2rmSsDssN9wE5 Romania
5Cwjfg7oKAxJedTF3f5ikX2u8nW8GHjXGdDoJw5VPEHgsPC2 Singapore
5EC7ErqccwDc9FCfVDkbydq6i8UWm9U6x6FL1FFN794NQs4s Singapore
5G1nBNMgeELmmxpd9s6hgp552Lrh8Z2zhDQyu3TyUiZtuEyX Singapore
5EoCaH9aPJn7VrByWXuW4Bd6oJWYRsBZTs4tyQWnhqQikJ5c Singapore
5DvcW356dyzc3cEYbrCyRsgkxjRNhj1m3Cyxg2vgeD2FHoTe Singapore
5EEumoALqF1hvEojUugQvqKaBzKK3T4heQHTur7DKLYZmJzu Singapore
5EAPed2UQ9mS4s9wfDi7D3rFmqKYWnnzBRkBNUtSK6Hu8hCW Singapore
5FhHb8yaNhVpXCdPNBoPinyW3iMsTf4aL2o2FfNWm2UjCZa8 Singapore
5ChWuMihnTjZBiVBgDQ8pmHFyxHKg4FNqqmoibYmqSQqV1YM Singapore
5EsqCzCU1G2KNTX1VR2qim6i4yPsuwZ8sTxGHoeLaXNV3BkG Singapore
5GZG8nJet5sDwuJQkk5iwbEsUMQabgHMeMmp33G7Bv2ebF1d Singapore
5FNMcLK69E65fNeuMpen6Lr4LgL9uSpiKGoPkKtQYX4FKzt7 Singapore
5FgwckT4WHX4xE1QH7i9Fhvc2NLBU5jMPC3sitLJk69UiLXV Singapore
5CvqChruwKzKMrSbPvykd5AA6PDvzwNnWjuBRjvkVM1hd5Po Singapore
5GsoUHzrgJKwDtfEigww1oja6ymwqif24RmByYB9krsDU6EP Singapore
5CZcqPhY38z3nSBMjD9eacKDuA4HcAoPbCzzTgzRQVof1MVh Singapore
5F4uQivV5JxCQqUYUQjco9ZdYNRgPyY5nFhHz4bcZjUwBiHY Singapore
5FyTPHqfMgCTLP3pkwjMZemJY9Jy9Po2SzPUa5JNPykuUnx6 Singapore
5DJNeu4q7y3iMAHhVPCZ5x3GHfL2kDLYh9qoYDK2F9ccedtz Singapore
5EvJVmsjumCDBJeukDgJJLur2QwJBrBYVmuTWTznaTBEnXsS Singapore
5HGvgSwrNESrEG3McgYHsxGGjVp6nfkxakg8VbTPud71Setr Singapore
5EcBi5VHLKB45SRDNyQwkRq1mkKYgB1NKwiCLR8VJ2L62yDD Singapore
5G4B4AYxabjshBK1Kqort8jrCbcjLPPARUF8rF6eRkc8XECA Singapore
5FC6rpHcAmenWJ67gUXbaRdxEhqLEKUqqSxyAPYHyWJqHEGj Singapore
5DJ2iG5WiaSpCReNiqGs3FEVtPHco3rMCbLjqEtAyTHPdAPf Singapore
5DDMA1bdUDap2j2ibmefzwSsYsxJNcYTrJrzT9DvZubNugSL Singapore
5Ev7yDCU1Hogd7eHiX8iFyGkfuVUwXQoSiNrqPykPQKuSBde Singapore
5G7PofgFjLgiAJTLZizbnhw1RgVdSSKFV8RX8iB5JtyWpU3M Singapore
5FCrSZvSr5nQAHXet3wzJwkW5p1VhVXJZLn2M7CErDu3GwSe Singapore
5EM7LnqjN7EwTibzWHBVL4Bu9m3gQX3ksKnPwfkLCcCnCA3n Singapore
5DCoh6S5ccvX1a9324whyL79Kyk9ctJYM1uxqHE8rEDmWFbt Singapore
5GQVW17sPkkLrvyYVn41SVuHE3fFAE6i7fYRRzKn4jRUSDAJ Singapore
5FZFcPRcP7TEj99a9wodJAwMtRpZzCAVHGwJHMfRHBVbgEP1 Singapore
5CfTb5T2dRjuzQF5hVtto8obxPMVAzMaSqvqtvcSSqq1PC2h Singapore
5FJ19twyE4BM9qbfVucsVTD64g2w9R5as69TE1TSBqyavznE Singapore
5CJHcPTTKqsy5FtQsn6JXFX2ZxDkM5hrmEWZU5e9NsUuFcyP Singapore
