OIL TumbleThere’s an almost endless supply of oil..
Hundreds of trillions of barrels. - We have great friends who have been in the oil business for decades. Deep in these industries.
- They claim to only have hundreds of billions. They have 1000X - 10,000X what they say. (Keeps prices HIGH!)
- Remember that the dollar is now "backed" by oil... petrodollar (your dollar is really worth $0.05 they just haven't told you that yet...
Fracking is not profitable... No oil produced from anywhere, but Saudi Arabia will be profitable unless their oil is destroyed (not really possible).
Oil is a b*tch to get rid of.
And if we stole it, America would be nothing but a pile of dust.
This is war!
It’s a very complicated game of chess.
World war three has already started folks!
When will they let you know about it? Who knows.
Started 11/11/2018 (2+0+1+8 = 11) 11/11/11? hmm.
Exactly 100 years after World War 1.
Trump and US want to slam the price of oil... This is clearly in affect right now.
However, the rebound/repercussion may be very bad for us. But who knows. Maybe the US has some real backup plans for pissing off all these countries and making it harder on us, as quickly as they have... I think they do have some plans.
I think the worst of times is coming very soon. Potentially very tough times ahead. There’s too many signs.
*Our opinion (and many others who are VERY intelligent, especially in global markets and blockchain & Tech & Industry) is that if you do not hold crypto - the right cryptos btw! (Just digital, inflationary currency that is not controlled by the most evil people and families in the world like other currencies???) (Its 2018 we have a 1940 system still...) Its about to change folks!
-If you don't own crypto you will be out on your ass in the coming years.
-Worth ZIP. nothing. (Hopefully not!)
Trump and IMF may have a plan. I personally think they do. (I think its a crypto asset, or they will reinitiate the gold backed dollar!)
SO... This will put the crypto that they would implement (we know which one!) at a very high valuation. And or Gold backed would put Gold prices at $20,000 - $50,000 per OZ - 1oz of gold is currently worth about $1200.
Nixon took it off Gold Standard.
Trump may put it back on. - Our guess is they would choose the crypto asset over gold (or some mix of the two) to fix the dollar issue that is coming!
Trump appears to be trying to save this country, like him or not. Something to the effect of the good bankers and the good top military officials trying to get the world back under the USA's control (usually fairly good people and fair control), before it is destroyed and China/Russia take the wheel. Hope this doesn't sound to crazy to you. If it does, its time to open your eyes.
However, it will get bad before it gets better.
USA is now under attack (financially for sure) and will fight until death if necessary.
Our idea is they will crash and reset the dollar. (They have done things like this before) They will put a crypto based blockchain asset in place to back the dollar.
(After its deflated a good bit, and the other countries have one that war to the point of no return (Dollar value))
This will give it strength again, to continue forward with no one expecting or suspecting it.
Saudi wants high oil prices - one of the many ways they do this is saying that there’s less than there is and that oil is scarce. 1000X-10,000X more than they have... Wouldn't even be a dollar for a barrel.
There’s more OIL, GOLD, SILVER, than they will EVER! Let anyone know.
The US Dollar will not be a thing in a decade. WRITE IT DOWN! Mark your calendar.
Financial collapses are nothing but a HUGE worldwide robbery. Its planned, its profited from. Etc..
And it’s on its way! Very surprised it hasn't already taken place.
BTC/USD 4h Chart- Descending Triangle Pattern An interesting moment in which the triangle closes and the price should go up or down. In the textbooks it says that in a descending triangle, the price has to collapse, but will it happen?
Unfortunately, I do not have mantic abilities. But what I have seen over the years at BTC does not happen this scenario for the first time. I compare between 2014 and today 2018.
This situation is clearly visible here. In 2014, contrary to a descending triangle, the price gets a bullish trend and goes up.
I let you know what will happen in the future. If he considers contrary to expectations the price to go up "as I think it will happen" Give a thumb up.
Thank you, I appreciate it
financial crisis and posible rising of bitcoin.hi, financial crisis is here , in the next months dow jones get down hard to 0.61 fib.and the world economy will go into recession. follow this chart bearish div in rsi and macd, media of koncorde d'ont have volume, mago staperlo in negative zone. you need a plan for this crisis good luck.
FMWO: World Markets Overview - Back to Positive in neartermFMWO World Markets Near Term Outlook
September 13th
This index only prints End of Day on Tv.
But it's still useful for a birds eye view of world markets.
It was meant to bounce from the lowest parallel.
Thankfully for world markets it has done.
It should rally back to the 6287 line and then, after a little
consolidation, on to the old high at 6359, about 3%.
This should augur well for US markets too.
Still a buy dips market therefore.
September 10th
This lumbering beast came within a couple of points of the lower support line before bouncing away to the upside again.
This index still looks positive from here.
That should be helpful for major markets in the near term.
*For global markets updates and trade set-ups in real time
please see link at top-left of main page.
