Zcash has an inflation bug, and nobody's talking about it.sit down around the fire and let me tell you a story that many of you may not have heard. once upon a time, there was a group of people who wanted to launch a cryptocurrency called Zcash with a fucked up trusted setup, 2 MB block size, founders reward, unverifiable supply, and experimental technology using people's real, hard earned money. what could go wrong? there was more hype over ZEC than jeffrey epstein on the way to his island. people said before launch, what was acceptably sane talk, things like "zcash is the bitcoin killer" and "zooko is a genius."
the zcash team decided on a "slow" reward emission at the beginning to try to put all the miners having a boner into a cold shower. so the block rewards were extremely small. poloniex listed zcash first. miners started posted absofuckinlutely ridiculous asks, but because scarcity + hype = stupid, there was a guy who paid for ZEC at a rate of 5000 BTC per ZEC when it got listed on polo...i saw it happen with my own eyes...im sure he thought, wow what a steal, it's the next bitcoin. if he needed anymore confirmation, at one point at a meetup zooko said (i kid you not) that he "doesn't actually specifically know how zero knowledge proofs work". But how can i blame the guy? I mean, it's a free country amirite.
i can't think of a more fucked up piece of shit than zcash. nobody even uses the privacy features. i see lots of people blaming the dump on the founders reward. perhaps that contributes to it. but many people dont know that the supply is unauditable. if someone figured out a way to print billions of ZEC, there's literally no way to tell. can you find a better explanation for this god forsaken chart than that? and i hear that they are creating a new blockchain, a zcash 2.0!
for giggles: www.reddit.com
Why Zcash might be a lead balloonHow I converted from Zcash to BTC.
Last few months I devoted my time to investigate Zcash (going beyond technical analysts) and come to the conclusion that I need to sell all my ZEC position and buy BTC.
Since I haven't found concentrated/summarized thoughts at one place, I decided to make a tweet so others can find this useful.
So let me name few thoughts:
• Hardly anyone seems to be using Zcash’s anonymity features (estimated to be like 0,1 %) ...I found only ZecWallet supporting these transactions. (Consider how old is ZEC and no privacy adaption in wallets). If one wants to use it, he needs 5 GB of RAM and 25gb free disk to run the program. Therefore it don't see it as a mobile friendly wallet.
• Zcash mining is incredibly centralized.
• Zooko publicly admitted that he doesn’t know how Zk-snarks works (see: https://youtu.be/P6RLjcGVUnw).
• Expiring developers funding in 2020. Since developers in ECC are supposed to be unique, I see no developers when ECC is gone. Moreover let’s face it, ZEC developers salaries are above average (for non US resident)
• Knowledge of Zk-snarks is not owned by ECC (Electric Coin Company). Zk-snarks are not so new, as they were discussed and experimented in 80`s, and after a while more and more scientific papers were published decade before Zcash ... so Zk-snarks are “open source knowledge”.
• Albeit Zk-snarks protocol is monetary system is relatively new and has yet to undergo the test of time. On the other hand more and more currencies adopt just these/similar privacy features step by step and i don’t see anymore the huge advantage Zcash had 3 years ago. This combined with most of the above reasons and the current development makes me believe that the future won’t be so bright. Zcash should gain trust and popularity in first 2 years.
• consider this; what keeps a gigantic army of BTC developers back to integrate Zk-snarks in Bitcoin, not as primary function...the same as ZEC has it, choose it if you want to?
• ECC team already help implemented JPMorgan ZEC privacy features... so when ECC developers will be on the street next year (they sure will miss above-average salaries... the last thing they will work for free for ZEC (from my point of view -> ZEC developers paid by ZEC holders to develop Zk-snarks for JPMorgan) kinda irony
• Zcash community forum - nothing seriously happening there. I see only few people with superior brains there (sorry as they are neither developers nor ECC officials), yet no serious involvement from ECC and developers
• Ethereum team already working on integrating Zk-snarks.
• E.Snowden did mentioned that he likes ZEC privacy features only because Zk-snarks encryption. He clearly said that others coins will do the same and that's a great thing.
• Ycash “friendly” fork (free money of thin air project) Having ZEC officials even support this fork
• REAL trading volume is so small (when doing this notes last week was 2,3 M$)
• For the end a story. Two years ago AlphaBay (popular darknet marketplaces) back then has officially announced that Zcash is available as a payment option on its platform. 5 days after that announcement, AlphaBay got seized by law enforcement. Just 5 days after it’s integration of Zcash (coincidence?)