5GEPxTWmcM9n81Awjtbaki6B2smRE8pZh5pqWfLowLfVouqw Singapore
5D7qosQtLLjHUYzNicmJRMDsPsYDiZPCpYgWhZgyVfDMqk6E Singapore
5Fxv9ZE79b5oxUKzEdhWHmMLMnkcv9BVAz8KbZRQQwiTm5zD Singapore
5EKuxUzQNFduqwj8pDEQZDZKXGkLzgfu6tAS7qJaY77Uv9hE Singapore
5EFTADcNTjhBm2s127u4pHut9mNeWB7X9Ax2ubjQjzVMXbyT Singapore
5FbMF6RZNGmVbJWTFMJYXqMm3cxMG7uXqXA4411jyGVKqAQ8 Singapore
5D4XPSDhuSsBV9QMUj6kWUxj3PsrDsKgnHSXwQBC1iYb55fw Singapore
5HK9oko2sWQ7QAwNrN9G2WZx8pZQULPbfLrbohkW2Rb5hCcc Singapore
5GvNN6aPFxrD9wgpp9akkMcNFR8np7D4jM8P96FVmeX5DB8Z Singapore
5HpUwNmtyA4srz72uJhYj5tmzgMhHBcMYbT41YAXTNxCDQmQ Singapore
5FCL9AFFyhLgLc6W4qGqtpXLoirh4Kv2qMeXPtRhKb1axDBK Singapore
5GERPiEhKSk7HsD1rYHhCQ93e9UhrF9K8SBuWZHsVHScHxm4 Singapore
5F46kg6o38bpAHhge1gD1PvWX9cJF19jcnPo6WpuJtMQJKLS Singapore
5CDZX8SdxqLpxe5yrUU4HAnUJDFY2KartyUZ3Tribc1NjsTg Turkey
5ECCLcuMW2dpNSw6TfR7DL6iYsgNCHWX9xefHnkoNmcip6mF United Arab Emirates
5DCTr1PJ5Wz6wHafeHCkFEqbK2wNST9nouhX4LpCGAsogPdS United States
5ERE7GT69VRpYwu1bKwPemQ5nt3koeLRWaM99ZmzMnagvxCr United States
5GbxfScgTV49GVqJeir1YZ3MbFzLDNNTSKj3UKFQWdfFW4QV United States
5CPuEo9u5u6H1ztMoD4DCHVpKyAFYruyF48EM32z6rQrVLmc United States
5D8DybG5wCwoV6GGby7NWxhPWHUVC9vkpWeH1MG5hPBdUskh United States
5D798417ZneLdufcN2mF4nEAqXwpUmFGuQDCkmfXhcdh5qUd United States
5FHwLyV89S6mRd2Va1TGPk4LeGGDfoCHMFT2zePbw5sVgyXP United States
5EPSKGuU19eSdVQkDUWKcquBoniSfyK3pHXd46RX1VSqP6zQ United States
5GMsYDd6iBRTbg2BbxbAqKyweN7LpyV8xBxc1gU4t8fwcCsd United States
5Gs23GagMYas3gJdnXu7E2wp9mnoB3z8TjsyNpHb6w3vK5s4 United States
5GZ7eg3rSyiTJHyGt1iuyd8S4XkhoGCcvfyTgdw4BakVJeEa United States
5FhHFbwojWvLDB54b1MH9WEFqqR6tnDsMW8w2TgC1GJ4Vy99 Pending Location
Below is a list of Genesis Gold Ter8 Miners that are believed to be interconnected to another Gold Genesis Ter8 Miner, which miner it is connected to is undetermined at the moment for now. Because this Piggy backing process which I call it was not told to the community at the beginning of the process it is believed they may belong to Deeper Network and or their inner circle. But I may be wrong but that is how I currently look at it.
