Top gaining US stocks in post-market

US stocks below gained the most in price during the post-market session. They are sorted by post-market price percentage change and supplied with other important metrics, including volume and market cap.
Post-market Chg %
Post-market Close
Post-market Chg
Post-market Vol
Change %
Market cap
Market cap perf %
PRTGPortage Biotech Inc.
+106.79%9.74 USD5.03 USD1.77 M4.71 USD+3.74%2.36 M5.28 M USD−47.09%
TWGTop Wealth Group Holding Limited
+52.08%0.2780 USD0.0952 USD12.36 M0.1828 USD+13.61%15.67 M10.24 M USD
SNSESensei Biotherapeutics, Inc.
+40.41%0.6049 USD0.1741 USD9.91 M0.4308 USD−1.19%10.4 M10.84 M USD−57.94%
RNAZTransCode Therapeutics, Inc.
+28.85%0.6700 USD0.1500 USD4.23 M0.5200 USD−11.86%7.51 M362.05 K USD−86.98%
PRLDPrelude Therapeutics Incorporated
+23.09%0.8392 USD0.1574 USD336.29 K0.6818 USD+6.61%475.25 K46.37 M USD−81.14%
ARBBARB IOT Group Limited
+21.60%0.8500 USD0.1510 USD6.15 M0.6990 USD+2.95%6.57 M18.48 M USD
KULRKULR Technology Group, Inc.
+15.73%1.69 USD0.23 USD4.77 M1.46 USD−6.41%15.98 M349.35 M USD+1,293.70%
IRIXIRIDEX Corporation
+15.52%1.0200 USD0.1370 USD19.59 K0.8830 USD−1.85%111.14 K14.69 M USD−65.87%
DDLPNDolphin Entertainment, Inc.
+15.03%1.22 USD0.16 USD1.63 M1.06 USD+4.89%1.82 M11.83 M USD−51.25%
CAPTCaptivision Inc.
+14.52%0.4890 USD0.0620 USD56.69 K0.4270 USD−21.36%1.1 M13.82 M USD−86.37%
QVCGAQVC Group, Inc. - Series A
+12.99%0.2375 USD0.0273 USD32.88 K0.2102 USD+0.05%1.76 M145.74 M USD−74.61%
AGXArgan, Inc.
+12.71%129.88 USD14.65 USD80.65 K115.23 USD−3.59%434.15 K1.56 B USD+146.99%
GVHGlobavend Holdings Limited - Ord Shares
+11.91%0.7495 USD0.0798 USD11.51 K0.6698 USD+7.85%1.22 M10 M USD−57.23%
BRZEBraze, Inc.
+10.63%40.60 USD3.90 USD256.22 K36.70 USD−1.69%2.23 M3.8 B USD−29.16%
NVNOenVVeno Medical Corporation
+10.60%3.13 USD0.30 USD1.82 K2.83 USD−2.41%31.72 K49.63 M USD−34.39%
AERTAeries Technology, Inc.
+10.54%0.6998 USD0.0667 USD2400.6331 USD+1.44%14.76 K28.21 M USD−18.37%
AUIDauthID Inc.
+9.65%6.93 USD0.61 USD2.37 K6.32 USD+5.16%156 K69.02 M USD−32.28%
STSSSharps Technology Inc.
+9.36%0.1670 USD0.0143 USD451.91 K0.1527 USD−10.86%5.17 M1.69 M USD
GPUSHyperscale Data, Inc.
+9.35%2.87 USD0.25 USD3002.62 USD+4.99%73.58 K3.31 M USD−74.69%
RKLBRocket Lab USA, Inc.
+9.28%20.13 USD1.71 USD2.03 M18.42 USD−5.25%11.75 M8.35 B USD+332.09%
ERNAErnexa Therapeutics Inc.
+8.44%0.2454 USD0.0191 USD1.68 K0.2263 USD−1.48%160.23 K11.82 M USD+20.99%
MITQMoving iMage Technologies, Inc.
+8.22%0.5952 USD0.0452 USD3.51 K0.5500 USD−0.09%25.4 K5.44 M USD−13.51%
INTZIntrusion Inc.