• Looking forward for good arguments why I am being wrong.
Follow institutional investors. The ZCash investment reportSupplement to:
Privacy coins occupy a function within the cryptocurrency industry that many of the early adopters of cryptocurrencies consider essential.
Bitcoin itself is often incorrectly referred to as an anonymous way of transferring value. Security experts call it pseudonymous privacy, like writing books under a codename. You can preserve your privacy as long as your wallet address is not linked to you.
1- Privacy solved with leading technology
Originally based on Bitcoin Core's battle-tested codebase, ZCash was able to capitalize on the privacy issues of Bitcoin and forked its codebase so that there are now two types of transactions on its blockchain: shielded (using zk-SNARKS) and unshielded (just like on the original Bitcoin blockchain), making privacy an option for its users. zkSNARKs are the most exciting/interesting way (as Vitalik or Snowden would say) to make blockchains private.
2- Efficient, usable, widely supported
Zcash is a fast, reliable and inexpensive way to send money or digitally purchase goods and services. It is also supported by all the top exchanges and wallets.
For a detailed list see Figure 1 here:
3- Multisignature transactions
Zcash supports transactions that require multiple signatures. This means that a transaction may require two or more parties to agree to the transaction before funds are sent.
4- A world-class team
ZCash is led by Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn, a world class computer security specialist. The team has by far the most expertise in zero-knowledge cryptography, it's natural that they are looked to and respected.
5- The Controversial Founders’ Reward
10% of the eventual monetary base goes to the founders so that there is continued incentive and continued resources for the founders to improve the value of the coin. I am backing Edward Snowden in the logic that a reward is important to attract the best minds to work on the Zcash project. Consistent payment of the developers allows them to discover issues and patch them before they can be exploited by opportunistic parties. Whilst this is open to debate, a steady budget should help push things forward with development and education.
6- Exposure: Zcash for Institutional Investors and Family Offices
There are a variety of potential market participants, among them hedge funds, venture capital firms, high-net-worth individuals, and pension funds that now have financial options available:
Custodians: hold your Zcash for you to help minimize the risk of lost keys or theft
Investment vehicles: allow investors to gain exposure to Zcash without having to hold it themselves.
Trading firms: offer access to counterparties for the purpose of large over-the-counter (OTC) trades.
For a detailed list of some of the big names involved see Figure 2 here:
7- Progressing towards becoming audit and regulation friendly
In the world of cryptocurrencies and digital assets, which by default are intangible, trust, risk management and reasonable assurance are key. In the crypto market there is a huge problem with market integrity and with consumer protection. Music to the ears of regulators is that payment disclosure and special "viewing keys" can be used to share transaction details with trusted third parties for compliance or audits or to comply with regulatory requirements.
8- Audited meticulously
Zcash is going to great lengths to make sure their code is world-class by ensuring world class cyber security audits by third parties. This separates Zcash from 99% of all other cryptos out there.
For more information on cyber security audits please see the respective reports at Kudelski Security, NCC Group, QEDi and Coinspect
Additional positive quantitative data:
Figure 3: Stacked Daily ZCash Exchange Volume_ZCash Market Capitalization:
Figure 4: Realized Market Capitalization vs Market Capitalization_ ZCash Undervalued
ZEC Falling Wedge - $ZEC #ZCASHZECBTC has potential to bottom by July.
GDPR regulation is being overlooked. No large North American or European bank conducting transfers using cleartext blockchains will be able to meet regulatory requirements.
"Laws such as Gramm-Leach-Bliley, HIPAA, and COPA in USA and GDPR in Europe mandate the use of encryption, along with other tools and processes, to protect citizens from unauthorized parties such criminals, unauthorized commercial interests, foreign governments, etc. ..." -Zooko
Current transfer systems Fedwire, SWIFT, and ACH conduct transfers privately. Why would the upgrade to blockchain technology necessitate removal of longstanding regulatory and privacy primitives?
"The Zcash protocol’s cutting edge use of zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (“zk-SNARKS” or “zero-knowledge proofs”) makes it a truly innovative privacy coin that offers confidentiality for peer-to-peer transactions similar to those afforded to fiat currency transfers (e.g., ACH, FedWire, SWIFT, etc.)." -Eric Winer
Regulated 1st-world banks do not advertise their transactions in the daily newspaper. Why would these same banks wish to publish transfers on the Internet, publicly and permanently, in real-time?
In the field of Information Security is the concept of "data aggregation". Public transactions on their own have little value. However, once multiple data sources are compiled and matched, the data becomes meaningful, and vulnerable to exploitation.
