Here is the situation that resembles gold and silver.
It is early to speak of a complete negativity, only a loss of power in the positive region.
The RSI channel is in a strong image.
It's a little early for the short.
There are new hills up there.
I need at least stochrsi's approval for the long.
I think the bottom of the middle band for the short position.
This instrument is the most traded future.
So I felt the need to share.
Long US 10year Treasury Bond $ZNWith WTI declining nearly %30 in a short time span and global growth slowing. Investors are long US TBONDS as they are willing to tolerate lower yields from bonds in anticipation of lower inflation and slowing growth.
Bonds rising will have a wide ranging market influence. From yields falling, to equities under performing to Japanese investors seeking domestic risk investment and therefore halting capital exports.
This will mark a turning point in the business cycle for month to come and will challenge active and passive investors and money managers to rethink their portfolios, possibly even rotate into other assets. We are still in the infancy of this turning point , tops and bottoms are ripe for picking.