XLMUSDT - good sell zonepreconditions:
- cross the level.
- impulse return to the level.
- increased ATR
You will learn the best place where we can trade this instrument at low risk.
Write in the comments all your questions and instruments analysis of which you want to see.
Friends, push the like button, write a comment, and share with your mates - that would be the best THANK YOU.
P.S. I personally will open entry if the price will show it according to my strategy.
Always make your analysis before a trade
STELLAR LUMENS (XLMUSD) DailyDates in the future with the greatest probability for a price high or price low.
The Djinn Predictive Indicators are simple mathematical equations. Once an equation is given to Siri the algorithm provides the future price swing date. Djinn Indicators work on all charts, for any asset category and in all time frames. Occasionally a Djinn Predictive Indicator will miss its prediction date by one candlestick. If multiple Djinn prediction dates are missed and are plowed through by same color Henikin Ashi candles the asset is being "reset". The "reset" is complete when Henikin Ashi candles are back in sync with Djinn price high or low prediction dates.
One way the Djinn Indicator is used to enter and exit trades:
For best results trade in the direction of the trend.
The Linear Regression channel is used to determine trend direction. The Linear Regression is set at 2 -2 30.
When a green Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression upper deviation line (green line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a sell is triggered.
When a red Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression lower deviation line (red line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a buy is triggered.
This trading strategy works on daily, weekly and Monthly Djinn Predictive charts.
Trades made when the monthly, weekly and daily arrows are pointing in the same direction are the most profitable.
This is not trading advice. Trade at your own risk.
XLMUSDT "Cup with a handle." 50% increaseToday I want to make out an XLM coin for you.
And so, let's get started: first I want to make out 4H TF for you, opening it I saw the pattern “cup with handle” - the price moves along a concave arc and forms a semicircle (cup).
The handle is formed immediately after the bowl, on the right side. After the formation of the handle is completed, a breakdown of the resistance line occurs and the trend continues its upward movement.
If you bring the situation closer and stretch the Fibonacci grid, we are at the level of 0.618 which we tried to stay 3 times.
Having broken through the resistance of this figure, the price should rush upward at a distance equal to the depth of the cup.
The cup was drawn. It remains to finish the pen and there should be growth.
Open trades after breaking through the level.
P.S Friends, support this idea with your like and any comment.
This will be the biggest thank you for my work ❤️
XLM testing a 2 year downward trend lineShould XLM break the red trend line as drawn ((shown here from June 2018 till date), I expect it to hit 0.094 to 0.098 range and correct itself to 0.07 to 0.074 range before starting its upward journey to 0.14 to 0.16 before the next resistance will come into play.
Am optimistic about this time.. Happy trading.
XLMUSD completing shark pattern | Upto 115 percent profitThe priceline has completed the formation of shark and almost entered in potential reversal zone.
RSI on 2 week chart is already in oversold zone.
The volume profile is also showing very weak interest of traders at this area which will help the price action to hit the sell targets soon insha Allah.
The targets are:
Buy between: $0.0806 to $0.0651
Sell between: $0.1017 to $0.1403
Atif Akbar (moon333)
XLMUSD to test Resistance from May-2018 (Medium Risk) >300 pipsStellar has tested successfully the Support from May 2018 and bounced back up. Give the downwards trend of all Cryptos including BTC, it is likely to see another test of the line and maybe a breakthrough. However, Cryptos are very dependent on news, therefore any good news may take over the normal course of the Trend Analysis and bounce up again.
Moreover, the two semicircles colored in yellow show an interesting pattern evolving with periodical touches of the line. However, this pattern is coming to an end soon and we will se in which direction it will boom, but its for sure that when it comes out of it it will set a direction for some weeks.
Let me know if you like the idea and maybe have some comments too.