+7.89%1.23 USD0.09 USD7.76 K1.14 USD−7.32%448.5 K22.25 M USD+241.64%
GGELSGelteq Limited
+7.81%1.17 USD0.08 USD7411.09 USD−2.23%7.46 K10.24 M USD
CDTConduit Pharmaceuticals Inc.
+7.73%0.8274 USD0.0594 USD83.59 K0.7680 USD−9.65%408.92 K3.62 M USD−98.36%
ABLAbacus Global Management, Inc.
+7.69%7.70 USD0.55 USD17.68 K7.15 USD−0.83%173.03 K691.01 M USD−2.84%
XUnited States Steel Corporation
+7.54%46.22 USD3.24 USD875.91 K42.98 USD+0.05%3.98 M9.73 B USD+5.55%
VRCAVerrica Pharmaceuticals Inc.
+7.41%0.4699 USD0.0324 USD11.59 K0.4375 USD−1.57%250.05 K40.15 M USD−72.93%
PEVPhoenix Motor Inc.
+7.33%0.4395 USD0.0300 USD13.94 K0.4095 USD−12.67%968.65 K18.83 M USD+14.40%
KZRKezar Life Sciences, Inc.
+7.21%5.50 USD0.37 USD1.47 K5.13 USD−0.77%9.1 K37.48 M USD−32.79%
CVACCureVac N.V.
+7.14%3.00 USD0.20 USD71.33 K2.80 USD−1.75%550.64 K628.06 M USD−0.14%
VORVor Biopharma Inc.
+7.08%0.8200 USD0.0542 USD7.71 K0.7658 USD−5.46%240.85 K95.61 M USD−13.71%
ILLRTriller Group Inc.
+7.00%0.7090 USD0.0464 USD10.22 K0.6626 USD+12.80%469.85 K107.9 M USD+451.23%
IMTEIntegrated Media Technology Limited
+6.99%1.99 USD0.13 USD29.05 K1.86 USD−3.63%1.2 M6.38 M USD−33.34%
GDCGD Culture Group Limited
+6.95%2.78 USD0.18 USD8942.60 USD+3.59%17.28 K31.94 M USD+178.73%
HROWHarrow, Inc.
+6.75%29.75 USD1.88 USD77.14 K27.87 USD+0.80%403.53 K992.58 M USD+161.16% Inc.
+6.69%5.10 USD0.32 USD8.15 K4.78 USD−1.24%71.95 K5.95 M USD−82.77%
MTEKMaris-Tech Ltd.
+6.59%2.75 USD0.17 USD7852.58 USD−0.77%14.36 K20.33 M USD
LSAKLesaka Technologies, Inc.
+6.57%5.35 USD0.33 USD1.56 K5.02 USD+0.20%50.24 K397.21 M USD+58.54%
IDNIntellicheck, Inc.
+6.56%2.76 USD0.17 USD6482.59 USD−0.77%30.9 K51.18 M USD+48.31%
+6.54%1.14 USD0.07 USD1.08 K1.07 USD+5.94%29.94 K9.23 M USD
MSGMMotorsport Games Inc.
+6.42%1.16 USD0.07 USD1251.09 USD−2.68%10.59 K4.23 M USD−34.37%
TMCTMC the metals company Inc.
+6.40%1.81 USD0.11 USD253.01 K1.70 USD+2.41%1.55 M585.08 M USD+23.57%
ASNSActelis Networks, Inc.
+6.32%1.0100 USD0.0600 USD14.64 K0.9500 USD−6.86%200.22 K8.08 M USD
SLESuper League Enterprise, Inc.
+6.26%0.4208 USD0.0248 USD4.23 K0.3960 USD+1.96%163.25 K6.58 M USD−43.81%
MKTWMarketWise, Inc.
+6.15%0.5300 USD0.0307 USD18.12 K0.4993 USD−0.74%526.08 K162.02 M USD−68.37%
BATLBattalion Oil Corporation
+6.09%1.22 USD0.07 USD9611.15 USD−4.96%153.4 K18.93 M USD−80.39%
GATEMarblegate Acquisition Corp.