Bitcoin price goes up during WORLD CUP MATCHIs it weird that the price of Bitcoin went up during the first match of the FIFA World Cup in Russia? This was a perfect opportunity for whales to make heaps of money while many people around the world weren't paying attention to their investment.
What are your thoughts?
GDOW: Global Dow Limit Down all over the WorldGlobal Dow: GDOW Limit Down Across the World
The pattern here is similar to GOOG (without the double tops)
and shows how all major market indices have fallen under the
spell of the high-tech mantra. What's good for Google is good
for the world, well, world markets anyway.
Critical support for this index lies at 2967. The low so far is
2276 today. Come what may later today, this index has to
hold closing values at 2967.
It's probing the lower parallel and whilst it holds up the Global
Dow (and therefore all major markets too) has a good chance
of rallying from here, the perfect spot.
But the 2967 level is effectively limit down for the Global
Dow. A close below here will tip this index back into bear
territory again, forcing back down to 2920 to begin with and
then after a small counter-rally back down to 2887 at least
and then most likely back to 2802.
ALphaBet The World by the TailAlphabet: Goog
Google aptly re-named itself, becoming the world's biggest
Alpha Bet in the process.
So goes Google, so go world markets.
It was expected to hold up at 987 line but in the event
the low fell at 982. If you went fishing down there it's now just
approaching key resistance at the 1024 line.
Close out here and only get long again once 1025 is broken
above with stops 6 lower.
The next most vulnerable point on the upside is the upper dynamic at 1032
It has to break above here and then hold on the retest at 1025/4 to show that this is escaping the downtrend and worth adding or going long again at that point if so with stops below 1020
Then once it can break above the upper dynamic to start attracting more buyers still from there
Media trying to catch Bitcoin investor | IllustrationI think they must to stop doing what they are doing and be objective and nice guys for another world.
Because they are the world media. People trusting them but...
People trust Bitcoin too.
Every day you listen to negative news on TV?!
Don't worry. you are not only one.
Wall Street makes money when you sell your Bitcoin.
Big guys telling you it's risky and they are buying the tons of Cryptos.
I think we all know, Bitcoin price will get stability soon and the price will reach 19-20K again.
Thank you for your support.
Please add the comment about what is your thought.
Bitcoin: BTCUSD New Trading Realities in a 'grown-up' worldTrading Bitcoin in the new Realities of 'Mainstream'
When Reality Bites - How to Deal with it Dispassionately - or Miss up to 50% of all opportunities...trading for Adults in a grown-up world
For those who like pattern spotting there have been three or four very good sell points off the Coinbase chart. Maybe 80%
of the few people who read this will have Bull hats on, are inherent, full-on bulls. Only 10 to 20% will be bears. If one or
the other we will miss 50% of all trading oppotunites, roughly. Who was looking for sell signals recently (after that RHS
failure) ? No, because most of us are bulls we're only looking for positive signals. Try to be dispassionate about Bitcoin -
that is not easy, being as we're humans. We're programmed to want to join the herd. A bison gets FOMO too, that's why he
wants inside the herd and not out. Penguins too. But we are not penguins. We need to stop acting like one. Agreed? We
need to be like doctors who will get sued for giving the wrong diagnosis, however bad that might be. The patient wants
truth not platitudes. That's how we need to view Bitcoin. If we love it too much we cloud judgement and lose trade
opportunities. So strive to be dispassionate. Or it will cost you roughly half of all opportunities. Look at the trail Bitcoin has
left...get down off your horse and look...look how good those sells were on the breaks...how the first two break and then
come back to retest the little dynamic from the underside and that's the sell with stops say 50 higher (never touched) and
then look at the third and last arrow in the sequence - the market is moving fast at this point and there is no retest this
time. And then the series of highs running right into the resistance line at 12472. Each was a fantastic near term
opportunity to mine another 1000 points minimum out of this monster, and the last 2 breaks were 2000 points - that's 6000
points in breaks in 3 days. That is 60% of total value of Bitcoin right now. How crazy is that? You NEED to be Ok with shorting
as well as going long to survive this market. You are not going to get every one, but half would have been good, very good.
And look how simple the patterns are ! That ain't rocket science is it? One single line of dynamic support (upside
doesn't really matter too much in a downtrend), we just need to get a line under the counter-rally - behaves very
differently, obviously, in a slower market at top half of chart than in fast market where patterns are obscured in the noise
more easily.
Gold like HellI'm thinking about getting short a bit higher. Maybe I want to trade for Weekly close lower. I wait to see price action around this exact level , Daily Support and see what's going on in there. Then if I see Rally or something like that plus rejection of it's highs , I will get in short. Guys , you need to know that you cannot write your strategy down , it's losing strategy , Best strategies are not exact , you have to feel them. Market is always changing , so , Dont be exact in your strategies , Add simplicity to your strategy as well. Be great observer , market is talking , you just have to listen to him.