The networks where stuff's getting built

Below are leading cryptocurrencies driving future applications through extensive development on their networks. Check out our list to see where developers believe the best building opportunities are.
GitHub commits
Change %
Market cap
Circ supply
CTSICartesi5541.25 M0.069256 USD−7.20%59.71 M USD7.41 M USD862.14 MSmart contract platforms, Scaling, Web3, Layer 1
ETHEthereum2428.16 K1,893.67 USD−6.27%228.47 B USD17.04 B USD120.65 MSmart contract platforms, Layer 1
CTXCCortex748338.86 K0.14207 USD−8.43%32.45 M USD4.12 M USD228.41 MSmart contract platforms, Internet of things, Data management & AI
ONGOntology Gas449296.79 K0.21185 USD−4.48%86.81 M USD2.44 M USD409.76 MSmart contract platforms, Identity
ONTOntology343296.79 K0.14449 USD−7.11%132.02 M USD7.01 M USD913.7 MSmart contract platforms, Identity, Layer 1
INJInjective70237.78 K9.4383 USD−8.94%943.56 M USD80.15 M USD99.97 MSmart contract platforms, Data management & AI, Interoperability, DeFi, Web3, Layer 1, Made in America
PAXGPAX Gold88215.76 K3,082.31 USD+0.73%667.87 M USD75.77 M USD216.68 KAsset-backed Tokens
USDPPax Dollar471215.76 K1.0006 USD−0.07%79.49 M USD655.64 K USD79.44 MStablecoins, Asset-backed Stablecoins, Cryptocurrencies
OPOptimism59208.75 K0.83525 USD−7.10%1.35 B USD127.6 M USD1.62 BScaling, Made in America
MASKMask Network172202.46 K2.1820 USD−0.96%218.2 M USD43.94 M USD100 MPrivacy, Social, media & Content, Web3
OGNOrigin Protocol648190.62 K0.063740 USD−5.00%43.97 M USD7.71 M USD689.78 MNFTs & Collectibles, DeFi, Made in America
MATICPolygon134.75 K0.21317 USD−7.80%
WBTWhiteBIT Coin213134.6 K28.897 USD−0.83%2.5 B USD25.57 M USD86.61 M
COMPCompound129116.18 K41.801 USD−6.12%373.7 M USD24.93 M USD8.94 MLending & Borrowing, DeFi, DAO, Made in America
RADRadworks671112.53 K0.78726 USD−4.40%40.6 M USD15.32 M USD51.58 MData management & AI, Web3, DAO
BTRSTBraintrust525107.28 K0.28200 USD−5.37%68.06 M USD122.85 K USD241.35 MMarketplace, Web3, Jobs
REPAugur1290102.12 K0.72363 USD−0.29%7.96 M USD44.82 K USD11 MOracles, Prediction markets
ABTArcblock50795.82 K0.71284 USD−5.97%70.25 M USD373.77 K USD98.55 MDevelopments tools, Data management & AI, Interoperability, Made in America
GTCGame.com93.67 K0.00030413 USD−1.01%196 USDWeb3, DAO, Fundraising
DODODODO59991.52 K0.070467 USD−7.63%51.14 M USD17.01 M USD725.7 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
LOOMLoom Network65290.49 K0.034811 USD−6.65%43.27 M USD26.74 M USD1.24 BScaling, Enterprise solutions
QKCQuarkChain61390.07 K0.0069204 USD−4.82%49.17 M USD2.38 M USD7.11 BSmart contract platforms
ZRX0x Protocol17189.32 K0.25898 USD−6.13%219.72 M USD33.13 M USD848.4 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi, DAO, Made in America
RLCiExec RLC42887.33 K1.2900 USD−7.22%93.37 M USD8.01 M USD72.38 MPrivacy, Distributed computing & Storage, NFTs & Collectibles, Interoperability, Enterprise solutions, Payments, Social, media & Content, Marketing, Analytics, Marketplace, Web3, DePIN
LTCLitecoin2084.18 K87.863 USD−6.62%6.64 B USD480.47 M USD75.56 MCryptocurrencies, Layer 1, Made in America
LRCLoopring32982.59 K0.10332 USD−5.81%141.22 M USD13.3 M USD1.37 BDecentralized exchange, Scaling, DeFi
LDOLido DAO7781.13 K0.92970 USD−10.40%834.76 M USD75.24 M USD897.88 MDerivatives, DeFi, DAO
AERGOAergo79081 K0.061656 USD−6.98%29.44 M USD5.64 M USD477.5 MSmart contract platforms, Enterprise solutions
QASHQASH80.19 K0.022995 USD+17.13%243 USDPayments, Marketplace
BNTBancor60779.48 K0.43207 USD−4.88%50.05 M USD4.53 M USD115.85 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