+6.00%53.00 USD3.00 USD6.66 K50.00 USD+207.50%77.14 K563.58 M USD−3.50%
AIRJAirJoule Technologies Corporation
+5.99%5.31 USD0.30 USD4.9 K5.01 USD−5.29%223.18 K280.55 M USD+16,803.15%
SMXSMX (Security Matters) Public Limited Company
+5.98%1.95 USD0.11 USD5.95 K1.84 USD−9.36%74.67 K5.28 M USD−52.37%
GBIOGeneration Bio Co.
+5.95%0.4841 USD0.0272 USD19 K0.4569 USD+0.22%180.09 K30.62 M USD−82.99%
IXHLIncannex Healthcare Inc.
+5.69%0.7398 USD0.0398 USD1000.7000 USD−2.91%33.74 K19.28 M USD−64.51%
SIEBSiebert Financial Corp.
+5.41%2.96 USD0.15 USD1.29 K2.81 USD+2.48%13.24 K112.74 M USD+41.25%
SMSISmith Micro Software, Inc.
+5.41%0.8400 USD0.0431 USD2.35 K0.7969 USD−3.05%80.27 K14.16 M USD−46.88%
+5.33%3.95 USD0.20 USD3.36 K3.75 USD1.75 M
CCNSPCNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+5.30%1.39 USD0.07 USD14.52 K1.32 USD−6.38%373.77 K3.89 M USD+242.27%
+5.27%0.6373 USD0.0319 USD2.3 K0.6054 USD−6.86%82.21 K14.67 M USD
INMBINmune Bio Inc.
+5.26%7.80 USD0.39 USD12.39 K7.41 USD−4.14%357.88 K197.04 M USD+5.79%
PPNSkycorp Solar Group Limited
+5.25%3.21 USD0.16 USD8013.05 USD−22.98%243.46 K82.35 M USD
INTSIntensity Therapeutics, Inc.
+5.24%2.03 USD0.10 USD2671.93 USD−5.44%6.3 K29.28 M USD
BOWNBowen Acquisition Corp
+5.19%7.70 USD0.38 USD21.26 K7.32 USD+8.44%78.73 K22.8 M USD
STISolidion Technology, Inc.
+5.18%0.1400 USD0.0069 USD44.78 K0.1331 USD−0.97%1.67 M17.63 M USD−90.66%
NEGGNewegg Commerce, Inc.
+5.15%0.2795 USD0.0137 USD4.83 K0.2658 USD−2.64%348.81 K101.47 M USD−73.05%
ORICOric Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+5.09%6.61 USD0.32 USD112.52 K6.29 USD+7.52%1.41 M446.76 M USD−45.16%
RDGTRidgetech, Inc.
+5.08%1.24 USD0.06 USD3.5 K1.18 USD−2.67%109.02 K7.29 M USD+12.04%
STROSutro Biopharma, Inc.
+5.08%0.7776 USD0.0376 USD76.34 K0.7400 USD−3.32%1.27 M61.99 M USD−67.61%
LLNKSLinkers Industries Limited
+5.02%0.5778 USD0.0276 USD9.62 K0.5502 USD−14.40%401.02 K1.38 M USD
CNTMConnectM Technology Solutions, Inc.
+5.01%0.6122 USD0.0292 USD3.77 K0.5830 USD−5.77%213.68 K19.17 M USD
HCATHealth Catalyst, Inc
+5.00%4.83 USD0.23 USD85.8 K4.60 USD+1.55%669.83 K322.97 M USD−32.83%
ADILAdial Pharmaceuticals, Inc
+5.00%0.6825 USD0.0325 USD4620.6500 USD−7.24%85.53 K4.27 M USD+63.61%
GORVLazydays Holdings, Inc.
+4.99%0.5319 USD0.0253 USD11.4 K0.5066 USD+0.12%89.83 K55.65 M USD+59.20%
KRONKronos Bio, Inc.
+4.99%0.8662 USD0.0412 USD2.15 K0.8250 USD−4.38%103.35 K50.3 M USD−22.66%
AATLNAtlantic International Corp.
+4.99%4.21 USD0.20 USD6764.01 USD−13.58%35.2 K229.93 M USD+28,567.33%
PASGPassage Bio, Inc.
+4.99%0.4338 USD0.0206 USD1 K0.4132 USD−10.19%185.92 K25.68 M USD−66.03%
CDZICadiz, Inc.
