Non-Energy Minerals

Canadian stocks comprising the non-energy minerals sector

See what industries make up the non-energy minerals sector. We gathered them in one list and equipped with basic stats to help you find industries with the most stocks within or those with the best performance — all to discover a better starting point for your research.
Market cap
Div yield % (indicated)
Change %
Precious Metals455.51 B CAD1.35%−2.63%1.09 M787
Other Metals/Minerals224.32 B CAD1.18%−1.73%1.35 M529
Forest Products16.36 B CAD1.45%+1.40%163.92 K9
Steel4.74 B CAD6.21%−0.50%377.58 K17
Construction Materials283.44 M CAD−2.40%45.09 K7