AUDIOAudius39878.91 K0.077129 USD−4.34%101.02 M USD9.15 M USD1.31 BSocial, media & Content, Web3, DAO
AAVEAave3876.72 K172.97 USD−5.31%2.61 B USD225.22 M USD15.09 MLending & Borrowing, DeFi, DAO, Made in America
ELFaelf28773.44 K0.24062 USD−5.38%177.9 M USD15.27 M USD739.36 MSmart contract platforms, Distributed computing & Storage, Interoperability, Web3, DAO, Layer 1
DFdForce47371.48 K0.079752 USD−1.39%79.75 M USD12.57 M USD999.93 MLending & Borrowing, DeFi
FRAXFrax25870.83 K0.99891 USD−0.02%348.28 M USD16.19 M USD348.66 MStablecoins, Algorithmic Stablecoins, Seigniorage, Lending & Borrowing, DeFi
SFRXETHFrax Staked Ether27970.83 K2,116.43 USD−6.16%198.55 M USD239.67 K USD93.81 KDerivatives
ANGLEAngle305367.23 K0.014017 USD+0.11%185.56 K USD7.17 K USD13.24 M
EULEuler36466.09 K6.6529 USD−5.99%116.06 M USD2.6 M USD17.45 M
GELGelato103061.14 K0.061126 USD−2.94%15.16 M USD95.51 K USD247.95 MSmart contract platforms, Developments tools, DeFi
ETHDYDXdYdX (ethDYDX)50460.79 K0.69053 USD−6.19%71.9 M USD15.89 M USD104.13 MDecentralized exchange, Derivatives, DeFi
BALBalancer44558.68 K1.3898 USD−7.11%87.09 M USD10.13 M USD62.67 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi, DAO
ETNElectroneum75855.62 K0.0017126 USD−5.34%30.79 M USD9.81 M USD17.98 BCryptocurrencies, Payments
OCEANOcean Protocol31850.12 K0.23360 USD−5.58%146.98 M USD79.2 K USD629.19 MDistributed computing & Storage, Data management & AI, DePIN
FLOKIFLOKI9349.44 K0.000064056 USD−8.40%616.61 M USD93.27 M USD9.63 TMemes, Gaming, Metaverse
BANDBand Protocol35949.23 K0.77465 USD−7.19%123.05 M USD10.5 M USD158.84 MOracles, Data management & AI, Web3
IMXImmutable6549.1 K0.58698 USD−7.72%1.05 B USD43 M USD1.79 BDevelopments tools, Gaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Scaling, Marketplace
BTCBitcoin148.84 K85,157.85 USD−2.15%1.69 T USD30.79 B USD19.84 MCryptocurrencies, Layer 1
QIBENQI59145.02 K0.0080556 USD−6.99%52.46 M USD2.65 M USD6.51 BLending & Borrowing, Derivatives, DeFi
UMAUMA37843.74 K1.2764 USD−7.20%109.81 M USD19.72 M USD86.03 MOracles, Derivatives, DeFi, Web3, DAO
METISMetis38142.35 K16.980 USD−8.54%106.44 M USD8.41 M USD6.27 MScaling
BADGERBadger DAO76440.59 K1.5464 USD−5.81%31.29 M USD15.31 M USD20.24 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi, DAO
RPLRocket Pool38540.52 K4.9761 USD−7.24%105.62 M USD9.4 M USD21.23 MDerivatives, DeFi
STORJStorj37138.89 K0.28249 USD−8.08%113.62 M USD13.03 M USD402.21 MDistributed computing & Storage, Web3, DePIN
PERPPerpetual Protocol87738.02 K0.35164 USD−7.28%23.21 M USD9.61 M USD66 MDecentralized exchange, Derivatives, DeFi
RARIRARI86737.48 K1.2752 USD−2.16%23.54 M USD333.78 K USD18.46 MNFTs & Collectibles, Marketplace, DAO
CREAMCream Finance119336.75 K5.4587 USD−7.72%10.13 M USD3.98 M USD1.86 MDecentralized exchange, Lending & Borrowing, DeFi, DAO
STMXStormX64935.58 K0.0035178 USD−2.03%43.45 M USD9.79 M USD12.35 BSocial, media & Content, Loyalty & Rewards
GHSTAavegotchi81435.47 K0.52608 USD+2.43%27.75 M USD10.79 M USD52.75 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, DAO
APEApeCoin12834.44 K0.50046 USD−9.75%376.67 M USD39.76 M USD752.65 MNFTs & Collectibles
CVCCivic41733.97 K0.096228 USD−4.99%96.23 M USD7.73 M USD1 BIdentity, Enterprise solutions, Web3
MULTIMultichain252632.92 K0.043830 USD−3.53%637.34 K USD136.16 K USD14.54 MInteroperability, Web3
THALESThales139232.86 K0.10448 USD−7.69%6.31 M USD22.24 K USD60.4 MDeFi, Gambling
STPTSTP42932.81 K0.047803 USD−7.56%92.85 M USD138.14 M USD1.94 BDevelopments tools, DAO
FSNFusion221132.76 K0.016106 USD−0.34%1.25 M USD74.85 K USD77.76 MPayments, DeFi