+4.98%3.37 USD0.16 USD48.11 K3.21 USD−0.62%444.05 K262.19 M USD+62.62%
CHCIComstock Holding Companies, Inc.
+4.98%10.75 USD0.51 USD1.33 K10.24 USD+6.22%26.62 K102.87 M USD+48.79%
OPRTOportun Financial Corporation
+4.97%6.34 USD0.30 USD21.82 K6.04 USD+5.96%421.62 K218.25 M USD+122.03%
INSEInspired Entertainment, Inc.
+4.97%9.30 USD0.44 USD12.47 K8.86 USD−1.23%156.89 K238.38 M USD−3.27%
VTGNVistagen Therapeutics, Inc.
+4.94%2.76 USD0.13 USD8852.63 USD−0.38%79.05 K75.91 M USD−30.34%
AAGHAureus Greenway Holdings Inc.
+4.94%0.6825 USD0.0321 USD4.8 K0.6504 USD−6.01%241.88 K
FIPFTAI Infrastructure Inc.
+4.90%4.92 USD0.23 USD108.84 K4.69 USD−4.87%853.8 K534.39 M USD−2.51%
AMRXAmneal Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+4.90%8.67 USD0.40 USD163.78 K8.27 USD−1.14%1.15 M2.59 B USD+44.24%
RRGBRed Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc.
+4.90%4.07 USD0.19 USD32.01 K3.88 USD−2.27%195.47 K67.77 M USD−28.26%
FEMYFemasys Inc.
+4.87%1.40 USD0.06 USD22.62 K1.34 USD−12.17%789.35 K30.57 M USD−7.75%
MAPSWM Technology, Inc.
+4.84%1.30 USD0.06 USD29.34 K1.24 USD−5.34%408.38 K191.39 M USD+32.44%
LSHLakeside Holding Limited
+4.81%1.33 USD0.06 USD9331.27 USD+6.64%30.61 K9.52 M USD
TTIVCTivic Health Systems, Inc.
+4.79%3.06 USD0.14 USD1.41 K2.92 USD−2.67%16.33 K1.81 M USD+16.32%
BBIYABaiya International Group Inc.
+4.79%6.70 USD0.31 USD6.11 K6.39 USD+30.67%1.18 M
XOSXos, Inc.
+4.78%3.73 USD0.17 USD4043.56 USD−2.47%25.56 K28.58 M USD−59.88%
OLMAOlema Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+4.76%4.40 USD0.20 USD66.27 K4.20 USD+1.45%566.64 K287 M USD−56.81%
DSXDiana Shipping inc.
+4.76%1.73 USD0.08 USD10.97 K1.65 USD−2.94%451.5 K191.02 M USD−38.61%
IFBDInfobird Co., Ltd
+4.70%1.67 USD0.07 USD1001.60 USD+0.95%8.36 K3.17 M USD−50.66%
PWMPrestige Wealth Inc.
+4.69%0.4868 USD0.0218 USD5.25 K0.4650 USD−1.13%29.11 K14.71 M USD−29.82%
RGLSRegulus Therapeutics Inc.
+4.67%1.57 USD0.07 USD284.31 K1.50 USD+16.28%32.53 M99.37 M USD−43.33%
XLOXilio Therapeutics, Inc.
+4.65%0.7639 USD0.0340 USD3.33 K0.7299 USD−0.41%338.58 K37.79 M USD+115.84%
HNRGHallador Energy Company
+4.65%13.50 USD0.60 USD60.08 K12.90 USD+1.98%504.85 K549.79 M USD+175.73%
LTRXLantronix, Inc.
+4.63%2.71 USD0.12 USD11.88 K2.59 USD−0.77%104.73 K100.47 M USD−18.30%
+4.59%3.19 USD0.14 USD1.34 K3.05 USD−3.17%77.67 K341.57 M USD+4,062.06%
NNLSPNLS Pharmaceutics Ltd.
+4.55%1.60 USD0.07 USD4.21 K1.53 USD−0.65%6.83 K3.78 M USD−31.13%
+4.53%3.18 USD0.14 USD5003.05 USD+1.16%10.15 K141.88 M USD+74.81%