Chainalysis and CipherTrace are two such companies that specialize in this type of blockchain-to-customer data aggregation.
Banking regulators (will) view vulnerability to such attacks as a gross violation of the multiple regulatory standards mentioned above.
JPM is testing zk-SNARKS (used in Zcash) and ING Bank is testing bulletproofs (used in Monero and Grin). The privacy age is upon us. However, such technologies won't be viewed as privacy coins for long. Encrypted blockchains will be viewed as standard operating procedure.
Just as no bank would dream of using HTTP over HTTPS, no bank will rely on unencrypted blockchains.
Zec massive uptrend, potential over 100% Zec price forecast LONG
Hello guys.
Welcome to Technical Analysis on $Zcash (ZEC) which is one of the next big thing (not judging by the roomors), but tecnicals and fundamentals.
We have one of the biggest falling wedges ever on #ZEC at the moment, but since volatile as usual, #ZEC seems very hard to predict if i may add.
Lets rollback at the beginning.
Zcash was listed on coinmarketcap on October 29th being worth on release 5000$/ZEC (back than Bitcoin was worth 500$).
Officialy, if you check on coinmarketcap, you ll notice that ZEC was officially worth 6BTC/per 1 ZEC.
That ratio changed in favor of Bitcoin while continually deflating ZEC more than 2 years time, but biggest run 8 months we've seen on ZEC (from 10th of February last year) (0.055BTC/ZEC) and since then from May 18th (price 0.044BTC/ZEC) in continual fall.
Lowest low on ZEC was 0.0125BTC/ZEC two weeks ago.
Since than, as per technicals and either TA or FA analysis continually bullish.
My personal take is that ZEC can go 300% from this point up to 0.035 (which is more than in headline), but we are trying to be conservative here (despite "shilling" headline).
It's a fact judging as per technicals :
Weekly oversold, monthly oversold, yearly... :)
Stochastic RSI is uprising on weekly /(looking very sharp on daily basis)
MACD is flat from June 18th
Weekly bullish cross present
That would be like 9 months of consolidation on ZEC (pretty much the same as we've seen on XRP), 9 months "cycle" and uptrends right after.
When talking about fundamentals, there are roomors that privacy coins will be more and more popular in time.
Speaking of that and having on mind Sapling (fork on ZEC), activated on October 28th, corresponded with ETH Constantinopol fork in order to " keep up" since their network is overloaded.
However, Zec is a carrier of ZK Snark protocol (Zero Knowledge) it allows anonymity or transparency in the same time/upon users choice (with further network upgrades), but has 100% obfuscation, (as bulletproof fork on XMR, only even better).
Speaking of XMR (Monero), JP Morgan refused XMR in favor of ZEC considering it only valuable asset for 100% private transactions.
There are roomors also that ZEC will be @SwissBANK 21.century currency, but its too early to talk about it.
I would like to clarify one thing for the people who say " BTC is the KING" and other nonsense stories.
We have Bitcoin dependable market in which one price of every alts is not fixed, but calculated as fraction of BItcoin (i.e. current price of Zec is 0.0144 BTC multyplied with current price on Bitcoin 3990) gives 57.68 USD output.
At the ATH Zec was worth 850$/ZEC while being worth 0.05 BTC (it was during Bitcoin bullrun).
Biggest ratio over Bitcoin was 0.17 (which is more than ETH itself).
One more important thing to add is that we need to understand where Bitcoin is going in order to understand how altcoins will behave, because i've seen bunch of people posting wishful thinking TA's in order get followers.
Bitcoin will hit 4250 (which should correspond with ZEC being worth 75$) i presume.
Then we ll have correction on Bitcoin (subbing 4000) and another spike to 4450 which will certainly trigger entire market and most of the coins will manage to " express" until then (expecting ZEC price to surpass 95 USD mark untill then as increasing ratio over Bitcoin).
One simple math example :
Bitcoin uptrended 10% over USD making 4250$ (as per chart 10%)
Zec in the meantime during Bitcoin consolidation and run uptrended for 30% over Bitcoin.
That would be 43% nominal USD gain (if you have invested 100$ on btc 4000 ZEC current price), you would have 143$ worth of ZEC since exponential growth and ratio change.
If you find this TA and FA usefull, feel free to press like and follow.
Constructive comments are welcome, ideas and every type of criticism of course.
Don't hesitate to leave your comment in comment section.
Good luck and happy trading :)