VXV price movementLooks pretty bullish to me Pal. I'm buyin this dip. Even though the phrase ''buy the dip'' is absolute bullshit. Given to us by huge corps & whales to trick us into buying from them, we have 0 control over the markets. we think we know it all with our RSI, Macds, etc etc, we don't. The Volume delta (aggregated cumulative) for the pro traders & whales have been selling roughly 20.101 BILLION FRICKIN DOLLARS!!!.
God damn it. We have been fooled.
Eth Ready for Bull Run as 60 Whales with More Than 100k ETHThe Ethereum network is experiencing an influx of whales, a phenomenon that has preceded bull runs for the asset in the past. Data from Santiment shows that the price of the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap is correlated with the number of whales holding 100,000 or more ETH.
60 whales join the Ethereum network
As ETH price is correlated with the number of whales holding 100,000 ETH or more, an increase in the number of whales means that a new bull run is underway. Crypto analyst Ali Martinez says 60 whales have joined the network in 2022, “signaling the start of a new bull run.”
This is no wonder because Ethereum is becoming attractive to investors recently. First, the network has so much to offer, being the foremost blockchain for smart contracts and apps. These are just two of the many aspects of Ethereum that have found many applications in everyday life. As a result, analysts and supporters of the network believe that ETH is highly undervalued.
Another possible reason for the influx of whales could be the plan to migrate Ethereum to Proof-of-Stake. Though this has been delayed several times, it is clear that the network will become far more competitive when the migration finally happens. Devs and ordinary users alike are looking forward to the transition which will cut gas fees, make transactions faster, and push the price of ETH higher as more users patronize the network.
13 whales join the Ethereum network in a few days
In the past few days, thirteen whales holding above 100K ETH joined the network, Since March 14th, such top wallets have shown an increase of 4%.
Some funds flowed from BTC market into ETH market2022/4/12
Some funds flowed from BTC market into ETH market.
Stablecoins Exchange Reserve did not increase or decrease significantly as BTCÐ prices gradually fell, this could represent a transfer of funds between different currencies like BTCÐ&Others.
I discover some funds flowed from BTC market into ETH market, and ETH Exchange Reserve also hit recent lows.
On the other hand, ETH/BTC chart shows that ETH market has been stronger than BTC market since 3/15.
Moreover, we also can discover that ETH Dominance gradually increases, while the BTC Dominance gradually decreases since 3/15 (Analysis of correlation is negative).
Btw, market data like Exchange Reserve and ETH 2.0 Staked is still very good in the long run.
Based on the above data, I think ETH market will perform better than BTC market in the future.
Enjoy the volatility ^_*
Analyst of cryptocurrency Yu-Shiuan Chen (CryptoQuant & Tradingview Taiwan)
The target of ETH price correction has been reached (Short-term)The target of ETH price correction has been reached (Short-term)
From a technical analysis, the target of ETH price correction has been reached (Short-term).
Critical Pressure: 3550 USD
Critical neckline: 3410 USD (M head)
First target price of bears: 3290 USD (Correction)
Second target price of bears: 3170 USD (Correction)
First target price of bulls: 3930 USD (If price can break up 3550 USD)
Analyst of cryptocurrency Yu-Shiuan Chen (CryptoQuant & Tradingview Taiwan)
Whale in the OLT markets Hey guys been following this chart for a while, and even jumped in when I noticed strange price action in this graph, smells like whale season.
A lot of my trades have come from a term I call "whale watching" which is based on trying to find whales in alt markets and riding their waves.