NULSNULS106632.55 K0.12302 USD−8.53%13.77 M USD2.74 M USD111.96 MDevelopments tools, Enterprise solutions
RAIRai Reflex Index200831.93 K2.3162 USD−10.57%1.94 M USD16.65 K USD837.93 KAsset-backed Tokens, DeFi
ALGOAlgorand5231.3 K0.20233 USD−3.33%1.73 B USD81.6 M USD8.53 BSmart contract platforms, Layer 1, Made in America
BIFIBitcoin File31.04 K0.00016906 USD−0.56%78 USDDeFi
BONDBarnBridge186831.02 K0.30193 USD+12.85%2.39 M USD2.43 M USD7.91 MDerivatives, DeFi, DAO
TRBTellor49028.3 K28.192 USD−10.28%74.87 M USD27.14 M USD2.66 MOracles, Data management & AI, DeFi, Web3
AXSAxie Infinity10326.43 K3.1671 USD−6.10%506.41 M USD24.25 M USD159.9 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
DIADIA64224.29 K0.37641 USD−8.85%45.05 M USD13.96 M USD119.68 MOracles, Data management & AI, Web3
ILVIlluvium46424.16 K14.117 USD−6.03%80.98 M USD16.94 M USD5.74 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse, DAO
PSPParaSwap107023.24 K0.018265 USD−4.35%13.61 M USD81.64 K USD744.98 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
CRVUSDcrvUSD38623.2 K1.0020 USD−8.94%104.18 M USD17.7 M USD103.98 MStablecoins
NKNNKN71923.07 K0.045237 USD−7.15%35.55 M USD9.21 M USD785.91 MDistributed computing & Storage, Internet of things, Web3, DePIN
CRVCurve DAO Token8523.05 K0.53232 USD−7.82%696.02 M USD211.29 M USD1.31 BDecentralized exchange, DeFi, DAO
HMTHuman117022.13 K0.045869 USD−2.56%10.58 M USD14.18 K USD230.55 MData management & AI
API3API340621.51 K1.2384 USD+8.09%107.02 M USD110.77 M USD86.42 MData management & AI, Web3
YFIIDFI.Money121318.43 K246.79 USD−2.26%9.53 M USD9.46 M USD38.6 KDeFi, DAO
DOGEDogecoin818.28 K0.18103 USD−6.81%26.9 B USD1.44 B USD148.61 BMemes, Cryptocurrencies, Layer 1, Made in America
NESTNEST Protocol221918.05 K0.00041670 USD−2.31%1.21 M USD404.77 K USD2.91 BOracles, DeFi
LONTokenlon Network Token46118 K0.69854 USD−2.16%81.65 M USD69.33 K USD116.88 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
HOPHop Protocol281917.95 K0.0052388 USD+1.46%335.85 K USD60.69 K USD64.11 M
MPLMaple56216.89 K13.250 USD−8.72%58.54 M USD638.1 K USD4.42 MLending & Borrowing, DeFi
WANWanchain90716.86 K0.10468 USD−6.42%20.78 M USD3.43 M USD198.54 MInteroperability, DeFi
PBRPolkaBridge309916.44 K0.0021445 USD−0.27%160.71 K USD62.66 K USD74.94 MDecentralized exchange, Data management & AI, DeFi, Web3
BLZBluzelle102416.31 K0.033802 USD−6.11%15.67 M USD1.92 M USD463.58 MSmart contract platforms, Distributed computing & Storage, DePIN
EDENEden324015.89 K0.0082101 USD−3.38%108.64 K USD69.55 K USD13.23 M
OHMOlympus v224715.7 K26.950 USD+5.40%491.97 M USD749.05 K USD18.25 MDeFi
RBNRibbon Finance107815.39 K0.14062 USD−4.83%13.53 M USD84.7 K USD96.18 MDerivatives, DeFi
ALPHAStella74215.26 K0.036508 USD−8.69%33.66 M USD8.01 M USD922 MDeFi, DAO, Fundraising
ORNOrion95515.25 K0.53000 USD+1.73%18.1 M USD278.07 K USD34.15 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
LSSLossless223015.19 K0.021845 USD−13.73%1.21 M USD72.68 K USD55.57 MData management & AI, Cybersecurity
MTAmStable Governance Token: Meta (MTA)203114.45 K0.030253 USD+0.23%1.77 M USD360 USD58.43 MDeFi, DAO
FEIFei USD173714.37 K0.96068 USD+0.09%3.07 M USD13.83 K USD3.2 MStablecoins, Algorithmic Stablecoins, DeFi
TRIBETribe30814.37 K0.33782 USD+0.03%156.55 M USD66.29 K USD463.43 MDeFi, DAO
COSContentos93614.34 K0.0037151 USD−4.90%19.23 M USD7.95 M USD5.18 BSocial, media & Content
SANDThe Sandbox8412.98 K0.28387 USD−7.88%704.38 M USD77.57 M USD2.48 BGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse, Marketplace
CVPPowerPool225312.83 K0.025694 USD−14.22%1.13 M USD160.28 K USD43.95 MAsset management, DeFi, DAO