Coins at 52-week highs

These coins have reached their 52-week highs, which is another way of saying they're at the highest price in a year. Do some additional research and analyze all the stats below before making a decision.
Change %
Market cap
Circ supply
AAGNTiAgent Protocol24450.010098 USD+11.68%756.34 K USD529.16 K USD74.9 M
AIAKITAAiAkita37810.14567e-12 USD−0.50%2.03 K USD215 USD13,907.9 T
AAMIAmnis Finance6590.037926 USD−6.51%37.93 M USD4.57 M USD1 BDeFi, Web3, DAO
AAP3XApex Fusion3490.21315 USD+0.44%127.89 M USD5.8 K USD600 M
AATNAthene Network8710.082181 USD+5.09%23.18 M USD108.5 K USD282.02 M
BABYBONKBaby Bonk21733.9591e-12 USD−0.03%1.37 M USD429.04 K USD346,709.64 TMemes
BABYDOGE20Babydoge 2.033580.35882e-12 USD−0.72%74.77 K USD54.74 K USD208,380 TMemes
BABYELONBaby Elon23802.0095e-12 USD−7.40%843.99 K USD208.14 K USD420,000 TMemes
BABYGROKBaby Grok25901.7796e-12 USD−4.84%561.35 K USD47.07 K USD315,438.44 TMemes
BABYNEIROBaby Neiro35141.03776e-12 USD+7.64%43.66 K USD128 USD42,069 T
BABYNEIROBaby Neiro BNB21893.2892e-12 USD+7.78%1.38 M USD198.43 K USD420,000 TMemes
BABYSORABaby Sora35420.85080e-13 USD−3.03%35.73 K USD1.3 K USD420,000 TMemes
BDCABitDCA5240.92519 USD+4.50%69.05 M USD151.85 K USD74.64 M
BFTBnkToTheFuture0.0027264 USD−13.46%46.77 K USDAsset management
BBNBCARDBNB Card16570.0037341 USD+13.63%3.73 M USD3.14 M USD1 BMemes
BXBTBoxBet17770.035172 USD−23.02%2.76 M USD933.96 K USD78.58 MGaming
CGOComtech Gold105898.807 USD+0.85%13.93 M USD758.43 K USD141 KAsset-backed Tokens
DDLCDeepLink Protocol14040.00043610 USD+14.90%5.58 M USD9.26 M USD12.8 B
DOGED.O.G.E (Solana)33990.64985e-12 USD−5.83%64.98 K USD819 USD100,000 T
ELONDOGEELON DOGE33280.19785e-12 USD+2.72%83.1 K USD161 USD420,000 TMemes
ELONMARSELON MARS33560.18176e-12 USD−8.15%76.34 K USD1.52 K USD420,000 TMemes
FFATFat Fella11530.012618 USD−22.88%12.62 M USD11.76 M USD999.91 MMemes
FFISHWFishwar17540.0016716 USD+8.18%3.02 M USD2.78 M USD1.8 BGaming
FLOKICEOFLOKI CEO27570.86980e-12 USD−3.33%365.32 K USD54.7 K USD420,000 TMemes
FFORMForm26840.00038686 USD−12.69%439.09 K USD303.24 K USD1.14 B
FWCFootball World Community26210.000000000012417 USD−0.83%524.74 K USD170.13 K USD42,259.7 T
GGINIKALP Network13530.046519 USD−3.09%6.82 M USD265.53 K USD146.69 M
GROKCEOGROK CEO29630.56987e-12 USD−0.03%239.35 K USD2.93 K USD420,000 TMemes
GTAVIGTAVI38150.22615e-12 USD−4.99%156 USD12 USD690 TMemes
HOMERHomer Simpson(Solana)35320.89879e-13 USD−7.06%37.75 K USD2.38 K USD420,000 TMemes
HYDRAHydra15680.20935 USD−1.88%4.18 M USD175.08 K USD19.95 MSmart contract platforms
L3Layer36240.12530 USD+24.33%46.31 M USD32.89 M USD369.62 M
LIONLoaded Lions2200.020409 USD+13.66%2.04 B USD3.15 M USD100 B
MMASSAMassa15980.026424 USD+0.69%3.99 M USD100.28 K USD150.83 M
MCMagic Crystal28580.10638 USD−0.03%302.36 K USD69.28 K USD2.84 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles
MMINTMintify12730.020895 USD+135.02%7.65 M USD2.47 M USD366.19 MNFTs & Collectibles
MIUMiu12340.000000010318 USD−1.74%9.29 M USD40.68 K USD900 TMemes
MMUBARAKAHMubarakah16220.0036882 USD−33.37%3.69 M USD7.37 M USD1 B
NACHONacho the Kat11120.000041101 USD+0.24%11.8 M USD299.31 K USD287 BMemes
NLINKNeuralink27920.84461e-12 USD−8.52%354.74 K USD661 USD420,000 T
OGGYOggy Inu (BSC)30661.6651e-12 USD−3.38%180.04 K USD6 USD108,125.21 TMemes
OHMOlympus v224726.950 USD+5.39%491.97 M USD749.05 K USD18.25 MDeFi
OOIIAOIIAspinning cat12610.0085380 USD−4.61%8.54 M USD677.61 K USD999.82 MMemes
PPARTIParticle Network5140.31483 USD−6.46%73.36 M USD350.1 M USD233 MSmart contract platforms, Interoperability, Payments, Layer 1
PEPAPepa Inu32370.68984e-12 USD+1.92%108.99 K USD61 USD158,000 TMemes
POKEMONPokemon34310.14197e-12 USD−15.65%59.63 K USD1.08 K USD420,000 T
RROUTINEMorning Routine22760.0012397 USD−47.12%1.24 M USD3.84 M USD999.85 MMemes
RRXRealtyX18430.016266 USD−1.07%2.54 M USD515.03 K USD156 M
SAROSSaros5150.061155 USD+9.75%71.32 M USD502.07 K USD1.17 BDecentralized exchange, DeFi
SHIBAIAiShiba1.7726e-12 USD−6.47%265.59 K USDMemes
SIMPSONHomer28180.81811e-12 USD−9.12%343.61 K USD5.59 K USD420,000 TMemes
SMILEYSMILEY1.7956e-12 USD+0.27%2.2 M USDMemes
TESLAITesla AI33100.20795e-13 USD−10.53%87.34 K USD2.75 K USD4,200,000 TMemes
TTITCOINtitcoin15110.0048429 USD4.67 M USD2.65 M USD964.58 MMemes
TRUMPSimpson Trump36380.48989e-13 USD−3.95%20.58 K USD183 USD420,000 TMemes
UUUUuDEX13810.0060446 USD−22.20%6.04 M USD4.19 M USD1 BDecentralized exchange
XXAI0.11907e-12 USD+4.40%
XAUTTether Gold793,087.11 USD+1.15%761.05 M USD8.05 M USD246.52 KAsset-backed Tokens
XRP20XRP 2.027460.89010e-12 USD−14.81%373.84 K USD420,000 TMemes