This could be risky but I felt it was worth sharing, considering its the only alt coin that hasn't budged since the market drop and it has decent fundamentals as a project.
it seems to be confirmed there is a massive whale in the OLT markets.
He's the same whale that pumped XDB and twitter/telegram community has confirmed he's real.
He goes by JR...
will be continuing to watch like a hawk
BITCOIN WHALES Processing for the high breakout 50k+Hello trading friends,
We are at this moment on an important whale trend depending on data
The before update order into processing where the possibility breakout could happen into next 72H
This update depending on the ETN tool includes the green cycle trend of BTC.
# we see BTC into breakdown for the low time frame - but this change not much for the main trend.
It's about the real candle breakout - and depending on data we can meet coming times interesting times.
Breakouts start most of the time
1. after recovery trend - with panic price action
2. after the new cycle trend
3. after price protection by whale trend.
Have good time
#This is not a trading call - trade only depending on your setups.
Remora Report, pump over going shortRemora Report 4/2-4/8 Swim with the whale and share its meal or be eaten like a minnow *living thread through the week, things change over time***
Earlier today we say close to 1billion in stable coins moved into exchanges, this proved the pump now
The open interest dropped and now so will the price, longs are closing our on longs vs shorts
We should trend sideways around 3500 for the coming days and options expiry on the weekly shows a drop by 4/8/22 to $3200 *this price will change over time
SO we should see lower lows after potentially Tuesday
126.5 Million XRP Sent to Ripple's ODL Bitso and Some Major ExchInvestors have made several hefty transactions between their wallets, moving almost 130 million of Ripple-affiliated XRP tokens to major digital exchanges, according to Whale Alert.
126.5 million XRP on the move
The aforementioned cryptocurrency tracker has tweeted that in the last 15 hours, an astounding amount of XRP tokens has been shoveled by crypto whales as they moved their XRP mostly from Bittrex to Bitstamp, Bitso and so on.
Whale Alert spotted five transactions, carrying a comprised $105,840,893 worth of XRP—126.5 million tokens. These funds were shifted in lumps of 13,601,064; 30,000,000; 40,000,000; 22,300,000 and 20,260,426 XRP.
AAVE Surges 12% Within 9 Days with High Participation of Whales: Details
From that amount, 70 million were sent from the U.S.-based Bittrex platform to Bitso and Bitstamp. The latter has already resumed XRP trading after suspending it in January 2021 after the SEC started a legal action against Ripple and its two highest-ranking executives, Chris Larsen and Bradley Garlinghouse.
Bitso also shifted 22,300,000, moving it between its own wallets. This Mexico-based cryptocurrency unicorn received an undisclosed investment from Ripple Labs in the fall 2019 and is one of the ODL corridors now, along with Bitstamp.
The ETH market may outperform BTC market in the short term2022/3/25
The ETH market may outperform the BTC market in the short or medium term
Changes of BTC Exchange Reserve: -13,156 BTC during 3/13~3/25 (12 days).
Changes of ETH Exchange Reserve: -714,767 ETH during 3/13~3/25 (12 days).
BTC Exchange Reserve:
ETH Exchange Reserve:
ETH Exchange Netflow:
Top 69 BTC whales only net-buy 2,248 BTC during 3/13~3/25 (12 days).
However, 714767 ETH flow out of the exchange, and "604,032 ETH" inflow to ETH 2.0 staking contract during 3/13~3/25 (12 days) (Bull).
Total amounts of ETH 2.0 staking:
That means Top 69 BTC whale's purchasing power is getting weaker, and ETH market may outperform the BTC market in the short or medium term.
Keep the eye on ETH market and enjoy the show.
PS: Welcome to follow my twitter (new) to get the latest analysis :D
Analyst of cryptocurrency Yu-Shiuan Chen (CryptoQuant & Tradingview Taiwan)
2022/3/25 Huge market volatility is looming... BTCÐHuge market volatility is looming... BTCÐ
BTC& ETH price are in the ascending triangle, keep the eye on critical pressure:
BTC is 45000 USD .
ETH is 3200 USD (Orange highlighter).
