UK companies operating in the same agricultural commodities/milling industry

The list below has UK companies that operate under the same industry, agricultural commodities/milling. The list helps track their performance, income statement, and more. Sorted by any necessary metric, it can show the most expensive stocks of the industry such as GENUS ORD GBP0.10 or those with the best price dynamics like ANPARIO ORD GBP0.23, thus assisting in designing strategies of any focus.
Market cap
Change %
Rel Volume
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
0JQQARCHER-DANIELS-MIDLAND CO COM NPV19.194 B GBP51.95 USD−0.61%3.199 K0.5410.413.95 GBP−33.41%3.74%Process industries
0RJ6L.D.C. EUR0.2 (POST SUBDIVISION)1.967 B GBP66.50 EUR+0.51%140.597.617.48 GBP+83.55%2.68%Process industries
Strong buy
GNSGENUS ORD GBP0.101.222 B GBP1,860 GBX−3.13%106.216 K1.52156.830.12 GBP−80.94%1.72%Process industries
Strong buy
0KGQUIE PLC USD11.041 B GBP289 DKK−1.70%340.1912.172.69 GBP+13.00%7.03%Process industries
0DWLADECOAGRO S A COM USD1.50921.384 M GBP11.51 USD+0.05%3250.155.701.60 GBP+133.69%2.90%Process industries
0JSUSIPEF N.V. NPV497.568 M GBP57.6 EUR+1.05%2311.159.745.01 GBP−39.54%2.44%Process industries
Strong buy
MPEM.P. EVANS GROUP ORD GBP0.10482.467 M GBP914 GBX−0.65%29.409 K0.459.360.98 GBP−30.49%5.20%Process industries
Strong buy
0CIJRAISIO OYJ SER'V'NPV(CNV)283.099 M GBP2.220 EUR−0.22%6.276 K0.5619.700.09 GBP−2.09%4.95%Process industries
Strong buy
AEPANGLO-EASTERN PLANTATIONS ORD GBP0.25270.102 M GBP684 GBX+2.40%60.409 K4.595.271.30 GBP−21.99%3.49%Process industries
0M0QDEOLEO SA EUR0.00294.843 M GBP0.226 EUR−4.64%7.377 K45.12−0.02 GBP−141.49%0.00%Process industries
WWYNWYNNSTAY GROUP ORD GBP0.2573.169 M GBP318 GBX0.00%21.85 K0.8311.590.27 GBP−53.02%5.46%Process industries
Strong buy
AANPANPARIO ORD GBP0.2368.049 M GBP335 GBX+5.51%185.573 K3.9119.850.17 GBP−23.20%3.19%Process industries
Strong buy
RE.R.E.A. HLDGS PLC ORD GBP0.2536.051 M GBP82.5 GBX0.00%140 K3.83−0.04 GBP−127.88%0.00%Process industries
Strong buy
CCELCELADON PHARMACEUTICALS PLC ORD GBP0.0118.244 M GBP26.5 GBX0.00%148.313 K2.62−0.08 GBP+70.76%0.00%Process industries
OOHTOCEAN HARVEST TECHNOLOGY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0110.698 M GBP8.50 GBX−5.56%20 K0.62−0.02 GBP0.00%Process industries
CCMETCAPITAL METALS PLC ORD GBP0.0025.517 M GBP1.600 GBX−5.88%490.232 K1.27−0.00 GBP+76.92%0.00%Process industries
AAGTAAGRITERRA LTD ORD GBP0.10639.278 K GBP0.890 GBX0.00%00.00−0.04 GBP+54.35%0.00%Process industries