ETH 2.0 Staking condition:
Enjoy the show and embrace volatility, Good Luck!
Analyst of cryptocurrency Yu-Shiuan Chen (CryptoQuant)
Huge market volatility could be loomingHuge market volatility could be looming...
Top 69 BTC whales only bought about 7000 BTC despite over 30,745 BTC leaving exchanges on 3/11.
I also notice this big order (30745 BTC) splits into multiple smaller orders (98 BTC) subsequently, and "BTCUSDSHORTS" in Bitfinex exchange rising fast (The vertical black line represents that more than 10,000 BTC flowed out of the exchanges).
There are 3 possibilities:
1. OTC or it could be an internal transfer of exchanges (Neutral)
2. Actual market demand (Bull market: Supply squeeze)
3. Whale's trick that will cause wild swings in the market (Wash the market: Short-squeeze and Long-squeeze)
Please be aware of possible events: Short-squeeze and Long-squeeze, that is huge market volatility could be looming.
Addition, keep the eye on "Exchange Netflow" to monitor whether these small orders (98 BTC) returned to the exchanges quickly.
Analyst of cryptocurrency Yu-Shiuan Chen (CQ & Tradingview Taiwan)
BTC - ON WHALE SETUP RED ZONE - ETN below 36KHello trading friends,
This is an update for BTCUSDT depending on the last trend.
We are at this moment on an important whale zone - where we did add before about it. see the chart below. 37.8 is an important whale zone.
For more details check the before view.
We are exactly now on the time frame of whale setups - this could bring us to the expecting target of the ETN tool as you can see below 36K trend.
Same time it's BTC - and manage your risk - as there could be more manipulation trends, but even with TA trend BTC entered a breakdown trend - as we did also add before into this chart.
See this chart view as the last trend on live data of BTC - this could change coming time.
Have a great time.
It's not always a must to be into trading, sometimes no trading zone is a good option.
As always don't expect always fast changes - BTC goes on its way.
# This is not a trading call - manage your risks - and know that BTC is into all sides very risky.
The new weekly chart will confirm soon - most of the time is the weekend not the real volume trend of BTC - as more stock market makers enter the trend and leave also when stock markets opening.
The new weekly trend could make a change - and since the whale trend is into the red zone - a new difference change can come.
Depending on the ETN tool update - BTC is expecting are to break down in the coming time.
Further info read the next chart view:
BTC can play between the 2 ranges that we did add before - but since the whale data are red - it's no trading zone.
# we will wait for the new weekly chart to get a confirmation of the trend.
A real whale trend makes a directly real change - trending with small up and downtrend means not much for the real whale trend, as in most time is that to make a price action for manipulation trend. and False Flags are always a trend for crashes.
Have a great time.
# if you like the content give it a like and follow - Thank you
BTC/USD At best 2X but is it worth itLooking at the larger time frame of BTC... I am of the belief that Bitcoin is pretty much done.... Best case scenario is we hit the high 70K to low 80K.... I think this 150-250K btc story is just smoke and mirrors to allow whales to unload the bags. I could see BTC do a solid retrace or even slightly beat prior ATH...but the real opportunity is in the ALTS during this time... specially ones that have not really recovered or dont anything monumental. (DASH/XRP/EOS) The ones no one it really talking about outside of its die hard communities.
Also I have no idea what I am talking about
🕒 Time Frame: Daily
🟡 #BTC dips to the $42,000 mark, after hitting the dynamic trendline and being rejected from the 46500$ Zone. $42,000 is the zone of major support too and expecting a pump. You can expect some
accumulation/ range before then bounce. Use proper stops in trades as the market may become Volatilein the coming days.
📅 02.012.2022
⚠️ (DYOR)
This is an education trend for BTC Depending on backtesting.
Those trading for years know that trading has different cycles - and for those that invest for the long term want to be into the green cycle, and end the trading on the red cycle - their high goal is not to trade but building capital.
Backtesting of the BTC chart shows different cycles, like the ones here below in the cycle model example.
As you can see above into the chart - those following a cycle system wait for some time as months before canceling the cycle, This is also the best investing way. It's also low stress and all are managed before taking any long-term cycle order.
Most will ask how to find a cycle trend this depending on monthly expecting.
If you see for example The next month did make a confirmation above the last month, then it's interesting to check why this happen, this is only a small reason for starting a new cycle, but there is a need for more to confirm.
the cycle like following the interest of the project and also counting with TA.
Month 3 is very important in the cycling world. this month makes in most time a difference into a trend. These are also for the month may as confirmation.
Every whale wants to connect with other whales to be a powerful whale. some whales know each other. but some whales not, but even then they can meet each other with no word on the trading connecting world. They have learned the code of the chart. what means some times a chart shows a way of trending where the whales get a signal that the trend looks to breakdown or to increase by other whales . I have seen personally many patterns that come seem out, and I believe they work on the chart code.
What I mean with the code is this could be a number, that come by any crash trends, and also on another trend of the way with the star move that a trend makes.
Not anyone can win into trading - because when you win someone else loses. but you can win as a group and that's the goal of whales. so connecting them together is them a most important goal, even they can't see each other.
When its possible to make good profits?
The most users that did make good profits are those who did hold the cycle of the green trend of the crash. this hodl should be not more than 10% of your totally assets. and also most check to the price of coins, it's more important to check to the project and the market cap. also, a trend that ends most time into profit is buying when there is a crash trend. also, dollar cost avenge has a good option for the long term.
We can read more books about how to manage our losses and all things, but if we don't change ourselves it will be always the same. so it's important to change ourselves first.
Hope that I have given a small view about cycles trends, that's interesting to read self more about it.
# The goal of whales into breakdown trends to let you feel there is a new bull trend coming - making fake pump trends that end with crash trends - this happened into backtesting of history more times as the chart shows - so not every pump are real, and not every breakdown trend. but one thing is confirmed more times when there is high fomo know its a very risky zone. because whales - market makers should take the profits. there is not a chart that is going only up.
Have a great day - which you best trades coming time.
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Whales are luring trader to build short positionWe are in the Phase 4 (Refill short fuel) of bulls attacked and whales are luring trader to build short position
Phase 4. KD80 -> KD 60-70 (Mild) or KD 40-50 (Aggressive):
Market makers completed the first short-squeeze and most retail investors started to open the long position. Therefore, the price correction will happen in the short term because the fuel of short-squeeze is not enough.
See the Funding Rates of BTC(Ð), the fuel of short-squeeze is not enough.
Thus, we are in the Phase 4 (Refill short fuel) of bulls attacked and whales are luring trader to build short position.
There are two mode to lure trader building the short position:
1. KD from 80-100 fell back to 60-70 (Mild): ETH price 2950-3100USD
2. KD from 80-100 fell back to 40-50 (Aggressive): ETH price 2700-2800 USD
Ps: If you want to understand the complete process of strong bulls attack (5 steps), please check my previous articles :D.
Analyst of cryptocurrency Yu-Shiuan Chen (CQ & Tradingview Taiwan)
ETN - BTC CRASH TREND EXPECTING 41K and below and explainHello trading friends,
This is the last ETN update for this time with the confirmation of possible crash trends on BTC.
Don't see this as a trading signal, this is just complete from the ETN trend, and you should trade on your way and have riskmanagement as best possible.
This update means not much for those just trading small time frames.
Why this update?
Some did ask about what I mean by low time frame breakdown trend - is that also a BTC crash trend expecting?
Yes depending on ETN live data we could see this as a crash trend expecting - the 41900 are the split zone with time frame.
Know that it does not mean that it should happen right directly, BTC goes on the way, even with more fake increases could happen, but its about the end result. and whales playing very smart to shows all are fine.
I hope I have made clear the update depending on the ETN tool and its not depending on TA.
ETN tool works depending on whale trend.
There is no reason to take an action after this update - as you should trade always depending on your plan.
Have a great time with the last ETN update for this time.